relisted with no comments allowed.
Relisted with no comments allowed
No comments is always cancer but at least he restored the flag.
We need to bully Ian out of his faggotry, it is unacceptable in a gun owner.
He compared Rhodesia to the Confederate States of America in terms of arms development in his R76 & M77 video. Maybe I'm just a bit touchy but the tone in his voice betrayed his feelings and it seemed like he was trying to make people dislike Rhodesia by comparing it to the CSA.
I've got nothing against the CSA but bugmen do
Slave labor creates the same problem as automatization though.
Ian and Karl are fucking queers who should be hanged.
Not sure what you mean by this. Slave labor slows down an economy in the long term while automation increases quality of life and makes growth occur faster.
saged and reported for posting this faggot
How exactly does it improve people's lives if it robs them of work?
The difference between industrial slave labour and automatization that in one of them you replace humans with machines, and in the other one you replace humans with slaves. In the Roman Empire the economic life was wrecked becasue latifundiums and manufactures simply took away the jobs of all the peasants and craftsmen, and without them there was no middle class any more.
Because it doesn't really rob them of work if you look at the whole economy. Automation reduces costs, which is increases the amount of disposable income people have available. More disposable income means consumers purchase save more and purchase more goods, which requires producers to expand their facilities to meet demand. That expansion takes the form of hiring more people, and as a result automation leads to a net increase of jobs in the economy.
Oh, I'm well aware of that, I don't dispute it. Automation doesn't have the same effect, however.
Yes but machines don't play on emotions of the softhearted in the population to get freed of the factory, and then run around for 100 years raping and murdering the most honest and decent people in your society.
A murderer is hanged on a tree to show everyone that, although he faced someone in battle and won, this battle was not sanctioned by the community and is a detriment to good order. His crime is displayed to passers-by to show that such an act is not permissible.
A faggot is put in a wooden cage and thrown into a swamp, where the executioner will press with his foot on the cage until it sinks completely. This is because the sin of faggotry is so terrible, that a community should not even acknowledge its presence.
Friendly reminder that Ian must hang from the highest possible tree or pole for being an AntiFaggot and anti-white.
And that's not mentioning the fact that machines make stuff cheaper, whether its food, bullets or transportation. That means quality of life goes up for them and everyone else, since people can afford shit that was previously priced through the ceiling. Even if they have to deal with the shitty experience of losing a job and looking for a new one.
Problems with niggers aren't the same as problems with automation.
Let's see what happens if we replace but a single word.
Of course you can claim that they did expand their facilities, they just did it in the countries where those facilities are located. But what makes you think that the expansion of facilities will lead to the creation of new jobs for people, when they can just use their profits to increase automatization even more?
And again.
That only works if the place you outsource it doesn't place tariffs or sanctions on imports from your country.
For example:
1. Chinese workers can't make laptops, but can make cellphones
2. We outsource making a cellphone to China
3. American customers get cheaper cellphones
4. All the Americans who worked on cellphones switch to making laptops
5. Chinese customers buy American laptops which are cheaper and better than theirs
That's just an exchange of labor so they do what they're best at, and we do what we're best at, and both of us benefit.
However this is what really happens:
1. We outsource making a cellphone to China
2. American customers get cheaper cellphones
3. Chinese customers can't buy American laptops due to sanctions
4. All the Americans who worked on cellphones switch to welfare
^^^ this is the unfair and stupid part, not the actual outsourcing ^^^
China is playing games with their currency and bureaucracy to prevent equal exchange of labor, it ends up being only one-way, and they benefit while we suffer. It's parasitism.
I agree completely, actually. Outsourcing per se isn't a problem because the only jobs that are outsourced are those sectors where your economy isn't competitive anyways, which frees up domestic labor and capital to work in your competitive sector, which is to say your export sector. The "problem" with outsourcing is that unions, the Fed, and a fuckton of regulations means that our competitive sectors aren't as competitive as they could be. And removing these regulations and barriers will not only make export sectors more competitive, it improves the entire economy.
Like with outsourcing, the answer is comparative advantage. Machines are naturally more inclined for some tasks, while people are better suited for others. Replacing these latter jobs with machinery would either cause an increase in costs, which defeats the entire point, or it's completely impossible. This guy also brings up good points.
my contribution
what happened to the last thread?
Australian BO deleted it as a shitpost
Shame. Should have anchored it just to mess with the faggot who started it.
that faggots sissy sounding voice drives me insane, I want to shoot him in the face so bad
No they're not. And they're not commies either.
What has you butt-blasted is that they're not pushing for a final solution to your JQ.
I am looking for Sarah Connor.
