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Wouldn’t be surprised if the pigs used the opportunity to spy on us rather than go after the fascist terrorists.

knowing the mongoloids of alphabet soup the answer is most likely

also the entirety of Zig Forums is on full panic mode. kek

I'm sure they were here already, but, yeah, as I said in the other topic, this might be a good time to look into a backup plan for leftypol.


100% this

Now why would they be panicking? They are doing every porky wants them to do.

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Nah, porky has no real use for random fascist psychos like the guy in NZ (yet). The more “moderate” ones like Proud Boys maybe, but Atomwaffen types just cause chaos on a level that isn’t currently useful to the ruling class. Remember that before mainstream German conservatives embraced the Nazis Hitler did a stint in jail. Porky will embrace this shit eventually, but as of right now the leftist threat isn’t great enough to justify it, so they stick with more mainstream Tea Party/UKIP/FN types.

they are diseased people.

If some shock images make you want to puke, you're never going to last long in the war.

Numb yourself: encyclopediadramatica.rs/Offended


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Anons right though.

love giving myself ptsd to own the booj

He's really not. Ascribing value to numbness and detachment is what the fascists do. The reason they want to to "dehumanize yourself to face the bloodshed" is so you fall into misanthropic tunnel vision, that basically justifies mindless murder on anyone by anyone.


Numbness and detachment aren't valuable but neither is sensitivity to violence. You can recognize the horrors of what's going on and empathise and condemn it without being so personally weakened that it causes you issues.

Anyone else notice our board's active ISPs went up by like 200+ in the past two days or so?
It went up waaay more for Zig Forums, but just something I noticed…

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I don't get it, it says to scroll down but all I see bellow is just blank white space

Sensitivity doesn't mean weakness. The goal should be to turn our empathy into a fighting spirit. This is exactly what the IWW did. The goal is to confront the horror, and be horrified, but see our organization as the only meaningful way to stop it.

Modern numbness certainly is. News media and the right want you to become numb

At what point is "literally about to puke its so horrible" part of the IWW campaign?

The martyrdom of Joe Hill, Sacco & Vanzetti, and the Triangle Factory come to mind. Hell, Sinclair's "The Jungle" made people so thoroughly disgusted that it changed US health policy forever. These aren't outright massacres, no, but the impulse in all of these scenarios was never to just "toughen up".

Remember, comrade. Right wing = mental illness.

Either it´s the feds or old posters who returned to lurk a little.


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Are you new to image boards or something?

Actually, for some jobs it is important to be desensitized to violence like that. Not saying you should do it, but it is an actual thing some people have to do.

Would not be surprised with 4chan and 8ch got shut down over the next 5 years. Pic related. There has been a big push to start holding these companies responsible for the kinds of organizing and propagandizing that they allow on their platforms. Don't necessarily agree with it but it's happening.

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For doctors and so on, certainly.
But even that has led to shit like delivering "You are going to die" prognoses through robots.

Assuming there is a cop in every one of our public spaces is exactly what cops want you to do. There is no federal official sitting here posting memes to make us look bad or entrap anyone, that's Russiagate levels of ignorance. At most, there are federal researchers here cataloguing our opinions to update the the file on "communism in America" or some other benign shit.
Don't act like a paranoid moron in front of guests.

send them my wishes

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No one is asking you to ascribe some kind of "value" to it, but it is important to realize that if any kind of large scale political/revolutionary violence were to arupt, such sights are something you are going to have to become accustomed to without breaking down or becoming sick. In a revolution nothing is off the table, and to secure victory we must be willing to do whatever is necessary to both remove our enemies and establish a socialist government. Not only will you be called to work and fight with people who you personally dislike or hate, but also fight against and kill people you yourself may personally find "good" or "nice". In such a conflict you will more likely then not be called to do personally revolting things to aquire information or remove possible opposition. You will be shooting young crying/begging teenagers (many of who may have gotten roped into fascism or maybe even just liberalism by either their family or friends) and you will most likely be asked to dispose of their cold mangled bodies into undisclosed mass graves. This is the reality of war and conflict. We must treat actions taken in revolution as not things that we want or not want done, but things which MUST be done. Not something personal or moral, but something strictly necessary.

I wouldn't be surprised if Hiroyuki just deleted Zig Forums. It isn't like it helps him with advertisers or anything.

