Greetings from a Board less Sheltered

I was recently banned from this board and have only returned after getting permission from a friend to use his devise
(feel free to ban him as well if you wish, i very much doubt he will ever try to post on here of his own volition)
And I was banned previously, largely for expressing ideas that did not mesh with the orthodoxy of the board
Ideas that were to say, not leftist, at least in Marxist sense of the word.
And this is largely becuase, i myself am not a Marxist.
I am instead a Not Socialist, and you largely are not.
And this is infact the point which vexes me.
For most of you do not seem unintelligent to me, many of you are infact quite well read and well versed in most of the sociopolitical and economic view points which you collectively espouse.
I suspect many of you even have larger academic achievements in your respective fields, having dedicated over half a decade of study to the given subject matter.
And this is what seems some what logically impossible to me
For if you had studied deeply into of said fields,
including even a basis study of Marxist theory
You should have logically come to the position of Not Socialism.
I sense this assertion needs evidence, or rather explanation so will provide you with it.
If you studied biology then you would have learned that man is first and fore most a darwinstic creature
The function and nature of all said life being to reproduce as much of their genes as phisically possible in an attempt to outcompete other genes
It is in this way certain genes are determined superior or inferior
It is likewise your function as a creature working in a darwinistic world to help those with genes similar to you to out compete those with genes less similar to you
This assertion would have led to Not Socialism as the ultimate philosophical conclusion

If you studied economics in depth you would learn of the cancer of interest bearing debt backed fiat currency and this would have led you to the obvious state of the abolishment of central banks, and perhaps even currency being the backing of capitalist system and markets themselves
This in turn may have led you to marxism. Where, it should have at least also led you to Not Socialism.
Because any serious study of the history of marxism would have led you to understand that almost every communist regime that is plagued with atrocity (USSR, (bolshivic) spain, even red china) largely did so by the presence of a small ethnic group which saught power over the ideal of equality amoung the working class
As even Chompsky admits, is a "right wing" and power consentrated corruption of marxism which does not allow for any of the ideals either the russian revolution or spanish civil war were fought on
This is in obvious stark contrast to "marxist leaders" like Castro or Kim Il-sung who founded largely nationalistic and socialistic regiems (Which did not allow the admittence of said ethnic group into their state)
Simply put, Not Socialism is a form of socialism that deals with almost all the flaws in marxism
And updates it to a modern and scientifically accurate understanding of evolution.
It does not allow cabals or cartels to gain power over the ethnic proletariat of the country.
And unifys the previously bourgeoisie with the people allowing administrative skills to be preserved without preserving the exploitation common under capitalism.
In simple terms lefty pol
why havent you taken the redpill yet?

Attached: marx and rothschild.jpg (1628x962, 750.49K)

Other urls found in this thread: year was the communist manifesto published&oq=year the communist manifesto was pu&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.0i22i30.823.2837..4233...0.0..0.87.662.9......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71j0i70i251.FRQYktmrXyE year was origin of species published&oq=what year was origin published&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.0i7i30j0i8i30l2.15954.22918..24468...2.0..0.138.2279.32j1......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71j0i30j0i7i10i30j0i13j0i8i7i30.KXug1f9V4d0 year was Marx's capital published?&oq=what year was Marx's capital published?&aqs=heirloom-srp..

your board apparently feels the need to censor speech
how orwellian
any place where "not socialism" appears
can be replaced with

First off, by claiming nazism is actual socialism, you're basically inviting the whole left spectrum to shit all over your thread. Communists have always considered nazism a german version of fascism, hell even fascist have.

Because it's exactly that

thx for your effort, but please go away now. thanks.

user if we are going to start judging what things are but what they are called, you, me and the entire spectrum of on popular opinion are well and trully fucked
Because we all in short order occupy the same space of fascist/communist/totalitarian/anarchist/ anyotherfucking ideology that slightly differs from the machinations of our masters

If na tional socialism is a form of fascism
the it is the only form of fascism that ever called for the destruction of markets
And most "communists" who were around Not Socialism largely called it fascism on the basis of them wanting to fight it, because they were jewish bolshivics (funded by central bankers from europe and america) who sucessfully hijacked the communist revolution in russia and used it to
once again
create a ruiling class, explotation, and oppression of the russian proletariat


Why can't I post my own thread. WTF

mods probably about to shut this one down bro
sorry for the collator

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Jewish bolsheviks? You seem to be parroting tsarist propaganda from over a century ago. The Russian revolution would've been destroyed if it wasn't for the bolshevik party.

