What does Zig Forums think of psychedelics?

What does Zig Forums think of psychedelics?

From anecdotal experience, it seems like these compounds invariably shift the user's political orientation leftwards.

It seems reasonable to believe that these induced experiences have a tendency of "dissolving" imposed/indoctrinated value systems and ideologies.

Historically speaking, the widespread distribution of LSD in 1960's America played a major role in catalyzing the anti-capitalist hippie movement, the anti-war movement, and armed leftist groups like the Weather Underground.

Even today, the stereotypical image of a psychedelic enthusiast is someone estranged from mainstream capitalist society - a marginal uninterested in "success", "making money", a "career", or any other capitalistic pursuits.

What role, if any, should psychedelics play in the worldwide working class movement?

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archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/they live carpenter/type/op/

Idk about LSD or other psychedelics but when I started smoking weed I became a Marxist, coincidence??????///?/?

This may sound weird, but I think it's easier to shake off social conditioning, which consists of a lot of brainwashing sometimes, after imbibing in weed or psychedelics. Sometimes that's for the better, sometimes for the worse.

They're neat but I personally don't like them.

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I dont like them because i have to pay for them

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The drug culture was deliberately introduced by the CIA to destabilize the left. It's about as porky-aligned as you can get.

I don't mind the drugs themselves, but I fucking hate drug culture with a seething passion. I grew up around enough of that shit and saw how it destroys people, and how druggies band together and terrorize anyone who isn't part of their shitty culture.

I think you're reading too much into it.

I want to at least try LSD once in my life, i want my mind to be messed with, though after i heard a story here about a guy's brother taking acid and then shitting on his own hand while tripping i've been reconsidering it. I don't want to do that

If you want your mind to be thoroughly fucked with, try Salvia Divinorum.

LSD and Meth were made by the Nazis. Taliban started getting rid of opium and the USA invaded them. Opium was used by Chinese laborers.

You need drugs in order to survive under Capitalism.

I know far more reactionaries and conservatives that have done acid and shrooms than I know leftists who have. Psychedelics are cool and fun, I believe they can have real personal value, I do not think they have any political value. If you are not already learning about or having personally enlightening experiences about politics it's not going to change that

Don't be a revisionist, LSD was a total accident.


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They hoped to use it to control people and instead it did the opposite. It made uncontrollable people. But those uncontrollable people weren't out of reach of the long dick of the law. So while yes drugs can expand your mind, help you undo all the brainwashing and conditioning pushed upon you by living in a country like the US, it also paints a big huge target on your back for these fuckers. Tread lightly.

you have to get 50x+ though or else it kind of sucks. itll blast you into space and destroy your brain for about 30 minutes and youll never want to try it again

Wasn’t LSD created by the CIA?

While that may be true, they were overwhelmingly idealists. Timothy Leary thought there would be no more wars or poverty in 30 years because everybody would do LSD and become nicer or something. It wasn’t about changing the system, there was little concept for what that meant. They just believed people were maniacs who couldn’t transcend their social programming enough to realize that things like war or profiteering were fundamentally harmful. Obviously now you have plenty of rich kids who do or have done LSD, it’s meaningless. It makes you dissociate in some way from your normal experience, but the manner in which you dissociate is still grounded in something.

A funny thing that always happened to me when I did LSD in the past (hard to find now, haven’t done it in many years) was that somewhere around the peak I’d be embroiled in this constantly churning search for an identity to ground an intepretation of my own history, or desires, or present emotions in. But the search is for the “correct” ground that reveals something novel. It always feels like it’s endlessly shifting, because it is like trying to maintain a perspective but also abolish it. Once you look at yourself from one angle, you realize you need to look at that angle as well. None of this would ever feel like a conscious decision, the drug would just do it to me and I’d keep feeling like I was mentally cannabalizing myself, like the room spinning when you are too drunk.

