Death Penalty

yes, conventional death penalty is for the most part used only for murder crimes and it requires that there is solid evidence that the person did it with full will and with cold blood and that the person has no serious mental issues.
this narrows it down to paid killers and people like pic related.
however in a revolution other than obvious porkys like bezos it is hard to know who manipulated his way into rich and who got rich the rightful way and stayed on it.
not like all of them will kill themselves once they get collectivized lol

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lol how did Brevik not have serious mental issues.

The death penalty has no place in a just society. Revolutions aren't just so do whatever you have to then, but it shouldn't be in place permanently.

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It doesn't matter whether private-property owners "deserve" to die. What only matters is the practicality of the situation, and in which case giving them a humane death is the quickest way to get through a period of likely intense suffering.



It could be possible if you live in a nation where almost no one gets convicted and only super specific crimes get the death penalty. But for example in the case of something like the Great Purge, where ~680,000 people were executed it's impossible.

Yes, that could easily be accomplished by only executing people who were caught red handed where there isn't a shadow of a doubt about guilt. Someone who was caught and arrested while preforming a mass shooting for example.

Where do you think you are?

Good answer