The worst US law enforcement can ask about - without full PRISM collection (though that could be worked out through Cloudflare) - are IP addresses.
Just make sure you use a proxy and that the canary hasn't expired.
It could also help if Zig Forums allowed tor posting (after review ofc).

I am the meme man
Amerika is a fuck
37838505734 dead americans

Also remember to disable JavaScript and to mitigate fingerprinting.

It's not being edgy though. Revolution is ugly. It's sad, but if we want any chance of success, we need to be desensitized to violence and gore. How can we fight if comrades are gonna need to throw up after seeing their first fascist with their brains spattered against the wall? Reactionaries have shown to be more than willing to use extreme brutality as psychological warfare. They would be more than happy to torture us to death in ways we can't even imagine.

I've said this before but i seriously don't get how people can't understand the reason the shootings affected some anons worse was because it was innocent people, even children being killed. There's literally no point in arguing how many gore videos you've seen, i don't think any of us will really be numb to the horror of a real revolution.

The thing that irritates me about the video is the fact that the shooter is a terrorist from Zig Forums and no one seems to want to confront this fact.

There can't be courage without fear. Reactionaries have no stakes to their actions. They are already willing to die, so why should they have any empathy… pity or sadness, what place do they have? The most hardcore, dire servants of the regime are… they are instruments of the state and not people. They will willingly die without conscience for a game that isn't theirs but their masters. So, no, let the soldiers of the revolution vomit. Let them vomit and continue on, fight in any case. We are fucking fighting for real people with real fears and real vomit, no? People need to be disgusted. That's the crux of the problem, and we don't need more worthless, desensitized people who can't see material reality for the horror it has been and will continue to be until we stand together to fix it.
Come the fuck on. Sounding like its your first day on /b/ watching liveleak and posting in gore threads.

Yeah, because all those liberals totally recognize capitalist society as the horror it is and are working together to fix it. Oh wait.

They may not be uncomfortable now, but they will be eventually. Give it another few hundred retards killing boatloads of brown people and a few of their own melanin-lacking persuasion.


where will we go when leftypol goes away!?

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hi eddie


Go organize in real life, you dip! It's never too late to start living and working towards goals. This is all an FBI honeypot anyways.

They will. All these people you think of as sheeple aren't as stupid as you think. They are in the grasp of a reformist ideology that thinks liberalism is doing what we all talk about as being an outcome of communist revolution. They need to be disgusted and see the light through things getting as terrible as possible. It always gets worse (famine of 1891 wut wut whoop whoop) before it gets better. You just need to… have some faith in human beings doing what they naturally do when their leaders fail them to the point of mass deaths.

The right wing motherfuckers be shooting up mosques, schools and concerts to stop the imaginary invasion against white culture. But, Porky and Trump have the FBI prioritize watching lefties, because they hate money. Imagine what kind of shit you got to be on to prioritize watching lefties over Zig Forums.


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Just popping in to say this is a good post and Zig Forums had some good memes and links to .pdf books but that's about it. Thanks for the memes fam. Also the Zig Forums owner is bankrupting himself to get out of a lawsuit so this website is probably going to collapse regardless. Lastly, you're all complicit with a much larger fascist board via this website and should have some moral courage and delete this place; you're being hosted on servers run by seedy, bad people who probably deserve to be in jail for a whole lot of reasons.

where do we head to boy?


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Thank you FBI. Zig Forums and a large portion of this website needs to be taken down. Zig Forums was good while it lasts. See ya.

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Thank you, I guess. Most everyone here is legit lumpen stereotypes of some kind (former Zig Forums reactionaries) though aspiring to be part of the traditional, stereotypical prole class, part of the worker struggle. Not that I actually care that they are; I think it's okay as long as you're not still in the Zig Forums mindset and LARPing like a drooling imbecile.
That being said, the lumpen status is basis for why we are on a server run by other kinds of bastards— they're the inversions of this board and its ilk. Two sides of the same coin: still the same coin. It's why the idpol hate is so strong and always eating at the edges, always leaking in.
There's no moral high ground, too. To leave this place uninfested by far leftist ideas means less of those lumpen getting used for class aware causes. That, of course, loses its value when this board starts doing more harm than good to the cause. If the practical material motive for the compromise of being here is gone then this board should be gone.
I agree with the complicity aspect, but again, compromises are a product of real application. There's a moral and material basis for leaving NOW, but before… maybe not.

