This is absolutely not true. Slave society to feudalism mayhaps, but early capitalism was in many ways far more tyrannical than late feudalism. Royalists were more inclined towards abolitionism or atleast providing colonial slaves with some forms of rights than early liberals. Early capitalism was fueled by industrial scale chattel slavery far more than feudalism. There's lots of stories about just how much worse bourgeois landowners were to their tenants with the conversion to capitalist agriculture than the earlier noble landlords. Hell, as it stands today the gap between the rich and the poor has never been larger than anytime before in the history of mankind, which is a tyranny all of its own.
Western ‘leftist’ cringe general
Levi Miller
Grayson Martinez
To add also: this reeks of the naive Chomskyite idea that the overarching trend in history is towards more freedom and justice.