Anyways, the point of bringing that up was to say that I saw friends experience something like that around their peaks as well, and while I might come away with a particular interpretation theirs would always be just completely different. Even as you felt convinced that you were completely unmoored from everything you’d been conditioned to feel, you felt like an alien who had suddenly possessed this body or whatever, you were still grounded in some kind of bias driven by what you cared about. Some people come away thinking they have been fucking up their relationship, or maybe they should work harder at some passion, or maybe they suddenly feel like they should have children, or whatever. But whatever you think you learned will feel extremely profound, because you’ll often be convinced that you saw beyond the veil of every mental and social block hiding this truth from you. It is inevitably only temporary, but people become a little fanatically devoted to the profundity of their experience, whatever it was. And that is the issue with psychedelics and with hippies, they thought the drugs themselves would reveal good and true things to people. But they have no consistency in this regard, you actually can be amenable to suggestion on LSD even. I mean fuck, people involved with clearly exploitative cults of personality took LSD. People can take all kinds of shit from a psychedelic trip, none of it has to do with revolution either. And it does dissipate eventually, relatively quickly, and you feel like those apocalyptic experiences of total insanity are a distant memory and you go back to your routine patterns of thought and behavior.

No, it was first synthesized in 1938 by the Swiss pharmacologist Albert Hofmann who was looking for a new kind of analeptic. He accidentally discovered LSD's effects in 1943 after re-examining his samples. But the CIA did try to use it in their mind-control experiments, hoping it could be used as a suggestibility/brainwashing drug. They deemed it a total failure, as LSD made people much less inclined to mindlessly obey or fight, the opposite of what was desired

I like 'em. They don't, certainly not 'invariably'. They don't dissolve culture or value systems, just reveal them as arbitrary-contingent. It's true about the marginalization. The people who ever did LSD or act like hippies but are now businesspeople of some stripe never do LSD, shrooms, mescaline, or real psychedelics ever again. Or they did not have a shattering, religious experience. They stick with weed, ketamine, or other drugs/ new age practices.
They probably shouldn't play any role but personally I want to keep exploring them and maybe turn it into something [spoiler]profitable/spoiler]

It's really not like that. Maybe it can be if you eat like 5 tabs your first time and you're a knuckle-dragger sober. Personally my first time with LSD I rolled around on my bed in ecstacy (powerful almost uncomfortable body high at first, but don't worry), played with my dog outside, saw fractals peeling off the clouds, rode my bike to the lake to watch the sunset, peaked and felt that all human culture and striving were to get to this point but that they take 'simulacra' (certain words will just resonate with you) for the real and that's our tragicomic Fall. Went home and watched Waking Life and read Ulysses and Bodhidharma.

This, really.

This too in the sense of don't be a blabbermouth proselytizer.

It was made by a Swiss chemist Abert Hofmann who worked for a pharma firm, on accident.

Good post. The peak experience seems to be sort of different for everyone and it's not inherently 'revolutionary'. Like Hesse said in Siddhartha, one man's wisdom is another man's nonsense. I still look up to Leary. When you leave behind the academy and completely sacrifice your mainstream reputation you gotta make ends meet somehow.
This is why shamans take these drugs often.

Psychedelics are fun, and can help someone who is stuck in a rut to think about things differently for a while. Much prefer mushrooms to acid.

The naysayers here simply can't acquire them because their Jucher idol worship has cost them all of their friends.

That said, we should have a pot leaf flag on this board

They're inherently socialist

considering several of us have said from personal experience that they are not, I would like to understand your reasoning

Useless for anything other than personal amusement at best. Not really worth fighting against, just not worth advocating for.


Can be fun in the right context. Can impact one's view in a sort of existential sense and how you see yourself. Agree with
— in my experience, mushrooms have been much better and more 'enlightening' than acid.

It's good to do these things once or twice, but trying to party on them a lot will wear you down. It feels sad, but I don't think I'll ever experience anything like my first mushroom trip again. And even then I don't think I came away with any real political insight.

Don't know where I was going with this - but, uh, psychs are recreational. They're better than some other drugs and less addictive, but they're good for, like, bonding and appreciating nature not organizing or revolutionizing.

I like LSD, but it isn't something I like to do more than once every year or two. Shrooms and DXM are okay. I want to try some other stuff, but no money for buttcoins makes it hard.

