Anti-Ancap Thread

Why don't we open a thread for making fun of ancaps and de-spookifying them? Everyone of their arguments seem to come back to their s called unquestionable 'praxeological axioms,' can we discuss how to debunk these?

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Has anyone went from ancap to socialist? Seems pretty unlikely

Badmouse did, and it's more common than you'd think.

Good thread but that first pic is pure cringe

Probably thousands of people every year. It's called "growing up". It's easy to call yourself "ancap" during highschool when you live pretty much petty bourgeois life, not producing any value and living off your parents, but when you are faced by real life, there is massive chance of shifting to the left.

I was a Randroid from ages 15 to 17. Then realized I was a loser who was struggling to accomplish anything at all due to Living In Society, so gave up on the idea of the Randian Superman. Also got Adam Curtis pilled. Became a confused lib for a few years. Then got RED pilled on here. Now I am a hardcore Tankie who has read dozens of communist tomes.

Are ancaps dying out? I barely see them anymore

They all turned nazi

Why do people even become an ancap? I was an Libtard when me was tiny because capitalism = growth, growth = social funding. I never understood the ancap mind.

To fuck children.

Most of them became bona fide fascist or Trumptards since 2015 and the U.S. election.

Yeah basically, in the beginning it was essentially a way to wash american pro corporate conservatism, with a patina of "liberty", by acknowledging some problems that some middle class people face (taxation on small business, dude weed, etc) and saying the market will fix it, and that freedoms come from property rights which convinced all sorts of middle class, and upper lower class people to fall for it, not knowing any other alternative to status quo politics. Propaganda in the early days was HEAVILY funded by corporate interests as well. Libertarianism falls apart almost immediately in like the most basic of thought experiments, so they ran with the right wing values, or even just memes and became alt-right, sometimes as a reaction to commies opposing the bedrock of their ideology (property). Sometimes they really liked what Pinochet did and realized that he isn't different to most right wing dictators, or Trump because he is a business man who they consider a "winner" or they were a talking head libertarian like Dave Rubin, or any number of Koch funded "jounalists" and "professors". Some honestly did run with the liberty aesthetics and found leftism (usually anarchism) because liberation was more a goal instead of property rights.

Honestly it's a middle class movement of small business owners and "Dude weed lmao" guys, with kiddie diddlers and Pinochet worshipers thrown in the mix
Reminder that this master piece exists

I know I'm super high Autism Level because I've never been a libertarian. Since childhood I dabbled in radical marxist thought, I also had an anprim phase, an elitist technocratic neoliberal phase, Aristocratic Monarchist phase, deep conspiracy research phase, a Nazbol phase a Maoist phase etc but I always from the start thought libertarianism was the dumbest shit it feels like it's an "ideology" cobbled together by executives at Mcdonalds and Burger King and it's probably true.

The first political stance I remember I had was when I was 7 and I asked my parents why do we even have money it's unnecessary because people could just give things away and get along.

Read the book True Believer. To jump between these extremes indicates that you don't actually hold any of these views very honestly. Figure out what your ideology really is by looking at your values. What's important? What really needs to be fixed? What does a good society look like? Here's the thing: Anarcho-Syndicalists, Marxist-Leninists, and Progressive Social Democrats may absolutely despise each other, but they actually share most of the same values, and agree on a lot of the problems in society. They just disagree radically on how those things should be fixed. But to jump from one thing to its literal polar opposite, especially on values, shows a shallowness.

Why is that, though? I think anarcho-capitalism inevitably leads to fascism because the whole point of government, or in the case of anarchism, councils, is to put a democratic mechanism in social organization. If you make everything dictated by industry, then everything is authoritarian and dictated by the heads of industry. But I assumed that obvious truth was beyond anarcho-capitalists.

Decades ago, right wing libertarians had a sort of loose friendship with the anti-authoritarian left, and social anarchists like Murray Bookchin were even invited to speak at Libertarian Party events. At my most generous, I almost came to see ancaps as individualist anarchists with bad economics. But now it's become clear that anarcho-capitalists are basically fascists. Suddenly they're racist, misogynistic, ironically theocratic, and openly fantasizing about genocide and "throwing people out of helicopters." And maybe this isn't so suddenly after all, given Ron Paul's history of racism.

The whole thing's just weird.

And now he went radlib, pretty sure he’ll go back to his old ways again.

they aren't really extremes tho you can synthesize into a technocratic socialist state ruled by extremely based high autism level philospher kings (aristocrats) trained for it since childhood in special government training camps. I know it would never happen but it is the ideal form of government.

BadMouse is fucking weird. There's something about him that doesn't click with me. Perhaps not to the extent Non-compete doesn't click, but still. He generally seems kinda confused politically (and not only politically).


