post sexy traps
I never got that last one.
Surely you'd notice you're sitting on cellophane?
If it's flattened out, you wouldn't feel anything.
Both of you are fools. You stick it under the seat.
I'm pretty sure you'd still feel it.
I dunno man, I've gotten people with that method before.
Believe it or not bonger but most of us don't sit with our ass touching the water.
How big is your ass, user? It shouldn't be able to reach down that far.
I do squats okay
You spread it tight under the seat, the goal is that when a guy pisses on it the piss will bounce off. If he sits down on it then odds are you've wasted your clingfilm.
No, you are of homosex
Do you guys not have balls?
Traps aren't gay.
You realize american toilets are really "shallow" right?
I'm not sure why but it seems like a dumb design, I've sat on some that you might dip your dick in if its big enough.
Based yuro toilets doesn't let your dick get fouled.
If someone opens your door (or you pull on the string) the cork will be pulled out of the clothes pin. The clothes pin will clamp down and connect the two tin foil pieces, which will close the electric circuit and make a current flow through the wire. Because the thin wire has a much higher resistance than the normal wire it will quickly get hot. Depending on how thin it is it will take a second or two for it to ignite the fuse. The fuse will then ignite the black powder and magnesium underneath the doormat, which will blind and shock any attacker.
Screw not "feeling" it, anyone with half a brain would SEE the plastic over the toilet.
Saw it comming.
the fuck do you do wit your dick, just let it hang out?
I throw it over the shoulder, kinda like a scarf (^:
Why are Anglokikes such homos, Allemagne?
Norman ancestry.
t. Saxon pro
'ere you go
got me good, tbh
So, Zig Forums, I've got an interesting idea, but I'm not sure how well, or if it will, work. This idea came to me in a recent fit of Zig Forumstism while taking a lovely stroll through the neighborhood. Would it be possible to make a bending caltrop that would be somewhat sturdy enough for long term use and effective for anti-personnel, anti-animal and anti-vehicular usage?
Let me pitch it to you, if you don't fully understand what I'm trying to convey:
If iron or steel don't have the necessary properties for such bending, then I apologize; I'm no metallurgist. I just want my autism to see if my autism could have some practical use for self-defense.
Or you just make the caltrops barbed
I guess you could make spring hinged caltrops with barbed heads. Pull down the spikes and clip them together and boom easy to use and store.
The enemy can just take some wooden planks, throw them at the garden and your caltrops are now useless.
Can you elaborate, Ikeaman?
electric triggers can be used for all kinds of things.
Either use them to set off an electric detonator for some explosive, or to ring a silent alarm to you, so you know exactly through which door (or pathway) the enemy is coming in.
These things are really only the basis of your trap, and it depends very much on your own creativity what you manage to achieve with them.
See for an example of one. It uses the washing pin tripwire to ignite a fuse, which leads to a blinding charge beneath a doormat.
That's certainly more practical than what I had in mind.
Sounds like a good idea to me.
Good point. At the very least, it's a delaying action with a chance of thinning out the enemy numbers.
Thanks kraut.
I was wondering what those cables are supposed to trigger, but the answer is "whatever i want them to"
just pull this one on drunk people
Trapping your house and using it as a defensive position is a horrible idea in general. Molotov cocktails are easy enough to make, and unless your house is an airtight concrete bunker on a hill with perimeter sentries, incredible sight lines and secret escape tunnels, you're eventually going to wind up in a position where you have to leave or burn/suffocate to death.
From NBK2000's pdf:
Take a sponge (real, not synthetic) and soak it in a saturated starch solution. Squeeze it
down into a small ball and tie it with string so it will keep its shape till it's totally dry.
Remove the string. Have 2 bags of chemicals (sodium cyanide and citric acid). Drop the
sponge ball down the toilet and push it down just out of sight, using a coat hanger. Then
pour the citric acid in the bowl and the cyanide in the water tank. You want to use enough
chemicals to ensure a saturated solution for maximum effectiveness. Don't use other
acids instead of citric because they will have odor or color that may give it away. The
cyanide goes in the tank because it reacts with water to give of trace amounts of
hydrogen cyanide that may be detected if it was in the bowl and not sealed inside the
What happens then is that the sponge absorbs water and expands to clog the toilet and
keep the chemicals in the bowl. When a victim flushes the toilet, the cyanide solution in
the tank flows down into the bowl where it reacts with the citric acid to form a lethal cloud
of Hydrogen Cyanide gas. The concentration will be so great that the victim will die
instantly and anyone else in the same bathroom will die too. And people who hear the
noise (or don't) and enter the bathroom will probably also be killed too.
