I want to become a leftist

The left critique of political economy works below the level of "economic policy", and holds that economics was never separable from the political as an abstraction.
Left wing people have no interest in making minor changes to a corrupt system.

- Abolishing the private property of the means of production.
like taxes? renting machines? how the state own a foreign server and a computer if I want to open an e commerce website selling services?
- Abolition of the state.
anarchism? everyone get a gun and defend his country?
- Abolition of money.
paper money? barter? precious metals? your sister pussy to eat? How do you import products if you don't have a national money? even north korea use money.
- Abolition of wage relations.
of classes? establishing a more natural hierarchy where you could get your chance? what if some workers perform better than others? do you tell him to work slower cause it create classes between individuals?

1. More like land, machinery. The fact that you don't know what a "means of production" is should be sufficient proof that you need to burn your Evola books and start reading Marx. Or the classic liberals to begin with.

2. A communist society is necessarily an anarchist society.

Anarchism doesn't mean lack of order. It means that you ditch out the exploitative structure that the state is.

People don't need states to organize themselves.

3. By using an international realocation system.

4. Classes are not the same as differences. Classes are relationships built upon exploitation. A communist society would have no problems with differences between people, as long as every person would receive the material means to fulfill their iindividual (and different) potentials and desires.

For God's sake, go read Marx.

You wouldn't be selling services privately. At least in most conceptions. You'd probably be doing that service as part of the state apparatus.

Some people think so, but I think a lot of leftists have a weird idea of 'state' where they think it only applies to evil capitalist governments. Most of us still want a government, just not an exploitative one.

As I said importing products would be a secondary option to producing them ourselves. Assuming socialism takes root in a large first world nation there aren't many things that would require importing from abroad besides maybe raw materials, we can just build things to export to get foreign money.

We don't want a hierarchy at all. Socialism isn't the delusion that everyone is equal, of course they aren't, but the most capable and able should shoulder a greater burden (and be recognised for their efforts socially of course). If two people are doing the exact same job and one works worse because of laziness that should be addressed but if one is just naturally more capable that isn't an issue in my opinion. Every worker should work as hard as they are able. Those who are gifted and capable will work more important jobs but those who aren't are still vital in whatever job they work. After all the brain surgeon can't do his job if the hospital hasn't been cleaned and sterilised thoroughly.

"the state" is shorthand for bourgeois liberal state. You won't need to defend your country, because there will be one world under communism, therefore no international conflict.

If that's hard to imagine, we have one world under capitalism right now. Nations are just franchises which exist to manage you. No less arbitrary than your sports team. If you are sent to die in a war, it is to further international corporate interests.

A state is not the same as a government (people can self-govern in a fully democratic society), at least on some definitions of what a state is.

More like - lets say - factories. The factory will be public property since the workers themselves will get the "profits". What we want is to people get payed through contributing to work, instead by simply owning stuff. Taxes will still exist, but they might be lower.

More or less, but that's in the future if it will be possible. We don't want to just throw people into stateless society.

We have something similar which is labor hour accounting. Think of it as if prices instead of being in dollar or euro, were in hours a product took to make.

By classes we mean economic ones. There's no problem with people owning more or less, because it's impossible to have such big wealth differences if private property is abolished.

As you can see, everyone here has different opinions.

You should go read the classics and form your own opinion.

That should de-spook you to begin with.

I don't know, I feel leftism isn't that appropriate for the modern world.
I'd be glad to live in north korea though, but I feel they are the only ones successfully establishing a communist government and evolving with it because they are an ethnostate with high Autism Levels and well a well organized army.

Maybe communism is just an abstraction of what our future should look like, but humanity isn't evolved enough to make it yet.