Coming back is oddly therapeutic.

i havent been able to since it got banned, but it was such an intense experience of ego death and identity loss that i dont really feel any compulsion to go back

or if you meant the come down, i guess. it took like a week for my brain to process that shit and absorb it

Drugs aren't political. And as a matter of fact, as a broad observation I can say that most people who take existential meaning from high-dose psychadelic experiences will simply reinforce their previously existing belief systems or have new ones incepted with no preference or consistency in regard to the nature of those beliefs. I've known a fair handful of acid freaks that were blithering or at least passive-aggressive racists (as a matter of fact this seems to be a worryingly common trend among the deadhead/drainbow types, probably because these subcultures are almost entirely white and lead by hippy boomers), and literally none that were concerned with or even knew anything about economics in any dimension or at any scale. In virtually every case, these die-hard psychonaut subcultural users will claim, despite total ignorance of important concerning factors in human history, politics, and economy) that they possess some privileged knowledge granted them by psychadellics that makes their beliefs inherently valid. That knowledge usually boils down to an extremely simplistic policy or general idea ('daily orgies', 'we should just barter for stuff instead of money', 'everyone should be naked') with no critical thinking about the implications, possible detrimental effects, the multitude of problems that would be left totally unaddressed despite claims that they would be irrevocably 'fixed', etc. I believe this is probably due to entheogenic (spiritual) trips.

In short, psychadelics don't promote any particular ideology, which is probably why they don't seem to have been investigated further by intelligence agencies as a means for interrogation or inception of ideas. The results are extremely variable on a per-person basis.

That said, there does seem to be a basis for psychadellics in small doses or in higher doses as controlled meditative experiences as medication for various psychological disorders (prominently depression and PTSD). We don't have near enough data to absolutely confirm short- or long-term effects, but considering how ghastly the pharmaceutical alternatives are and how inconsequential negative side effects are relative to legal substances, research and personal experimentation should definitely be encouraged.

Psychedelic consumption is linked to the following things: prosocial and proecological behavior, empathy, openness, less materialistic value orientation, egalitarism, hope, creativity, greater mindfulness capacities, lower distress, higher energy, greater sensory sensitivity, and better neuropsychological functioning (see sources below).

But as stated, MKULTRA instrumentalized them to subvert the counterculture movement. During psychedelic experiences, you become very prone to spooks and this is what they did. However, with better education and in a better setting, you can hinder that. Psychedelics can traumatize, manipulate or heal. The guy who introduced psychedelics into the USA was Owsley Stanley located in the environment of the University of Berkeley. It's not surprising that drug prohibition which was introduced by the Nixon administration to criminalize the counterculture and civil rights movement still upholds and thereby restricting research. Nonetheless, due to psychedelics' therapeutical potential, more and more studies emerge. According to Walsh and Vaughan (1993), self-transcendent experiences can have transformative effects such as more moral behavior, better attentional capacities, greater positive emotions, redirected motivation, higher present-moment awareness, and cultivation of wisdom. IMAO they can cultivate societal progress (Wilber, 1983) but aren't inherently positive because the interpretation depends on one’s experiences, expectations and intentions (Simpson, 2014; ).

Psychedelics elicit in acute dosage so-called self-transcendent experiences which Yaden and colleagues (2017) defined as “transient mental states marked by decreased self-salience and increased feelings of connectedness to other people and one’s surroundings”. So, the alienation from humanity and nature (neoliberal pseudo-individualistic materialistic indoctrination) can be temporarily suspended. This dereifying mode of existential awareness is a form of pure dialectical consciousness nondual and self-transcended (also called nondual awareness or transcendental consciousness) which is IMAO a nonrepresentational mental state. In fact, some people became revolutionaries thanks to psychedelic experience. I know some of them by myself. Even Buddha is argued to have a trip that made him enlightened.


