EU Politics General

Thought it may be worth having one of these, with brexit coming to a close and V A R O U heading to Brussels.
For context on Varoufakis, he is put at the head of an electoral list in Germany, with Germany still not having any minimum requirements he could be elected with 1/94th; aka 1.06%, of the vote.

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Other urls found in this thread:^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

how can he head the list, does he have DE citizenship?

To run in EU elections in most countries, you just need EU citizenship.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (385x335, 39.5K)

English is my first language, I am not seeing it.

I wasn't joking. I thought only citizens of a country can be that country's representatives in the EU parliament.

So does that mean that Swedes could just make all their MEPs French-Morrocan Football stars if they just wanted to?

If they have EU citizenship, and Sweden doesn't have any restrictions: yeah.

Stupid idea, Die Linke need to win as many seats as possible next year.
If he wanted to make a better impact, he should have ran in a country where Socialist parties have little presence (ie: Italy, Poland, Romania, Austria, Bulgaria).

Attached: guengl 2014.PNG (326x418, 58.41K)

He is: he's literally running a pan European party aiming to run in every single country.
Freude, schöner Götterfunken…^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

Didn't you see the other thread dude? Die Linke winning seats means a Nazi coup

So what's the likelihood of the "European army" actually coming about?


Just decided to drop this bad boy with Wikipedia numbers.

Attached: EU countries by VAT rate..png (3782x3196, 1.05M)

Attached: 810px-Taux_standard_de_TVA_dans_les_pays_européens.svg.png (810x480, 15.62K)

I'm aware of DiEM25, he's been pushing it for years.
From what I can see it's basically still the Yanis Varoufakis One Man Show, but now guest-starring Razem on 2% in Poland.

Couldn't find anything in the catalog

Attached: 2019 election seat prediction.PNG (859x648, 57.67K)

zero to none. how are you going to share an army when the commanders are all speaking different languages on the battlefield?


remind me who won that war again?

And also, they aren't explicitly socialist but appealing to some vague liberal-socdemish idea of a European common interest. I can imagine some liberals who wouldn't vote DIE LINKE voting for DIEM25.

This shit might get you a position as economic expert in the US government, but we have higher standards here.

The Greens have already captured almost all of the disgruntled SPD voters.
AfD are growing in traditional Die Linke strongholds.
Meanwhile, Linke's growth is like treacle flowing uphill.
It is silly to split the meagre Socialist vote even further by running 2 (TWO) additional candidates from a new party.

Attached: greens poll.PNG (1200x638 200.92 KB, 66.1K)

Everything else in the EU solved this problem, all EU business is done in English.

Literally every empire has had a multilingual army. Commanders have to speak the lingua franca, but troops only need to know basic commands. Englands best forces spoke Gaelic, the Ottoman's best forces spoke Kurdish. Its been the case for all of human history up until WWII, and that's only in Europe. India has 22 official languages ffs.

What would a European army even do besides shoot at people floating on tires in the Mediterranean.

Wage imperialist wars in Africa and Eastern Europe mostly. Basically it would take over for America in Europe and go even farther to secure European interests in Africa.

GUE/NGL is a fragile useless alliance that accomplishes nothing. Sinn Féin, Syriza and Die Linke MEPs have nothing in common except that they sit next to each other in Brussels. The whole point of this is that there is a real party in Brussels instead of a million little national parties that vaguely share the same interests. Vote Die Linke for Germany, DiEM 25 for Europe.

An impromptu coalition where some of the countries had soldiers from places as different as India, Morocco, Kazakhstan…

Taking away votes from crap as the SPD or the Greens is always good.

Crushing people's insurrections in member states? Ever heard of Eurogendfor?

I'll fix that for you:

Pretty much what this user says. Almost all groups in the European parliament exist just for practical needs, i.e. getting funds, offices and the like. Talking about the Left eurogroup, there are parties shilling for Nato and parties against it, pro-Eu parties and parties showing various shades of euroscepticism, parties having deals with socdems and other centre-left stuff in their countries and parties being in the opposition to socdems and centre-left.
Another laughable group is the Greens/EFA one. EFA stands for European Free Alliance, i.e. parties from the centre-right to the centre-left advocating for some form of autonomy or even indipendence at home. The Scottish National Party is one of them.

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Not quite true: two of their allied wings (through their European Spring movement) are the Czech Pirates and the Danish Greens: both of them effectively guaranteed representation in the EP.

Die Linke's growth is a westward push: they almost doubled their vote in a lot of Western states, but a lot of the eastern votes went to the AfD. The reasons behind this are varied, but some put the movement itself on the fact that their leader Katja Kipping, is pushing for a more libertarian approach compared to the previous leader and parliamentary leader: Sarah Wagenknecht, who was more statist and conservative. While nationally this does not net them much, on a state level it means they will attain far greater representation in western states, and are polled as the most popular party in Berlin.

