On Conquest

Hello gents, I don't really browse this part of the site but I've been having really, really winnie the poohed up thoughts lately and even though a bunch of random Christian shitpostsers can't possibly substitute a real spiritual figure, the fullchan hivemind probably knows more about geopolitical and historical matters than a small town's priest.
So basically I was mulling over some thoughts about war and more specifically the occupation (justified or not) of this or that land and the killing and enslavement of a foreign country. I understand the fundamental negativity of torture, so leave that and just think about the "controlled" murder of a group of people for economic or political gains. Is it justified? If not, when or is it even justifiable?
What if it happened to instill fear on a different, aggressive religion like Islam and force them to convert to the word of peace? What if it's to save my own people from the grips of other, more unruly and definitely more barbaric on average ones? When is the murder of one to save the lives of many justifiable?
And even if war is justifiable and conflict between two is accepted, what are the limits? Is it something that is honor-bound, so one must act vis-a-vis, or is trickery and deception justifiable? Is war to protect oneself good, whether it's done as a preemptive strike or as a defensive measure?

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nice word filter

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St. Augustine wrote about Just War.

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Okay but is it just mental gymnastics performed to justify Kingdoms and their expansionism, or is it a theological tome intended to show the actual need for man to compete with more evil ones or those lead by such kin?
Gonna look into it anyhow.

I think it comes down to a case where it would be fundamentally immoral not to fight back against undue aggression. "Blessed are the meek" does not mean "blessed are the weak and those who are incompetent at self defense," although in this day and age, no doubt people would be ready by any means to deceive you into thinking that you have to act like a Jain, and adopt veganism to be moral.

So yes, you can fight a Christian war, and if you are up against a violent religion, it is up for debate whether a "convert or die" policy is appropriate, although that is highly controversial.

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What is the alternative to war? A world where Non-Christianity festers and spreads. This cannot be just. I think all should be given a chance to convert and obey all of God's commandment, and failing to do so they must brace for all consequences, including genocide. God commands the Israelites to commit genocide for this exact purpose, to kill who cannot be converted, woman and children included.
Once you start tolerating muslims, jews, pagans, buddhists, you'll end up tolerating faggots, pedophiles etc. soon after.

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t. LARPer

No, I don't larp, I'm an Orthodox Christian and I go to church.

For the first 300 years, Christianity expanded faster than any religion ever has, all the while facing open persecution which would be labeled genocide by todays standards. On top of that, Europe hasn't been truly Christian for nearly 400 years, and Christianity is the largest and second fastest growing religion.

It's almost as if God is ultimately in control of everything, huh


Destroying unbelievers IS GOOD.

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you know your argument is bad when even your cherry picked verses dont support it. That command to exterminate the Caananites is a one off command. God gives many one off commads, like Noah to build the arc. It does't mean everyone has to build arcs.

I don't even know why I'm arguing with some Zig Forumsyp who is trying to use the Bible to promote genocide. It's pretty obvious from the lack of support by any Christians ever, that genocide is not a Christian thing to do.

Think about what you just said.
Just war.
Breaking peace against unbelievers so they won't screw you first is literally islamic warcode.

t. guy who's country actually fought muslims in the middle ages.

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But allowing degeneracy to fester and corrupt, not only nations, but the clergy sworn to defend the laity is Christian?

Did Jesus fight back against undue aggression? Are you telling me he was fundamentally immoral?

Look man. Nobody reasonable would tell you that you are required to let foreign invaders kill you. You have a duty to protect yourself, your family, and your neighbor. I understand that nobody likes the literal slave religion Islam, but even the middle east had a healthy community of Christians until we decided that we'd prop up the Holocaustians in their fake little Israel. The Muslim nations were trapped in a perpetual Iron Age because they constantly eat themselves and each other. Our efforts to show them away out of that absurd cycle through Christ might have been well under way were it not for this current sad chapter of history. Escalating things at this point will only feed Israel further. They'll wither and die without the constant war aid our goon politicians keep feeding them because the country is an absolute turd. Why do you think they keep staging false flag attacks? The conflict feeds them.

It does actually, whenever there is a flood you should build an arc. Just the same, whenever there is an unbeliever you should genocide.
Christianity is eviscerated in the tolerant West, gay pride and transsexualism is rampant. Your views are an utter failure, you have no argument indeed.

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This is exactly the opposite though. I could understand why one would be completely justified in taking down the forces of evil that threaten the continued existence not only of himself but of Christendom in the region, but what if you are the aggressor? Is it right to come knocking down on an infidel's door just because his kind have looked at you funny and you don't want to be on the wrong end of a broadsword in a few years' time?
Or what if it's against people of an entirely different race that still want you dead, but not directly so?

