India launches air strikes on Pakistan 200+ reported dead
"Pakistan on Tuesday claimed that the Indian Air Force jets crossed the Line of Control (LoC), following which the former "scrambled" immediately.
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Lend India your strength, Zig Forums!
Sources: Pakistani F16s were scrambled to retaliate against IAF Mirage 2000s but turned back due to size of Indian formation. Western Air Command coordinated operation.
Well, that was sudden. Who shit in India's toilet today?
I think you mean designated shitting street.
So there were no casualties, and because of it, violence will not escalate.
Start studying fellas, who are we backing?
India is claiming 200+ were killed in the raid. Pakistan's story is 0 casualties by way of a quick intervention which forced India to leave before reaching their target. CNN India is pushing it as a big victory and congratulating their airforce constantly.
I guess india finally figured out who did the mumbai bombings.
Indian Foreign Minister calls it a "non-military pre-emptive strike
How fucking scared are they of Pakistan?
I don't know too much about the geopolitical situation, but from personal experience Pakis are much bigger pricks than Poos.
Well, I'd be kind of scared too if Mexico had Nukes in unmarked white vans as a "defensive measure."
Isn't an India-Pakistan nuclear war a plotpoint in Deus Ex or something?
Yeah in Vishnu's Fall.
Pakistani nukes can only strike about half of India while Indian nukes can strike all of Pakistan, India isn't as scared of Pakistan as Pakistan is of India.
Neither, whoever you pick you still lose. Just grab some popcorn and watch Indians and Pakistanis eat it by the tens of millions if it escalates.
Nice recollection user.
**Vishnu's Fall
A Brief History of the Indian Crisis
after the bombing, Indian officials issued a series of stern warnings to Pakistan that were rebuffed with denials of responsibility and dire threats that any attempt to use the bombings as a pretext for military action would be met with force in kind. From the viewpoint of the present-day historiographer this was a crucial event, a game of brinksmanship that had been played between Pakistan and India many, many times before and so, while tragic, it is also easily understood how clear signs of the impending catastrophe might have been ignored.
"Like two kids shoving each other on the playground," said historian Alistair Brooks. "You never expect them to come to blows."
That was before Pakistan began the trials of the "Calcutta 16" and both nations descended into a maelstrom of political upheaval that would eventually culminate in the exchange of nuclear warheads…**
While that is true, India has complete control of the nuclear weapons program. Pakistan doesn't, and I think there was a time when they lost a fucking nuke and didn't report it until they got it back. India isn't afraid of the capacity, it's afraid of the fact that they could get accidentally nuked by fucking pakistan because someone successfully carjacked a nuke truck.
But I am rooting for it. I want it to happen. A small scale theater nuclear war in India and Pakistan would fuck up our climate enough to put a dent in global warming and it would shut those green crypto commies.
Every day we go sink deeper into this pit of cyberpunk. Every single fucking day. But there are still no sex robots
Give it time. We will have them.
#NewsAlert | Pakistan violates ceasefire on international border at Kanachak, Jammu.
Hopefully it actually does escalate into war.
This shit is so fucking obvious mate. Pakistan and India have not had the best relationship, you realize. The nukes are definitely Fanta-sea, because nukes are way too messy. Dirty bombs maybe, but not nukes.
It's just going to be generic modern day war (but probably with more casualties) until the nukes start to drop.
Genuine question—why are idiots and the ignorant so adamant on nuclear war actually occurring (excluding Israel)?
It's called optimism, you sourpuss.
the logic seems to be it was an airstrike on non-military (terrorist) targets
Sorry. I'm used to anons being retarded nowadays, so when I see anons saying or believing something, I'm inclined to believe they're that dumb/ignorant.
I just want some REAL happening, okay? Even Ukraine is so peaceful I can just easily go there and buy tobacco to sell here at a greater price . Give me the sound of bombings, not childrens catfighting…
Oy vey
Use that money to buy a horse and bow and arrows. Train evrryday. Then conquer the Germanic peoples.
Jewish physics?
What's supposed to be jewish about a seismograph? It doesn't even have a penis to circumcise.
Please no, i want to see the literal shitstorm that war is going to be.
I have to say, a war where I truly don't give a shit for either side is an amusing thing.
I hope it kicks off properly.
Looks like we have 6 months till we start eating each other streloks.
I say we eat the fat guys first
Not if an invasion happens on by one side or the other.
guys this looks like literally nothing.
also, is pakistan even significant enough to have their own slur?
If the pajeets start a foreign legion I'm joining in a heartbeat
Not that i know, they're essentially sandpoos
Indians can be trained to use modern lavatory facilities, Pakis can't be trained to become civilised human beings. It may feel a little uncomfortable, but the Poos are #ourguys in this fight.
They share a border, with a large chunk of their military infrastructure built along that border. All they have to do is get men on the train and send them to the border.
In Greece being called a paki / pakistani is the same as being called a subhuman. Same goes for being called an albanian, a turk or a gypsy
My ex was Romanian and her dad would spit on the ground after saying gypsy
I don't know the tiers of insults in foreign countries but here calling someone a paki/gypsy/turk is the most insulting things to say, only second to insulting God and St Mary
Paka poos and inda poos fight each other then drag in their allies USA and china. Americans are all sent to fight for the poos, and the mexicans just run into the country and take it over during the war.
how tight are those alliances?
do you honestly believe Our President, the boomer, feels like mixing it up in India and counterfeit India?
would anybody do anything if they went all the way?
