Gun-Control Zombies vs Infowars

Good luck Zig Forums.

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I can't help but thing these kids are just bait. They want to provide a target so god damn rich and deserving so someone will mkultra the entire crowd.

I think you should try watching the video first.

Wait do leftists love Bush now?

Has Ben infiltrated the protests?

Attached: canvas.png (1280x720, 1.7M)

Thinking the same thing.

Is it me, or is the only thing these anti-gun people can offer is a bunch of fat middle fingers?

I'm sure the interdimensional pedophiles are a big issue, but his support for the faggot in cheif is enough to permanently discredit him. You should know better, froggy.

Sure, nothing smells more than grassroots movement than fat, balding boomers and millenials with glasses and beards.

The enemy is fortunately not very bright but that also makes them very easy to control by the first emotional bullshit they encounter.

Anti-gunners don't know shit about guns, more news at 11

So fucking stupid, and phytoestrogens aren't even biologically active in mammals.

Where did you get that idea?

From a simple google search. There is no evidence that shit causes lower t levels or sperm counts.

No wonder you're defending soy.

A meta analysis study in 2010 found no link between male fertility and testosterone levels. You're going to have to find something a bit more conclusive than what you posted.

Spoken like a true soy boy.

Yes there’s no link between fertility and testosterone levels but there is a link between getting your dick wet or not.

None of such pro-phytoestrogen hypothesis has been proven yet, however any person with an Internet connection may simply type two words "soy testosterone" into the Pubmed search window to find dozens of studies proving soy is harmful for males.

search bar*

Kek, a single study doesn't mean shit, lad, every year there are studies that are released that completely disagree with studies of the same thing from the previous years.
t. biomedical scientist


Speaking of google, and zombies,

Which page just says:

Did anybody see what that was? Like, put it in the .webm thread maybe? Could be funny, could be heart attack inducing.


Attached: DZgXA55VwAABLrT.jpg (900x900, 96.72K)



there's tons of studies both 'proving' and 'disproving' shit like this everywhere, come on strelok.

Attached: 97ebcb93248f3190b4076bb.png (627x620, 50.45K)

I'm talking about this user, I'm the same Bonger, my ID just changed for some reason

pretty sure that non-static ip's and (((phoneposting))) causes that.
sage for off-topic

Good job, you fucking CNNigger. Chug your soy sauce.

That raises a question: how the fuck did Japan survive a diet of mostly fish and soy?

Just talking out of my ass but I would guess that taking regular old soybeans and grinding them up wouldn't produce the same phytoestrogen chemicals that processing it does.


Not sure it works like that. Keeping bees taught me how to isolate thymol from thyme so I can deal with mites. I wouldn't grow thyme if I couldn't get thymol easily, (((they))) wouldn't get the US addicted to soy if it wasn't an easy source of phytoestrogens.

I'm guessing may be onto something and fermenting soy destroys it, either that or the Japanese have some kind of immunity to it.

There's nothing to produce - the phytoestrogens are already in the bean from day one. It's a natural part of the plant. Many plants have naturally-occurring estrogen-mimicking chemicals in them, with the only difference being that soybeans contain a lot of it.

What said is correct. Soybeans have been known to humanity for thousands and thousands of years, but until methods of fermenting it were discovered, the beans were only considered fit to be animal feed.