Of the 350 commissars that headed the 350 soviets at its founding
4 were black
9 were china men
a few dozen were arab
and over 300 were jewish
this is confirmed by both the soviets internal records, US intelligence gathering, and correspondence and journals of the comisars themselves

Attached: bolshivism.png (722x463, 454.77K)

The fundimental flaws of marxism is that it
was written before the theory of evolution was discovered or scientifically proven
It does nothing to save the ethnic proliteriat of a country from the manipulation and eventual domination from outside tribal elements who se themselves as seperate from the proliteriate, regardless of class

Both of said problems are solved by the latter form of socialism
Whos name the πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§modsπŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ wont allow me to type.

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Ask yourself something
why is it that "marxism" is allowed to be popularized on college campuses, the internet and popular culture while Not Socialism and anarchism are not?
If it is the case, as i think is fairly obvious that we are ruled by a a group of tightly nit investors
why is this supposed rebellion against them allowed when others are censored?
It is simply put because "marxism"
as it is portrayed in its bolshivic form allows them to retain their power
while Not Socialism and social anarchism (in theory) do not

Attached: anti-semitism-in-ussr.jpg (500x500, 83.5K)

The only jewish member of the first soviet government was Trotsky. Posting shitty nazi propaganda isn't gonna change the facts.

Hitler was a fascist who betrayed all the relatively socialist elements of his party, proceeded to establish a capitalist oligarchy led by the arms industry and then started history's bloodiest war

If what i said was even remotely untrue
you'd disprove it with a census and be done with it

The war was started by churchill not hitler and if you dont know that then you have such a westernized propagandic view of history that i am rather shocked to se yourself call yourself a leftist
Hitler created a debt fee, labour based currency in germany from which the international bankers could not profit
for this reason Churchill guarenteed polish sovereignty
He even admitted as much about the war that you can still find documented today

The idea that hitler "started" the war when he invaded poland
or for that matter that england gave a flying fuck about polish independence (letting them be conqured and ruled over by the USSR for 40 years after hitler) is mind numblingly absurd and rediculous

All money since the invention of currency is underpinned by debt. It doesn't really matter whether it's "backed" by gold or oil or whatever else, what matters is the state's ability to collect taxes in the form of that currency. Here you go user, free yourself of these spooks already. The knowledge is at your fingertips, all you have to do is read.

worth a read
thanks user

This thread fucking stinks.

There's nothing to disprove because you're just making shit up about bolsheviks.
This argument isn't gonna work here. The outbreak of WWII was preluded and directly caused by fascist aggression from 1931 to 1939

Here's what Orlando Figes, an anti-communist has to say

"Although, of course, it must never be forgotten that while many revolutionaries were Jews, relatively few Jews were revolutionaries. It was a myth of the anti-Semites that all the Jews were Bolsheviks. In fact, as far as one can tell from the elections to the Constituent Assembly in 1917, most of the Jewish population favoured the Zionist and democratic socialist parties. As the Chief Rabbi of Moscow once remarked, not without his usual Jewish humour: 'The Trotskys make the revolutions and the Bronsteins pay the bills".

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Clearly you do understand the inner machinations of the english language
so allow me to explain them to you
when someone makes a claim
(IE over 300 of the original 350 comisars were Jewish)
that claim can either be proven true or proven untrue by the use of facts
which are defined as realities bearing upon the material world
were you to say
disprove what i said
you would have to use realities of the material world to complete this task
if i were infact to quote you
"just making shit up"
it would be a fairly easy task to accomplish
but as you have not it would seem you unalbe
either confined by reality your mental prowess
to complete this task
I se
you are labouring under the delusion that your opinion holdes some intrinsic value
and that this allows you to speak for the whole of your board?
giving this board the benefit of the doubt that it does not wish to be defined or championed by such a bumbling, retarded moron that thinks
statements cannot be disproven
Id say that it would probably be best for you to retract your claim and or make a statement OF SOME FUCKING SUBSTANCE!

The question of whether or not most jews were bolshivics comes off as semi irrelevant to me
does it not to you?
If jews gained a disproportionate amount of power in both the soviet unions brand of "communism" and americas brand of "capitalism"
and used both systems to create self serving tribalistic regiems that were run to the determent of their given soceities
this would be a reason to bar them from power and or the state no?

Attached: jewsinthemedia.jpg (4500x4602, 3.88M)

Isn't it up to you to prove it?

my god you really are scared shitless of using google arent you?
if you still havent by morning?
i will
jesus christ

There wasn't an institution with "300 jewish commissars" existed. Like I said, Leon Trotsky was the only jewish member in the first government of Soviet Russia. Sorry if the truth hurts, maybe you should realize that Zig Forums is frying your brain.

Not really, you just claimed fascism didn't start WWII which is wrong.