Kind of a LARPer's answer, yeah
I'm talking more of a situation where live and let live is not applicable, such as with those races killing the Boers or the Chosen People, I certainly don't think that enslaving some Tibetan monks is the right thing to do.

That's kind of disingenuous though because Christianity evolved as a religion since its inception, also I'd like some sources on that second fastest growing religion thing.

May I get some academic insight on why even the asses should not be spared? Or rather were they places of high Christian persecution? Keep in mind that I don't really buy into that whole "if you atac enemi you bad gui :((" kind of jazz but I don't feel that the indiscriminate punishment of innocents is righto either.

You didn't do a very good job at it, since in percentages there's now more muslims than ever.

Because GOD COMMANDS IT! Asking for reasons before obeying God is cryptoatheism.

Nobody is innocent. We're all sinners, some are within God's plan and may repent and be saved, others are damned.

That's debatable but I understand what you meant by that

But Jesus flayed and dispersed a crowd doing biz in the Temples, clearly unprovoked but in a sense he was morally justified in that he scattered something of great evil festering in a holy place rather than getting attacked by it first.

Same. I wonder if there's ever going to be a joint op against them? I bet their whole cult would have reformed spontaneously if our greatest allies were defeated once and for all.
I must clarify that I was talking in a general sense, not directly against a cult, cred, race or country. What if you went and did the same to sub-Saharan Africans, who, for all intents and purposes, are Christians, but technically are just FickiFickians?

What about traitors, too? I always thought they should be the first to die or at least get expelled and sent into the very lands they try to serve as karmic punishment.

By this argument I'm quite literally justified in taking down anyone I don't care about because "lmao next time don't oogle the nuns in church faggot"

Where there are more of us than ever in recorded history?
When they make up less than a percent of the population?
I can lay far more responsibility for the status quo at the feet of misguided nationalism turned sword of ZOG. Who was it again that did the bidding of the Zionists when Israel was established?

There is almost no Christians in the West. LGBT "people" are at 6.4% in the younger generation, a sharply increasing trend, moreover fornication encompasses almost the entire society. Israel has no responsibility for your problems, Jewry has more, but the most have "live-and-let-live" Christians who will compromise.

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You can compare me to muslims all you like, I don't care. I have overcome (((societal))) indoctrination, I do what the Bible tells me.

Given there are 0,3% muslims(which are bro tatars) here, yeah, we did.
Can't be responsible for the Haber–Bosch process, or the west being retarded about immigration 400 years later

Oh yeah, another moron with an warped exegesis shared by noone.

I'll admit, I really thought you were just misguided at first. But now I know you're just here to troll. I think we've entertained your larping long enough.

Except all of Christendom until Enlightenment.

You're a tinfoilhat. You're responsible for your own problems, deal with it.

This is rich coming from someone putting echoes around their words. You should get a CAT scan. I think you might actually be schizophrenic.

The defining culture of today is Jewish in its character. Internationalism, materialism, atheism, pacifism, are all values close to the Jewish soul, but far from the Christian European soul, which is faithful in God, warlike, and sedentary.

Quantity over quality, mate.

You can't claim responsibility on either to be honest. You're your own man, you get the cards you've been dealt and play them right. Technically speaking every man on this very board wouldn't be here if this or that country defended itself form the hordes.

You write this and then deny that modern Israel, a festering monument to all these things, is not an issue when it exists as an end run money laundering racket to slowly enslave hard working Christians. And your solution to all this is a LARP ass "crusade" against their inbred neighbors. There is a suspiciously Israel shaped hole in your argument here. Next you're going to tell me we need to launch the crusade NOW before Iran gets nuclear weapons.

True. There's also the issue of relying on self report numbers for both Christians and especially Muslims where apostasy gets you executed.

*is an issue

And heres the part where im gonna ask for historical quotes to back up that claim, and you wont provide

Israel is not such a big deal, it accomplishes little in helping Jewry dominate the West, if anything it's an antithesis to the values Jews promote in the West. I have no love for Israel and I would much rather have the Holy Land back in Christian hands (or even muslim), but you must understand that the reason Israel is criticized by right-wing people is not because it's dangerous, but because it provides a socially acceptable target. If you talk about the mistreatment of Palestinians in Israel you can be the "humane guy", whereas if you mention Jewish domination of banking and the media you're branded "racist".

Pope Urban II:

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And you underestimate just how much of this process is tied to foreign policy, which is almost all of it. The entire post-modern empire of globalism is an artifact of the foreign policy of the last century and a half. Everything post US Civil War really. That "one world government" that everyone likes to handwring about has been here for years and its pretty much standing on our necks. The only real way out is by refusing to feed it the human sacrifices it's demanding.

