Comment below with your

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All the ease of use and maneuverability of the F-5E Tiger II, but with the ability to use AIM-120 AMRAAM for BVR engagements.
Smaller size means faster to load out for either dog fighting or ground attack missions.
It's Moonspeak for Dangerous.

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congrats fagola, my expectations were low and you still undershot them.

I dig the callsign, m8.


Are Yellow 13 and Yellow 4 married?

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lmao no they dead

watch them get brought back to life in AC7

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It would be untrue to say I would be upset about that.

Can sneaky helo pilots play too?

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Go get em' whirlyboi

Oh great who invited the rotary wing nerds.

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I see you've finally found something to fight for, buddy. Comanche-chan wishes to convert you. Post a worthy fixed-wing loadout to dispute. Both are of value here.

Settle, post your loadout to liberate our city.

I have multiple threads on this board approaching 200 replies, several of which are still on the front page.
Remain bitter, fren. I'm enjoying myself and many here are as well. Go to a thread you can contribute to if this sickens you so much.

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VTOL is the future goyim.
I'm telling lockheeb.

COIN > Heloshit

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I sexually identify as an A-10 with a MOAB. IN YOUR FACE AIGAION!

That chrome and nuclear air to air capability
6 mile firing range with a genie nuclear missle

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>CAS/artillery read Stonehenge observation.
7.63 M143 minigun, 20mm M197 gunpods, FFAR rocket pods, mk82 iron bombs or napalm depending on the target and two AIM9 side winders just in case

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Fuck I'm going to bed.

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I'll take a FALKEN instead if the TLS is as powerful as it was in 5.

I'll take a Fenrir over either if I can have the active camo and MPBM.

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Airgun, this is Red Moon One Five, feeling obsolete yet?, over.

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that's hawt

GG no re estovakia
Cant wait to see hows our bob semple brigade and militia men armed with rusty surplus and sex toys handles their t-72s

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Okay, fine.

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And for the assholes on the ground:

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How the fuck did that plane last so long?

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It just werks.

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Top cuckchan. Go kill yourself.

Nigga stole my plane! Fun fact a composite airframe F-20 with the newer F-18 engine would be able to supercruise. And with the Grippens radar, would be able to see sideways.

I also like X-29 from AC2.

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Freudian Nightmare.

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For some reason variable geometry forward swept wings looks extremely awkward.

Who knows why.

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It must suck not being able to have fun.

Don't come to a board about weapons and military tech and bitch when people start talking about hypothetical wars and their favorite aircraft.

AFAIK there's nothing particularly WRONG with the design, if they're kept in good repair (or built today) there's no reason they couldn't fill lower intensity roles in modern airforces. They're probably a hell of a lot cheaper too.

You lot are the reason Zig Forums is going to shit.
Go back to cuckchan's Zig Forums if you want this cancerous garbage.
First it's LARPing, then you get tripfags, and then Zig Forums becomes absolute shit.

Know how I can tell you haven't been here for very long? 4 years ago we would have threads devoted to "If Zig Forums did _blank_" scenarios, nugget fest get-togethers, and innawoods stories. We even had a podcast. For you to imply that Zig Forums is all serious business and that somehow a fantasy thread about jets is the demise of the board, you are either trying very hard to fit in, or you don't belong here.

Canberra, slightly updated, would be a superior strike platform to Tornado.


I identify as a Boeing AH-64D Apache four-blade, twin-turboshaft attack helicopter in the service of Her Majesty's British Armed Forces, AAC. If you refer to me as AgustaWestland, I will annihilate your battalions with impunity, shitlord – I am a Boeing trapped inside a British-designed and leased airframe.

My pronouns are: thou, thee, thy, thine, thyself.

My armaments are: M230E1 chain gun, AGM-114N Hellfire thermobaric rockets, & Hydra 70s fitted with M156 white phosphorus munitions.

Please find enclosed my particulars itemised in the format as requested per OP.


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I actually really wish the F-5 series of aircraft had more attention than being just an export aircraft. The fact that it's so small and can go supersonic makes me think that it would be a great COIN option. It's like the AR-18 of aircraft. Easy to mass produce and works for it's intended purpose, but everyone wants it's sexier sibling (pic related).

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Competitor to F-16 was YF-17, and it was actually better. Imagine a F-18 with 10,000lb less weight.