Darwin himself never mentioned any oughts from his evolutionary theory

well what are their names? surely it would be easy to list of all these hundreds of supposed Jewish commissars, no? show me your sources, not some quote by an anti-Semite without any statistical evidence. the very implication that of the "350 commissars" (once again, who are these? show me some names) were majority Jewish is ridiculous considering the very ethnic makeup of the Russian Empire.
most members of the Politburo and actual governing bodies of the USSR were made up of mainly Russians, Ukrainians, Georgians, Poles, and Balts. there was not a single Arab, or "china man", nor were there any blacks. the only Jews with any real influence in Soviet politics were Trotsky, who was ousted in the 20s, and Kaganovich. and beyond this, simply having Jews in a government no matter how many, does not automatically make the USSR "Jewish" in nature. there were Jews in the White Army as well, but it doesn't make them Jewish. the problem with your line of arguing is that you dismiss any other form of ethnic majority, and only focus on the Jews. there were a disproportionate amount of Georgians in the CPSU, including Stalin and Beria, yet you never hear of a "Georgian conspiracy". Latvians, Lithuanians, Estonians, Poles, Ossetians, and Finns were more over-represented than Jews by capita, so what of that?

Beria wasn't even Jewish, he was a Georgian. you can put a star of david next to as many names and faces as your heart desires, but it doesn't make it true.
bull fucking shit. assuming we are talking about the 6 million figure of the Holocaust, then you are implying that Beria was somehow able to kill 24 million people in a span of less than 15 years. and you call the holocaust unreasonable? not even the most ardent anti-communists claim that many people died in the USSR, and there is no evidence in the Soviet archives of this either. 24 million people dying in that small a time frame would have caused some drastic fucking effects, much more than the usual numbers thrown around.
also throwing in the term "Christians" doesn't make your argument any more convincing and is very clear another attempt to smear the Bolsheviks as some evil deeply triggering and problematic force that steamrolled all the pure hu'white Russians and Ukrainians and replaced them with subhumans or whatever.

what is that image supposed to prove? that you're either an ardent anti-Semite, or a Jewish puppet? i see, you either want to kill all the Jews, and those who don't regardless of whether or not they are Jewish are automatically supporting some secret agenda. have you considered that maybe some people don't discriminate based on things like race? the USSR punished all forms of racial discrimination, not just Jewish, because they had no reason to. life isn't some black and white reality where you're either one extreme or the other.

you have not backed up any of your own claims yet, only resorting to unsourced inforgraphics and quotes i've seen a million times on Zig Forums
it is not our job to disprove your bullshit when you just pull statistics out of your ass. anyone can make up claims, and if you are really trying to convince us that the Jews were indeed a majority in the Soviet government, then you should source.
that's literally what you're doing, you present your opinion as objective fact without needing to back it up, and then ask others to debunk it for you. this is not how you argue.
also you
should stop typing
like this
it makes you look
which doesn't help
considering you
are already presenting
retarded arguments,

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Your fucking retarded as shit

Ah of course, this is an inviolable axiom, it is much like how if you see an old lady using a walker, it is your duty to kick it out from under her and laugh. It is to deny reality itself to deny the cruel mistress that is Gravity, if she cannot stand up unaided she is not fit to survive in a newtonian world. Likewise all buildings over one story must be demolished, it is only the degeneracy of cultural einsteinism that allows them to stand.

(if you still don't get it, just because humans evolved through natural selection doesn't mean that is some kind of moral law that we are bound to follow inherently, we make our own purpose in life).

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Well good morning lefty pol,
I appreciate you not censoring my thread in the night lol.
And will do my utmost to answer your questions and concerns to the best of my ability.

Feel free to slog through it as i did.
Well it would seem you and

he seems to think there were only 7
such a man is dooubtless a dangerous anti semetic pol shill
World war 2 was started by the capitalist investors of britian who were worried the eastern block and bolkans were going to fall out of their control (ie democracies manipulatable by forigne capital) and come under totiltierian rule
there is a reason however why said ((capitalists)) didnt mind the soviets ruiling over said land
and that is because they had founded their revolution

Never before in the history of conscious life did a being think it was superior for being defective
Rejecting the biological imperative of reproduction within the subspecies, and support of members within the subspecies does not make one enlightened, intelligent or even commplex
it just makes whatever form of carbon based life has the misfortune of possessing this defect inferior to all other life which does not.
Inferior to everything from rats, to cock roaches to chimps all of whom understand and fullfill their basic biological purpose

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About as easy as listing the "names" of the current active heads of the CIA or NSA i imagine
if you believe what information goverments put out about themselves without skepticism you are going to find outself often confused.
Well as one i showed before in this post the transrcipt on the house hearing on the role of bolshvisim and its origins
Knowing in what esteem you lads hold scholarship tho
ill let you find the revelent passages yourself
i wouldnt want to be accused of doctoring evidence
infact if you dont trust my link to be accurate
just google U.S. Senate Document 62, 1919 and hit the first second or whichever link pops up
Almost as ridiculous as in a nation of 320,000,000 people 4 of the 9 suprme court justices being jewish no? along with being chairmen of the federal reserve for 5 unbroken generation with jews being only 2 percent of the population?????
most members of the Politburo and actual governing bodies of the USSR were made up of mainly Russians, Ukrainians, Georgians, Poles, and Balts.
Are we pretending the USSR was democratic now?
if you seriously believe the fiction that the worker councils held any real power (especially after they were dispanded)
you're fucking dense