Like I just said and like a lot of people I've read saying before here: go organize irl. Go join the IWW. Do something productive in anticipation of productive existences to come. If you work, advocate there. Find commonality in your peers and encourage them. We are in this together and everybody here is… well, we are all convinced and would do better spreading that conviction elsewhere. Why else are you here than to be a communist? Stop LARPing, start living.

What is wrong with criticism? Are you in denial about the sketchy shit that has gone on with this site? It's like being a longtime supporter of 12chan and then getting mad when someone comes in and says the board is for pedophiles. Like… duh? A better rebuttal is "supply me with a better place to communicate on these topics," or "show me how things would be better if there wasn't a Zig Forums." Moral courage is a good thing… if you're trying to equivocate it with some purity test, jesus, fuck off.

A lot of the people who came here from Zig Forums never abandoned its specific sort of mindset even if their politics changed. I think we're kind of an outlier group even within the far-left in general.

Maybe its for the best that our chimera of leftism and chan culture doesn't survive?

every fucking time

I don't even watch gore or anything. Being on imageboards, I've seen my fair share of disgusting content, but I don't go out of my way to view that shit because I'm not a psychopath, and I get no pleasure out of viewing others suffering. I'm just numb to it. Which, in a revolutionary context, would likely be a good thing.

Not being phased easily doesn't mean you don't have empathy. Besides, doesn't fear just inhibit ones actions? While valuing one's life and the lives of those close to them can serve as motivation, fear doesn't necessarily help with this. It just paralyzes you. Being willing to die to create a better world is admirable. Revolutionary suicide, and all. By all means, fight for your life, but don't hold the value of your life over socialism. Limiting your efforts because you are afraid to die is selfish. In a revolution, there is a VERY good chance that you, I, and every other poster on this board would end up dead. So what? Pretending otherwise doesn't help anyone.

Just like radically moderate liberals in the dark will wake up and smell the zyklon-B, I'm sure many here will stick with their guns and become hyperwoke superactivists due to their othering and dehumanization by the larger society. They can share in the alienation of the other alienated minorities. This is a recontextualization of the lumpenproletariat as capable of developing class consciousness and of not being mercenaries for the highest bidder. Where there is a lack, there is wanting. Wanting leads to desire, desire to passion, passion to action. Lumpen often end up anarchists, and anarchists are oft romanticized as passionate dreamers.
Alienation is a powerful motive. If the rest of the leftists want to reject people over idpol, isn't that sort of… counterrevolutionary? Is idpol more important than class struggle? Can we afford to mount inquisitions like that instead of just trying to educate each other? I'd like to say the same for us: we should be engaging with people we deride and trying to move them more towards class consciousness if we think their idpol is flawed. Unity is good.
In a psychological context, leftypol people are just a retarded angry kid who wants a hug. They say their crazy PC unfriendly shit but at the end of the day that's just a symptom of alienation under capitalism. I think that's why the purity test bullshit can't be left to stand: here are people right in front of- they're good enough, worthy examples of people for the cause- you ready to march hand in hand with you if only you can reach them. It goes both ways, so as much as you can work to try and bring in those too focused on idpol… they too, could give the retards a hug, try and understand this cohort better.
Should it die off? I guess, probably, for being regressive and toxic. It's a bit utopian to think that just because it should die for not being good/pure enough that it will die inevitably. Death of mentalities, ideas takes effort. Zig Forums thought will always vibe with certain commies, so there will always be other commies who need to deal with and confront properly the same attitudes displayed here. If Zig Forums doesn't exist, it's ideas will still exist.