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Honestly, that's what kills half the Breadtubers for me. Non Compete and even Peter Coffin just seem kind of uneducated, and their material's kind of weak. Their hearts are obviously in the right place, but when they seem confused and vague about what they're talking about, or when they get simple things wrong, I start questioning why I'm listening to someone who knows less than I do. Making a good video usually takes a lot of research. That's why Three Arrows is so good. You can get away with not doing the research if you're an absolute expert on the subject, as with Richard Wolff, or even if you just know a lot and are well-versed, like with Michael Brooks. But when you get these guys who have a vague idea about socialism, and try to comment on random things from that perspective, there isn't really any value there.

I had a good friend of mine who I converted from ancap to full on Marxist read red flag waving socialist using the ego book.

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since when did ancaps have trust funds, don't they use all their cash on weed?

I'd take a fash over an ancap any day tbh

at least fascists are somewhat cognizant of the problems capitalism creates, ancaps are full blown degenerate "it doesn't matter as long as I make money" dystopian movie villains

Agroism is Von Mises with red on it.

It's a basic class analysis. The core of Fascism and Ancap is produced by exactly the same class sentiment: petite bourg being intimidated by real capitalists and workers at the same time.

Except Fascism works somehow, and Ancap is more on the high fantasy side of things.

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Кот блины

This, I fucking hate ancaps more than the fash, ancaps are basically nihilistic fucks that believe in nothing, even fash actually believe in SOMETHING technically. Ancaps are sickening little worms.

They're on the rise here in Russia, sadly.
People realize they've been scammed by both liberal democracy and then far right conservative government so they jump on another meme, fuckers too spooked to give socialism another try.

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Why am I not surprised.
Any political system based on voluntarism can be replicated within an AnCap framework.
Nothing stops you from creating a socialist commune with like-minded within your shared property so long as all members consent to your rules, anyone is allowed to revoke their consent at any time for any reason, and any dealings with outsiders is consensual.
The only reason you would oppose AnCap from a socialist perspective is if your primary interest is not forming an independent socialist state but rather stealing the property of the bourgeois.

This is why Fascists and AnCaps can get along despite being ideologically opposed.
AnCaps respect the Fascists' right to form their own group and the Fascists respect the AnCaps' desire to not be a part of their Nation.

You mean getting stolen common property back.

And inevitably when nobody joins your ancap society because they don’t desire the most brutal forms of exploitation imaginable without any form of government regulation? What will ancap society do when all their workers just migrate to the socialist state? Will they just turn them into slaves? Violently stop them from leaving? Not to mention, why would anyone want to exist in some feudalistic society that would necessarily see unending warfare between capitalists until a larger state necessarily emerges to create order ANYWAY?

lol how many of them are paid by CIA?

You're not entitled to the labor of others, no matter how many generations removed, so unless you're talking about taxes you're just being covetous.

Nothing. They'd be free to leave. In fact that's a good thing since effectively produces a free market of societies. If capitalist societies die out, it is because they couldn't compete, which is a capitalist notion in the first place.
The political schism that exists in the world today seems proof enough that there would be a diversity of micro-societies, and the fact that there is a current mutual understanding that war is bad is a good indicator that there would be some stability between them.
AnCap is not lawless, it's just based on mutual agreement and the understanding that any group that feels entitled to break those agreements must immediately be opposed by everyone. First they came for the trade unionists, etc.

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all of them

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Okay, but how does that justify capitalists "owning" land and natural resources? Did their ancestors create that somehow?

Defending the rights of others is self-defense.

Claiming/taming/refining frontier land is labor.

have fun larping about the "revolution" you will never have the balls to commit or "voting" lol

meanwhile most of us are too busy actually working hard to save up so we can have a difference or at least get to a point where we can live as a greyman and your faggot government wont be able to to control us

and most libertarians aren't the cartoon strawman you want us to be.. most of us just do what works.. which is subverting government authoritarianism

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Someone didn't watch Curtis

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Labor that was done by regular peasants collectively until they were forcefully dispossessed.

cool dude be a cuck and beg people other dudes to control you

here's an idea

if you have enough time to come here and shit up our board you probably could learn a new skill or contribute to something actually useful

here's a list of open source privacy projects that you can actually make a difference through:

Libertarians are fucking retards whose entire debate format is dependent on continuously obfuscating what they actually desire and the effects of their policy proposals.


Libertarians deserve the bullet for the sheer amount of nihilistic retardation their ideology is based on

The fuck are you talking about?

But really, watch this 1 hour long documentary by Curtis where he covers libertarianism and individualism quite well, as well as showing that the conclusion of these ideas isn't some kind of liberation of everyone, but just a transfer of power from state politicians to the high ranking members of the financial sector.