Clearly you and I arent going to get anywhere because we disagree on what a jew is.
When i se speak of "judaism" i am speaking of the ethnic group on which that religion founded itself, not upon orthadox upringing. This is why despite what your pic would have you believe
lennin himself was also jewish
as well as i am sure a great deal more who failed to reasearch from your copy post
Stalin for instance married a jew and yet this is not indicated in any way shape or form
What of it is that jews are a tribal people who through nepotism and manipulation gain there way into almost every movement they are capable of joining an attempt to rule over their hosts this has happened in many nations throughout history, while it has not happened in the case of poles balts or :"Georgians" You're entire basis of argument is that the jews did not controll the soviet union to the level i believe, and you site largely soviet sources to do this… Well lets accept it.Lets say that the soviet union never lied once about its governing ethnic make up or said proportions.
How does this in any way shape or form disprove the power of jewish influence?
By your own admintence 17 percent of the first central commitiee of the USSR
Were jews 17 percent of the population? 15 percent? 10 percent? even 5 percent? No they were tiny powerless minority who wormed their way into power on the back of revolution.
Statistically there shouldnt have been a single jew in the first central committee of the USSR if there was no jewish disproportion of power.
Berias mother had a previous spouse whos name she kept and whos child took the name of despite her second husanband (and beria's supposed "father") having a different one
The first husbands genetic line has never been thouroughly reasearched
The pic was made i suspect by a christian, which is probably the reason for the denunciation Many christians believe jews to be satanic for this and various other reasons
That you're either willing to kill people who insult jews or you are not.
hahhaha that one made me smile No user, i do infact want to "kill all jews"
i just dont want to be ruled by them
its called white.
Maybe but if you are going to talk to someone you kinda have to. Otherwise there is no god damn point in you talking now is there?

the profound inteligent discourse of lefty pol laddies and gentlemen

The laws of nature do not require you as a biological being to follow the laws of gravity
by your very nature infact you defy them everytime you get your ass out of bed in the morning.
What i am talking about is the fundimental function of life.

No we dont.
Regardless of how fucking special you feel today you are still nothing more then a clump of self replicating cells that evolved a brain to help those cells replicate.
If your brain determines you should not do this, then you are merely a failed expermiment of human evolution and will die off like the, quite litterally, inferior being you are, within a generation

So your literal proof for this organization of "300 Jewish Commissars" is a United States testimony claiming that, without any actual physical proof, that the government was German and Jewish(?), that there existed a list that was "circulated prior to 1917" that gave Jewish names (??), and that there was a "rare book" that the person giving the testimony didn't have on him but claimed to have read after being gifted it by an orthodox priest and that this said book told of anti-christian Jewish organizations in Russia(???).
Truly you have given us the compelling evidence we needed.
Read again. Trotsky is the only Jewish member of the First Soviet government, aka the 1917 Council of the People's Commissars. The image stating there were 7 Jews is referencing the first Central Committee of the USSR (1924). These are not the same.
You want to actually back this unfounded garbage? Let me ask you this, if the western capitalists had no problem with the Soviets having said land and "founded their revolution" why did they:
A) Intervene in the Russian civil war against the Bolsheviks
B) Institute a gold blockade multiple times on the USSR prior to WWII, effectively blocking it from using gold (something they had a lot of) to trade for materials and supplies, doing so even DURING the great depression and demanding exclusively grain and timber.
C) Initially reject the Soviet request in 1939 for both England and France to enter into a defensive alliance with it in order to guard Poland, the Baltic's, and Czechoslovakia, with both countries pulling out because they felt it would provide the USSR too much influence in those countries
D) Provide monetary and industrial support to the Nazi's during their development of Germany
E) Stall opening up a western front until well after Stalingrad
F) Literally formulate a plan to bomb the USSR's oil fields at the beginning of WWII
Apparently you don't though because your source is from an anti-bolshevik government currently engaged in intervention in the civil war against the bolsheviks with "testimonies" relaying second hand accounts with little to no primary sources.
It was
And you seem to believe whatever anti-USSR, anti-bolshevik nonsense you can find. How about you actually read about how the government functioned rather then repeat literal liberal talking points.

