I want to become a leftist by having a swole commie fuck the Zig Forums out of my femboy pussy
I want to become a leftist
Then why are leftists so vehemently support misegenation?
Stop being homophobic.
That's not a femboy, it's a child.
This is someone really feminine and hot and I don't care if it's male I wanna fuck the fascist
hahahaha, funy
No such thing.
Idpol liberals support that, leftists tend to be indifferent to it. If racemixing is so scary to you maybe youre suppressing a cuck fetish
what's the difference
It is easily scientifically proven that some individuals are inferior to others. If such a thing is possible, then entire genetic pools can be inferior to others also.
Why does the left deny science when it doesn't suit their agenda of equality?
inb4 >not real science, the research is biased racist sexist evil
If you truly support the objective truth, then you must support this fact also. Otherwise you are all a bunch of hypocrites, hellbent on uplifting brown people, who are also much more guilty of the many sins you like to accuse westerners of, at the expense of whites.
It seems that whenever race is involved, you inevitably tend to grant your favor to whoever has the darkest skin tone, rather than who is right, claiming that because of racism, these people deserve special treatment, again going against your own belief in equality and therefore a LACK of special treatment for anyone for whatever reason.