Pick one,
the neo-liberal phase of capitalism punishes working hard with poverty.
We care about the means of production, so capitalists can't blackmail us to do their bidding. You can blend into the scene all you like, we wont care.

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That's fair.
I would argue that the value of refinement since then by individual owners would make repossession by the collective a very complex issue.
Personally I would still side with the current owners in terms of ownership due to value added to the land, but I acknowledge your point.

Because real life isn't a perfect ideology. There's shades of grey everywhere and if you actually talked to anarchist you'd realize most of them really just want *whatever* works in practice, and right now it's obvious that we need more power to markets. A lot of us have had our lives greatly improved by things like cryptocurrency or even your local drug dealers which represent a resistance to government crony corporate socialist nepotistic hegemony.

The other day apple fucked with my accounts and I had to fucking jump through a million hoops just to get access to my bank account again to pay bills yet cryptocurrency has never done that to me so it's obvious which which side is trying to help me and which side is trying to crush me with their boots.

Look at how similar China and Europe are.. those are the final forms of the state. I think they serve a purpose but the balance of power needs to shift and the perfect situation is where the state is constantly shrinking and becoming less effective in serving out atrocity yet they don't completely collapse because 99 percent of people aren't ready for that yet. Ron Paul said exactly this and he right that the optimal "revolution" is the way the soviet union and china evolved into a market economy.

Markets can survive ANYWHERE including prison and communist countries and it's just a matter of time before they get better at dealing with today's brand of violent nepotism and useful idiots like yourself. Markets are organisms that are constantly evolving in front of our eyes.

One day we will colonize space and I know socialists want to spend all their money on giving welfare queens checks but sooner or later we will make it off this rock and then we can be pioneers again. We can be like kids that move out of their parents house to find something better but right now humans are locked into their shitty hometown in our comfort zone and we just need enough freedom to be effective and practically achieve our goals.

id happily agree to "feudalism" because in feudal times the lord of the land ONLY wanted 25 percent of my money… mob rule is currently demands over 60 percent and the laws are designed to trip me up so they have an excuse to use their legal system to fuck me in the ass and i can't compete with the monopolies they enforce

That video is gay and no group of faggot sjw socialist bootlickers is going to help me. They only want to fuck me in the ass and at least I can quit my job and find another one but these people want to make it so there is literally no escape. Only I can help myself and my friends and family.

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Think how NIHILISTIC your world view is that there is no way you could advantage yourself by hard work and creativity? And right now is the easiest time to make money online and we have one of the most cash rich societies and cheap credit with the most profitable investments like cryptocurrency in all of fucking history and here you are complaining. Fucking pathetic and you ARE actually doing some kind of work which is serving as a useful idiot to power hungry bureaucrats and the corporations they are bribed by.

Here is a fucking video about how fucking easy it is to fuckign get money called "where to get the fucking money:"

Maybe if you stopped blaming others and took responsibility for your actions you wouldn't excuse your failures and you would see some success and independence. You're assuming I'm not getting anywhere but that's not true and if you actually tried to be productive you'd be surprised how much you could achieve in a relatively short time (give it six months.)

instead of blaming your (hypothetical) boss maybe blame your mommy and daddy for having children when they weren't ready to provide for them yet

anyway i spent exactly 17 minutes of my valuable time typing this and i regret it already.. nothing is accomplished by arguing online except that you learn more about the people who oppose you and want to control you and you faggots are repeating the same tired straw man i've heard since day one so I'm probably just making you better at being evil by sincerely replying… at least come up with something actually interesting or for fucks sake give a me proposition like "if you do x we can provide you with y" but you have nothing like that and it's just a negative fucking larp or CIA nigger psyop.

I wont reply so don't even bother. You are a waste of caloric expenditure. I have actual work to do… something that you would benefit from dearly, and which I highly recommend. If you care so much about poor people why aren't you volunteering at a homeless shelter or something? There is something who would appreciate your hard work even if you don't value it yourself. It's ironic because by being a communist larper you've actually become the ultimate consumer and you are just consuming a particular brand of outrage porn while not contributing anything to anyone positive… like a fucking parasite.

OH and btw the universe is inherently ownership based. Computer systems can be inherently programmed to be only accessed by password holders so it's reasonable to assume there are almost infinite amount of matrix like alien worlds controlled by individuals with PASSWORDS who function as the property owner of that matrix nested universe. DEAL WITH IT.

