Ask any deer hunter who uses high power rifle, yes there are survivable shots with soft point ammunition and high power rifles, but very few points on the body can be hit without major damage, and when it comes to center mass and head, most hits will probably be fatal. When someone is accidentally shot in the field with, say, a 270 or a 30-06 with expanding ammunition, then survives, its considered a near miracle. Things can be worse for a human than a deer with a torso shot in the fact that a hunter throwing a round on a deer and gut shooting it might have a wound that is all gut, with temporary and permanent cavitation far away from the up front critical organs, also low enough to maybe not affect the spine; the human torso sees many critical organs not that far off the guts, the spine relatively closer to the rest of the torso.
Is my battle rifle filled with soft points a guaranteed one stop shot? No. But honestly it comes reasonably close. I've read somewhere too that there aren't recorded cases of anyone not wearing body armor taking more than one direct shot of 12 gauge buckshot to the torso (all pellets hitting, not a few grazers) and not been incapcaitated. Thus, history and case studies suggest that if your first direct blow to the chest of an attacker with your double barrel shotgun full of buckshot doesn't stop him, theoretical statistics say the second one should.
But gut shots, as a topic to itself, are interesting. I've read on soldiers with gut shots who lived and sometimes were ambulatory after massive gut wounds that managed to miss the major blood vessels and spine. A gut shot deer or other large game is a bad scenario, not only will it ruin the meat but a really poor shot will lead to an animal that can track a long ways, a long time. Multiple gut shot handgun wounds have put many a man into intensive medical care with variable long term outcomes, but also the least effective stopping instances for center torso shots when they only go through intestine, and again, miss the really vital shit.
As been mentioned, place of hit and how the round does its work is all important. There's no video game points system, its the real life damage to real life systems that count. Blow off most of a man's arm with a 20mm canon, you might be surprised if he comes to, gets a tourniquet, keeps fighting in extreme men in extreme scenarios.
Its not so much the "magic round" that guarntees the one stop shot, its the hit and how the hit is done. Just that some rounds are vastly, vastly, vastly superior in this regard.