Bouso, J. C., González, D., Fondevila, S., Cutchet, M., Fernández, X., Barbosa, P. C. R., … & Riba, J. (2012). Personality, psychopathology, life attitudes and neuropsychological performance among ritual users of ayahuasca: a longitudinal study. PLoS One, 7(8), e42421.
Dolder, P. C., Schmid, Y., Müller, F., Borgwardt, S., & Liechti, M. E. (2016). LSD acutely impairs fear recognition and enhances emotional empathy and sociality. Neuropsychopharmacology, 41(11), 2638.
Forstmann, M., & Sagioglou, C. (2017). Lifetime experience with (classic) psychedelics predicts pro-environmental behavior through an increase in nature relatedness. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 31(8), 975-988.
Hendricks, P. S., Thorne, C. B., Clark, C. B., Coombs, D. W., & Johnson, M. W. (2015). Classic psychedelic use is associated with reduced psychological distress and suicidality in the United States adult population. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 29(3), 280-288.
Lebedev, A. V., Kaelen, M., Lövdén, M., Nilsson, J., Feilding, A., Nutt, D. J., & Carhart‐Harris, R. L. (2016). LSD‐induced entropic brain activity predicts subsequent personality change. Human brain mapping, 37(9), 3203-3213.
MacLean, K. A., Johnson, M. W., & Griffiths, R. R. (2011). Mystical experiences occasioned by the hallucinogen psilocybin lead to increases in the personality domain of openness. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 25(11), 1453-1461.
Nour, M. M., Evans, L., Nutt, D., & Carhart-Harris, R. L. (2016). Ego-dissolution and psychedelics: validation of the Ego-Dissolution Inventory (EDI). Frontiers in human neuroscience, 10, 269.
Soler, J., Elices, M., Franquesa, A., Barker, S., Friedlander, P., Feilding, A., … & Riba, J. (2016). Exploring the therapeutic potential of Ayahuasca: acute intake increases mindfulness-related capacities. Psychopharmacology, 233(5), 823-829.

The myth that LSD was invented by Hofmann can be scrutinized. CIA is younger than Hofmann's discovery, so that's not an option. Interestingly, Leo Perutz wrote in St Peter's Snow about an isolated ergot alkaloids just like LSD, 5 years before the official invention, which is used for social engineering. His family member Max Perutz was a nobel-winning molecular biologist and part of the Royal Institution. Hofmann himself corrected the narrative that LSD was not an accident but has an old history as Ignis Sacer, Anthony Fire, Magdalene Liver and Madonna Burn suggest. Dig deeper into the rabbit hole and you'll may think that there was a conspiracy by some people as stressed by the Huxley clan and others. IMAO similar derivates (today we know 1p-LSD, AL-LAD and many more) could be synthesized by witches. They rided their brooms besmeared with grease which contained psychedelics or other substances. It may be that the catholic church gathered some witchcraft knowledge. However, in 1793 Beddoes associated ergot with nervous affection. Its pharmacy research began in the first half of the 19th century. In 1907 the first effective alcaloid was isolated having an antagonistic effect to adrenaline. In 1918 Stoll who was Hofmann's lab head isolated ergotamine, LSD's precursor.

besides the drug therapy aspect, in past threads, we argued about how psychedelic drugs had a potential to open the doors of perception, if you forgive the cliche, but that this wasn't a universal experience. It seems there are reactionaries' reports whose trips reinforced their randian Übermensch imbecility. So the theory that makes most sense, I guess, is that these drugs can re-open an imprinting window, allowing one to push their beliefs deeper down into their personalities.

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You can grow weed and shrooms easily (much cheaper than making beer), you can join a club and have communal plantations like they do in Spain, comrade!

If psychedelics make you left wing, do deliriants make you right wing?

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I don't share your experience that drugs turn people leftwards, it's actually just a lie spread together with the hippie stereotype with the purpose of demeaning leftists and socialists in general (like in Okie from Muskogee).
In my experience conservatives and rightists are as much druggies as anybody, they just tend to hide and be ashamed hypocritical assholes about it, just like with everything else.

Recreative drugs won't make you smarter, it's just a fun and interesting experience, it's pleasure, liking psychedelics is in human nature, it's very hard to find a culture that didn't use at least one of them. People should be free to seek their own happiness by any means, they should be free to choose what kind of pleasure they want, be it drugs, non-conventional sex, watching anime, anything that doesn't hurt other people.
There are some very destructive recreative drugs tho, selling these things should be considered fraud, because the seller annouces to the buyer that they are recreatives when they are actually poison, but it's hard to decide which drugs would fall in this category.