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you are reading this on a machine that was made affordable because of free markets.. how ironic

typed this
the protocol was developed by DARPA, yes, but modems were a thing in the 1950s and the first fax was sent in the 1920s so the industry had been trying to develop more sophisticated ways of sharing data and networking since the beginning

and if youre going to brag about government inventions then maybe also consider the hydrogen bomb was developed by governments… would the world be plagued by doom of inevitable doomsday devices if governments hadnt been trying to swing their big nasty statists dicks around like they always inevitably do?

Soviet Hydrogen Bomb:

you think it's a coincidence that happened around exactly the time that sulfa antibiotics and penicillin were invented??? And the gilded age and industrial revolution had increased the standard of living to that level in the west by that time WITHOUT ANTIBIOTICS, despite "muh child coal miners who would have been digging the dirt anyway."

how come the only robots the soviet union had looked like TV props when cars were already being manufactured by robots in the west in late 60s?

also lel at "worker rights" in china.. that feel when late stage communism is capitalism ahahahhahahahahahah funny because the people who hijack communism are even more nepotistic than western democracies and the biggest leaders of communist countries are literally organized criminal leaders.. eg stalin, putin, xijing (triads)

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lol i was wondering why there were so many commies here but then i realized im on Zig Forums instead of /liberty(

that's what happens when you get used to autocomplete lol.. normally i troll you guys way more discreetly

but user, free markets and abolishment of taxation is essential to anarchism.

wow im a diehard leftist but idk now

no you ain't you're a lazy af false flagger. at least put some effort in

So how do you feel about open borders user?

People seriously believe this?

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this may be the worst thing I ever skim-read in my life.
look at this shit:
then it just devolves into frothing at the mouth and throwing insults
and something something gulags
of course this one is an apple user.

Come to our side leftie. No one can win arguments against me. That Stalinoid Sperg uses literally 15 year old's arguments. Here's the theory you should get used to.

Holy shit, people unironically still use this argument. I guess slaves in Rome had no right to rebel, since they would be using the infrastructure of their gracious masters.
As I said before, if you had watched the video I linked, you'd see that all your ideas did was to transfer power from the state to the financial elites, who are just as oppressive, but I guess that is just not real libertarianism and just crony capitalism, oh no, your ideas were never tried.
Antibiotics were invented, sure, but then why did other countries didn't develop just as well (like the entirety of Africa, S. America, large parts of Asia)
First thing is that US had far less problems to deal with than USSR, and were basically chocking the Soviets by forcing them into an arms race. Also Soviets did incredible work when it came to space exploration (and US only joined in after the Soviets started because they needed to show off). And even if innovation is slower under socialism, so what? It wouldn't stagnate to a halt, and I'd rather have proper living conditions for all then some fucking roombas and self driving cars (which are a meme btw)
Kek, not even the most hardcore Xi-pillers say that PRC is communism, not even socialism.

Give me a single example when privatization of a public service didn't made the service to degrade in quality and become more expensive to consumers
The goal is to provide "welfare queens" with decent jobs, something our "job creators" fail at.

Then prove that supply and demand theory by Samuelson isn't just unscientific and unfalsifiable dribble

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their all fascists now

im not him but ancaps disagree in general.. there's no clear right and wrong because clay is always negotiable

i would lean away from relying on the state though and im not afraid of immigrants and there are better solutions to people shitting up your neighborhood than running to big daddy goberment and i appreciate open borders because i can choose who i want to pay taxes to or move to a tax haven eventually

one man's trash? What about semiconductor manufacturing or concrete production that literally takes dirt and converts it into the fucking device your using and building your sitting in.. when you post images like that it actually discredits your ideas because it's so ungodly retarded… value is created with ideas all time for example you could type something on the internet that other people value and are willing to pay you to do in the future and when it comes down to it matter is equal to energy which is equal to information and there is an abundance of qbits and entropy in our universe so by processing quantum information we can organize information into a way that other individuals value and would trade for

or how about turning asteroids into satellites or are leftists soooooooooooo entitled they think they should get an equal share of every rock in the entire universe?

Butthurt nocoiner detected.. how does it feel knowing if you pressed the right button this week you could have doubled your money?

everything is a pyramid scheme in your nihlist view including gold and oil and anything which value can be prescribed it's just that bitcoin is deflationary instead of inflationary but you can do the same with FIAT and bet against them so it's all equivalent despite your low level misunderstanding.. and in this case it serves many purpose including taking money from people who are dumb and filtering it to the people who are better resource mangers just like a casino.. but it also denotes value to something which can be traded which gives us an avenue to transact without the pesky government thugs intervening

youre not a slave though and youre being given VOLUNTARY oppertunity after opptertunity.. if you are unhappy with the card you've been dealth when you were born then blame your parents instead of the market like the other ancap said