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That is an immature view of things. Fear as a chemical response in the form of adrenaline and fight or flight mechanisms isn't some thing you can kill. Those who appear to have no fear are often capable of atrocity and stretching their limits beyond sane conduct. The butchers and genocide lackeys— these types are people who are operating on false ideological presumptions that won't be revealed until someone has to kill them. You are advocating becoming like such monsters, the kinds of people who can't be rehabilitated and have to be killed. These guys who do end up like this, they're the Chris Kyle kinds, y'know… the guy notorious for bragging about murdering children calmly because it was for America's greater good? The tone of having "no fear" is just edgy. There is no worth in doing actions that are checks your mind can't cash: if you can't cope with your behavior or the reality of something healthily, are you not moving the buck or avoiding the reality of it? In most cases the fashies find ways to cope that deny reality, avoid culpability, and find ways to redirect or blame that make coping easier in the short term but aren't at all healthy. Denial is denial. Human beings have fear, and courage is not ignoring fear. Courage is facing fear and doing what is right in spite of it. You don't get to cheat and avoid paying the price of encountering horror. You go ahead though, it really does sound like capitalism has stripped you of all the dignity you could ever have had so you'd like to be exactly what they try to make out of their reactionary, "professional" militaries.
If there's a chance that you're simply replacing ur-fascist motivations with communist labels to try and trick yourself, you need to realize that it was not for idealistic worship of the USSR that men died fighting the Nazis. It was for their own material benefit to defeat an enemy that was intent on killing them (for liebensraum no less). I don't want to labor for the benefit of the state but for our collective benefit, so it is beyond me why would anyone go fight for some bizarre replacement of the fascist greater glory of the state line with some glorification of the communist state. The fascist's strength is his desire to give up his life for the eternal glory of his race and country… the proletariat worker soldier fights for universal peace and human dignity. He or she fights to defeat hunger, homelessness, needless deaths to prop up the status quo, unemployment, and endless war for profit. Communists are not suicidal! You nitwit, why don't you love life? Life is what is being fought over. Don't be so eager to die if you have any other option. This is why ignorant fucks equivocate us with fashies… live if you can. Living to fight another day is good. It is fine to be ready to be martyred, but for fucks' sake, don't be so goddamn eager. That is cult of death shit, cult of heroism… it is reactionary.

Not that user, but you are using an awful lot of moralisms to justify your claims. He's simply stating that one has to be prepared to do whatever is necessary to ensure the continued progression of the communist movement, one of those things just happening to be preparing oneself mentally for the carnage inevitable in conflict without losing focus or becoming entirely demoralized. There are books written by militant groups all over that talk about preparing yourself mentally for conflict and desensitizing yourself from it. It's more or less a universal thing shared by nearly all revolutionary groups of all ideological strips. We're not simply talking about charging lines on battlefields and some idealized fantasy about shooting others/getting shot here. More importantly, we are talking about the "clean up" that happens afterwords and the necessary execution of specific targets, many of which you may find yourself empathizing with as they plead for mercy and cry as they begin to be snuffed out. Many of them will have families, some you may know and be friends with. I know you want to have this glorified idea of some heroic conflict in your head, but whatever conflict comes in the future will not feel heroic. It will not look like a movie. It will be disgusting, brutal, and fought in seemingly random bursts of blunt, unmerciful, unrestricted violence.

How can you not be self aware enough to stop yourself while you write something so fundamentally, fantastically vile, self-involved, and sadistic… and just say to yourself, "Wow, I'm an edgelord chauvinist." You think your "I'm a big dick, tough man, I feel nothing and will kill anyone for socialism's greater good" bizarre textual masturbation makes you seem competent and sane? You talk like survivalist, prepper reactionary. "It won't be like a movie, but let me tell you how it'll be exactly as if it were in a shitty movie." Got it. You're an expert on killing. You do realize communism is not concerned with your personal frustrations and grudges against the system?

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This is correct, a loft of posters here have bad martyr complexes and think that they will participate in some form of righteous Sorelian violence, ironically that is a fascist mindset.

Fucking hell, it's so awful and gross seeing mindsets of former fascists creeping through cracks in a Marxist mask. They need to sort their emotions out…

Are ya being infantile, son?

None of this addressed what I said. Stating assumptions on my character is not an argument.
"It won't be like a movie, but let me tell you how it'll be exactly as if it were in a shitty movie."
Nowhere did I say it would be like a movie or imply a situation that would be as such. Actually read accounts of people who lived through the collapse or destabilization of a country or experienced/were involved in a civil war or insurrection. It's not pretty in the slightest and is an odious, harrowing, grisly ordeal.
Never implied it was. Surprisingly enough, what you said is actually something I remind people on this board of all the time. I do not moralize the system or my state in it. But I also do not moralize what must be done. In the context of the revolution, our only focus should be strict historical necessity. My personal feelings or grievances matter little.

Quite literally what I'm telling you to do


lotta spooks here


go back to reddit

waah waaah

can't wait to hear cops saying nazis and commies are not just equally bad but actually single group

Zig Forums complies with the authorities because it is run by the authorities. Zig Forums is a government propaganda outlet and has been for years now.