That image is counting the ethnic component. Lenin was barely a mischling by Nazi standards and had no knowledge of himself being Jewish at all. He was a "mutt" at best.
Read the National Composition of the CPSU. The central committee is one part of the Soviet government. If there was any group that was over-represented in the government and the party as a whole by population, it was the Liatvians.
But somehow Beria is Jewish now?
All forms of racism was punishable in the USSR, not just anti-semitism. Also, the exact quote details that only "active anti-semitism" is punishable in such a manner, as in white army pogroms and the actions of the black hundreds. "active" being the key word here.
So you are not white?
You're fucking retarded because the theory of evolution WASN'T discovered after Marx. Darwin's writings had a profound influence on Marx, and its what partially inspired him to write about the development of human societies and economies throughout history. Historical materialism is literally just Darwin's theory of evolution applied to human economies/societies. For fucks sake, Marx talks about how the material conditions that humans find themselves in influences the society and economy they form, and how through class conflict different classes overthrow others in order to seize control and form a society different from the one before but still built upon it. When Marx "breaks" Hegel's dialectics, he's doing a lot more than just doing a one for one swap.

Truly you have given us the compelling evidence we needed.
My evidence comes from the internal declassified discussions of a government engaged in espionage against the USSR.
The price of said information being wrong could well have led to disaseterous policy for the united states.
While its hard to understand in the bush era of laissez faire bullshit cia reports
there was a time when delivering flase information to congress would have gotten you lined up against a wall and shot
So by your own admission its a bullshit inforgraphic that in no way shape or form adequately represents the amount of jews in the soviet government?
They central bankers from london and america literally founded the revolution
Because the point of the great depression was to justify complete nationalization of the banking industry as well as the seizer of privately owned gold.
The depression was manufactured
And yet ended up supplying them enough sheet steal to actually suprpass german production
Because rothschild was worried stalin was getting uppity after some of the initial purges
>F) Literally formulate a plan to bomb the USSR's oil fields at the beginning of WWII
Because again they were worried they might loose control of stalin notice how he "died in his sleep" right before he began talking about another purge
And your infomration comes from the soviet government which routinely lied about output, military victory and its own countries history
pic rleated
And yet for some fucking reason the leader seemed to coincidentally get what he wanted most of the time..
user when how your government claims to have functioned disagrees with almost every relevent testimony
you are labouring under something called propaganda
You're refering to the nuremburg laws
not the actual National Soycialist policy for the SS
one drop of jew blood is jew blood
and how the fuck do you KNOW what lennin knew.
muh "why dont you care about this fucking group"
because latvians have not engaged in this type of behavior contiously throughout history

Attached: stalin-composite-16x9.jpg (1200x675, 232.5K)

He very well may be
and you percented as if you knew
which you dont.
Ah i se
so it isnt thought crime?
its speech crime.
how fucking forgiving.

And now you just plain fucked up
> year was the communist manifesto published&oq=year the communist manifesto was pu&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.0i22i30.823.2837..4233...0.0..0.87.662.9......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71j0i70i251.FRQYktmrXyE

> year was origin of species published&oq=what year was origin published&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.0i7i30j0i8i30l2.15954.22918..24468...2.0..0.138.2279.32j1......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71j0i30j0i7i10i30j0i13j0i8i7i30.KXug1f9V4d0

Yeah marx definately wrote about a theory that hadnt been published yet.

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This barely ever happens during this period and the United States got information about the USSR wrong all the time, the nuclear gap being the deleterious. The informant isn't even an agent, its just a person who was in the USSR and claimed to be privy to certain information. There was literally no actual physical evidence presented, no actual detailed espionage done.
What? It's literally two different government bodies. If there was any figure that told of the whole government, it would by the stats talking about the ethnic make-up of the whole party, a stat you refuse to acknowledge
The only ones to my knowledge who funded the "revolution" (like Schiff) backed the provisional government, NOT the Bolsheviks. You know, that provisional government made up of mensheviks and more conservative groups? The entire west went into a panic when the Bolsheviks took over.
Sure, let's just ignore the instability of the market at the time. Regardless, why would they literally refuse to allow the Bolsheviks to use gold? Why attempt to purposely stunt them by asking for grain and timber?
Any support the Soviets recieved was after the war had already begun, and the amount of support they got was a fraction of what they were already producing. The support they received was barely sufficient.
It wasn't only the Rothschilds. Try Ford, the Warburg family, Nestle, Chase Bank, Coke-a-cola, General Motors, and IBM. And that's not even all of them, nearly every large company provided materials and supplies to a developing Nazi Germany.
So what, he was under their control in the first purge but not for this alleged coming second? If they were so in control of him, why the hell did they constantly reject and refuse any form of agreement with him until the Nazi's literally invaded.
Sources which have actual physical data, something which your testimony lacks any.
Except when he fucking didn't. Did you know Stalin personally hated the "cult of personality" built around him and made frequent demands to stop it? Did you think that actually caused it to cease? No, because the government felt that during the time it helped with moral and that Stalin should just suck it up. The entire government wasn't just Stalin.
Explain how this testimony isn't anything less than people relaying white army propaganda? Your source is literally a man saying that "I got this list, the source is totally trustworthy despite having no real information on them, also this rare book I don't have but totally read that was gifted to me by a preist tell of evil Jewish anti-christian organizations". That's your proof.
We're not talking about the SS, and the Nazis had multiple half-jews and quarter-jews in their ranks.
Because them being part Jewish was only discovered by his sister Anna after he had died. They had believed that from birth they had not even an ounce of Jewish blood and it wasn't until later after his sister began trying discern her mothers fathers heritage (he had converted) did they find out.