because they are stupid and there is no guarantee in freedom that everyone will progress at the same time but all stalin had to do is literally get people antibiotics and food to increase the lifespan which is why it's such a dramatic increase and third world countries have largely caught up to those standards and they have cell phones and internet and homeless people have cell phones here and you are just pearl clutching this one faggot statistic even though the industrial revolution increased the actual standards of living wayyyyyy fucking more and didnt have millions of people in gulags until the progressive era with prohibition and all that statist nonesense

i can give the opposite and tell you about how obamacare made me have to get a more expensive plan and it still sucked compared to my old one

also look at australia and the dumpster fire of an internet they deal with because the government got involved

the problem is that a lot of rural communities are being subsidized by the state so they complain when markets don't value them as much but at the same time the government makes regulations with housing so that you cant build cheaper units on the outskirts of a city and that limits development of infrastructure to the nice downtown areas

no one owes you shit you faggot fuck and those queens are lazy and unskilled so they have no fucking use and should be begging for donations if they want to survive

and when you give up your agency then you are even more fucked because you will end up in prison if you cant work like what lenin did with his "insects" instead of just having to ask your parents to move back in and getting a new job

im not him but ancaps disagree in general.. there's no clear right and wrong because clay is always negotiable

i would lean away from relying on the state though and im not afraid of immigrants and there are better solutions to people shitting up your neighborhood than running to big daddy goberment and i appreciate open borders because i can choose who i want to pay taxes to or move to a tax haven eventually

one man's trash? What about semiconductor manufacturing or concrete production that literally takes dirt and converts it into the fucking device your using and building your sitting in.. when you post images like that it actually discredits your ideas because it's so ungodly retarded… value is created with ideas all time for example you could type something on the internet that other people value and are willing to pay you to do in the future and when it comes down to it matter is equal to energy which is equal to information and there is an abundance of qbits and entropy in our universe so by processing quantum information we can organize information into a way that other individuals value and would trade for

or how about turning asteroids into satellites or are leftists soooooooooooo entitled they think they should get an equal share of every rock in the entire universe?

Butthurt nocoiner detected.. how does it feel knowing if you pressed the right button this week you could have doubled your money?

everything is a pyramid scheme in your nihlist view including gold and oil and anything which value can be prescribed it's just that bitcoin is deflationary instead of inflationary but you can do the same with FIAT and bet against them so it's all equivalent despite your low level misunderstanding.. and in this case it serves many purpose including taking money from people who are dumb and filtering it to the people who are better resource mangers just like a casino.. but it also denotes value to something which can be traded which gives us an avenue to transact without the pesky government thugs intervening

youre not a slave though and youre being given VOLUNTARY oppertunity after opptertunity.. if you are unhappy with the card you've been dealth when you were born then blame your parents instead of the market like the other ancap said

because they are stupid and there is no guarantee in freedom that everyone will progress at the same time but all stalin had to do is literally get people antibiotics and food to increase the lifespan which is why it's such a dramatic increase and third world countries have largely caught up to those standards and they have cell phones and internet and homeless people have cell phones here and you are just pearl clutching this one faggot statistic even though the industrial revolution increased the actual standards of living wayyyyyy fucking more and didnt have millions of people in gulags until the progressive era with prohibition and all that statist nonesense

i can give the opposite and tell you about how obamacare made me have to get a more expensive plan and it still sucked compared to my old one

also look at australia and the dumpster fire of an internet they deal with because the government got involved

the problem is that a lot of rural communities are being subsidized by the state so they complain when markets don't value them as much but at the same time the government makes regulations with housing so that you cant build cheaper units on the outskirts of a city and that limits development of infrastructure to the nice downtown areas

no one owes you shit you faggot fuck and those queens are lazy and unskilled so they have no fucking use and should be begging for donations if they want to survive

and when you give up your agency then you are even more fucked because you will end up in prison if you cant work like what lenin did with his "insects" instead of just having to ask your parents to move back in and getting a new job

im not him but ancaps disagree in general.. there's no clear right and wrong because clay is always negotiable

i would lean away from relying on the state though and im not afraid of immigrants and there are better solutions to people shitting up your neighborhood than running to big daddy goberment and i appreciate open borders because i can choose who i want to pay taxes to or move to a tax haven eventually

one man's trash? What about semiconductor manufacturing or concrete production that literally takes dirt and converts it into the fucking device your using and building your sitting in.. when you post images like that it actually discredits your ideas because it's so ungodly retarded… value is created with ideas all time for example you could type something on the internet that other people value and are willing to pay you to do in the future and when it comes down to it matter is equal to energy which is equal to information and there is an abundance of qbits and entropy in our universe so by processing quantum information we can organize information into a way that other individuals value and would trade for

or how about turning asteroids into satellites or are leftists soooooooooooo entitled they think they should get an equal share of every rock in the entire universe?

