Yes. Oh what will poor till now uncorrupt Ukraine do about it.
Ukraine election
Tbf that isn't quite what happened in Italy, one of the founders of the party died, and the other was basically sidelined by conspiracy nuts and right-sycophants.
As I've put, Zelensky can turn-out three ways: he will be a weak puppet president that will likely lead to Ukraine becoming a parliamentary republic by default, he will be an effective tool for specific oligarchs that will only continue Ukraine's decline, or he will be a reformist that; due to his russkije heritage, will unite Ukraine behind a new civic notion and heal the wounds of the Russian east and Nationalist West. Only time will tell.
Italy fucked up because said Comedian didn't win a majority and decided to govern with Lega Nord, which has managed to cuck the comedians party and not only dominate the policy conversation for their far right policies but also use them to shoot up in popularity. 5 star is just one fuck up away from the lib dem treatment
Turnout increased vs the first round and 2014 election. Weird for the second round of an election.
Lamo the second highest turnout regione is Luhansk.
Ukraine will be integrated into the Russian SFSR as the Novorossiya ASSR and the Malorossiya ASSR.
Is Zelensky Khmer Rouge Gang?
I posted some shit about the election in the *honk honk* thread since it's more active now.
Poroshenko is a total faggot.
tanks can thank me for editing Crimea out of Ukraine
I dunno exactly what to make of him. People don't simply get "elected" in Ukraine it's a country where literally ONE MAN controls close to 50% of GDP and 5 others control the rest it's beyond markets, democracy capitalism, monopoly and feudalism at this point this is next level shit and yet it's "democratic" and unpredictable unlike Russia which is a dictatorship there's no one group or one Oligarch with a monopoly on power. He's probably a shill for oligarchs like Kolomoisky he has zero experience and is literally a fucking clown who is about to enter a Game Of Thrones type of world of murder and geopolitical intrigue.
For one his victory is in some way a Victory for Putin since the narrative of Russian state media about Ukraine has been partially vindicated. People hated Poroshenko so fucking much they elected a clown jew with no programme or party simply because he's not Poroshenko. Since 2014 the situation has gotten worse, the people got poorer, the reforms failed, and shit became shittier. This is a failure of the Western establishment since they seemingly had no idea what the fuck was going on inside Ukraine all this time. The fact that Poroshenko only got the Lvov oblast shows that the entire bandera Galich SS battalion larp they had going for them was entirely the ideology of Western Ukraine and only the Lvov Oblast in particular. The fact of the matter is most Ukranians speak Russian and they can't and don't want to speak Ukranian in schools and when dealing with government services there aren't may Ukranian speaking teachers professors or textbooks thus the quality of education and everything quickly went to shit. Another thing the Western establishment didn't quite realize was that since most Ukranians speak Russian and not Ukranian and not English or any other language they are still subjected to the entire Russian narrative on Ukraine even though Russian TV and Russian Websites are banned Google is definitely not banned Russian state propaganda is hosted all over Youtube for example and gets tens of millions of views per video.
On the other hand while Ukraine broadly doesn't want war the idea that it will jump back into Russia's orbit and forget about the annexation of Crimea and the bloodbath on Donbass also won't happen if anything those conflicts will be frozen like it happened in Georgia and Moldova which is what Putin is going for.
Since a clown got elected and there was a pro clown and anti-Poroshenko media campaign in the Ukranian media with most channels being anti-Poroshenko the question becomes who is responsible and it's not Putin who doesn't control Ukrainian media and it's not the West since they have no interest in a clown president undermining their entire narrative. The media that supported clown was oligarch owned particularly Kolomoisky and Akhmetov and we can assume that the are now in charge of Ukraine. These people only have one interest and that's pillaging and looting Ukraine they will try to play both sides the West and Russia while keeping the status quo they don't want Ukraine to actually become "|Western" with rule of law and regulations and shit because they literally own everything and are above the law likewise under Putin they would also get either crushed or neutered and removed from having political power so what will happen is that shit will stay as it is with the population getting poorer and things getting worse even more with maybe less open conflict and less Bandera type larp although once Zelensky ultimately fails to deliver the nationalists far right in Ukraine will go after him and it will be openly anti-semetic and zealous at that point