
What i meant nazism will save white race. Your communist weak shit wont.

It's because they give money to immigrants for free. The more you know deluded nigger

Any more questions you commie shits?

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you lost so bad the last time you had to cuck yourself to the CIA for decades and are still largely discredited after destroying multiple countries for muh lebensraum, what makes you think you'll win now?

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Mass immigration and unironically communists like you.

Nazism killed mostly whites
Immigrants that the west created by destabilizing governments, funding Israel, and killing elected leaders

Made any actual points yet?

lmao learn to use imageboards you dumb natsee

the Syrian war is over. the "mass immigration" meme is dead. go back to your basement.

How many gbs of child porn have you downloaded?

No they didnt. Commies killed whites

Western people didnt want this. Now the shitskins will have to go and you too.

Bitch mass immigration is not over. Germany accepted 500 000 immigrants last year. Its far from over.

Sorry commie im not into kids.

so go shitpost on Germanchan where people will give a shit. fuck off.

No i will post there becuase you are deluded niggers who unironically thinks this is good.

caused by CIA, who you still cuck yourself to, to this very fucking day, you're a joke and so is your ideology, you're going to get crushed again because you literally can't do an accurate assessment of your enemies, yourself, or anything else

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Then you aren't a true nazi.
Look at this nazi wannabe lmao.

lol, no. Pic related.
I bet many didn't. Yet people like you vote in Neocons and get subverted by right-liberals you invite into you're movement.

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you're the one who's deluded for thinking your ideology has any grasp on reality. read a fucking book

Jews, commies and everyone who is deeply triggering and problematic is enemy.

Wow? Thanks i guess?

Propaganda pics.

Never did that you shit commie.


Nazism left Europe in ruins and killed tens of millions of white people.

Typical fucking retard

Commies killed millions of whites and left Europe in ruins.

Those basic bitch stock responses only work on redditors, dumbass boomer.

It works well here as well. Stupid commie.

a war Hitler started with Op Barbarossa when he already signed a non aggression deal, stir the wind, reap the whirlwind faggot

nobody is engaging with you because you are a vulgar moron, lol.

Why did you even bother making this thread?

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Literally taken by a person who worked at the American embassy and the CIA who was exported for espionage.

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we do not think it's good, it's the logical consecuencies of what capitalism and imperialism has done

So we would get epic mad at his crazy boomer/14 yo trolling.

Commie fags would attack anyway

Fucking retard lol.

Why did you even bother to reply? Commies literally slaughtered more whites than any regime ever could. And you know it damn well.

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Cry about it more you little baby.

So propaganda pics.

No no my commie nigger. If race is a spook then you are with them. deeply triggering and problematics.

James Rolfe, go babysitt your wife's daughter, you cuckold white BOI.

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Absolutely false

Yea? Then you are deluded nigger brainwashed by shit commie propaganda. Thats literally what happend. But go one belive in your shit more.

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this is such a shitty fucking thread, even for a nazi
hope you commit suicide before you make a school shooting bud

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No they didn't, unless you count invading Nazis as white.

No argument I see

Attached: Inflated number starvations did happen but you have to take _8586a01e12c51ea22fd656a55735b0e1.png (800x2449, 819.79K)

Number of people executed in the entire history of the USSR: 799,455
Number of people dead from imperialist aggression against the USSR: 30+ million
Nothing more needs to be said.

the 2016 elections literally demolished their whole movement, the only people who can afford to be Zig Forumsyps now are literal schizos

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Try 80+ million then we scratch the surface.

Schizos with guns and thirst for commie blood.

akchually if you count people falling in the shower it was literally 400 quadrillion, a gazillion times the world populaiton. that's how evil commies are

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