Zig Forums literally drops acid and sees visions of being connected to the eternal white race and come down thinking they have to gas the jews. they feel at one with the universe and that their individual fascist ideas are in harmony with its motion. they read hitler and evola, carve runes, get high and larp in the forest and their experience reinforces what they already believe.

psychedelics aren't inherently anything. putting on tinted glasses might give you the benefit of distinguishing shapes and movement or light and dark but it doesn't tell you to be a leftist. replacing a quantity of 5-HT for LSD in your brain is simply a new filter that gives you a different perspective. what you do with it is entirely contingent on set and setting, ie your experiences and material conditions













The Greeks used LSD-like compound at the Eleusinian Mysteries. Plato was said to have partook in the ceremony. Psychedelics set the stage for progress of Western Civilization.

keyword 'suggestogens'; ignore conspiracy bs


and so on ./..

that's meth OP


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The good ones do.

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There's not a chance in hell these aren't bait




archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/they live carpenter/type/op/

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"no". No way a weird lady in the forest high on belladona could come up with those recipes in an age where alchemy was the state of the art.

You're right about LSD, but other entheogens such as Ayahuasca, shrooms, kykeon, peyote, bwiti, the sacred blue lily, salvia, morning glories, amanita muscaria, kava kava, and cannabis could easily be grown/brewed by some witch in the forest anywhere in the world. Anyways, here's an example of the difference in methods used in creating LSD and Ayahuasca / DMT in the post included; Protip; LSD requires lab equipment, meanwhile ayahuasca and DMT are something that can easily be made.

I'd advise getting some equipment if you're planning to handle NaOH in the DMT extraction. The addition of lye creates a lot of heat, which could cause your container to crack and spill corrosive goo everywhere.

Are you sure those guides would work albanianon? I've heard many drug guides online have been FED'ed, so who knows whether or not it's accurate? For example, i heard the addition of lye in the LSD formulation would get rid of the "lysergic" part of the lysergic acid dimethylide, or maybe the guy who said that was actually an anti-drug narc?

I'm very new at learning chemistry, but from what I understand, too much lye will make the solution too basic, which might disrupt the oxygen bonds in your lysergic acid.

Hopefully in the future I will be able to answer this question in more detail. IMO chemistry is a really useful thing for leftists to learn about. In case of a revolution or civil war type situation, whichever side knows the most chemistry will probably win.

Took acid and shrooms at the same time. Because a Fascist. AMA.

What's your definition of the word "fascist"?

Only married parents should be allowed to vote.
Mandatory gun ownership at 25.
Tax breaks based on number of children.
Outlaw porn.
Halt immigration.
Women shouldn't work because it is disgenic
Business licenses should be revoked if companies erode social capital.

Looks like the core of your belief system is an aesthetic dislike of liberal values. Pretty lame tbh. Ironically, you accept the same assumptions liberals make about economics. You reiterated the classic liberal belief that the state can somehow exert control over 'unethical' corporations for the good of society. In reality, the 'unethical' corporations control the state and it will always be that way due to the base-superstructure relationship (unless capitalism is replaced by socialism).

Core belief system is that wealth is a combination of genetic, social and material factors and that capitalism and socialism only account for the material. In response to your 'psychoanalysis' I would say you have ironically bought into the libertarian worldview that claims the state is somehow different from a corporation.

I've used every single class of drug currently available and even some that aren't available to anyone but skilled biochemists. I have used them and even been inspired to even higher levels of thinking; from Third-Eye Camera to Ego-Death. However, despite all of my experiences that made me feel as though I was connected to every single living being in the world…I never forgot that every single leftist is The Enemy and every single non-white is my Enemy and that I cannot rest until all of you have your heads cut off or are burned alive. Though I may die after killing a bunch of /trannycuck/ bitchbois with lead and fire…I will eventually reincarnate until all of you pieces of shit are gone for good.


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meant for (You)

Zig Forums - Le Pute De Juifs.

I don't deny people were experimenting with mushrooms all over the world, delirants in Europe, cacti and ayahuasca in America, iboga in Africa, and had their own rituals and so on, but there is no way people back then had access to an ergotic psychedelic that wasn't just plain poisonous ergot-infested bread.
That said, sometimes I think we would be better off if we all had a coming-of-age ritual with shrooms when we get 18 or something. It certainly gave me another perspective on life to do them at this age, beyond buying the "get a comfy 9-5 job until you retire and die" scam wholesale because you start thinking about perception, death and shit, and I think it was beneficial overall.

