The ultimate debate

So kids the autist the even Zig Forums hates vs the autist that even Zig Forums hates
Who would win?
What would have been a better debate?
General thoughts
idk if we already had a thread like this

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I like Roo, but he should be aware talking to Dick Spencer will be seen by other leftists as legitimizing Spence's heinous views. I don't understand his reason for wanting to talk to him in the first place.

Unruhe is a fucking moron.

Views & Clicks.

Sounds about right, but does he really lack that much integrity?

Yes. He always has. He's been doing this for so long, how are people just now getting this?

Spencer might out-charisma Roo. As long as he doesn’t sperg out it should be fine. HEELTURN is full of autists and Zig Forums teens

Also this

I mean, I just assumed Roo was a principled guy. He seems disciplined and all so I don't get why he would go this low. He's talking to someone who has called for the expulsion of non-whites in North America. Would he talk to a hardline Zionist by comparison?

Yikes. Do you think he might lose this debate? Spencer is a lot of things but he isn't dumb.

Spencer actually reads. Listen (if you can bear listening to two fascists speak for hours) to his discussions with Jonathan Bowden.

Jason will announce his nazbol affiliation. that's how it will end.

Well, he lost to muke, so….

LOL. Do you know how Roo debates? It's not about facts or theory/method for him, it's all about rhetoric. He shoots his opponents down with terse "THAT'S FALSE" or "PROVE IT". He doesn't need to prove anything on his own, he just has to back his opponent into a corner by denying their arguments. It's dick moves galore but it makes him look like the bigger dog every time.


Let Roo debate and watch him go apeshit.

What will they even debate about

Reminder your talking about the guy who thinks 9/11 was good.

They’ll probably just end up just sucking each other’s dicks. Roo did it with Sargon.

legitimizing someone's views is the only way to delegitimize them.

Roo is a fucking moron in debates, you'd think all these years of "research" would yield some on-hand knowledge, but no.

The thing with fascists is that they mostly say things that sound plausible or sort of true, if you have no knowledge on the subject itself. But if you do know your shit, then you'll realize that the fascist is drowning you with bullshit. Richard is going to drown Roo with gotchas and moral arguments.


I mean yeah Roo debated Sargon and it wasn't the end of the world. Methinks the fate of the planet doesn't depend on the outcome of this. Roo is also a goober who isn't involved in any political organizing.

I think this says more about Richard Spencer really – why is he talking to Roo? Well, I think the answer is that the alt-right grew by hoovering up libertarians, but pretty much drained that market of fresh customers, and then the alt-right proceeded to light itself on fire in full view of the American public. So the emphasis now is trying to poach leftists. But no one on the left will talk to him except Roo.

The main thing is that fascists are all about entryism and poaching/co-opting ideas from other people. So I think that's Spencer's goal: to try to make white nationalism seem "reasonable" to socialists. I don't think he's going to try to pwn him. That isn't his goal.

There was another case of this involving Matthew Heimbach, who led the Asserist-style Traditionalist Worker Party. That group destroyed itself in the Night of the Wrong Wives, when Heimbach got caught fucking his vice-commander's wife inside a trailer. Heimbach then joined the Not Socialist Movement – an old-school beefsteak and "boot party" crew – and tried to rebrand the group in a more "socialist" direction, rolling out a new logo (the red fasces surrounded by a cog wheel) at a rally in Little Rock, AR in November.

This backfired though and the NSM expelled him shortly thereafter for being too commie. The party even released a statement (ridden with typos): "The NSM does so directly due to your open alligence to Strausserism and Communism in general. The Not Socialist Movement is a firm adversary of all forms of Communism, including Strausserism."

Before that, Heimbach was showing up at Democratic Party meetings in Tennessee trying to pass himself off as a D*SA member.

Yeah probably

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Roo has said in livestreams he doesn't read books. He reads RT articles and has friends of his feed him economic data.