Butthurt nocoiner detected.. how does it feel knowing if you pressed the right button this week you could have doubled your money?

everything is a pyramid scheme in your nihlist view including gold and oil and anything which value can be prescribed it's just that bitcoin is deflationary instead of inflationary but you can do the same with FIAT and bet against them so it's all equivalent despite your low level misunderstanding.. and in this case it serves many purpose including taking money from people who are dumb and filtering it to the people who are better resource mangers just like a casino.. but it also denotes value to something which can be traded which gives us an avenue to transact without the pesky government thugs intervening

youre not a slave though and youre being given VOLUNTARY oppertunity after opptertunity.. if you are unhappy with the card you've been dealth when you were born then blame your parents instead of the market like the other ancap said

because they are stupid and there is no guarantee in freedom that everyone will progress at the same time but all stalin had to do is literally get people antibiotics and food to increase the lifespan which is why it's such a dramatic increase and third world countries have largely caught up to those standards and they have cell phones and internet and homeless people have cell phones here and you are just pearl clutching this one faggot statistic even though the industrial revolution increased the actual standards of living way fucking more and didnt have millions of people in gulags until the progressive era with prohibition and all that statist nonesense

i can give the opposite and tell you about how obamacare made me have to get a more expensive plan and it still sucked compared to my old one

also look at australia and the dumpster fire of an internet they deal with because the government got involved

the problem is that a lot of rural communities are being subsidized by the state so they complain when markets don't value them as much but at the same time the government makes regulations with housing so that you cant build cheaper units on the outskirts of a city and that limits development of infrastructure to the nice downtown areas

no one owes you shit you faggot fuck and those queens are lazy and unskilled so they have no fucking use and should be begging for donations if they want to survive

and when you give up your agency then you are even more fucked because you will end up in prison if you cant work like what lenin did with his "insects" instead of just having to ask your parents to move back in and getting a new job


You don't need markets for it. USSR was way better at it than current capitalist Russia

Why are all allcaps the living embodiments of the hey faggots copypasta?

well they had slave labor just like the south did before the civil war


just because someone or some group sucks at life and resource management doesnt invalidate freedom or markets

your life is super fucking comfy thanks to markets yet youre biting the hand that feeds and you dont ascribe responsibility to your parents for your life situation either nor yourself

oh and here's another example:


talk about splitting hairs you massive faggot




brilliant handwavium but it doesnt change the fact that communism gives even more control of resources to an even small group of people of the more equal politburo which always inevitably becomes a market… was it a coincidence that a gangster got power from Trotsky and Lenin????

government == advanced organized crime and communism provides the most totalitarian machinery for such a takeover

china is literally fucking late stage socialism and it's no fucking coincidence that the EU is becoming more like China with their internet censorship and social laws and increasingly totalitarian control of finance

That's not what privatization is, what the hell.
Ok retard

free market capitalism has a statistical distribution of wealth hard coded into it to it by money market exchange rules, it's mathematically proven to produce the same distribution even when exchanges are random, this has nothing to do with people. It's a catastrophic systemic flaw, and all you are attempting to do is make individual people to carry a burden that isn't theirs.

If you want a I can provide scientific papers, but i doubt you would read them, so I'm giving you an abbreviated explanation, if you want the papers anyway pls ask for it:
Exchanges in money market systems are never equal exchanges , meaning there always is one side in an exchange that gains and one that looses, this is the case because in money systems value is conserved, because money doesn't decay, like other commodities would. Now given enough of this unequal exchanges, you will get a distribution of people, where some people make more trades that are beneficial to them , while other make more trades that are detrimental to them. If the exchanges continue for a while you will get a very skewed distribution of money, where a lucky(literal meaning as in based on chance) few have amassed enough wealth to kick off the ladder behind them, and milk everybody else.

Why would anybody be motivated to put in effort into a rigged game,
that's just against human nature.

Consider that responsibility is attached to power, since most people are rendered powerless by this, they cannot be held responsible.

