Veganism must be embraced by the Revolutionaries

A true leftist must eventually become a vegan. There is no longer any debate on this. Your ideas towards animal agriculture and consumption have been instilled in you from birth by society and culture. The normalization of Lies about diets, necessity, food transportation, animal intelligence, traditions, nutrition, and sustainability, have blinded nearly everyone to the truth.

The consumption of animal products is a luxury that is leading to major harm towards public health as well as being one of, if not the greatest source of environmental destruction on the planet. Food and resources being used to feed animals could have been used for humans. More than half of all food grown in the world goes towards feeding animals. There is still mass starvation in the world, and animal consumption has a part to play in their plight. Individually, you can save thousands of animals a year, and by extension, people of all classes.

Becoming a Leftist vegan means that you must understand the systems of agriculture as well as the oppression faced by workers and consumers in all levels of food production. Stop submitting yourself to this system of slavery and death.

I don't want to get into the ethics of veganism either, which is also a compelling reason, especially since many of us really do care about needlessly killing life, especially sentient beings.

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I'll give it to Zig Forums, this veganism shit is one of the best mod-proof Zig Forums subversion campaigns.

t. Actual Zig Forums subversionist

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fuck you, David.


Animal suffering doesn't matter

Engage this or don't, but I think Veganism is a mandatory leftist position. I don't know about any raids, but I am serious, I promise.


It can be lifestyle, that's not what is important. There are other reasons I brought up. Please read my first post.

Being a vegan won't stop capitalism.
Anything short of stopping capitalism will do nothing to stop the meat industry.
Even if it did, the effort required to do so would be better put into stopping capitalism instead of one cog in the machine.
And in the future I'll be chowing down on hamburgers after the slaughter of the millions of cattle, chooks and pigs that can't exist in the wild. That or lab growns.

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That's okay. You should still be vegan for health reasons, environmental reasons, human exploitation reasons, economic reasons, feminist reasons, resource conservation reasons.

I can have viable leftist positions on all of those things and still not be a vegan

Veganism as a lifestyle requires little, to no more effort than a diet with animal consumption. Anecdotally, I spend the same amount of time cooking. Nothing changed except what I buy, and it's significantly cheaper.

When The Great Slaughter begins, I'll be hiding chickens in my backyard. Until then, you can stop consuming animals and prevent an even greater number of animals being bred towards this moment. Saves more resources too, and causes less overall suffering towards fellow sentient beings as just a bonus.

You can try.

Go and tell tumblr all about it. Get this shit out of here.

Yeah I don't care if eating meats costs more or is unhealthy or whatever I just like doing it LMAO

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I get why would be for veganism. But it has nothing to do with socialism, it has to be classed as idpol.

The time and effort that goes into convincing people to switch up their diet in order to stop the birth of a few inconsequential cows would better be spent fostering class consciousness.
I'm all for the stopping of the meat industry, the issue is that I'd rather end the system that perpetuates it's existence.
That ultimately still will lie in the hands of the upper class.
Like I said before, a commie should be after the entire structure, not just a cog. Picking selective parts of it is a waste of effort when one should be aiming to bring the entire thing down.

And so long as I'm presented with an abundance of dead cow I'll damn well enjoy myself.

It can be a lifestyle, yet this must be something that all true Leftists must embrace if they want to be ethically superior and live a life with as few contradictions and hypocrisies.

I feel this is important, because as Revolutionaries, we must lead the people by example. Animal agriculture is another shackle on the chains of capitalism. The fact remains however, that once you are aware that you engage in a system of oppression and commodification, and you do not need to engage in it, aren't you wrong for still choosing to do so? Necessity will always be an acceptable excuse, but there is no necessity for probably most of us on this board.

Ethics are a good enough reason. I listed many others though, so try.

While I do advocate for the global socialist movement, becoming Vegan is absolutely essential if we want to embrace both social and economic revolution towards socialism.

Part of it comes from the fact that as Leftists, we must embrace science and reason, and according to both of those things, veganism is the most logical choice. To do otherwise is at least anti-science, and makes us look illegitimate and like hypocrites.