Stop daydreaming, the US has no continental allies in Asia since their eviction of Vietnam outside South Korea.
China is allied with Pakistan, India is Russia best customer (or haven't you noticed that the Indian army is equipped top to bottom with Russian gear, the only really thing they buy from the west are artillery guns due to their compatibility with existing ammo, which go back to when UK owned said ammo).
While both will make a mint on the back of Muslim poo and Hindu poo they will not be dragged into conflict against each other over the poo fighting as neither actually care who wins since the whole leader of the socialist bloc shtick ended (and Russia simply can't supply India without goods crossing into China or Pakistan so…).
If anything the US is also """allied""" to Pakistan like China.
Also sage because: who cares? This shit happens every other year.
India is way above Pakistan in the open defecation stats. So pakis are trying to compensate it by something equally funny.
I refuse to believe this
maybe its broken?
Sandnigger Falcon vs Streetshitter Mirage.
Who would win?
Leave /tg/ alone! They just want to be technobarbarians.
That's true I guess we'll need them to manufacture our weapons anyway
/tg/ - weapons and arms manufacturing
I am already looking forwards to their take on artillery.
Fuck, I know nothing relevant about either of those places except that Pakis troll zogbots in Afghanistan and Pajeets hate Chinks. Which side are we rooting for?
India dropping them bombs as only India knows how.
I have watched that entire documentary, and it's fucking perfect.
That explains the huge shit I shat out yesterday.
Nearly tore my ass apart tbh.
How are other countries going to get involved here? China has already indicated that they're likely to side with Pakistan (several statements/actions in the UN), and America has announced that India has a right to defend itself. Is going to side with the US if this goes all WW3?
If WWIII breaks out then Russia is going to have a grand old time shitposting irl.
I hope this isn't a ploy to send billion refugee waves from India & Pakistan to resettle in Europe & America, and possibly China/Japan/South East Asian.
The US is gonna back Pakistan too.
But … think of all those Armatas' and Type 99's that haven't had a chance to fire in anger yet.
Aren't most Pakistanis Deobandi instead of Wahhabi? In your scenario there is anybody likely to side with India?
US, in all its schizo glory, is gonna side with both.
But yeah, China seems fucked tbh if both Pakistan and China pincer it.
Indian Army:
1,237,117 active personnel
960,000 reserve personnel
Paki Army:
500,000 active personnel
60,000 reserve personnel
185,000 Army National Guard
That's a lot of ammo they're gonna need.
Any streloks wanna join capital so we can open ammo/weapon manufactory?
We can help shitskins kill each other even better while simultaneously making enough dolaridoos to by abandoned oil platforms.
Looks like greeks truly are subhuman
And Russia.
Which is hilarious on many points.
Greece has over a million illegals, mostly albanians and gypshits. They even build squatting toilets everywhere, hoping that shitskins will use them instead of shitting in the open.
Why not just genocide them and call it a day?
Their laziness is not a meme. They drive to grocery stores down the same road. They're so fucking lazy they can barely open their mouths to speak properly. Also weed everywhere, most cops are stoners.
America will back everyone, probably someone will realize they ultimately backed the wrong side so he'll be rewarded with the timeless classic, Clinton Patented multiple gunshot to the back of the head suicide.
Because once you try to defend yourself against innocent brown (((women and children))) Democrator bombs you with depleted uranium.
Do you need glasses?
Your country is using modified East India Company flag with jewish stars instead of Union Jack. Switching to a walmart flag would be an upgrade.
I think I do, but him being british makes it even funnier.
Gypsies and pakis shit in the streets and in fields. The squatting toilet or turkish toilets as we prefer to call them are also a legit thing because those monkeys don't know any other way.
Shut your whore mouth nigger monkey
Nobody wants to step up, and if they someone did, all of Europe, UN and burgerland would show up to save the poor dindus from the evil oppressive greek hitlers
I think that Islamic culture for the most part has stressed the importance of hygiene in so far as it would be disrespectful to enter a mosque or pray to their god covered in dog shit. However they fuck goats and still stink like lentils so fuck them.
Ave Nex Alea, let the wheels of war spin! I don't care who wins as long as long as blades get bloodied.
The only negatives to the war are the following
Not my fault that in the several months I spent in your country I was surrounded by nothing but native slobs and albanians + occasional nigger weed dealer. Though you get one thing right, you just put women to do all the shit jobs.
Sounds like Athens, the birth of democracy degeneracy
The US is really just one huge manufacturing, trading and banking company, right?
God Bless United States of Big Box Mart
I never went further south than Olympus. That's how Thessaloniki and Ptolemaida look too. The really small towns like Grevena are a bit better though I've seen some heavily inbred villages too. It's alright though, it will probably never be as bad as Macedonia.
Imagine rebelling against the redcoats so hard that in the end you don't even bother to change the flag. Best golems in the world.