Some good news for once. At least one state isn't destroying out rights.
South Dakota now has Constitutional Carry
Can Constitutional Carry laws be repealed like any other regular laws?
Any law can be overturned. The real benefit from this is that South Dakotans will be able to arm themselves like real Americans.
Too bad it means fuck all on the whole, SD holds, what, a quarter of one percent of the U.S. population?
Still, good for them.
Check'd and Heil'd
Stop with this fiction.
Gun grabbers are getting their ass kicked on every single front. There are more guns in circulation, more gun owners per capita and in general, fewer gun restrictions, and MOST OF ALL…. they've been getting their ass kicked on right to carry laws. In the 80s less than five states had right to carry, today it's practically every state.
Which is why I laugh when morons bring up "muh bump stucks".
Defeatism is NOT ok!
Oh wow, so you mean instead of going to the Secretary of State, paying $10, and walking out with a CPL a South Dakotan can save the 15 min trip and just walk out the door with his gun? Neat.
Seriously, that's what I remember of the process when I was in college there and tagged along with a friend when he got his. I could be misremembering though, I spent most of that time drunk.
Since the 80s, we've had the Hughes and NICS. Granted, they are losing on most fronts, they still have fight in them.
People are arming up because they know what's coming.
That's terror.
Eskimos are a big part of the Alaskan population, I remember right. And yeah, South California is pretty bad.
What this map doesn't show is the fact that all non-whites are mainly concentrated in the cities. Out in the country it's still 98%+ white. At least in the midwestern/northern parts of the country.
Outdated, but you can at least see the concentrations.
Imagine my shock.
I always love these friendly reminders that we're not a shit hole with a million people like out East.
Fuck, forgot my picture.
All of America is shit. Alaska appears to be best in all factors, though I don't know how earth-quake safe their infrastructure is.
meant for
VA is getting close to having it too.
I want to have high hopes, but over the past decade we've been infested with cucks because of DC attracting the worst this country has to offer.
The brown fears the mountain dew
Look what I just saw today.
Mutts can kiss their NFA forever good buy until they get their Hitler.
Absolute state of american gun "enthusiasts".
Funny how a higher goon of the fed just spontanously did more for gun rights than self proclaimed gun lovers.
Doesn't matter. Muttmerica is still going to be overrun by shitskins and you can all kiss your rights goodbye.
Americucks are too much of weaklings to do anything except cry for the fed to at least use lube when they fuck you.
Getting nuked to death is the only way to save your shithole of a country now.
If it's not 100% white, it's still mutt trash. Any country that is not 100% white is a failure.
Also, by being in muttmerica, it is a nigger-filled commie shithole full of cucks who breed with shitskins.
Look, it's back.
it's like a sub 80 IQ jewry, where you can't really bomb the arms manufacturing and destroy all schematics to gouge prices, but you're doing your best.
Shut up, spergook, you have no right to talk.
A good solution would be to kidnap a few of these people. Then on live television, skin them alive and sulfuric acid into their wounds. That'll teach the rest to not be cucks.
Actually: those appear at the same time:
Also, who cares about dumb news like this. It doesn't matter. This shithole country is still going to lose it's rights and guns, become even less white, and rot. What's the fucking point of it all?
You will die painfully, yid.
You can take your sperggook persona and unleash hell on muttmerica. Kill every single one of them and stop liberalism. Free the world.
Just urbanites move to small town America to "fix it up" instead of moving to Detroit or Baltimore or other cities that need gentrification they don't truly give a shit about working class people.
John Denver is country music for gated-community homosexuals.
Stop ruining threads, spergook.
You even admitted to it.
You muttspam a thread, then come into the thread with your other IP to complain.
You are the cancer of Zig Forums. A vile tumor that keeps fucking coming back. Kill yourself.
Stop muttspam and I will stop hunting you down.
And how exactly did I "admit" it in that post? Admit what? I have two computers/IPs?
I pity your crippling autism.
Now the yid admits it.
I'm sorry but your /intl/ meme ain't gonna fly around here.
Until another gun control measure passes and another ZOG adventure. Probably next month.
Just LOL at anyone who invests in the stock market. Absolutely nothing can beat the returns from full-auto machine guns.
God bless the (((NFA))) - 2nd biggest wealth creator after bitcoin.