The wars in Middle East are not waged because of Israel (although it's a side benefit), but because of the petrodollar. The USD is an overinflated fiat currency that the Jews controlling the Fed print at will and give to their banks, but it would be worth little unless they forced the world to sell oil (or some other commodity) exclusively in USD. Saddam ditched the dollar and Gaddafi wanted to introduce a gold-backed currency, this is why they were killed. It's redpill 101.
You should check out Zig Forums if you don't understand politics.

If the average Zig Forumsack thinks modern history started in 2009 like you seem to, I can do without.

This problem solved itself back when we were following God's word. The nations that were receptive such as the Europeans accepted it and became prosperous. The nations that weren't receptive such as the native Americans chimped out and got killed for it, eventually getting replaced by a Holy race receptive to the gospel. If this continued until the end of time the whole world would be Christian and prosperous. Unfortunately, we stopped killing heretics and savages and ended up with a messed up planet full of humans who behave like animals and voodoo tier perversions of Christianity. Satan's plan has been going so well that now Christendom is being invaded, dechristened, and replaced with savages. The absolute inverse of what is Holy and just.

Quantitative easing didn't start with the financial crisis. I know loads about history, but if you want to remain ignorant and argumentative go ahead.

Yeah, what this poster said about the whole temple incident

Dude, just research the 'petro-dollar' trade set up by Nixon. While you are at it research the reason why Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard.

It all leads back to Deuteronomy 23:19

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Ignorant and argumentative says the crusade LARPer. Right.

Israel and the endless wars in the Middle East are absolutely necessary to bail out the BIS (who currently liquidates about 95% of the worlds GDP) because the Basel Accords have been a total failure. The entire show is a shell game to hide that the big global currencies are actually in an inflationary death spiral and that we're dumping money into a black hole under the guise of defense spending and foreign aid. If we were to pull the plug on Israel the globalist framework as we know it would go full china syndrome. Should this happen, the world economy will be in the hands of the power companies at that point. I'm more than familiar with how international finance works but you're forgetting that economics, in the end, is just an abstraction of more concrete forces and are putting the cart before the horse. Zionist foreign policy got us into this mess before Ashkenazim had significant institutional power in the US.

Dude, the petrodollar mercantilism he describes was more a product of the Clintons that came to fruition, by design, during Bush's presidency, and was a short lived project that they tried to reboot during Hillary's term as Secretary of State. It's ultimately irrelevant, because the rot had set in long before it. Ford, Nixon's successor was the one responsible for enshrining Israel as our greatest ally and allowing their agents to hijack our political process. Economic policy has danced to the tune of foreign policy since the beginning of the modern era and does so even now. Regardless, I fail to see how a LARP crusade will solve any of this and not just add more bodies to the pile while the puppet masters line their pockets.

Really though if you want to talk more about this could we take it to the Zig Forums containment thread. This is already gone on long enough.

Holy Land of 11th century is a special case, and even here Urban II isn't commanding genocide of unbelievers simply because they were unbelievers.

And instead of cherrypicking selected quotes that may kind of resemble your heresy, read what all the great Christian saints and thinkers of pre-modern times would say about war, violence and peace. You won't find any of the bullshit in your OP there, because it's not traditional Christian doctrine, it's just your own, modern, heretical invention.

You understand that the US foreign aid to Israel is just 3 billion a year? During the Arab-Israeli wars in the 60s the US remained neutral, and neither France nor the US would even sell arms to Israel at one point. Look up Jewish Anti-Zionism, many Jews opposed Israel because they believed that creating a nation state for themselves would not serve their international agenda. Israel was not the casus belli for a single US war in the Middle East. Israel was founded in 1948 long after the Fed was established in 1913 - which is really the beginning of Jewish control of American politics.

Yes, I am for a Crusade to remove both Arabs and Jews from the Holy Land, and with modern weapons, not medieval ones. You can persist to call me a larper because you have no arguments, but like I said I don't care.

You are indoctrinated. Up until recently Europe was constantly at war, and the Churches didn't say a word, on the contrary, they constantly called for wars against muslims! But I guess all of history is a special case too in the brainwashed head of a pacifist. The problem is that don't understand the difference between tyrannical war, which Christianity is against, limited war, where only the belligerents die and the Church couldn't care less, and Holy war, where all muslims are killed and which the Church always supported. Only once you understand this, will you understand the Bible, the Church fathers and the saints.

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Also, remember what John the Baptist said to the soldiers, Christianity was never against war, only against unjust war.