It's bigger and has less than half the speed, and can't carry as much weight. What sort of upgrades were you picturing there?

What's the matter? Are the LMM too flexible for you?

It's not bigger, wtf? It's 1/3 less size, 10,000lb or thereabouts, and has far weaker and more inefficient engines. Most of the fuselage is also made of thicker and heavier materials.
Could shave 30% of the weight off by using composites, reducing crew to 1, and other minor changes. Could double its thrust by using more modern engines. The weight savings and thrust increase alone should compensate for any payload differences. Nose cone is decent sized enough for bomber radar.

Could be a far better strike platform.

Nailed it, dude.
How can this board attract people if it's all Debbie Downers, Zig Forums refugees and other people who hate fun? Revival now!

The Canberra has a longer nose to tail length (19.96m to 16.72m), wingspan (19.51m to 13.91m at full extension), 90km less range, and while the empty weight breaks the Canberras way the fully loaded weight is almost identical to the Tornado. The less powerful engines give it a much lower top speed too (933km/h to 2400km/h). I'll grant that I'm using the stats for a later model Tornado and comparing it to a Canberra built more than a decade beforehand - but the numbers don't lie. As aesthetic and lovable as the Canberra might be she's going to need one hell of an upgrade to compete.

All of which were retarded.
Yes, because eating semen brownies and proudly displaying autism is such a great thing.
Fake LARPing for cool kid points.
And how did that go? Oh yeah, it got taken over by an autistic tranny and crashed.
Having "fun" is cancerous. It attracts retards and normalfags who think they're in good company. In addition, "fun" makes people more open to subversion.
"Fun" shouldn't be allowed unless you want Zig Forums to go to shit. Look at 4/k/ and how much of a shithole it is for allowing "fun". Do you want our Zig Forums to end up like that? If yes, kill yourself.
If this thread was solely about discussing aircraft without the retarded LARPfags, it'd be better.

TORpedo is right for once.

In that vein, post military aerospace.

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Alright, have it your way. Let's just talk about aircraft.

This has to do with it carrying more fuel because its engines are less efficient, fixing that fixes the weight problem. Todnado carries 5842 liters internally. It can carry four 2250 liter fuel tanks, and two 551 liter fin fuel tanks, for a total of 15944L during its 3890km ferry range, or about 4L/km. For Canberra its 4380km with just the tiny wingtip teardrop tanks, on its shitty ass engines. I'll remind there are variants like RB-57F which have ferry ranges in excess of 12,000km, since their job is intercontinental spying.

One hell of an upgrade isn't impossible, it's been done before. The RB106 engines that replaced the Avon are twice as good, but there's no reason to stop there. A composite airframe and better engines solves most of its problems, a cheapo bomb sight radar solves the rest. I don't think it needs to break mach 2 in order to be a good strike bomber.

The Cobra would have been a great idea. I'm betting it would have been a better match to the MiG-29 as well.

Full/co/ is a good example of what happens to a board that makes the mistake of adopting that mentality.
It turns to super serious whining, you get banned for obvious jokes, and half your population leaves.
The real solution is to not go full retard with funposting while simultaneously not being a complete no fun allowed faggot that shits his pants at the mere sight of a joke.
Also, I'd say half/k/'s issue lies more with the mods going full cuck like everyone else on the site.
Though their fudd/no fun population pretending they know shit is still cancerous, they wouldn't be in their predicament if the mods actually gave a shit about weapons and allowed mouthbreathing retards to be bullied until they either fuck off or educate themselves.

Well, when you put it like that I suppose that it doesn't NEED to break mach two. I'm guessing you'd need to redesign the air-frame pretty heavily for supersonic flight as well. Would this Super Canberra have the same potential for air combat as the Tornado? Vid related (and similar stories) would suggest that you don't always need a purpose built fighter to come out on top there.

This is why nobody likes you, Zig Forums.

Once again. Nailed it. 4chan’s mods allow the cancer and Fudds to fester and they overwhelmingly attract nogunz normies and hard leftists who feel they’re being brave by trolling the “anonymous hacker 4chan”.

Being super serious devolves you into Zig Forums and then everybody leaves. Why don’t we have both serious and fun threads?

Burn the normies, user.

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All the pylons you could ever want or need.

