So i was just fucking around and felt like searching "Karl Marx México", 'cause i'm from there. Indeed, he thought mexicans were lazy and other inconsequential stuff, also i remember reading long ago something along the lines of him thinking the fastest way for poor nations to develop is troughout capitalism. How are these views dealt with today?, i'm not talking about racism, but rather about his ideas on poor, undeveloped nations. He though they could benefit from the progress of USA, he also though revolutions couldn't happen in latin america but they sure as hell did.
On Karl Marx and "uncivilized" nations
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The shit about "lazy Mexicans" is a fake quote.
Feel free to prove me wrong by actually citing the work where he said that.
This article, it cites no sources, he also doesn't really use lazy, rather "undisciplined agglomerations".
Most of this comes from Nathaniel Weyl's "Karl Marx: Racist".
Mexico did become capitalist, as did every other poor country. It was completely capitalist before the revolution happened. Mexico is way more developed than any European country was in Marx's time, he wouldn't say that a revolution couldn't happen in Latin America today.
Also he was wrong, a revolution happened in Russia when it was completely undeveloped outside Moscow and St Petersburg
So, like I said, fake quote made up whole cloth by an anti-communist.
Daily reminder that the only reliable source for Marx quotes is
more truth spoken in that fake quote then the entirety of marx's works
Alright, thanks. I mostly wanted to spark a conversation regarding the whole deal with poor nations and the fastest way to get them going.
destroy the western nations siphoning resources from them
that's literally the only way because the second they start to "get going" america or one of its pawns will roll in and fuck them. e.g: libya, iraq, venezuela, argentina, chile, mexico, nicaragua, iran, etc, etc, etc
part of the reason the us government is so keen to crush north korea is because of its successful nuclear program and it's objective effectiveness as a deterrent, particularly after libya did everything the west wanted: gave up its 'terror' programs, made steps towards liberalization, renounced its WMD program, and then got crushed by Obama anyway
they are poor nations because of rich nations and that's all there is to it
t. gulius ebola
Someone post that meme with spurdo evola comparing something with aristocracy
Back when Karl Marx was writing that, being an undeveloped country likely meant still being feudal or slaving. Definitely capitalism would be an improvement over that. Today capitalism is 99,9% universalized so that argument is no longer relevant.
what does being lazy have to do with feudalism though
The lord will get mad if you don’t get good turnip yields.
yes so how is having non-lazy people gonna change that, which is what Red Flag was implying Marx was implying.
Read the OP more carefully. OP isn't really interested in the "lazy" part, he asked about Marx's thoughts on underdeveloped societies and their relationship with capitalism.
Marx and Engels supported Colonialism and Imperialism if it was to advance history, which was to bring people into Capitalism because the only way that Communism can happen is if everyone is in Capitalism.
Shit like Land Reforming and etc is actually to advance Capitalism because Landlords are literally Feudalism.
Marx was from 1800s Europe, back than even relatively developed societies like Japan and Latin America (the latter of which just basically being Europeans in a shitty environment) were still seen as backwards and inherently inferior. Given that capitalism could only develop in an area where labor has to be specialized with tones of resources, such as Germany and England (aka, where Marx spent almost his entire life) he probably fell for the "Europe is blessed by divine favor" thing everyone else did.
Japan was unironically better than Europe. European influence fucked up Japan
It didn't have factories nor cool nik-naks so Europeans saw it as below them.
Capitalism produces effective social labour networks, so the proletariat appropriating leadership of industry in a global capitalist society is the best way to maintain socialism, that's why I feel optimistic about how trade operates today. China and Russia weren't capitalist before their attempts at socialism, which is why I feel that both failed - but today, any western country could easily transition into socialism.
Is it a misfortune that magnificent California was seized from the lazy Mexicans who did not know what to do with it?”
So it's always fake if it contradicts your beliefs? Marx used the word nigger himself since his uncle was a slave trader. He used the English word since it didn't exist in German. Maybe Yiddish but not in ger!man at the time. Oh but that must be fake too. Prophet Marx is infallible.