That's it then, you're more interested in the moral high ground than dealing with any problems people actually face. r/socialism sounds right up your alley.


I understand you completely in regards towards personal pleasure. If I was of a weaker constitution, submitting to my base desire would be simple.

The problem is that you think that advocating for veganism is not important. I advocate for veganism amongst other Leftists because many already do understand the social and economic struggle.

You are choosing to partake in a system, meat consumption, even though you know of the damaging effects. Your argument is that since everyone is doing it, and it's still socially acceptable, you'll continue anyways, and that it's the manufacturer's fault why you're eating animal flesh and it can only be stopped when the system of capitalism is finally overthrown. I hope that's not too much of a strawman.

The Left has always been morally and ethically superior. To pretend otherwise makes me question your loyalty toward our goal. To deny that animal agriculture is one of the greatest hurdles we face is just intentional ignorance. The system of capitalism will fall, but it will be far easier on our route towards this goal as veganism becomes more widespread. The Vegan movement is one of the fastest growing social justice Movements in the world.

Is this the fag that got butthurt in the thread about artificial meat? If not then I suspect that may be correct and this may be the start of a new aiden debacle

I agree, OP

As a vegetarian/vegan for over 10 years now, I'll tell you that trying to convince flesh eaters of giving up their addiction is a futile thing and the sooner you realize this the better. You have to understand that the meat industry is so huge and people have been indoctrinated into its propaganda. Most people here are pussies who would refuse to watch videos of factory farming and continue to delude themselves into thinking that in the western world "animals are treated humanely" or some other garbage with no real meaning.

Don't bother. Almost everyone here is just a LARPer anyway and I doubt anyone has done any activism whatsoever except armchair slacktivist forum shit

Refute me.

Not me.

Look, I get you. I do a ton of IRL activism. The point is to expose these people towards more progressive politics. Yes. I agree that the system of capitalism needs to be overthrown, yet unlike most of them, I think that in order for it to occur sooner or possibly better, we must also embrace other changes in our choices. Even when we do win, the questions still remain.

Someone must bother, otherwise the people here will never be informed and will continue to live in ignorance.

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This is the part of class reductionism i hate the most in this board. It's completely possible to solve problems within our current capitalistic world, i bet if slavery was still around you fuckers would use the same rethoric: "class conciousness comes first, any other effort is a waste".

Regarding animal pain and conciousness, it bothers me as much as you, i was interested in biology (particularly marine) before this and it's a shame to see people dismiss these topics so easily.

females no longer have workplace segregation
will always exist
is fucking worthless to the human race

Fighting slavery necessarily involves a massive reappropriation of property, so it's also necessarily class war. That is, a class "reductionist" would also fight against slavery.

How?, look, my opinion on eating animals is the following: their death must be fast and painless, there must be a great need for it, it must be done in a controlled way, and if possible to choose animals that are easy to farm and more humane to sacrifice such as insects.

But don't

idk why i put that last part sorry.

That's a good point.

yes, there are problems with every capitalist industry.
I'm a tech nerd myself and constantly get pissed off at all the inefficient OOP and systemd shit that gets shilled by private corporations, but I don't go around like Richard Stallman in every leftist group telling them they need to make FOSS their primary goal.
all of this mediocrity that we see will easily be fixed wants workers actually control the means of production and we live in a meritocratic society.

excuse what the actual fuck

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I like that everything can be examined by a class reductionist viewpoint, but my problem is the same as yours. We can solve multiple problems at the same time.

You're a defeatist and bigot.

Ignoring the atrocities we inflict upon fellow sentient beings from our flesh consumption, there is also the problem about sustaining our planet and population using the current resources efficiently.

I agree that necessity can be a perfectly justified reason for consuming animals, but the truth is that for most of us here, we don't need to eat animals.

The issue with your reasoning is that the animal agriculture problem can be solved now, especially by individual choices. You don't have to eat meat. Out of everything you do at this very moment, you can simply choose to not eat meat. Inefficiency in coding is nothing like the inefficient resource and energy consumption of animal agriculture.

So far, it seems like no one is actually addressing any of the points made.

We know it's you Mexie you aren't fooling anyone
