I've noticed Zig Forums tends to adopt ideologies as if a sort of fad or, frankly, as a meme. We've had Hoxhaism, anarcho-communism/Stirnerism, and now we have Marxism-Leninism/Stalinism as the native meme ideology. They've all tended to go through stages, though, like so:
"Devil's Advocate" Stage: People are willing to defend the meme ideology, partly to troll, partly just for argument's sake, partly out of slight sympathy for the view. At this stage, the ideology has meme potential but hasn't yet become a meme ideology here.
"Breaking Point" Stage: At this stage, the ideology has some actual adherents, but many of the more devoted ones are still in the process of learning and only occasionally challenge the board consensus of the waning ideology. There's a gradual push of the few remaining adherents of the previous ideology out the door in favor of something else, but this something else remains ambiguous until there are more resolute challenges and, finally, the ideology reaches its third stage.
"Hegemony" Stage: The ideology dominates Zig Forums and has established or altered previous consensuses on many issues, though rarely all. There are only occasional challenges to it, and, generally, adherents of the meme ideology are also relatively good posters.
"Runts of the Litter" Stage: Most of the knowledgeable or otherwise intelligent posters have either left this board (or the political left entirely) or arrived at a more stable/non-meme ideology. Those that remain tend to be less able to argue, more prone to stupid outbursts, etc. Ideological hegemony is maintained more through numbers and board history than the quality of the posters.
Based on the quality of our tankies, it seems like we're reaching the terminal stage of "Marxism-Leninism" as our meme ideology. My question is: what do you think will be Zig Forums's next meme ideology?
My vote is for Maoism or something related like Third-Worldism, guessing solely from the sort of posts and leanings of our current userbase.