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Doesn't that make it a bit more realistic when an assembly of civilian voluntaries and veterans is implied?

Jesus… Fucking chill, dude.

I didn't mean it as a necessarily bad thing.
After all the most advanced nations in the world are routinely BTFO by highly motivated third worlders.

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lol what a homo

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lmao get ignored, tryhard

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Why did the b52 need a big crew yet the b47 did not?

pic related

CAS/light bomber
I'll have two pots of scalding hot coffee, one for drinking, one for pouring. I think that counts as some kind of flame thrower equivalent. Throw in a few hand grenades and hi-point and I think that'll be enough.


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The b47 didn't have a gunner or some electronics dick.

Name a plane and/or missile that could defeat this. Protip: you can't.

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MBB Lampyridae

Better radar cross section than a F117. I don't need no stupid drones to make your search radar lose me, Estovakia! *cough*VFA-44*cough*

Were there ever any plans on how to get the A12 the fuel it would have needed as an interceptor? Sending a flight up only to have it refuel before climbing to altitude makes a Bf109 look fast, and they're not exactly cut out to compete with jets that can climb vertically.

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Designed to stop an XB70, I doubt it'll have problems stopping another high flying mach 3 aircraft.

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I'm reasonably sure the MiG-29 has nothing to do with the XB-70.
You might be thinking of the predecessor to this, but that kind of sucked, it actually had to be rebuilt after every time it went Mach 3.

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attacking a bomber(or sr-71) is very different from being attacked by an interceptor with standoff range, countermeasures, and superior speed. (a-12 was faster than the sr-71 by .02 mach)
Not sure if the f-12 was meant to have a gun, or if that would even be useful on such an aircraft. But it is the biggest fighter ever flown, so there's enough range to give up some fuel tank space in the nose strakes for guns. I would want two .20mm autocannons.

I kinda thought the mig-29 had nothing to do with high speed either, hopefully the kraut explains how that engagement would play as non-autistically as possible

I think the long deploy time and high operating cost are what killed it as a fighter, not performance. At the time the .gov needed something they could mass produce to compete with the 3rd gen migs. extra lift on takeoff is something we have mastered, though. Airliners commonly change their wing shape to generate more lift at takeoff, tilting the front and back of the wings down to make a thicker wing and more lift at low speeds. A similar system could possibly be used on the f-12b(not a-12, dif plane) and could be made to use fuel as hydraulic fluid(like the rest of the plane). There are also a bunch of more exotic methods like blown flaps. the downside is this would introduce a shitton more moving parts into an already extremely complicated, expensive, high-performance, but above all old system that still works perfectly.

It sounds right up the air force's alley to me


Any two modern fighters, or a single MiG-31 with a competent pilot, could shoot down an F-12.


Holy shit!

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Think about it, it's the perfect covert Anti-aircraft weapon, it sets off no warning in the targets cockpit, it's completely immune to any kind of current gen ECM, it'll completely ignore flares and chaff, and there's no way to trace it back to the nation or agency that 'fired' it. The only real flaw with the plan is that the individual components of the flock can move rather slowly when compared to modern jet aircraft, and they have a somewhat lacklustre climb rate which would potentially limit their effectiveness. This could be countered by installing (rectally) a standard, civilian grade, G-class rocket engine into each unit prior to deployment. That should get them up to a reasonable altitude, and given the light weight of the gull payload should accelerate them to a reasonable intercept speed. Personally I blame the animal rights movement for preventing the development and research this technology would need to completely dominate modern anti-aircraft warfare.

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and that was just the prototype.

nothing could compete. Except which fucking scares me

imagine training seagulls to fly into jet noises

all you'd need is some speaker accurately reproducing jet intake noises of the desired jet, and some french fries or some shit

fuck off niggerfaggot

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A relatively minor advantage in altitude and speed doesn't mean a damn thing when you're exchanging hypersonic missiles at ranges of 150+ miles.

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Never not P38. NEVER NOT.
You fags remember the custom P38 from Iron Eagles III? The one with the boosters and computer guided ordinance? Oooohhh yesssssssss

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How do i go about proposing this to the airforce?
I wanna start a company about seagull training that gets bought up by boeing or some shit for 100mil

Why use seagulls that are fucking stupid?

Ravens, jackdaws and choughs can fly at least as high and are much more trainable.