Incidentally, what I also think this shows is that organized socialist movements do pose a threat to fascists in a way that lukewarm liberals do not. Fascists can pwn and troll liberals all day, like stealing candy from babies. But socialists and socialist-lites (like AOC or somebody) don't play their games and I think Spencer understands where the culture is heading and where the momentum is. The Trump/MAGA wave has already peaked and is now too thoroughly boomered for further progress on his front.

I wouldn't be too confident about that

because he's desperate to be seen
the moment he got hit started a downward slide and he's scrabbling for a handhold


Then why in the hell would he go to Unruhe? He's less relevant than Spencer.

haha lol, it might’ve worked if he was a cop

Is this the fabled red-brown alliance?

because noone else gives a shit about him

Spencer's squeeze is saying on Twitter he wants to run for president. Watch Spencer try to resuscitate his profile through a kind of "white workers" campaign by playing two cards, (to the right) saying Trump has failed you, (to the left) saying the Democrats don't represent the workers because of immigration. Plus lots of "muh free speech."

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Has Roo ever talked about his stance on immigration? I take it he's not too fond of third worlders migrating to the first world on the basis they loose their revolutionary potential or some shit.

Truly a Maoist

They're gonna agree on every issue.

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it would be magical if sanders became president cause spencer cracked trump's coalition of the shilling

Let's not kid ourselves: both are doing it for self promotion. It's sad Unruhe would stoop to debate a fascist, and likewise Dickie has clearly fallen on hard times if he's down to debating the Roo.

It's a debate, you fucking twit. Hhe's talking to him to tell him he's wrong.

Source? I think that's bullshit. He's directly quoted from Marx, Michael Roberts and others.

Probably this Richard Spencer seems pretty ok with White Juche

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aren't they currently slaving over a video game about how awesome he (and other meme e-celebs) are?

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But user, I still remember that day fondly. it was great. people danced in the street and everything.

Reminder lmao

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What? Zig Forums is making a video game?

What did he mean by this?

I think he's just talking about some other flavor of the month e-celeb they now worship.

My literal sides


Roo might just win due to his debate tactic of all out Deep Battle Offensive

He's still legitimizing Spence's bullshit.

It was a revolutionary act against imperialism. Stay butthurt

Nobody gives a shit about this outside of reddit and twitter.

he never said it "was good" you emotionally fragile twat, he said everyone in that building had it coming for their ignorance.
funny how when a catholic says bullshit like that in this country everyone accepts it quietly but when an edgy mautist does the emotionally weak suddenly feel the need to confidently act berserk.

He was trying to pull a Ward Churchill ("little Eichmans") and failed miserably due to his lack of eloquence.

reggaton will not win

It's okay to debate other points of view but why did it have to be against someone who beat up his wife and kids? There are plenty of other Nazis who want to debate Jason.

1. Richard's not a Nazi, he's a White Nationalist, but he isn't actually anti-semitic and sucks israeli dick anyway which is worse, so I think us leftists be observant of these things (we should towards politics in general anyway)
2. Why the fuck do you care if an intellectual debate included talking to a sociopath? are you spooked?

lol what's gravity

LOL. Good luck finding a clean neo-nazi/ WN.

Same fucking thing in this case. And he is anti-semitic, the only difference from other Nazis is that he's open about his admiration for the genocidal Zionist policies. He has made numerous statement blaming Jews for white people's problems.

And no, I'm not spooked. I think it's in my interest if sociopaths are shunned in society.

I think its wrong to debate nazis and personally wouldn't talk to Spencer unless it was to tell him to kill himself. The Roo is taking a massive risk here. If he loses or even looks like he's lost, he'll lose all credibility forever and be seen as an idiot who helps nazis.

Dicky will kick Jason's ass and cause Jason to loose ALL of his remaining credibility. Dick reads, Jason doesn't.