Can you be more archetypically retarded?

yeah but everything is a casino.. oil prices are a casino.. weed prices

bitcoin does this more obviously but it's beneficial to other people because those casino chips can be transacted meaning that gambling is literally something which provides life blood to our economies especially ONLINE and a ponzi scheme does sound worse than a casino because casinos separate fools from their money in an HONEST way

you are a retard

say what you want cuck, but in a few years you're going to be paying 100k for a bitcoin and you will be thankful because FIAT currency will have imploded by then and you will be using satellite internet because the ground cables will have been censored by your late stage socialism cuckist authoritarian government

Sometimes I think that I'm actually a rather pathetic individual but then I always console myself over the fact that I'm not online 24/7 shilling for a pyramid scheme.

only a socialist or a liberal would want to have 100 percent of 100 dollars vs 1 percent of 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 dollars

the bottom of a pareto distribution in a free market is still higher than the top 10 percent of a communist situation.. and the pareto distritbution keeps going fucking higher and higher with their purchasing power because of technology while socialism spreads the wealth to the people who are most likely to waste it


the only reason the cost of fucking living is so fucking high in the west is specifically because of socialism.. WHY DO YOU THINK MICRO LIVING APARTMENTS ARE BANNED ON THE CITY OUTSKIRTS???? But then studio apartments are considered a privilege downtown??? THE REGULATORY BODIES of the cities and townships seek to force people to buy expensive developed properties USING THE FUCKING GOVERNMENT!!!!!!!! THE WELFARE STATE NEEDS YOU TO NEED THEM!!! THAT'S WHY BERNIE SANDERS LIKES IT WHEN THERE ARE BREAD LINES!!!! THEY DO NOT WANT YOU INDEPENDENT!!!!! THEY USE GOVERNMENT TO MAKE YOU CONNECT OT THE POWER GRID AND ALL THE STUPID FUCKING BULLSHIT

meawnwhile the real chad gentleman learn to live in a van which skirts this regulation… you can buy a fucking VAN for fucking 500 bucks and never fucking pay fucking rent again and have fucking cheap ass fuck electronics in it that you got for fucking cheap off of craigs list THANKS TO MARKETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

also notice that labor makes up less than one percent of electronics manufacture costs so even if they were made inthe west they would be cheap but LOL they just take advantage of socialist commnuist cuck slave labor ahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahahhahaha

only a socialist or a liberal would want to have 100 percent of 100 dollars vs 1 percent of 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 dollars

the bottom of a pareto distribution in a free market is still higher than the top 10 percent of a communist situation.. and the pareto distritbution keeps going fucking higher and higher with their purchasing power because of technology while socialism spreads the wealth to the people who are most likely to waste it


the only reason the cost of fucking living is so fucking high in the west is specifically because of socialism.. WHY DO YOU THINK MICRO LIVING APARTMENTS ARE BANNED ON THE CITY OUTSKIRTS???? But then studio apartments are considered a privilege downtown??? THE REGULATORY BODIES of the cities and townships seek to force people to buy expensive developed properties USING THE FUCKING GOVERNMENT!!!!!!!! THE WELFARE STATE NEEDS YOU TO NEED THEM!!! THAT'S WHY BERNIE SANDERS LIKES IT WHEN THERE ARE BREAD LINES!!!! THEY DO NOT WANT YOU INDEPENDENT!!!!! THEY USE GOVERNMENT TO MAKE YOU CONNECT OT THE POWER GRID AND ALL THE STUPID FUCKING BULLSHIT

meawnwhile the real chad gentleman learn to live in a van which skirts this regulation… you can buy a fucking VAN for fucking 500 bucks and never fucking pay fucking rent again and have fucking cheap ass fuck electronics in it that you got for fucking cheap off of craigs list THANKS TO MARKETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

also notice that labor makes up less than one percent of electronics manufacture costs so even if they were made inthe west they would be cheap but LOL they just take advantage of socialist commnuist cuck slave labor ahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahahhahaha

only a socialist or a liberal would want to have 100 percent of 100 dollars vs 1 percent of 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 dollars

the bottom of a pareto distribution in a free market is still higher than the top 10 percent of a communist situation.. and the pareto distritbution keeps going fucking higher and higher with their purchasing power because of technology while socialism spreads the wealth to the people who are most likely to waste it


the only reason the cost of fucking living is so fucking high in the west is specifically because of socialism.. WHY DO YOU THINK MICRO LIVING APARTMENTS ARE BANNED ON THE CITY OUTSKIRTS? But then studio apartments are considered a privilege downtown? THE REGULATORY BODIES of the cities and townships seek to force people to buy expensive developed properties USING THE FUCKING GOVERNMENT!!!!!!!! THE WELFARE STATE NEEDS YOU TO NEED THEM!!! THAT'S WHY BERNIE SANDERS LIKES IT WHEN THERE ARE BREAD LINES!!!! THEY DO NOT WANT YOU INDEPENDENT!!!!! THEY USE GOVERNMENT TO MAKE YOU CONNECT OT THE POWER GRID AND ALL THE STUPID FUCKING BULLSHIT

meawnwhile the real chad gentleman learn to live in a van which skirts this regulation… you can buy a fucking VAN for fucking 500 bucks and never fucking pay fucking rent again and have fucking cheap ass fuck electronics in it that you got for fucking cheap off of craigs list THANKS TO MARKETS!!!!!!!
also notice that labor makes up less than one percent of electronics manufacture costs so even if they were made inthe west they would be cheap but LOL they just take advantage of socialist commnuist cuck slave labor ahahahhahahahahahahahah

whatever it takes to sleep at night knowing you could have been a millionaire several times over and youre going to be epending on that very thing which you resent because socialist governments implode your fiat currency

Really nigga?