Vid related, it's you.
gets me every time
*hand start shaking*
>believing Hollywood and (((Isaac Asimov))) propaganda
Robofus will be the Aryans' greatest allies.
Now you have gone too far.
Do you ever wonder why people don't take you seriously? I agree with the AI results tho, computers don't lie, they compute.
I don't know how to feel about Asimov, I liked his work, but he is a Jew, and even Jews that seem good on the surface are always bad in nature
His zionist pro-degeneracy anti-Aryan goy-patronizing views are very poorly concealed in his books.
So it's state-perpetrated genocide by all definitions but we don't call them genocide because?…
because genocide is only for jews.
A pure logic AI would logically conclude that a genetically distinct 15% of the population engaging in 50% of murder is unacceptable.
That's why leftists at Google are purposely making broken artificial intelligences that rank blacks over whites.
But Blacks make up 13% and it's mostly young whi- eh black males less than 5% that commit 52% of all murders.
Ah so he is not Antifa.
He is just such a mentally damaged brainlet that he sounds like Antifa.
That's a dumb argument, you can make anyone sound like anyone else. Take Hitler quotes about economy and read them to communists. They'll agree. Then tell them who's the author and enjoy the rage.
sorry, you're not allowed to defend yourself.
What? Retard it's not an argument.
He's saying that government organized seizure of property, rape and murder of an ethnic group is not genocide. Under that retarded claim I cropped in screencaps of the definition of genocide and ethnic cleansing.
It's not an argument, it's a complete refutation of his opinion. There's no wiggle room to "argue" in, he's just fucking wrong.
I don't like either Nazis or Commies. They're both idiotic collectivist movements embraced by people who have accomplished nothing noteworthy and are hoping to leach off the success of others.
Wernher von Braun was a pioneer of rocketry and deserves all the credit he gets for his pivotal role in advancing science and engineering. Joseph Goebbels was a sniveling manlet whose only talents revolved around propaganda. The former is a titan who shaped the world, the latter is a parasite on the ass of society. Deal with it.
And before you call me a commie, commies had the exact same problems, and it dragged on for a hell of a lot longer.
Fuckin spoiler that shit. It's worse than a skinwalker's asshole.
They sound like good ideas to socialists because he was a socialist. This isn't an unpopular idea around here, but the "left vs right" politics argument has just been left vs left since 1920
I was going to ask ya'll niggers to just let Ian be a faggot by himself, but then I remembered how he tried to deny farmer killings in SA happening. God fucking damnit, why'd he have to be slurping on the Cool Aid?
I know the feeling, I just want him back
Ah, my mistake. Vid related, this one is you.
It is 100% over the line, and they are both cocksucking faggots. Fuck off.
Homosexuality is a requirement for being a skinhead, user, as is jerking it to interracial cuckolding.
All I know is he missed out on touching some oddball milsurp shit and had to cancel an airplane ride over his SA shit.
If communists were half gay as they are today. Cold War would’ve ended in less than 8 years.
Read the Candle Maker's Petition, I'm not libertarian, but this work shows the utter retarded, mouth breathing stupidity of the labor movement and its values. Labor's ideal is the entire population is split up into two groups, one whose job is to dig holes, the other group's job is to fill those holes, thus we create eternal job security, all the while forgetting that all of the work is fruitless, pointless, worthless. The end of industry is the production, the value is in the fruit and the product, not in the labor and costs.
Being robbed of work you must do is like being robbed of a kick to the balls. Necessary things are done more efficiently, with less hours and less people, freeing up people to do other work, and allow workers to work less hours and have more leisure. If we become efficient enough, the dream of the 30 hour workweek for those who want it could be a reality, all the work that is necessary could be accomplished easily leaving us more time to pick up other work, do other tasks, or enjoy the fruits of our labors. Necessary work is not a blessing, but a curse. Being "robbed" of it is a blessing, not a curse.
By your mentality we should destroy all industry and technology and descend back into the days of the caveman, or back to the age of subsistence agriculture. There was always work to be done, endless toil and suffering, no job insecurity. How would you like that? We should destroy the washers and dryers so people can go back to work washing clothes by hand, we should destroy and outlaw all water heaters and water pumps so men can be employed, with great job security mind you, carrying and boiling water. We should encourage the vandals to smash every window, so that the windowmaker can have job security. Every automobile should have its tires slashed at least every two months, when everyone is forced to buy new tires it is good for the rubber industry, tire makers, tire shops. Maybe we should just level whole city blocks, destroy entire towns and cities, so that we may rebuild them to keep people employed.