The Red-Greens or the Green-Greens?

Green Greens: Alternativet.

Yeah they are just hopeless. They've never had a coherent message aside from being environmentalists, as far as I know.

Attached: this-is-fine.jpg (1200x1774, 340.85K)

Well it's what she says, it is working in bringing the party into the West.

does he even speak german?

Into the trash she goes.

From a quick look, no…

The CDU needs to fuck for a few years, for the sake of the entire planet.
You can't let AfD in, so I wouldn't have any problem with such a coalition if it were to transpire.

it's perfect

You guys enjoy being irrelevant, powerless, and ultimately serving the status quo?

It will be either us or the new right:

Attached: XS2sr03.jpg (728x636, 36.89K)

While you get that revolution going we'll try to do more than Occupy 2.0

Still waiting for the revolution

He's literally the AfD's nightmare.

and the capitalist dreams

How so? Varoufakis was literally in a fight against almost all of European capital.

I'm thinking about doing a post-doc in a German university. I want to ask a question but don't take this the wrong way. I know Germans are sensitive about this topic. I want to ask: how bad is the situation regarding racism in Germany? I know I should avoid the East. But in the West how bad is it? I was thinking of Baden-Württemberg or Lower Saxony. I'm worried about racism because I'm brown. I'm mostly worried about violence.

For any anons who think that a European Parliament-only Party has a chance of success, they seem to be forgetting Libertas.


Attached: libertas 2009.PNG (768x613, 51.68K)

He was fighting to save capital. He should let Germany and France reduce European living standards to 19th century levels so revolutions would be more likely to happen

It was right wing and that happened before austerity measures were put in place and the whole fiasco in Greece.

You have never served in military have you? We have dual-command languages in Finland, in Swedish and Finnish in addition to English as common command language on UN peacekeeping missions for example.

Besides any EU army would likely be very decentralized with only the high command acting in unified matter. Any unit bellow army group would already operate using their native tongue you would just need few translators for the high command and communications.

Wait was this leadership change recent or what?

Nah Kipping has been leader since 2012, it's more that her power vs the parliamentary leader (Wagenknecht) has grown.
Meanwhile Wagenknecht is trying to build a non electoral movement called Afustehen, built on the British "Momentum" model. She says she aims to build a broad front of policy between left SPD, "ideological" greens, and die linke: along a more statist agenda.
From an outside perspective, the main conflict between Kipping and Wagenknecht is over the power of the state and social issues. Kinda ironic though, the socdem wing of Die Linke has been trying to force Wagenknecht out of power for ages but instead now the dominante figure is libsoc.

Diem is socdem.

Cheers for that cutting edge analysis Geoff.

Magyar beloved prime minister and Soros fighter, Orban, just had visit from Chuck Norris
Fascism with US superhero characteristics when?

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America is a disease.

Saying Kipping pushes for this or that implies she actually has a position. She's an absolute brainlet compared to Wagenknecht. She has shilled for the UBI in the past and is very open to lolsorandom left-liberal ideas.

Kipping has played no part in that growth whatsoever. Whether you look East or West, many more know Wagenknecht. I bet the difference is more than double.

Attached: Wagenknecht (slightly dated picture).jpg (602x784, 104.89K)


I really want to see more integrated EU media. We need something to push back US capitalist bullshit.

i remember her supporting NATO intervention in libya
and going into coalition with the SPD
fuck her
Take the test if you want to.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-11-29 Consultation on the Future of Europe(3).png (940x442, 36.03K)

Don't know anything about kipping, but doesn't Wagenknecht have some weird nationalist stuff in her ideology?

What do you think about the other chairman, bernd Riexenger?

Did it. I stressed work-floor democracy and the importance of applying technology to further collective economic management in an inclusive manner.

Why can't these bitches just get along

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So basically this guy wants the Le ebil Unified EUSSR meme the right cries about except unironically?

Anyone who doesn't have a major beef with at least three other leftists over a vague issue no one else cares about is an undercover cop

Attached: united people's front.jpg (500x273, 42.67K)

yep I'm sure every army or military coalition in history was linguistically homogenous

Enacting imperialism, like what the NATO is doing nowadays.

Why are there those weird white lines superimposed over Russia and Kazakhstan?

Fucking kek

The problem with this question is that it seems to presuppose a revolution already happening on a large scale, followed by the decision of these people to just "go along with it". How will the revolution set off in the first place? How will enough people be mobilized at a time when it isn't evident yet that it will happen? Calling for revolution in the West given the current circumstances is absurd and virtually doomed to fail.

The DiEM25-allied Czech Pirate Party are at 19% in the latest polling.