Lets be honest, its not to come down to who reads or doesn't (I highly doubt Spencer "reads"), its going to come down to who the audience, which will overwhelmingly be Zig Forumslacks, think who "owned" or "trolled" who. That's why you shouldn't debate nazis in the first place, they're not arguing on good faith.

Trust me lad, that's as clean as you're gonna get for a high profile nazi; they're literally all Psycho/Sociopaths or Narcissists

Spencer is really into alexander dugin and other nazbol shit.
I suspect he might be a strass erist

I doubt the Janitors had it coming, oh wait it’s Roo who thinks Jnaitors in the first world have the same amount of wealth as CEOs.

why not just take fuckboy muke
hell, even i could do that if the whole point is just to embarrass the left
jesus fucking christ

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Another question that needs an answer is
What the fuck would the debate be about
I hate nigs vs i dont???

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You're one of the idiots who believes all the shite these idiots spew, aren't you?

Basically yeah, a lot of American whites only have blacks on their brain. It may sound like a meme but these WN type are always thinking of black dick and what it will do to white women. There's no point in debating psychopaths.

We were active in the universities and the youth movement to mobilize against the fascists. But the big lesson we took from the 1980s and 1990s was that, as well as mobilizing against such groups, we also have to talk to the voters for far-right parties, who are expressing their own anger and disillusionment. We have to work to offer an alternative: for while we do have to combat fascism, we cannot define ourselves only in negative terms.

I think Jason is gonna fuck this up, but honestly, who cares?
In his debate with Sargon he couldn't even make coherent agruments about imperialism and it's function in capitalism, even tho that's his subject. As a third worldist, he always talks about how imperialism is the main contradiction but can't even give some clear real life examples from his head.
They are either gonna discuss this on a political (socialist state vs fash state) or racial level, and I don't think Roo is well equipped to discuss either.
But Jason also doesn't really associate with us and only gets like 500 views per video so this is never gonna be brought up by anybody after the debate (other then to ridicule Jason or Spencer).

Unrihe absolutely did do well debatong against Sargon especially since Sargon is a fucking retard.


Yes, Jason is going to convince Richard why we need to kill nigs, not just deport them.

Richard Spencer 2020 would be some next level spectacle shit. He wouldn't be able to win, but I'm morbidly curious just how depraved your average petty-bourg Amerimutt is.

I'm more curious which billionaire would back him. Because that's all you need to be a viable candidate really. Ideally a Jewish one just to Spectacle it up.

Adelson is the one I'd have my bets on if you want to see a Jewish sponsor

I'm thinking it'd be like David Duke's runs for president in 1988 and 1992. He'll be harassed by antifa the whole time while the Republicans try to ignore him as much as they can.


It would be the most accelerationist choice. The genocide of minority peoples will only be a practice run for the scourging of all flesh.

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nigs are reserve army of labour

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Much rather see him debate Eric Striker or pre Incest Matt Heimbach

Here it is

I think I'll sit this one out

Holy fuck how did Jason ever think this would end well?

Jason could just mention Operation Barberosa for why they were allied to the allies in WW2. But he’s just being trampled by fashies claiming Hitler was anti-imperalist. He’s going to loose to fucking Dick Spencer.

He's a pseud that doesn't understand Marxism in the least, and I think that's why Spencer chose to debate him. Jason would do well to actually sit the fuck down and learn more about Marxism and history in general, maybe even listen to some of his critics, but he's too far up his own ass because he published a few incredibly shitty books trashy nerd subjects.

Oh my god, Richard Spencer is making a more Materialist Argument than Unruhe. How far he’s fallen.

He fucked up on the anti-colonialism part too. He should've mentioned that Nazi colonial policy was identical to the German imperial colonial policy.

We have a sticky for this debate. Stop posting here.


The first thread on the first page. Please don't post a thank you in reply to this.

the ultimate debate is if ☭TANKIE☭s are SHIT and they sire are SHIT I punch ☭TANKIE☭s every day and then rape them 👅👅👅👀👀👀