If you see something, say something. We're trying to save lives


I'm sorry, do you proofread your own writing at all?
It's spelled "afterwards."
You don't know anything about that. You really do not. I have seen horrible things— at the sight of such things, one does not shrink into cowardly appeals to dogmas and religious mindsets. Ugliness is a part of life. To face it properly, you cannot abstract and make it into an easy to digest thing and tell yourself you are ready for it: you are never ready for it, no one is. That is fascist talk, like I've already said.
We are doing what is moral? We are supposed to be the moral side in this. If you think you can do what porky does and not be porky, I'm sorry, you're wrong. That's kind of the point of being the vanguard of the proletariat… just because you can't tell the difference between doing what is necessary and being eager to kill people. If you are over-eager, you will kill people mistakenly. That's liability in the form of your own emotional disturbances. The mistakes we make may irrevocably damage the lives of the people we are assisting- fighting and speaking for- and that means your mentality has to be rather strong and spotless in this regard. There will be no room for this childish, vain revelry in violence. You are literally making communists look like fascists with your posts. Clean your shit up, dude.

Thanks for the grammer check
You're still moralizing here. Even more so, you're essentializing certain things as "good" or "proper". That you shouldn't prepare yourself for such an event because it's "right" to have yourself be mentally broken down by it. Every military (modern or otherwise) in history has preemptively mentally prepared it's soldiers for combat, either through resocialization, rigorous society wide propaganda/conditioning campaigns, or by even engaging in pre-battle ritual drug use. Not conditioning yourself is asking to have the trauma inflicted to you in combat affect you more immediately and more seriously than if you had.
But you actually can, or at the very least to the point you can suppress any trauma your brain would be going through while you are in the middle of combat or going through a society wide destabilization or collapse. More likely then not your brain will still store those events away to be experienced later, but through conditioning and resocialization those events will be kept under a tighter lid and not be experienced in the middle of a situation where doing so would be a danger to both you and the people around you.
As communists, we do not base our analysis of capitalism or belief in the necessity of revolution on morality. It's a subjective flimsy thing to base ones ideology on and is partly what separates us from the idealists who do what they do because it is "right".
Read Marx, then Lenin
This is true and I acknowledge this, which is why I am not over-eager. I am merely saying that it is not in any way a negative to condition and prepare yourself mentally for conflict or for what has to be done. You have to come to the understanding that you may very well be ordered to do things which, if unprepared, will cause you to hesitate or breakdown when the situation depends on you.
I also agree with this, which is why I am not for "childish, vain revelry". My view on violence is purely clinical. To pollute yourself with unnecessary intrusive thoughts gets in the way of you being able to properly analyze your situation and take the most efficient course of action which both completes your objective and reduces the danger to yourself and who you are fighting alongside of.

I don't go to reddit. I am "native" of this board. If you been here long enough you know you want out of this cesspool.

Then you know just as well as I do that we'll find another cesspool to sink into whenever this one is drained. All the same, it wouldn't be a good sign if this website were ever shut down.

Is the proletariat militia supposed to be looking up to the army of porky? You admire those bootlickers? You think women who will be in militias are going to see it your way, big-dick-energy mister man?
I've known veterans. By forcing the infantry through drilling, desensitizing them to the sound of gunfire, having them train with their weapons, and most of all: making them watch violent films that show fictionalized, Hollywood propaganda that completely glosses over the reality. They go fight and come back ruined. They fight for nothing. The ones that enjoy it— they belong in the gulag.
People do not gain an understanding of violence anywhere other than the battlefield. There is no "conditioning" that isn't just porky's conditioning: you're either made to be numb via being indoctrinated -mostly to not understand the situation or ask questions, to engage in ideological self-deception- or radicalized to take pleasure in letting violence loose without constraints. If you do figure it out, you end up mentally scarred, disfigured. That's because nothing can prepare you. You can only do it well if you're sincerely fighting for something worthwhile, truthful.
This is the natural response of adrenaline, so what do you mean? People don't start sobbing in the corner in combat… maybe a handful of people have a sudden panic reaction but most will not ever be trained well enough to be fearless, yet still capable of carrying out duties under fire. The people who can do it with no fear are indoctrinated to believe in objectively untrue things, and thus can act totally without regarded to facts and threats. If you want disposable allies, go be brownshirt. It is especially useless and deranged to tell someone under pressure that they should've just masturbated to guro more often.
Than not?
It seems you are experiencing the Dunning-Kruger effect.
If your view of materialism and the dialectic is that it is a pedestrian philosophy of immoralism made to indulge your every selfish whim, then of course you deny any Marxist ethic on the ground that all things are justified in the pursuit of Marxism, especially tea parties where the tea is child blood. That is not grounded in Marxist theory at all. There will be morality before the revolution; there will be morality afterwards. That morality is an ethic dictated by Marxist theory. Fucking… duh.
Psyche yourself up as much as you want, you're a nazbol.
Marxism isn't biology, it's economics and sociology. I don't give a damn that you want to mutilate people you personally dislike. You are a danger; wannabe serial killers from the lumpenproletariat should stick to joining up with the imperialist, "professional" armies.
The proletariat revolution by living proles in the world of feeling shit and crying when people die- and fucking, IDK maybe having a conscience and not being super angry at the world for you being a virgin- will have no need of this fantasy land game you've concocted in your head.
You reek of immaturity so I'm treating you like you do. Go fuck a woman, comrade. Stop masturbating to guns. When you realize what you're fighting for is people, maybe you'll start acting like them, being a human with some dignity again.

