So are bump stocks banned or not in America?

So are bump stocks banned or not in America?

This should be clear.

Attached: Bump-stock-e1519310483385.jpg (1100x550, 92.93K)

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Some states like NY and FL have banned them but not on a federal level

So what was the whole Trump bans bumpstocks thing? It's still going in congress?

Department of Justice thing is in limbo for the time being. ATF doesn't want to do jack shit because a lot of them are /ourguy/(s).

It's weird as fuck, so we have reason to believe 1488D chess is in effect somehow?

It's complicated.
OK here goes:

There is no federal law specifically about bump stocks.

However, the DOJ sent a letter to the ATF requesting them to consider bump stocks to be an item that would make a rifle full automatic, and therefore would make bump stocks themselves a "machine gun".

Furthermore, bump stocks from various companies were in years past sent to ATF for "determination" and ATF issued letters saying that the devices were not machine guns, and that rifles equipped with them are not machine guns.


Long story short.
Republicans are trying to get ATF to do that so that they can claim they did something after Vegas, but they don't want to face the fallout that would happen if they actually make and pass a law banning them, and then face reelection in November.

Personally I think it's bullshit.
If they want to ban shit, then they need to make a law, and them pay the penalty from the voters about it.

If this goes through all the congressional GOP candidates are gonna be like "oh, I didn't support that… that was the ATF that did that"

Man, politics is really like my company, it's never fucking clear what's what.

Yeah, well, the idea of getting the ATF to make a "determination" , instead of Congress making a law is bullshit.

Plus it'll make the ATF look full of shit.
They'll be going back on a determination they already made.

So ATF can just randomly change their mind on determinations now? Like every other week?

It's all a giant load of steaming donkey shit.

No, since the Feds are held up states are just banning them at the state level. The overall effect of this has been a decrease in firearms freedoms in the US. The only chess here would be if his intention was to piss everyone off and erode his support come 2020.

Isn't that the literal definition of a police state?

The ATF is /ourguy/s currently because of a combination of getting squeezed some by Trump initially when he got in with loads of support from the people, and that people have gotten mad/not complying (from what I've found only a few memestocks have been turned in) since Drumpf and the cuckservatives decided to be traitors to this country.
They probably know they won't be coming home to their whore and hellspawn if there's any sort of serious push to confiscate A FUCKING PIECE OF PLASTIC.

What strange parallel universe did I accidentally stumble into, and how do I find my way back home?

Nah, Strelok. As much as I like to imagine this world is full of rogue ATF agents who go around exposing their corrupt boss and a lying politician with the help of qt gunsmith chicks, the reality is much more pedestrian. It's basically a combination of office politics and ATF men not wanting to risk their lives to seize pieces of plastic, as others have mentioned ITT already.
This is, afterall, still a 3D parallel universe I stumbled into.

Did he? Trump was more pro-2A than the other republican or democrat candidates, and more pro-2A than any president in recent times, which is still a fact regardless if bump stocks ever get banned nationally. That doesn't mean he's more pro-2A than the founding fathers, I don't remember that being a boast he mentioned.

Leave it to the leaf to make an absolutely abhorrent post.
If you read the whole post, tou can probably seeI was going for a humorous apprach to make light of an already-comical but nevertheless grave situation.
You're that chesscuck leaf, aren't you?

I wonder if there is a method by which politicians could be made to feel the same way.


Come on now.

I think this is the first time you're talking to me, so I might not be "that" one. There are a couple of us on this board, more on /kc/,

Yeah, I've noticed how you've completely shat up /kc/, and now you're moving on to other boards.
Fuck off back to reddit.

no. lol. no.

Attached: you.jpg (673x748, 153.75K)

This, btw, was what the ATF used as an excuse to go after the Branch Davidians at Waco. What would have amounted to a ~$500 fine if they would have ever found any evidence.

Among other things, this situation is where the FBI learned how to act like tier one operators, and came close to playing soldier when the Bundy's took over that wildlife refuge a little while ago. I credit the III%'ers getting in their face and making them think twice about it.

If armed agents won't enforce their unconstitutional laws, they might very well stop.

Richard Rodgers is to blame for both ruby ridge and waco, he participated in both as "hostage negotiator". The title of negotiators has the power to override the site commander if the negotiator believes hostages are in danger. This is because the negotiator is kind of like a translator between the inside and outside of the crisis zone, which gives them IMMENSE power to confuse and fuck up situations. In both disasters, Rodgers overrode the site commander and sent in armed teams to provoke the situation MULTIPLE TIMES before a straw broke the camels back and the situation went to shit. He ordered the gas attack on Waco, and he ordered the canisters fired into flammable areas of the building which set the fire, not to mention that tear gas in a confined space can easily kill a child. The AG who was a Clinton Democrat even told him not to use tear gas.
Rodgers overrode the attorney general and slaughtered 72 men women and children.

Basically ATF and FBI were just thugs who followed procedure and trusted the wrong people. The real agency to blame is HRT, specifically one retard from this agency who everyone trusted.

Like I said, I'm not the only anti-lib Canuck.

There is much more to it than that. And, they put a guy like Rodgers in that position for a reason.

Congress and Clinton bear a great deal of the responsibility in the end. Without their unconstitutional "laws", that situation never happens, without Clintons' (Reno et. al. played parts too) orders, maybe nobody dies.

The ATF could have grabbed Koresh outside the 'compound' if they wanted, but instead felt it necessary to try to be door kickers on a capture kill mission with a bunch of heretics out in the middle of nowhere. Then, the bosses pushed the no-compromise stance to force compliance on the gun regulations and teach everybody a lesson when they dared to resist. 'See what happens when you don't submit to mah authoritah?!'. They don't want armed groups unless they're following their orders.

Congress hasn't forced a bill through for Cucknold Drumf to sign. Yet.
So far it's just individual governors cucking out and following the alpha cuck by stabbing their voters in the back.

I know. The point is that the beginning of repression doesn't start from the top down, it starts from the bottom up.
Same is true when a civilization gets repaired, it doesn't start from the top down. The large growth of wealth beginning in 1700s didn't happen as a result of a law, or a government decision, it started on an individual level. The constitution isn't a document that grants freedom, the people of America fought for those freedoms on an individual level for 200 years before a piece of paper listed the freedoms that already existed.
Ergo you can't trust said piece of paper to protect your freedoms either, nor does any modification of it have bearing towards you. It just informs you what your ancestors had, it's your choice whether or not you want to have the same things and how hard you're willing to fight for them.

Even LAWS are optional to follow under common law system. If enough people break a law, and enough people practice jury nullification, the law is basically struck from the books. You just need to have the backbone to refuse, and deal with the potential arrest, trial, sentence that follows.

Or, NBC became chesscucks.

And I meant 'you' as in plural you, ihr.
It's not my fault that English second person singular and plural are the same. I didn't invent the bloody thing.