Regardless of your retarded belief, the Jews still occupied a small percentage of the Bolsheviks and the CPSU.
This isn't evidence, and we just don't assume based on the lack of such. It's up to you to prove he was, if you can't then the default would be that he isn't.
It's directly dealing with active groups going around physically attacking other ethinic populations. You made the claim that it was only for Jews as well, which it wasn't.
Did you just fucking link the manifesto? The thing that's a fucking pamphlet for a party that existed before Marx wrote Capital and was requested to write before he had even done the analysis that is considered the main body of work that defines Marxism?
> year was Marx's capital published?&oq=what year was Marx's capital published?&aqs=heirloom-srp..
Capital was published in 1867 you idiot.
He mentions Darwin twice in Capital you faggot. You could have easily looked this up by typing "Marx and Darwin" and looking at any of the links. He even dedicates the second edition of Capital I to Darwin you mong.

The USSR had a SMALLER army at the beginning of the war and had LESS soldiers in most of the initial conflicts. The amount of active industrial workers in the USSR was also less than that in Germany during the first years. And the amount of supplies the USSR received was literally inconsiquential compared to what it already had/was producing.

Attached: Comparative-Strengths1.jpg (725x729, 116.28K)

You really dont get how espionage works do you?
Because any person who pretends as if the USSR was democratic is as brain dead, ignorant and blaitently brainwashed as someone WHO THINKS THE UNITED STATES IS!!!!!!!!!
And yet MI6 still farries trotsky back to the americas because…
the goodness of their hearts?
Two reasons.
One, to start conflict hoping to get someone more west friendly then stalin into power (they were hopping to reinstall Trotsky and possibly have a controlled communist revolution in germany to take them over) To this end even hitler was funded on the basis of him having "soviet" in his name. However when he nationalized his countries currency COMPLETELY in 39 it became obvious he couldnt be controlled. So churchills creditors told him to hardline the guarentee
and 2 because this furthered the recession as the given santions did not allow for capital to flow into the west from a hungry russian populace who may well have been capable of jump starting the economy they hadnt finished buying up yet
Yes but why did these capitalists suply the soviets instead of the Na tional socialists?
Because they had a better chance of controlling (or killing) stalin then they did hitler.
And yet most of those families were either jewish or latter married jews
why is this user?
Why is the evil capitalist class so largely dominated by this one tiny ethnic minority?
Well user when the greatest propaganda network every assempled is burning the evidence and torturing witnesses to false testimony (as the Auschwitz confessions were, reasearch that if you want a fun time) forgive me for not being able to use a jew run corperations information dispencery to give you sources sufficient for your tastes
Thats called having advisors, not fucking distribution of power
your pretending like stalin couldnt have them all lined up against a wall and shot like the other half was on whim
And your is despite multiple accounts
despite testimony
despite logic
and funding
and money trail with rothschild and warburg allll fuckin over it
the USSR was good boy dindu nuffin, and didnt have no jews ruling over them
If we are to believe your post, stalin didnt even have absolute power
tell me
what ethnicty were these supposedly more powerful goverment ( (advisors) )

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You are.
sounds just plausable to convince some well meaning socialist kid a 100 years latter posting on an image board anyway
In what proportion to their population size user?
So i suppose if you cant prove to me that hitler was baught and paid for by theπŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ rothschildsπŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ (flags are actually accurate as well in this instance)i dont have to believe you either hu?
user this is irrelevant because the fundimental problem is that the theory of marxism (which was the product of decades of socialist work prior) was a product of a time before darwin.
It works on the enligtenment era idea that man is equal.
The idea that the preliterate can manage every aspect of the economy democratically (not even counting the more liberterian socialist brances of marxism) is fucking autistic
and runs completely counter to human nature and biology itself
we are not the same
that doesnt that capitalism puts anywhere NEAR the right people on top
but it does mean that there is a genetically defined natural bottom and top
Why the fuck in the world would you think that a proven theory based on inequality would create a species that was completely equal to one and other?
do you think evolution is just over??
have we "transended biology"????
fuckkkkkk meeeeeeeeee
this is getting into creationist levels of faith denying reality

user thats not even HALF of that meme and you know it lol
You know the "big stronk soviets completely destroyed the weak nazis" is just a fucking meme
and if your being honest with yourself
you'll admit it