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No, but this does not change the fact that you will be fighting this army of porky and as such must be prepared to do so. The bourgeoisie will spare no expense in crushing any attempt at revolutionary socialism and no moral code will impede them preventing the establishment of a socialist governance. If you want to know what happens to socialist movements that do not go far enough, that do not match their enemies in conviction or severity, look at what happened to many of those who participated the various failed socialist revolutions that took place in Latin America. That is the fate of the revolutionary masses if we fail.
This is idealism. If your mind could not be conditioned or shaped, you would not be here making moralist appeals about how we shouldn't do so.
And our enemies will be conditioned and trained to extend themselves beyond their untrained limits. Would you have us accept this and just hope that through idealist virtue alone we will be able to out persevere them?
You make large assumption here, and what I am saying is done with the intent of preserving and saving life in the long run.
I did not say this
Nitpicking is not an argument
You should know rejecting moralism when engaging in an analysis of capitalism or discussing the necessary "revolutionary terror" of a socialist revolution does not mean indulging in your every selfish whim.
Your straw-manning here. Even so, the reason we are not going around having tea parties with childs blood during revolutions is because doing so would not bring us closer to socialism in the slightest. There is a reason I have been stressing necessity this entire time.
I'm curious what goes through your head when I say "We must do whatever is necessary". Do you just imagine me telling you to that we must engage in the most frivolous hedonistic masturbatory things because that's what you've put into your head as "necessary"? I also have no idea what you mean by "That morality is an ethic dictated by Marxist theory". What does that even mean?


It is in no way NazBol
2. efficient and unemotional; coldly detached. ex: "the clinical detail of a textbook"
There is my one nitpick now
Nowhere did I say this. Revenge seeking and unneeded mutilation is a waste of time and unnecessary. The time and resources could be better spent elsewhere.
I am not for unnecessary wanton slaughter towards individuals whom it would be a waste of time to kill. I am for strict, targeted violence towards necessary targets who impede the progression of a possible socialist revolution. Know the difference.
More character attacks with no basis.
I am not angry user. I am not engaging in perverse revenge seeking like some degenerate with a "list" of personal grievances and people to issue retribution against. I am stating that what must be done and what you may be called to do will not be comfortable and will be personally unnerving if not debilitating if you are not prepared, and thus that you should prepare. That is all.

