Stop being a wage-slave and opt out

Bourgie hippie take, not everyone can run of in the woods and survive. Not everyone lives next to the woods of Hollywood or can drive out of the city, get provisions and materials to build a cabin.

I bet you also say this to homeless people to starving on the streets:

Attached: d0da3f62a95cbf0cb39c7ca340acb8e7a9bed4ab41bc2bfd9edf2ab00bb1bc1c.jpeg (151x225, 10.04K)

truly the marking of an unthinking conformist

If your of tech doesn’t cure cholera it’s worthless.

we know that water is wet

No, your just being captin obvious

no one cares, if you want to convince us of AnPrim, occultist symbolism won’t do it.

First off he was’t, he was born Protestant and became an Atheist, but if he was why would that matter?

Fuckin' lol.

OP should abandon their bourgeois-ish ideological view.

Fuck, I was hoping the guy would end up killing it

gonna have to cancel on that off grid living, op

Attached: 8197307fb1c1fa7bd573599f40c7c46412c18ad6e289143d9c7f64ef7efb57f8.jpg (1079x1291, 576.73K)

Looks like shit.
no thanks.

Isn't that Ted Kaczynski's Cabin?

Or you could opt in, save your sheckels, buy cyptocurrencies when they are cheap and sell when they are valuable. Then move on to stock markets.
It's foolish to think you can change the monetary system when you have no mastery of the existing system.

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