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Since you havent written back yet
I thought i would take this opportunity to make case to you for my position, irrelevant of what we have said before.
Because despite the fact of the not insignificant differences we have, i suspect we both agree on quite alot and as i fear the thread will soon get nuked by the ( (mods) ) id like to make this case to you.
Firstly i propose that we agree we have masters. People who rule over us.
Secondly that we agree these masters control virtually every level of government, finance and the media
Thirdly that said masters are have not and are not working in our bests interests but rather in their own gain.
From this position i would ask you a very simple question
What do our masters want us to do?
Because i believe from this premise we can backwards manufacture a solution to the disgusting and obvious oppression by the elietes, however or whoever you define them as, that rule us today.
From this question we can also bring ourselves to conected questions
what DONT our masters want us to do?
What do they want us to think?
What do they want us to believe?
And from this naturally falls that we look at what they tell the great unthinking masses to think in classroom, movie theater or living room.
I'm sure by this point you have at least to some extent guessed were i am going with this.
If we trully believe that we are ruled.
That we are controlled.
The the populace is cattle manipulated by its masters.
It then follows that it is no coincidence Adolf Hitler and Natnional Socialism are vilified to the extent they are in the media.
One likewise i think cannot deny that Stalin perhaps enjoys a similar status
being the only soviet leader commonly vilified by the western propaganda ministries as "killing millions" and having had the term "red fascism" coined in regards to his purges
however this is not the case for the majortiy of the soviet unions supposed atrocities, most of which a capitalist film inudstry should have had no problem manufacturing films about
When was the last time you saw a film about the hol/odomor?
When was the last holocaust movie they put out?
was it last week?
last month?
last year?
adding itself to the tens of propaganda films that have been shoveled in the last eight decades
and lets not pretend like πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§theyπŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ (put whichever marks you will around as quotes) would have any issue finding some ukranian farmers to testify
the only conflicts against "communism" that are portrayed in a positive light are those against the veitcong
and independent nation that refused to bow to either the global controll of capitalism or to come under the thumb of communist china?
almost as if they had some sort of weird
mix of nationalism socialism country???
Same way with castro come to think of it
whos country was only desantioned in the last 5 years.
Its almost as if nations who did not allow themselves to fall to ( (international) ) marxism or finance were vilified while those who were conqured were not.
Tell me
when is the movie comming out about the supposed millions mao slaughtered?
wouldnt a capitalist film industry use this as propaganda as well?
And why do these supposedly capitalistic investors allow sites like this and even brasonly marxist posters on social media to continue?
while posts regarding the J Q, race realism and sexual realism get censored in a fucking minute?
Its almost as if nat ional socialism is more a threat to them then marxism.

Its almost as if they control one but not the other.

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If your definition of proper espionage is some guy who was never actually involved with the government itself and whose accounts are entirely second-hand with one of them being a reference to a "rare book" he doesn't have but allegedly read, then if anything it brings into question your definition of what is "valid" as a whole.
Show me proof it wasn't. This is rich coming from someone who believes Nazi Germany did nothing wrong whatsoever and was this utopia in which all the contradictions of class were nullified.
Why would I care for Trotsky again? If anything, he was widely disliked with the bolshevik party and he was found to be a fascist sympathizer later on. That incident itself was inter agency finger pointing.
So, assuming all of this bullshit is true, this only validates that the west had no control over the bolsheviks if their only plan was to install fucking Trotsky who was already a widely unpopular character. Also, Hitler did not use the term Soviet and somehow you do this double take where any funds Hitler receives is just from a confused west and any funds the bolsheviks allegedly receive is because they are "Jewish controlled". And Hitler did not "nationalize" anything, he privatized and doing so got him mass praise in the west.
So the west sabotaged the USSR? Is that what your saying? Also, how could they "buy up" anything in the USSR when there aren't financial markets?
Because the fascists, after being pumped with supplies and funding, decided to make a go for it and seize the surrounding territories and their resources. The conflict with the western allies and Germany was a conflict between to bourgeoisie powers competing for resources and markets, nothing more.
There are multiple explanations for why there are a bunch of Jews who are capitalists, at least compared to the number of them in the total population. Feudalist practices regarding usury which prohibited other groups besides Jews from engaging in it, the prohibition of Jews from taking up "proper" occupations which pushed them into becoming part of the lower merchant class which was a class that would grow over time and obtain greater amounts of influence until the collapse of feudalism, etc.. None of this matters though, because we don't care for the ethnicity of the bourgeoisie. The bourgeoisie is a class we are wholly against regardless of ethnic make-up. There are white bourgeoisie, black bourgeoisie, asian bourgeoisie, bourgeoisie, male bourgeoisie, female bourgeoisie, etc, and we are for the removal of all of them. For you however, the bourgeoisie are ok as long as they are a certain ethnicity. You are no different then the alleged Jewish conspiracy you complain of.
The USSR had a literal fucking elected congress you faggot, stop repeating shit you heard on a video and read a book.

