Since the last thread died, it is time for Zig Forums to ruin Albania.
All difuculties are selected.
Does the Politburo want to do anything before we begin?
Ostalgie Thread: Bunker edition
Kremlin games, although fun, can't be played like that, as the gameplay process requires a full consolidation, which is impossible with random people: if you make a wrong turn, or don't understand this or that gameplay mechanic you'll just lose.
Try to establish as many trade relations as we can, Libya should be an easy one considering we only need a single monetary unit for that.
Rename the country "Cadia" then turn it into a fortress.
Not 400m without seeing a bunker.
Then fight the entire world.
I chuckled a little
We have established trade relations with Libya and signed an arms contract with India, boosting our economy. The first issue to come to the Politburo is about the document coming from the recent convention on chemical weapons held in Paris, which would ban all chemical weapons. While signing the document would improve our standing in the world, it would cost money and we would sacrifice a method of defence if the Social-imperialists attacked us.
sign and secretly fail
Trick the fools.
Simply paint over anything that might suggest chemical weapons.
On another note, the communal swimming pools are running out of chlorine.
Sign it, we have no need for chemical weapons, bunkers are all we need!
Don't sign it, it costs money to get rid of them and we need all the money we can get right now.
Sign and secretly fail to comply.
Use their own systems against them. Sign and secretly continue.
Don't sign it,it doesn't worth the effort. JUST SAY NO.
The Politburo decided to try to hide the fact that we did not abide by the convention, but due to the weakness of Sigurimi, the world quickly learned of this. We have decided to not allow the film Intergirl to be shown(no other options) due to the moral degenaracy and criticism of socialism it contains. Now the issue at hand is a domestic one, the intelligentsia is pushing for the release of all political prisoners, despite us already ssuing amnesties in 1986. Some people in the party are also calling for the fight against religion and tsekhoviks(illegag economic actors) to be weakened. Due to revisionism in the party, we cannot deny both of these. Our options are to either implement both policies, or only implemen one. What does the Politburo think?
Ease the pressure, but not amnesty.
What a shitty policy maker we have.
Easing policy means we'll give opposition breathing room to organize. I'd say we release these figures but don't relieve the pressure. Even if a few traitors are let free to organize in secret at least they won't be able to gather support publically or rally around reactionary organizations like the church, right?
Support the ease but not amnesty policy.
It was times of Alia,the guy who finally gave up socialism for socialdemocracy.
Release prisoners but do not ease the pressure.
I support release but not relent pressure
Release but don't let up on the pressure
not that this vote matters at this point but what everyone else said
also thank you for hosting the game
We have decided to release the prisoners, but to not ease pressure on religion and illegal economic activities. The intellectuals we released joined the dissidents and now they are clamoring for deeper reforms. In the neighboring revisionist, market "socialist" Yugoslavia, a curfew was enforced on the Kosovans, who wanted to be free from the prison of nations. Should we assist these freedom fighters, or is it time to normalise our relations with our Eastern neighbor?
Allow Particularly nationalistic citizens to go fight in the Anti-SocialImperialist Struggle in Kosovo
Negotiate with the Yugos. Those Kosovans will turn into NATO shills the second it suits them just like irl.
Negotiate with the revisonists and do not support the opportunist Kosovar insurgents.
Negotiate, even if it costs money.
We engaged in negotiations with Ante Markovic, and with the help of some funding, we were able to both ensure autonomy of Albanians in Kosovo, trade relations with Yuhoslavia and the warming of relations with the Social-imperialists and the imperialists. However, we have run into the issue of budgetary deficit. We can engager in privatisation, liberalisng the economy; implement austerity, hurting Party unity and People's satisfaction; or we can sell arms to the DPRK, which would destroy the good will we have created with our negotiations.
Arm the DPRK.
Send weapons to best korea
Give Korea some goodies
We have sold arms licenses to the DPRK, which has given us a comfortable buffer against future expenses. The Vietnamese reformer Nguyen Van Linh has fallen ill. Due to the weakness of our security services, there isn't much we can do. Should we wish a speedy recovery, or just ignore this?
Ignore the cunt
send him a get well card, that will cheer him up =)
Wish him well, maybe we can salvage some of our reputation from that arms sale.
dont waste time on him
Wish him well. We can't influence the outcome of inner party struggles in Vietnam anyway. While its important to attack revisionism its also important to present a united front among socialist nations, even when we disagree with each other. Ignoring him would just publicize our disunity without doing anything to combat revisionism.
We have ignored the sick reformer and nothing happened. Close to Vietnam, Burma had a coup d'état. From what we can see, they are fully abandoning socialism and becoming a miltary state. should we formally establish relations with them, or just wait for Moscow to first recognize them? Some Hoxhaists in the party are suggesting that we send consultants to guide the country on the path to socialism before the imperialists get them.
Send consultants, get those bastards back on the path to socialism.
Don't waste the agents. Just send congratulations
Let Moscow handle it.
Good lapdog
Send congratulations and assist them in building socialism. They'll trade with us either way but I'd prefer it be with a like-minded government than a mere junta.
Send congratulations and consultants.
Send congrats and "consultants"
We have ensured that Burma does not fall into capitalism. However, due to reckless spending, we are once again in the red. Should we privatise, or cut some unnnecessary things from the budget?
Cut all life support equipment.
I guess we gotta go with austerity, even that's better than privatization.
Do we have enough diplomatic reputation for making a trade deal with Syria? If yes then do so.
For now though austerity seems to be what we need to do to at least temporarily fix our money situation.
Comrades, sorry for calling you to an emergency meeting, but something important has happened! In the PRC(which is one of our biggest trading partner), a demonstration of students, including Maoists who protested against revisionism was suppressed by the Dengist government. Of course, this is proof that the CCP administartion has fallen to revisionism! What should our reaction be to this? If we come out too strong, we may lose a valuable trade partner…
Condemn their actions, we can find another trade partner if they get pissed.
it's not like barking at them will change anything about the situation, right? only harm would come out of that for us
might as well stay out of it
Wait for the USSR I guess
Wait for the USSR: we should condemn them but why not gain some relations with the Soviet Union while we're at it?
Condemn them.
Wait for the USSR. If the Soviets condemn it then we can too to score some trade and diplomatic clout with them. If they don’t then speaking out against China will only serve to isolate us.
We stayed silent on the Chinese situation, our trade with them continues. We did not aid the revisionist JCP in their social-imperialist aims. The issue at hand is a grave one, the ultra-revisionist Gorbachev has met with Kohl and signed a document that destroys the position of socialism as the leading ideology of Eastern Europe. Should our leader Alia condem this for revisionism, or social-imperialism?
Why not both? But if we have to pick one call it revisionism.
revisionism I guess
We have refused to change our policy, calling the document "the ultimate manifestation of Soviet revisionism". However, the reformist wing in our party has started to argue for the restoration of relations with the USSR, citing that we cannot stand without them. The radical notion of US friendship has been dismissed, but now the plenum is about to convene and argue about our relations to our "Big Brother". What should the Politburo's position on this topic be?
No relations with Gorbabitch
Surprised nobody posted this yet.
What's the song in the background?
Igra Rokenrol Cela Jugoslavija - Električni Orgazam.