For those of you who kept claiming Partisangirl/SyrianGirl (Mimi al-Laham) was "right wing", you're wrong once again

For those of you who kept claiming Partisangirl/SyrianGirl (Mimi al-Laham) was "right wing", you're wrong once again

Twitter thread of Mimi arguing with Paul Joseph Watson and other Infowars brainlets over their disparaging of Venezuela and their unwitting collaboration with CIA and Western hegemony:

Attached: SyrianGirl.jpg (1524x2048, 177.6K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>you will never have a based nazbol gf
Why even fucking live
I mean really seriously


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lmao she fucking destroyed him and his little neocon goons

Guys, even if a female shares your political positions, don't support or endorse her. Females make the political positions they have look lame and kill movements. It's a really bad aesthetic.

Are you some type of faggot, user?

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He almost has a point if you substitute 'female' for 'most women' to remove it from biology. The feminine gender role is a poison designed to make women frivolous subservient children, and modern western culture hasnt done all that much to fundamentally change that, just evolve it.
That said he still doesnt really because thats still not really practically a good reason to exclude women from your movement by itself.

Syrian president Bashar al-Assad to visit Kim Jong-un in North Korea
‘I am going to visit North Korea and visit His Excellency Kim Jong-un,’ Mr Assad said

Military Cooperation Between North Korea and Syria Continues, Says UN Report
The UN report said North Korea is cooperating militarily with Syria and has been trying to sell weapons to Yemen's Houthis

North Korean military efforts can be traced far off home base
A recent report that North Korea was building an underground military base in Syria brings up the question of where else Pyongyang’s military forces, and associated parties, such as scientists specializing in strategic materials and programs, might have been active.

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One day all male incels will go on a general strike demanding that monogamy be reinstituted. And she will support us.

Now that's pretty based

Belief in God/Allah still makes you spooked.

It takes more than DPRK-ass kissing in order to be a Marxist.

Why Communists Should Support Syria
Whose side do we take in imperialism? It should be obvious.

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i find it funny how so many Zig Forumsfags will support Assad yet are oblivious to how friendly Syria has always been with the DPRK and other socialist states like the USSR.
either that or they know this and full the nazbol "DPRK is 4D chess guis dey are acdually based ethnonats :-DDD"

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Literally doesn't address my argument at all.

You know that the DPRK endorsed a white nationalist group in the US, right?
Only people on Zig Forums that hate North Korea are boomers.

>NK News is an American subscription-based website that provides news and analysis about North Korea. Established in 2011, it is headquartered in Seoul, South Korea with reporters in Washington, DC and London.

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Many white supremacists love the DPRK on the basis that it, like Israel, is a shining example of an ethnostate being put into practice.

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It had the intentions of smearing white nationalists and the DPRK, but the stuff they talked about exists. Don't put your head in the sand just because you see a source you don't like!

meant for

mass immigration is caused by capitalism

Notice this
After he cucked out to America and launched his Imperialist war against Iran Saddam began a massive NeoLiberal privatisation in the 90s all reference to socialism within both the Ba'ath party and the Iraqi goverment / constitution were removed

Some retarded NeoNazi groups liking North Korea and North Korea wanting to see the US destabilised does not make Korea EthnoNationalistic

That's literally like saying the USSR was EthnoNationalist because it supported the Socialist Reich Party (an open Nazi party) in the BDR

Doesn't really make sense though, for either. To destabilize a country, you need to support immigration and multiculturalism. Supporting nationalists would just make the country stronger, right?

Syria and the DPRK were aligned with Iran against Saddamist Iraq.
Also reminder that Saddam's right hand man, Izzat Ibrahim al Douri who currently leads the remnant of Iraqi Ba'ath literally allied with ISIS to fight the Iraqi government. Now he calls for Arabs to unite behind Saudi Arabia to destroy Iran.

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Where did you come up with this? They experimented with market liberalisation in the late 80s but reversed it at the start of the Gulf War.

Fake news.

Iraq didn't change their constitution until 2005, two years after the Ba'athists were overthrown by the American military.

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You gotta hand it to Jason, he has had the same convictions over years and years, and never deviated from it. This is quite remarkable considering the ideology-hopping of most internet socialists.

To be fair though, Jason is pretty much a right-deviationist at this point.

Because he's against IdPol?


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…then there are no men on the internet.

you're wrong but I literally have no problem if you keep believing this.

t. Roo

AFAIK she's a national self-determination socialist (not Marxist) and probably secretly a weeaboo (there's a video of her talking with a Japanese person living in Syria, and they talk in Japanese even though IIRC she said she doesn't really speak it and that they had rehearsed for that pseudo-interview, and what kind of person would do that).

An absolute pro. See waitzkin do an interview in Spanish. Clocked a solid 25 views on YouTube.

I don't understand, explain why I'm wrong please

improves the economy for empires since it adds a language barrier that reduces workers bargaining power
not a real thing


That's a really fascinating and hilarious article about the ToB and it's crazy that group built ties, but the DPRK cut off contact because one of the guys was posting anti-Semitic Nazi masturbation fantasy shit online.

He ran out of money, so he had to stop playing poker.

- Kim Jong Il, Let Us Highly Display the Korean Nation-First Spirit, 28 December 1989

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I would give a lot of lipservice about how wacism is bad to virtue signal to the UN if I was the leader of an ethnostate too.

Why is Zig Forums afraid of the R word


I don't care what political ideology they say they are, it's pretty simple. If a country is homogeneous and tries to keep it that way, I'm a fan of them. It can go for a country like the DPRK or a monarchist country like Bhutan. When the DPRK starts inviting in hundreds of thousands of Africans to own the nadzees I'll stop liking them.



Typical of the surface level understanding of any statistic that fascists have.

DPRK was not founded expcitly as an ethnostate

There are no laws making it an ethnostate.

They do not opress the few minorities they have.

They are not clamoring for war/genocide against other races (unlike the US and Japan)

We know, that is the depth of your ideology.

There isn't a single homogeneous country on the planet you stupid fuck