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Which was garbage
Which you gave none of
Which the bolsheviks barely ever received
The Rothschild's and the Warburgs financed the Nazi's with the Warburgs being the closest of the two. Marietta Warburg lived unmolested in Nazi Germany married, Otto Warburg collaborated with the Nazi as a scientist throughout the entire war, and Max Warburg sung praises about the Nazi's until the day he left. The one Rothschild the Nazi's captured they RELEASED back to them. The Nazi's only ever target poor or petit-bourgeoisie Jews, never full bourgeoisie Jews.
For the most part, yeah. They did good for their circumstances.
He did not
Multiracial, because it was the fucking congress as well as the later Supreme Soviet.

Stop dodging, did the Nazi Party (the actual body, not the internal police and intelligence organizations) have half-jews and quarter-jews in them? The answer would be yes.
If you don't have any information stating otherwise, then we default to that he didn't know. Lenin prohibited and was against separate Jewish based organizations in the Soviet, don't you think he would have mentioned at least once that he was partially Jewish if he had known?
Their grandfather on their mothers side had converted to Christianity before fathering their mother and never talked about being Jewish to her. How would they possibly know?
Literally released their a Rothschild. They worked more closely with the Warburgs then the Rothschilds if we are going to compare though.
Marxists don't believe people are equal and it isn't based on such a presumption. To quote Engels

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You mean the bourgeoisie? To continue to work and make money for them. To not remove capitalism and to retain a system in which the profit motive and the cycle of capital is preserved.
Depends on the bourgeoisie in question, but the thing they all universally share is that capitalism in some form should be preserved.
Pro-holodomor propaganda is literally pumped out on a regular basis in Eastern Europe, specifically Ukraine.
And? The holocaust occurred in western Europe for the most part and involved the Germans as well as other, its "closer" so to speak. When was the last time you saw a movie about the massacres the South was committing on the North in Korea during the war? When was the last time you saw a movie about the millions who starved in India? When was the last time you saw a movie about the crimes of the Tzar, or the famines that occurred under their rule? When was the last time you saw a movie about the atrocities committed by the South Vietnamese government on the North and even on their own people? When was the last time you saw a movie about the genocides committed by the fascists in the balkans?
Cuba is literally being accused of beaming "headache wave" into ambassadors heads right now and is coming under threat for sending "death squads" into Venezuela. Anti-Cuba sentiment is as hot as ever.
The whole of Zig Forums is allowed to exist still. We're a complete anomaly on this site in which 80% of posters are unironic fascists. I should be asking you why this site hasn't been removed if your worldview is true.
Marxists who actually support anti-imperialists and existing socialist countries get banned all the fucking time. Twitter cleaned out entire swathes of pro-Venezuela tweets and profiles during the uptick recently.
Barely, they mostly censor threats and things which are viewed as
They control North Korea now? Wew, for a minute there I thought they were constantly sanctioning it and worried as fuck about their nuclear program, but now I know that they were really just making it all up and wasting millions over pretending to care. Good to know.

There is a bunch of other garbage in your post, but to summarize it you're saying this:
The Nazi's were right and National Soycialism is correct because Liberals are more bothered by it currently.

This is not an argument. This is not even a conjecture. This is an opinion based on personal feeling and on how others feel about something. It is an opinion based on how others react to a viewpoint without actually validating that viewpoint to be true or now. Lets say everything you say is true for a second and that liberals hate National Soycialism more than they do communism (despite history saying differently). So fucking what? Does that now make National Soycialism "correct"? Is it "correct" because others hate it? Is it "correct" because it is not as popular? Is it validated simply based on its relation to something else? Lots of peoples who call themselves liberals hate dirty water. Are we to drink from puddles as a response?

I'm a Marxist-Leninist because I find Marx to be correct. Because I find Lenin and those who built upon him to be correct. Some liberal kvetching about what is wrong or right won't change that. Some Social Democrat blathering about what is wrong or right won't change that. And some National Soycialist whining about what is wrong or right won't change that. If the seas burned away and the fields withered and the continents collapsed on themselves, I still would be a Marxist because none of those things refute his analysis of capitalism. This idea that I should back away from my convictions and principles simply based on what others do or think is the most cowardly and spineless thing I have have heard and its no wonder that I hear fascists constantly use it as rhetoric. This applies not only to me, but everyone. If you change your beliefs based on the views of others and not on whether something is true, you don't belong in politics. You belong with juveniles.

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Did we chat on 4chan on 'Would you support a help build a Communist State if it guaranteed white racial homogeneity?" yesterday? DAZtLD2z btw

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nationa/ socialist