Wealth comes from production and sees its increase in consumption and obtainment by lower prices, not by more fruitless labor and more income. Inefficiencies lead to lower production, which means there is less, which leads to shortages, and people cannot obtain or consume because there isn't enough to go around, no matter how high their wages are, no matter how many hours they work, no matter how much "work" they are not "robbed of". Increase production so there is mass surplus the market is flooded, there is enough for everyone, little to no price competition. low prices, and people can obtain or consume for very little money which requires very little work.
The old worker who toiled 16 hours a day, 7 days a week and was guaranteed his factory job had far less then the average "had it good" guy in the post world war 2 west who might work 40 hours a week, 5 days a week with vacation. Did his being "robbed" of work and hours make him poor, did he suffer from having his work "robbed" from him? People today often have easier work, sometimes work far less, and have far more, should we go back to endless work and suffering and have less so we can all have this blessed work and job security?
Technology and automation are only making things better. There is still plenty to do that automation and technology won't make easier or better, so get going on that. Every time we displace a man from one line of work, we free him to do something else. Instead of working a the factory 60 hours a week, he can work 30 and fix his roof, fix his car, get something else of value done for himself, his family, his community, society. NEET's don't have to be losers, go find a job, and even if you can't be productive in your individual lives, read, write, volunteer, start a business and employ yourself, make yourself a better person, enjoy live, help others.
Labor is completely wrong and its ideas all backwards. Low wages and no labor laws means easy access to labor markets, universal employment, low costs which leads to easily affordable things even with a lower income. High wages, labor laws, rackets, all lead to shortages, controls, high prices, and soon even people with high incomes and wages must borrow money to buy what they used to with cash. Soon work is rationed by politics, people are "lucky" to work overtime as the labor market shrinks creating high wage haves and no work have nots. Watch as your high wages are eaten by the high prices it causes. Watch as you can't buy things at all because they aren't being made because automation is not allowed and people can't work because of enjgineered labor shortages to help boost "muh high wages".
Labor movements are the stupidity and greed of the lower class, and they always rob themselves, and everyone else, of a better life.
The jokes write themselves.
I stopped watching his videos recently. while I love seeing the guns taken apart, I cannot stand to support this megacuck
Apparently he understands genocide as killing (caedere) of a people (genus) and that's simply not happening>>589713
down there.
"The word "genocide" was coined in 1943 by Polish-Jewish legal scholar Raphael Lemkin (1900–1959) referring to the Armenian Genocide and the Jewish Holocaust."
I simply cannot contain my laughter in face of the irony. Excuse me, please.
A polack would say that.
Asimov is a product of his time. Existentialism is not "deep", and only appears so to the soulless.
You're just as cancerous as the "nazis" you hate. Pic related, from Zig Forums.
Away with you, projecting sodomite.
Hopefully Zig Forums at least becomes a containment board for the normalfags, because it's basically a generic, no-fun-allowed, alt-right forum at this point.
Nazis and Commies have certainly accomplished noteworthy things. The roleplaying shitposter "online activists" who pretend to be either aren't part of those groups.
Fun fact: state doesn't need middle class.
Jesus Christ is his hand shaking??!?!
I like how you can't disprove the fact that fag ian is wrong. And wrong in a way that makes him aid the Antifa trannies.
Friendly reminder people who think Zig Forums are Zig Forums friends or think Zig Forums any better than the faggots from Zig Forums are stupid.
While Zig Forums has gone down the drain, doesn't change the fact that Ian is a cuck. Also
Fucking newfags >>>Zig Forums11794848
Nu-Zig Forums is reddit central, don't conflate edgy teenagers with legitimate natsocs and fascists. Ironically, we share more in common ideologically with a blackshirt then we do with the trump-worshipping retards.
If it quacks like a duck…
sage because nobody should care about the latest escapades of morons
No disputing that.
Nazism isn’t the same thing as fascism. Hell fascism was originally intended to be just for Italians. Original fascism didn’t even have to do with race. It all about self economic improvement and strong nationalism. Nazism is a bastardization of fascism.
He also keeps claiming that Rhodesia had apartheid to make people hate it, even though that's a flat our lie and Rhodesia never had apartheid.
I love this quote, Ian was trying to point out that youtube are actual evil right-wingers censoring poor POCs and that all the gun channels on youtube should just shut up because no-one is coming after them. He was trying to make out that gun channels are all just paranoid gun nuts.
What he doesn't realise is that the automatic "black" demonetisation thing is to stop right-wing political channels from making political videos regarding black violence or crime or whatever. It's a fucking automated system that does it, youtube aren't evil nazis going out of their way to censor muh poor oppressed POCS. It's a fucking retarded statement to make.