Yes, because they utilize foot soldiers who are indoctrinated and ideologically blind to the horrors they are made to carry out. Most soldiers can't take the pressure and end up severely broken people. In a class struggle, proletarian militias- full of class conscious irregulars- would also end up with PTSD if you started making them slaughter their neighbors. That's exactly why they should have a proper dialectical opposition to enemies. Those who go against their class interests should be their targets. Your idea of "clean up" is euphemistic in a very sneering way. You're condescending that you're more of a true and honest Marxist because you'll kill people on ideological grounds eagerly while your average prole would only be motivated to kill necessary, direct antagonists of their wellbeing.
You denigrate the efforts of the proletariat everywhere by reducing them to simply not having strong enough convictions You think socialist revolutions fail, in short, because they are not willing to kill ideological opponents to homogenize their thinking… because they are weak, and weakness… weakness is bad. I truly feel sorrow thinking of the dead having been so utterly wasted.
If it can, why do you need to be obsessed with killing as a method to safeguard socialism? Is there not re-education through hard labor? Is there not an argument to be made to shape the minds of ideological opponents? If you give up on that, give up on changing your own mind. Just kill them instead. Then, expect to be killed in kind when you're no longer needed to handle the dirty things the newly born socialist state asked of you in revolution. If you believed that, sure, I'd agree. Like Moses never entering the promised land because of his momentary losses of faith. If you're fighting to live a better life that you cherish, wouldn't you rather it weren't entirely stained by poor decisions that got innocents killed?
I am advocating taking reality for what it is, acceptance. You should apply your awareness to the moment, not overly planned out scenarios of what-ifs. Deal in realities that are in front of you. Indoctrination and homogenized thinking about this won't help with coping after the fact. In a way, your thinking is just an inversion of some utopian inkling that one can convince everyone… all the same one thinks they must be capable of killing anyone who stands in the way. That's a paradox, really; however strong you want to play pretend at being, you'd be worthless if you really were the way you portray yourself. There's no point in living for ideology alone. The thing that lies beneath ones personal obsession with seeing that better world is some insecurity that led them to alienation and seeking conflict. That is to say… passion and love for something that maybe one doesn't understand themselves. If you can accept that then one must necessarily have something valuable, stakes. With that, you can't just deny that you'd be fighting for people. Marxism as politic is class struggle: it is only the fight for the betterment of the lives of the proletariat. At the core of it is not some glorious death and killing, but emptiness and want, desire. What do you really want? To feel like a hero? To be loved? Are you just surviving until you can find some secret, some fucking meaning…?
If there isn't the overwhelming combination of defectors from military and decently trained militias, there won't be any beating those people. No amount of LARPing and hyping yourself up is going to change the fact that an army of the people will be irregular and need to use irregular tactics. The most qualified people will be military defectors, officers and the like. Often, it's not the vanguard who occupy those roles.
I'm suggesting that there is no forcing victory via willpower or individualist actions. What happens must happen as a natural development of events. I'm suggesting it would be better to die with one's principles than to be reduced to some pathetic inversion of one's enemies.

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Whatever your say, Stefan. This is a light discussion despite your combative reading of the room, not an argument at all, so? lol?
Do you know this? It seems you think highly of your preparations, yet you seem aloof of your own motives and thinking. Back off from that all you want, your initial post did you no favors. Your idea of "clinical" is more "comical" to my palate. People will not engage in killing people like you described originally. They will not execute people with extreme prejudice. You think peoples emotions are "unnecessary" whereas I know they are the thing that makes revolution happen. Not singular, individualist sentiments, but the alienation of a great many at a focal point in human history.
Marxist thought has its own ethics stemming from it. It's like you want to believe purges and the like are what porky describes them as, as bloodshed against convenient, "justifiable" targets to eliminate dissent. That sort of thing is porky's methods, not rooted in Marxism.
I was making a joke, you buffoon. You are such a nihilist grump, a total borefest. I feel you are sad. Do you want a hug? I really shouldn't be so mocking of you. It seems you have a lot on your shoulders, going it alone like you are. By questioning you, am I causing distress? I apologize.
So you are for it when it's convenient targets? You might as well just admit it. There's no point in having a caveat if it's a meaningless distinction. If you justify anything and everything as acceptable if it is necessary, then you aren't using your critical thinking or mindfulness moment to moment. Then one wouldn't care about any form of innocence, not needing trials or a process, not even the scantest imitations of it. Action for action's sake— this, also, is considered an element of the fascist mindset.
I just don't believe you. I don't see you doubting your own statements; you are sincere and totally lacking in healthy skepticism of your own beliefs. What I do not believe is that you want to be this way. If you have any ambition in life, what does a merciless revolution have to do with that desire? Is it a negative one, then…? If you really have lost something, I'm truly sorry it has manifested in this frustration and anger (and no, just because you blandly assert you are not anger does not make it convincing). It makes me naive to your mind, because I am less prepared to act as you think is proper. I think that you believe you are wise and in control. To my estimation, you are nothing more than someone hoping you can win by emulating what you think is proven; that proven methodology, however, has only maintained a culture of justifying atrocity in the name of whatever crutch is convenient. It accelerates time and again pointless slaughter. So it is a proven failure, nothing more.

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