Mr. Mountain Dew is getting obese and can't even wipe his own ass. And you are aware we buy guns too, right? There's a reason almost all anti-gun personalities are white. Us brown folks might parrot anti-gun rhetoric in public but in private a lot of us are gun owners.
okay, that's enough potatovodka for you, bolan
I take it auscunt BO just doesn't give a shit anymore and lets faggots run free on the board now.
lol what gains? There are no gains. Only losses.
Reported, spergook.
Who fucking cares? This shithole of a country is still hopelessly fucked.
It doesn't matter what a state does since it'll just cuck out and fall in line anyway.
Being blackpilled is the most natural thing in this shitty clown world. Anyone who isn't is just delusional and haven't had reality set in yet.
Nice try, speggook. Ausman fumigated your ass already?
Rawr x3 nuzzles how are you pounces on you you're so warm o3o notices you have a bulge o: someone's happy ;) nuzzles your necky wecky~ murr~ hehehe rubbies your bulgy wolgy you're so big :oooo rubbies more on your bulgy wolgy it doesn't stop growing ·///· kisses you and lickies your necky daddy likies (; nuzzles wuzzles I hope daddy really likes $: wiggles butt and squirms I want to see your big daddy meat~ wiggles butt I have a little itch o3o wags tail can you please get my itch~ puts paws on your chest nyea~ its a seven inch itch rubs your chest can you help me pwease squirms pwetty pwease sad face I need to be punished runs paws down your chest and bites lip like I need to be punished really good~ paws on your bulge as I lick my lips I'm getting thirsty. I can go for some milk unbuttons your pants as my eyes glow you smell so musky :v licks shaft mmmm~
Slavery really was the biggest mistake in American history.
That was the 80s and 90s. Thank god Bush didn't make .50 BMGs DDs, he could have in 2001 but did not.
You sound like you're suicidal. Should I call the hotline on your behalf?
If it makes you feel any better, our governor went full retard and openly supported infanticide, and the dems in our legislator tried to pass the most draconian, unconstitutional gun control in the nation that'd put Commiefornia and Jew York to shame. Most people in VA (at least in Southern/South-East VA) likes guns, so that even if it did pass it would not have had turned out well at all.
So close.
I hope NYSRPA v. NYC ends well for us. Still no set date for oral, but it'll be a few months, most likely fall, so we'll probably know in a year or so.
What is that?
We shouldn't have procrastinated in 1864 and solved the problem then, now we've got a huge fucking mess to fix.
At least you have this
Sec. 2270.002. PROVISION REQUIRED IN CONTRACT. A governmental entity may not enter into a contract with a company for goods or services unless the contract contains a written verification from the company that it:
(1) does not boycott Israel; and
(2) will not boycott Israel during the term of the contract.
I'm pretty sure that got repealed and shot down.
Nope. This is all straight from the Texas legal code. The law is also deliberately vague as to what actually constitutes a boycott, so any refusal to do business with an Israeli for any reason can get you blacklisted if the state doesn't like you.
Reported, cuck.
tldr: New York City only lets people take their guns to and from the city's shooting ranges. They even ban people from taking them out of the city to other ranges, to hunt, or to go to property owned by the owner. If you have a gun in NYC with a premises license, you legally can't move the gun outside of your home, unless going to the seven ranges in NYC. The New York State Rifle and Pistol Association sued them. The district court and 2nd Court of Appeals claimed the ban isn't unconstitutional as Heller only referenced guns inside the home and it is a reasonable law to "support public safety." SCOTUS agreed to hear the case, but no date has been set yet. We'll likely get their ruling next spring. They'll most likely rule that "and bear arms" is a thing, due to the conservative majority. Ideally, it'll be done in a way that'll either make shall-issue the standard (due to NYC's permits being almost impossible to obtain; John Stossel even couldn't get anything higher than a premises license despite citing dozens of death threats) or make nationwide reciprocity a thing (due to NYC needing both a NY state and NYC carry permit and almost no other neighboring state honoring it, making it almost impossible to transport the gun to other states, violating the Full Faith and Credit Clause). Of course, SCOTUS could just rule NYC is retarded, make them allow free movement of guns, yet not expand Heller in any meaningful way, but we can dream.
That's only state contractors. (((ACLU))) are suing at the moment, they're probably going to win.
Gorsuch is a leftard who ended felony deportations and kavanaugh is on record saying he wants to rule as narrowly as possible on any given case. We're fucked.