80% lower receivers in Germany

Does anyone have any information about the legislation? I've went through the wiki already

Attached: ar18lowerreceiver.jpg (1000x1000, 185.47K)

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Why bother when you can get a deadly 80% broom?

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1932x1075, 230.93K)

I'd check what parts are registered as gun first. It might be pointless for the purpose of having a weapon out of the record.

You euros have the pressure bearing parts regulated as the gun which usually means the barrel so an 80% is just a fun project for you.

Lowers are sold freely in Sweden.

Attached: 1417548926577.jpg (295x300, 35.52K)

Der Besitz einer zu 80% fertiggestellten Waffe müsste legal sein, wenn mich nicht Alles täuscht. Ich erinne mich daran, dass man das Gerät nicht mit einfachen, allgemeinverfügbaren Werkzeugen zu einer Waffe umfunktionieren darf, aber sobald es in der Lage ist zu schießen (oder man wirklich nurnoch kleine Änderungen vornehmen müsste, wie z.B.: das Abfeilen einer Fläche oder das Bohren eines Loches), gilt es als Waffe. Das ist da aber alles sehr wischiwaschi fornuliert.
Da Achzigprozenter nur in eine Schusswaffe (oder halt Metallschrott) umfunktioniert werden können, kann es sein, dass der blau-weiße Partybus bei dir halt macht.

Attached: 1112.jpg (596x800, 95.53K)

You can buy guns without bolts and barrels. Why bother with an 80% when you can get the hard parts easy.

Nurnoch Lauf und Bolzen vom Türken am Bahnhof, tada
(Bonuspunkt wenn dunklere Hautfarbe + zusammengewachsene Augenbrauen)

It's a CIP thing.
All pressure bearing parts are registered in all the countries members of the CIP.
Which is ultimately followed even by non CIP members because CIP members are most of the market and most of the producers…

any euro country freely sell bolts and barrels?

IIRC that was the case up until some number of years age. You were supposedly able to get legal parts from a number of different countries and make a complete gun with it.
It think they have fixed it now, but not sure.

Rohr und Verschluss, bitte.

double check again pls.

t. Bernd

t.hat gedient

Beides inkorrekt.
Der Lauf ist der Teil einer Schusswaffe, welcher der Führung des Projektils dient und den das Projektil während des Schusses "durchläuft".
Das Rohr ist der Lauf einer Schusswaffe+Patronenlager.
Genau so sind der Bolzen und der Verschluss zwei verschiedene Teile, der Verschluss schließt das Rohr nach hinten ab, während der Bolzen der Metalschift ist der auf das Zündhütchen der Patronen schlägt.
Je nach Bauart der Schusswaffe können beide ineinander integriert sein, müssen es aber nicht.

Attached: Lauflange_Rohrlange_Waffe.png (1788x596, 19.17K)

Not giving any legal advice here. AFAIK, Germany considers the barrel and parts that enable the firing itself as regulated. The receiver is not part of the firing mechanism as such and should not be registered. Go ask a lawyer or gunsmith for hands on info.

Ill ask again to try my luck here. I have all this fucking bitcoin and nothing to spend it on.
Is there a single 80% lowers dealer who accepts bitcoin?
I found one willing to ship 1911 frames, jigs and everything just they dont accept bitcoin.

But isn't the lower like the most easily "acquired" part of the gun? Barrel, upper and bolt etc is much harder to manufacture. It's not like you're gonna switch out the lower on your rifle for any reason so unless you plan on bringing it to the states we are much worse off.

Because it's just asking to have your dog shot.
ATFniggers don't care you dumb fuck. Shooting an unarmed woman holding a baby is illegal too.

Oh shit, that must mean recoilless guns are ok

Ich habe heute in der Bootsfahrschule gelernt, dass:

Ich hatte half recht, und du auch

Erhänge dich.

What is illegal?
If it was illegal tosell or purchase an 80% 1911 it wouldn't be sold and I couldn't purchase it for cash, which I can, I just don't have cash, I have fucking bitcoin.
It's also not illegal to accept bitcoin or is that what you meant?

I'm not an euro, I;m an american.

And I have a roll of toilet paper in my bathroom but I don't go on Zig Forums acting like it makes me special.

im not saying it does, I never even acted like it did, im asking if anyone knows of online 80% retailers who accept it for sales, god damn

Because ATFniggers and other forms of luminescent negroids are scared of cryptocurrency. Any business which sells 80% lowers through crypto transactions is going to have every fucking freedom hating fed (all of 'em) breathing down their necks, waiting for them to slip up on some bullshit technicalities. Failing that they'll straight up plant or falsify evidence.
Never trust a nigger, literal or figurative.

Doesn't Defense Distributed let you buy frames/lowers (and their machine) with buttcoin?

Nein du

How much would cost the machine that could build one?

I guess youre right, thanks strayan

A drill press and a vice grip can run you around $100 burgers.
But you also need to account for the rest of the parts, trigger set, upper receiver and barrel set, the grip and stock.