You can test this out at home using vinegar and baking soda instead of the lethal
chemicals. And a plunger instead of a sponge.
Yeah I'll just go buy some sodium cyanide at the local 7/11
Vietcong traps look like someone who had a lot of time on their hands and not much else built them. I don't think they'd be practical for a serious group to build…
some wooden planks, an angle grinder and some wide, long nails should allow you to make about ten or so per day, if you have two dedicated trap builders you are set, because you only need two immobilized hostiles to halt the patrol so you can spring your ambush.
even if they stay put for only two minutes a spotter and two mortars should be able to kill at least half the patrol
Yeah but some of them are overcomplicated.
For example a single barbed spike in a hole is superior to 90% of these traps. What is this venus shit? You don't even get hurt if your leg falls into it, it's only an issue if you try to pull out immediately. But a single spike in a hole hurts you right away, and you still can't remove it easily.
Try jewelry store. It is(or used to be) used for cleaning gold and silver.
You can make it - assuming you know what you are doing! Please note that watching the following video does NOT mean you know what you are doing.
your instinctual reacting will be to pull your leg out as soon as you fall in, it's a reflex and very hard to ignore, especially if you are surprised. a single spike would work, but in practice the digging of the hole is the most labour intensive part of the trap, so at that point a shotgun shell in a steel tube on top of a nail is not only less digging but also more damaging to your feet
but in the end, these things worked, and a variety of traps means te enemy has to look for many different traces of the traps, distracting him
And that's just when you have to deal with the trap on its own - add enemy fire to the mix and you will want to pull your leg out in a hurry. If you get stuck in them, you are a sitting duck. As are any comrades who come to help you.
Booby traps can be used on their own, but they are much more effective when used in ambushes.
Venus flytraps weren't typically used in ambushes judging from the literature, but I see no reason why they counldn't have been used in ambushes.
It's an obstacle then.
Do rodent traps qualify?
apparently disguise is not a requirement against creatures too stupid to recognize the threat
Some moar lulz from kiketube to deliver Anthrax.
Use hooktube newfag.
Hungary has been here for years, gook. He was autistic about HookTube when it was still fairly obscure here.
I'm not him.
Doesn't matter, fucking use Hooktube or some alternative you have.
Do not give clicks to Google.
Are you the Magyar that would make the WWII image threads?
Can anyone tell me what books these are from?
TC 5-31 Viet Cong Boobytraps, Mines and Mine Warfare Techniques
Mines and Boobytraps used by the Viet Cong in South Vietnam
I blame Agent Orange.
This one is kind of a general bushcraft book. But it has a huge section on traps, granted most of them are for smaller game but some could easily be repurposed for people.
Its also a fairly heavy read so be warned.
This gave me an idea. I want to build something like this but upsized with a large bottle and stronger elastic. Followed by changing the trigger so the trap goes off when something enters it.
Basically I want to throw mice at peoples houses remotely.
I apologize for the triple post, but my masterpiece is complete.
let me show you its features!
Genius. What's keeping the trigger stick held to the load bearing stick?
Its (in theory) the upward pressure of the elastic wedging the LBS to the TS and to the bottle which in turn makes the TS want to rotate clockwise. Which (once again in theory) is kept from rotating by the CPS.
The idea being that if the trigger stick is disturbed it would allow the counter stick to fall out of position thus allowing the trigger stick to rotate out of its wedged position and giving the load stick just enough room to clear the bottle-neck. Hopefully with its quarry.
That's what I figured. The only problem I can imagine is if the counterstick and the trigger stick were to fall out of place after being activated, they could wedge themselves underneath the firing stick and prevent proper rodent flinging
The copout answer would be "precisely shaped sticks", but I might try making one and reporting my findings. If you don't here back from me in a few days, assume I got lazy and didn't get around to it.
I've heard similar models were used in conjunction with Trump signs to smear uppity liberals with shit and paint, back in 2016.
An alternative trigger for this.
Although if the trigger is so close to the opening the band could just end up slapping the rodent instead of propelling it into strelok’s neighbour’s house. You would need to have the trigger be actives when the rodent is closer to the stretched band to accelerate.
This thread gets me thinking, where can I read about the legislation concerning trapmaking for defensive use?
Yes, I'm keenly aware the law is fucking bullshit. Nonetheless.
Some traps from the SAS Survival Handbook. Suitable for two or four legged prey - except for one. I couldn't be fucked cropping the pic.
A 12 gauge 'spring-gun' - which is a gun, often a shotgun, rigged to fire when a string or other triggering device is tripped by contact of sufficient force to "spring" the trigger so that anyone stumbling over or treading on it would discharge the gun
100% illegal to make, possess, or use.
Save this kind of thing for post SHTF/WROL