It's fascist-derived ideology nonetheless. If anything it could be could called simply expanded fascism, because ethnic homogeneity is a large factor behind nationalism and having a functional market.
State is already a concept made by citizens to decrease the power of the nobility. All societies more complicated than a single tribe start out with three groups (and an additional one):
What's there to say? They inherit their power from their ancestors and they rule.
They serve the rulers, go to war and collect taxes.
Peasants, goatherders, whatever else, they work and pay taxes.
To understand their role you have know this: all religions are just an explanation of how the world works, based on a system of cause-and-effect. Their role is to tend this system, so people will know their place. Of course this makes them natural allies with the rulers.
Also note that this isn't an incredibly rigid system, it's perfectly natural for a lower member of the ruling class to marry a peasant girl, or for a peasant to become a warrior, and for a warrior to become a noble. And of course a noble can fall down to the level of a peasant, and any of them can become a member of the priesthood.
Now, as a region stabilizes over centuries and cities start to appear you'll end up with the citizens, who exist in their own little world. There, inside the walls of their cities they have power over their own lives, and everything is governed by trade and money. But for everyone else they are nothing more than members of the common folk. To change this they have to make the whole country, even the whole world work like how their cities work; to reduce every men, from peasant to king, into nothing more than their wealth and occupation. As part of this process they invent the concept of state: they undermine the power of the nobles by saying that their power comes from a bureaucratic system called the state, and question their right to control this bureaucratic system. In Europe this was called the Enlightenment. Of course, they also attack the priesthood by questioning how the religion works, and later they will question the religion itself. The same thing happened in the Greco-Roman world and in China, and it most likely happened in a few other places too, like Egypt and India. This is just the tl;dr of a tl;dr, read Decline of the West from Spengler if you want to know more.
The world of the citizens won't last forever, and the dictatorship of money will be replace by the rule of blood even in the West. It will happen in the coming few centuries. Of course, it's possible that the Western civilization won't even survive the next hundred years, but let's not entertain that idea here. When the rule of blood comes back, and society partly reverts to a more natural form, then most of the common folk will be obsolete, as machines will replace them. I envision a world where you are either part of the nobility, a soldier, a reservist ex-soldier who works maybe 20-30 hours a week, a scientist or engineer (the equivalents of priests), or just a lowlife on the very bottom of society.
The ironic thing is I'm more feudalist and defend mercantilism. But, the good parts of mercantilism, not the bad parts. The good parts are where we defend and promote local and domestic industry and keep our own people working and productive. I hate the part, like how Bastiat's work said, where eventually people in industry and labor try to engineer shortages to hurt the people in order to raise prices and justify unnecessary work, force consumption, put competitors out of business by law instead of by offering a better product at a better price, try to make the economy bigger by volume rather than see to it people are well off and get what they need and want.
How has technology been only in the interests of corporations? Hasn't the tractor made life easier and more profitable for the farmer? Hasn't the factory and automation produced large sums of affordable goods that you and everyone else enjoys? Doesn't the computer and telephone, who replaced officer workers and messengers, make life better, communications quicker, shipments and distribution better so people can obtain more? When companies can do things for cheaper and drop the price for the consumer, is this not to the benefit of all? Does not the consumer enjoy the benefits of these technologies and efficiencies more than the companies that produce them?
Many jobs have dissappeared or shrunk, they are no longer needed, because they things they do are done better now, that's a good thing. More people eat from large farms with few workers producing many times the bushels per acre that the divided small old farms did by hand and plow. There would have never been an industrial revolution if there had never been the agricultural one in the first place. The free time we enjoy today and the easier living comes from efficiency, not grinding tech progress to a halt fur "muh jerbs". Inefficiency to protect "muh jerbs" is only going to slow progress or hurl it backwards. Things are more based on productivity than the individual incomes derived therefrom. Labor's approach is backwards and will make us all poorer.
The labor movement and "muh jerbs" is nothing more than an appeal to personal shallow interest. Instead of looking at the bigger picture of what's best for everyone in the end, the lower class man would rather make himself poorer defending his share of the pie instead of getting more pie from making the pie way bigger. "Muh high wages" and "muh good paying jerb" are short sighted PERSONAL objectives, not what we base an entire complex economy around, labor's, and all of socialism's appeal, is appealing to the individual greed of each man. Instead of working towards the greater good of more production and availability they ONLY talk about "your share" and how engineering shortages and inefficiencies that make us all poorer to raise prices will make you richer and better off.
