/leftybritpol/ - OP is a retard editon

Lol so much for Corbyn. So much for the 10d chess. That’s what happens when you discount the working class as a revolutionary force and try to work within the parliamentary system. Only when workers revolt like with the yellow vests can change happen.

did something happen, or..?

apologies, I'm a retard. (can the title be changed back pls)

Would the working class revolutionise themselves out of the EU, or attempt to revolutionise the EU to change it from within.

Oh right only when workers pull a yellow vest can anything happen: so in the meantime we masturbate waiting for the revolt?

Yeah how's that yellow vests thing working out? Jupiter Ascending still in power and refusing to go, people running out of money and having to go back to work soon?… It's been months and nothing achieved. I sympathize with them by god but is that really your example of success?

This shit is hopeless anyway, might as well eat a bullet before having to experience Boris Johnson winning the next GE.pugib

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The working class revolting without any leadership had more of an impact than the 10d chess that Corbyn was pretending to play. The yellow vests is a monumental step in the right direction. What is is now needed is a revolutionary vanguard.

there's a legitimate question to be asked as to whether the vote matters tbf.
i mean territorial legitimacy is always ultimately a bit arbitrary. you can say "oh, it's down to the people who live there", but would that make it legitimate for Britain to reintegrate Ireland as a whole by shipping 5 million Britons into the Irish Republic and having them swing a vote on reunification with the UK? What if we waited a generation first? Two? Three? It's a stupid example, but the principle is pretty sound. If you're going to say "No, Ireland is fundamentally ireland" then a referendum that includes the British people who happen to be occupying it isn't of particular relevance.
don't know why i'm doing this i don't really want to have an argument about the Irish border it's just that the wider question of legitimacy is interesting

Brussels is dominated by the European People's Party (i.e. the European tories.) though. The President of the European Council, President of the European Commission and the President of the European Parliament are all from the EPP and the EPP is pretty substantially represented at all levels.

this is why Britain should leave tbh. Britain is and always has been a right-wing influence on the development of the EU. Even under Corbyn it is inherently in our character that we'll fuck the project up.
basically for me it's a centre-left, left-third-wayish or dirigiste European Superstate with Britain as a left-wing satellite, rather than the status quo of Britain as a satellite of the right-wing USA and a backdoor entryist for US influence in the EU.

This page should be fucking flamed imo.

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There should be a Prager U UK tbh

What should I do?

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