What textbooks or video material would you recommend to learn about it? I have some extremely basic knowledge from back when I was interested in RCs, but all of it is still black magic to me.

the guides are accurate

lye isn't even that big of a deal if you don't get it in your eyes or leave it on your skin. its slippery like bleach. people used it to make soap for hundreds of years

add powder to water not water to powder do it slowly a bit at a time and it wont heat up too much, it can crack mason jars if they are deformed or too thin

the hardest part for L would be the equipment and precursors

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i did 3 weeds

For classroom/textbook type knowledge, I would recommend this channel's General Chemistry and Organic Chemistry playlist:

This guy does actual practical chemistry (extracting capsaicin out of peppers, urea from his own urine, making old pharmaceuticals, etc) on camera and explains the basics of what's happening:

Similar to above except except with less production values:

This one is good for learning about different elements, although it won't be too useful if your only interest is organic chemistry:

More advanced information on psychedelic synthesis:

Video walkthrough how to make DMT:

A good lab manual is a must if you don't want to kill yourself by accident. "Organic Chem Lab Survival Manual" is what I would recommend. Also, get Jonathan Clayden's book on Organic Chemistry (intuitive rather than memorization-based approach)

Tbh it would be a challenge to gain an advanced knowledge of chemistry without taking classes because of how hands-on it is. But it's been done before (many clandestine chemists of the '60s were self-taught). With enough dedication, anything is possible

Thank you very much! I don't necessarily want to start extracting or synthesizing stuff, just want to know how it works because I'm curious…!
t. not CIA, I swear

Uhhh, what did he meme by this?

He glows in the dark

Just wanted to make ∞fags more paranoid.
That Professor Dave guy is pretty cool btw, he also made good videos on calculus, you should all subscribe to his channel!!!

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The fact that he's far-left politically makes it even better. Note the red star in the introduction, as well as his perspective of the pharmaceutical industry in this video:


That said, psychiatrists are slowing moving away from the "depression = not enough serotonin" model from what I've heard– even though catecholamines are certainly involved into depression, otherwise amphetamines and cocaine wouldn't make you feel so good. But anyway, that guy makes pretty good videos for people who want to learn stuff we missed in high-school.


A lot of my friends in high school took acid and became alt right conspiracy theorists and "pyschonauts" browsing erowid at lunch.

I've taken acid a handful of times and it was fun but never taught me anything or gave me any sort of epiphany, other than the fact that acid doesn't give you any genuine insight. If anything, the friends that have taken acid and were already leftist fell down a new age gnostic hole and became insufferable.

its literally as easy as cooking


Maybe it's because I don't have enough theoretical knowledge, but LSD only helped me in fighting schizophrenia


The only thing about weed that is likely to change your beliefs is the cringe culture which surrounds it, which tends to be quite leftist due to the right wing tendency to see drugs as degenerate.

I remember trying to debate some un epic libt*rd while high and I just wanted to address what we agreed on, so maybe it makes you more friendly for a time.

I guess I've gained an ongoing appreciation for nature and the natural order though, which just increased my levels of eco-fash

Never done LSD but I imagine this is about right

Taking psychedelics made me realize the world as we perceive it is only a limited part of the world, that what Kant calls "noumena" very probably exist. I have a degree in cognitive science because of this.
That said, I hate the new age subculture surrounding psychedelics as well. The scientific aspect of drugs is extremely interesting, and yet these people prefer to talk about spirits and repeat uninformed misconceptions like "X is harmless because it's natural" (so are death caps). I hate most drug users, they are fucking dumb and seem unable to read basic shit on Erowid.

I smoke weed regularly and I've tried psychedelics a number of times. Never experienced anything spiritual on it, just fatiguing 16-hour trips with little to show for it.
I've met people who claim that doing LSD once changed their life permanently for the better, but I've never seen it as anything other than a drug. A drug with some pretty wild chracteristics, but just a drug nonetheless. It hasn't made any impact on my politics either.

welp there you go, alright lads cancel the experiment, weed doesn't fix the big gay