The ultimate fallacy of the common man when it comes to economics is his sense of equating all things to money, and that more money always makes you richer. Consider this: if you are in an economy where your income raises 2% a year while inflation rises 5%, you are poorer with more money. If you are in an economy where your income drops 1% and costs drop 5%, you are richer with less money. But the money worshipping fool will easily be lead down the wrong path of thinking, he will gladly make himself poorer for a little more alimighty dollar. There is no way to convince him that higher prices will make him poorer so long as he gets a sliver of it, and now way to make him understand he is richer when prices plummet if his income drops the tiniest bit.
Yeomen replacing more collectivized farming lead to greater yields and more free hands to do other work, making old society richer and better. The agricultural revolution reduced the number of people need to farm and expanded the population with more food, leading to even more free hands to do even more work and bring about the greatest increase in wealth of all time. Further advances in technology will only help us further, free up more people, reduce our work hours, make a better physical outcome for everyone. The war on automation is almost the same as the war against more privatized yeomanry doing more farming, against the tractor and against the factory.
Again, were we better off at the old full employment or today's partial employment? I want full employment again as well, but crippling and forcing industry backwards is not the answer. We need lower wages and less labor laws, we need to compete with other nations instead of trying to keep wages artificially high, we need to reduce welfare and see reforms to put people back to work, not damage production.
baste. do you study economists or something?
Geopolitical thinker, have to study a bit of everything, and one cannot rule a nation nor a fief without a basic understanding of economics. I don't agree with libertarians, nor the classical liberal, nor the Austrian School entirely, but there is something to be said of their ideas on the subject.
Didn't nobles just get to fuck over peasants whenever and however they wanted with the only restriction being not to undermine their tax collection too much by depopulating the region? You had nobles taking brides' virginities on the night of their weddings, rape not applicable in the case of a noble on commoner occurence, beating and killing peasants who were on the road and holding up a noble's entourage, so on and so forth. Hell, you had Elizabeth Bathory in Hungary, Gilles de Rais in France, and various other bluebloods all of whom were able to get away with their violent, psychopathic tendencies against commoners for years and were only stopped when it began to affect the nobility around them, all because of "bloodline". And in many places, if you were a peasant and wanted to get away from a terrible lord, turns out there's laws against you moving away from your fief, punishable by imprisonment, fine, or death, too bad. Given how much power nobles had over their "lessers", with virtually no mitigation and commoners being treated as less than human, I don't miss them at all.
Define the time and region. This is how every society works until it turns into a civilization. The same model applies to virtually all societies for at least the last 6000 years.
There was no such thing.
It's quite likely that her crimes are mere fabrications that were used to arrest and imprision her. Besides, even if it's true, she didn't kill a single noble and yet she was punished.
Just to clarify, you're a monarchist, yes?
… Thats still not a refutation of Ian being a retard…
Why do you keep linking my post if you're completely on a different topic??
We need more streloks like you back around here.
I too enjoy repeating what others say without checking the authenticity of their claims.
The truth about this stuff is that most of your wealthy people that deal in or own full auto machine guns, collector grade weapons, or essentially gun stuffs you would have to use an entire year or twos wages on, they tend to be hardcore liberals. The type that have, guns for me and none for you mentality and all the other liberal idiosyncrasies tend to be reflected in their other behaviors and tendencies. Why do you think Ian never wants to talk about politics? Hes always known that his politics are incompatible with his fans, the people giving him money for no good reason.
Regardless its very likely Ian owns alot of cool gun stuff that goes up in value because of liberal policies, so its pretty reasonable to assert like most Americans he will support policies that will increase his standard of living even if that costs others theirs.
People like that buffoon Ted Nugent are abnormalities because they are both wealthy and seemingly on the conservative side (but I think hes just an idiot with money).
TL:DR Rich people are liberals, because if they are not the Jews surrounding them will destroy them.
Prima Noctis is a victorian fabrication, just like the idea the vikings were serial rapists. There are no contemporary accounts of either EVER happening. In fact there are no accounts mentioning such actions until several hundred years after each era, including histories INTENDED to slander the mentioned parties.
he's a faggot voiced cuck that votes for Democratic party nigger nazism and you then expect him to be pro gun
you're a brainlet faggot
That post was making fun of Zig Forums not defending Ian you gutless faggots. You cunts are truly no busy than cocksucking communists larpers on Zig Forums
You got triggered that your gay internet hero was shit on, and rightly so for being anti-gun liberal scum, and now you're trying to reframe it as being MUH POLLLLL all along because you're hoping that the reputation of Zig Forums will drown out your obvious cuckery and intellectual stupidity of supporting that goddamn gay voiced, obvious fucking ponytail wearing weirdo faggot that thinks guns are too manly.