This has to be bait

nice argument.. not

the real "meme" is that it's not true

believe what you want but for the people actually old enough to remember the 80s we all know that poor people are living like fucking KANGZ compared to what it used to be like.. Internet.. plastic goods, tools, computers, pretty much everything is cheap as fucking fuck. The only thing expensive is rent and that's because it's controlled by the state to a degree and they NEED you to NEED them when it comes to welfare and foodstamps and rent. That's how they get you but in developing countries rent and food are dirt dirt dirt fucking cheap. They literally ban people from making micro living arrangements in outskirts towns and force them to obey all these dumb regulations and connect to the power grid for this express purpose.

but guess what??? you can live in a van like a real fucking gentleman and do it for cheap because they haven't found a way to ban that yet.. THERE IS NO FUCKING EXCUSE FOR BEING POOR AND MISERABLE.. you can get fucking cheap fucking loans and it's a fucking workers market where employers will compete over you if you shop around enough. You can fucking drive for fucking uber and make your own hours and then upload furry porn from your computer to your patron and trade bitcoin and double your fucking money.

You are poor because you are squandering the limitless opportunities in front of you at any one fucking moment. Andd your parents suck and shouldn't have procreated.

only to a nihlist that has given up on trying to work hard and be creative and believes in some delusion that a godlike politician is going to give him free shit without getting something in return

you guys are fucking pathetic.. i hate motivational speakers but you are so fucking pathetic that you would actually benefit from them

here listen to gary v. because even though he's annoying you are that fucking miserable and stupid that you need that kind of shit:

Wait a second…are you an ancap furry?

American homeless isn't where the bottom of the pyramid is, the system is global.

it was an example you fucktard about how it's easier to make money independently right now than ever before in all of fucking human history and here you are complaining and saying it's impossible and begging some violent politician to control you

Ancap furries are my favorite ancaps. OwO

Yeah id rather have cheap healthcare, transportation, education and housing than cheap consumer toys buddy

No, it's high because of landlords maximizing profits from rent
And besides, any regulations by the governement will be made to protect the interest of larger private enterprises who, with their amound of wealth, can manipulate markets just fine without the governement to eliminate competition

And no, i don't want to live in a fucking van and no amount of corporate propaganda is going to make it sound attractive lol

True but international exploitation is largely accomplished through STATE means, as in the CFR, and state department and international monetary fund as well as China's version.

Any reasonable Randian Ancap will admit that property ownership is negotiable depending on leverage and the dictators of those smaller nations use their leverage to hawk off the natural resources and land in their country for loans from the CFR.. pointing to another fucking STATIST root of the problem. And in many cases it's democratic governments pawning off their citizen's shit so it shows mob rule isn't much better.

Property should be negotiated for online or something using cryptocurrency and blockchains that might be a novel way of conflict arbitration and would avoid centralization and exploitation once the protocol is worked out. But that's just an idea and the truth is that who owns what clay is decided by who has the bigger pointier sticks. That's not a justification for violence and my point is that it's not a black or white problem, and youre retarded for wanting to go full fucking retard with communism.

And also even poor people in africa can afford cell phones because they are literally thrown away for free. I am typing this on a 10 year old computer that functions great that I got for fucking free. Even Bernie couldn't accomplish that and the people I got this machine from were happy to get rid of it and i use linux which was developed as an open source project from thousands of people's basement using a decentralized content management system.. something that the politburo would never approve of.

The ones who work hard and are creative are the tesla and spacex employees, not elon musk and their shareholder, profesors and scientists, not the university administration, artists, and not gallery owners and record company execs

No, ihave trust in workers, not in a "godlike politician" and neither in a "godlike buisiness owner" like you do

those things are not cheap you fucktard faggot because government inflates the fucking price faggot faggot faggot

socialized healthcare might be cheaper in some countries than american crony insurance bullshit but it's still fucking pricey as fuck and the service fucking sucks and it's no where near as cheap as in the 50s and 60s when doctors would treat people half the time for free like in Ron Paul's time. (i have close friends that were physicians back then)

public transportation:

public education:


Are you a troll or are you 15? Why do you talk like a retard?

You are literally just lying and name calling your way through this. I bet anything that you'll come to a sudden understanding of your connection with the white race and become a Zig Forumsack fash within the week.