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Tfw leftypol finally got over it's Stirner phase
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Nice spooks, nerd
tbh i still don't understand why leftypol got super into stirner. Don't get me wrong, i love me some stirner but i just do not see how anyone could take an honest reading and believe he really related to leftism.
because edgy, autistic, NEET, incel, infantile chanposters
stirnerposters=anime posters
Indeed. My association with stirner is from an Individualist Anarchist perspective. I would never in a million years have thought that chans would adopt stirner. Very odd.
Nice spooks bitchboi.
Stirner just helped put a name to something I had already been railing against for decades.
u wot?
it ain't over 'til the fat BO goes on a banning spree
Stirner has intellectually crippled the left for over 100 years. Calling any issues people care about "spooks" is a great way to elect porkies.
It's amazing how people will revise history just to shit on Stirner.
who would the guy with his face turned to the camera be?
yes I remember the 2016 election when Clinton was debating Trump on immigration and he just said "spooks! read max stirner" and the crowd cheered and waved their round eyeglasses and cigarettes. truly dark times we are living in.
good to know that the left has been intellectually crippled for the last 100 years in every timeline
He's a brilliant leftist.
If by "leftypol got over it" you mean some buttburt moderator anchoring every Stirner thread then you're right.
I've been thinking this, In my head i'd love it to be a dadaist, Foucault or Andre Breton.
I guess in the spirit of 'Take what you will' people on the left could make an argument for adopting Stirner but it seems a super strange to me, most readers of stirner are decidedly critical of the left and this is very true within the spaces where stirner has had the most influence.
I'm currently re-reading Stirners Critics, as it happens. Good times.
Only place I've seen this common is on places like normiebook, and weird libertarian circles on youtube.
No offense but if the only places you are looking is on social media then that's not trying very hard. I personally think it's a mistake to look at social media communities and try to divine influences of writers, etc. through them. They're rarely an accurate picture of the world and of living and breathing groups, also most of the media we consume is generally english, stirner has traditionally not been so well received in the angoloshpere sphere (until memes, i guess).
The spaces stirner would have most influence on would be the individualist anarchist space and the weird Hodge podge around that. as in, the nihilists, the post-leftists crowd around AJODA, the european anarchist individalist/insurectionary/'lifestylist' crowd, though that thread has ebbed and flowed over time.
Ignore the 'not trying very hard'. It was unnecessarily antagonistic, I apologize. Tried to delete but browsers being shit.
People keep using this term and I still don't know what it means
It's not an -ism, that's a bastardization as far as i understand it. It's a term that specifically refers to the group of people around A Journal of Desire Armed (AJODA) which was an american magazine that pulled a lot of stuff from european anarchist scene as well as from the eco anarchist spaces for an american audience, basically.
Is this site correct?
Just looking at it, I'm not sure what differentiates them from other anarchist leftist. They seem anti-idpol, which is something that's common here as well.
It's basically a Stirnerite/Nietzschean "anti-political" strain of anarchism.
That is correct, yea. They were generally critical of the left in there hayday, i cannot speak for now. this is all decades old at this point. Ajoda had people like Wolfi Landstreicher, Bob Black and other prominent 'lifestylists' (to borrow the lefts term) that had come from the left in it. Bob black was a shit writer but intent on shitting on the left and intent on antagonising the anarchist left (the anarchist space is generally a small one, people who believe radically different things generally still know, socialize and have working relationships with eachother) and i personally think this goes a big way towards why the 'post-leftists'(shit term, if i wasn't clear before) have this image of being defined by there critiques of the left.
Nothing would withstand them; they would only have to stop labor, regard the product of labor as theirs, and enjoy it.