Under daemonic assault

What do? Not trolling, seriously. Either my mind is done winnie the poohed up truly, or I am under a daemonic assault. Intrusive thoughts everywhere, even during prayers. Not daydreams and side thoughts, but thoughts like: "murder him, aren't you curious?", random scenes of carnal lust, "renounce His name, I know you are too lazy to go to church every week", strange noises, etc.

I try to keep myself sane with images of the destination of the damned and how those shit is not worth an eternity of hell. Should I keep it simple and go straight to the priest and tell him that and arrange for an exorcism before I am fully possessed? I do not trust psychiatrists about this though, so I am not going to them.

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Not an expert but I would see your priest, best case you have no demons so its just string of conciousness

Worst case you get the spook out

I dont know about demons, but its a typical symptoms for schizophrenia. Consult a priest anyways…and in case of something, a psychiatrist as well

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I'm almost certain almost all mental disorders can be explained by demons. not to say that medication can sometimes assist someone particularly vulnerable, but it can only suppress at times with other side effects and is not a cure by any means. the true cure is religious, through Christ and his sacraments, through faith and prayer and fasting and penance.

people have to realize if Christ is real so are angels and demons, and they have the power to so to speak insert and image or
through into your head. people consider this as "coming from your subconscious" but to medicine and science it's still quite mysterious. I've had images or thoughts in my head about things I've never seen before in high detail I've really thought where is his coming from - this can't just be recollection.

schizophrenia sounds exactly like being very susceptible to demons - they apparently sound like voices not your own, with constant assertions of bad things or to do bad things. I think we've all experienced this on a subtle way where for example when you think you shouldn't thing of something, it feels like there's something in you that makes you want to go there in your mind just because you aren't supposed to.

now this is common and on the "Normal" scale of things but some ppl are far more susceptible and it becomes full blown schizophrenia. OCD ADHD, intrusive thoughts depression bi polar I think can all be explained by demonic activity.

t. internet psychiatrists

seek the priest or the diocesan exorcist. learn the difference between obsession, temptation and possession.

I also suffer from intrusive thoughts to a lesser degree. I think they are temptations. When I started going to mass 1 year ago I would have thoughts such as "stop the mass", "interrupt the priest" and so on but they stopped after a few months.

Now some obscene/lewd images sometimes kick in.

You are right. One can't believe in Jesus and not believe in demons at the same time. Jesus' own ministry dealt with possessions and exorcisms.

There are many catholics writers who expose evil (Amorth, Malachi Martin, Fortea, Peter Kreeft etc).

OP here. If it is a schizo then I am truly screwed. Well, if that is the case then fml. Might be what you guys >>693046 said because I am at the point of my life that I need something done no matter what and I cannot screw the upcoming exam up again (failed 3 times). Might be the obsession with the exam that was an opening for daemons.

For more details, it almost always happen when I interact with others or in their presence. Talking to other people, praying to God, in the public, etc. It almost never happen when I am alone and relaxed. And the nature of those intrusive thoughts are decidedly evil in nature, not just random flashes of cartoons, silly thoughts, or others; but a full blown murder your friends/family, punch a stranger kind of intrusive thoughts and images.

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except that its a common knowledge. Stop being a smartass

Not really. I just said thats its one of the common symptoms of it, not that you already have one. But you should consult with priest anyways. And in general attend the church and maintain active relationship with said priest, which would be your mentor and give you spiritual advises.
Also, despite the existence of demons, I think blaming everything on demons is just a massively lazy way to justify oneself. Yes, there are some things that demons tempt people by, but generally source at the end turns to be ourselves most of the time
Anywho, no matter the case, you should have active church life and maintain active relationship with your mentor. He will guide you in general and if it turns out to be supernatural stuff, then will inform an eparchy about this to examine if exorcism is needed.

Nobody can take control of soul. It belongs to God solely and is independent. One can take control of the body.

Maybe if you'd stop making this thread every 2 days, the demons would leave you alone.

are you saying that it is our body and its molecules that form thoughts?

I was talking about possession. But brains have big part in formation of thoughts anyway.

that's a serious diagnosis. It becomes even more serious if his soul is in danger. What if he believes he's schizo and falls for the temptations due to spiritual neglect?

I think schizo is both spiritual and physical and should be treated as such.

What are you even talking about? I have said that he should be careful and consider this possibility. I said that both consultation with priest and psychiatrist is advisable to cover all the grounds.
If he has Schizophrenia, he SHOULD be more sober and try to manage his behavior with help of others, how did you came up with "spiritual neglect"?
In fact, doesnt basic trait of Human being is that we are both material and immaterial? Like John Damascene puts "Now this being the case, He creates with His own hands man of a visible nature and an invisible, after His own image and likeness"? Why should one ignore his body and material part?

regarding Schizo. It usually appears later in life no immediately, but when depends on gender and luck. here's a link for when it should show up.


but if what you're hearing and/or seeing seems demonic in nature. exorcism and especially lots
of prayer never hurts.

It sounds like something is bothering you, although I don't know exactly what it is. But you could do worse than ask a good priest with active faith to help you. I would ask that you go find one, they can start you on a path to help. If you run into someone who doesn't seem competent or has little faith, or worse no faith, move on until you find who you need to find. You might need to get checked out by a shrink first, depending on the circumstances, to make sure that there's no physical impairment that is causing this issue. Of course, that may not happen, I couldn't say for sure. It might be a situational thing.

I've also heard that you should not directly engage with it or do anything this sensation directs you to do. It's obviously something that is bad, whatever it is, you don't want to indulge it even if it's just neurochemicals. If it's just a bad mental situation, you don't want to get controlled by it. If it's an active external force, it's only 10 times more vital that you shouldn't. If you give into whatever the sensation is, it controls you.

But, I would see a good priest, as soon as you can. I would ask in forums that would be able to direct you to a qualified expert.

When did this all start, BTW? You said you were doing an exam that you were having trouble with? Did you have something inside you offering assistance on them? Do you have any relatives that are unusually successful?

Recite the rosary my man.

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I was getting a lot of intrusive thoughts when I started attending liturgy a while ago and taking steps towards conversion, it got pretty bad and I became extremely self conscious of what other parishioners thought about me and the vibes I was giving off. I completely gave up Christianity for a while because of it and fell into a deep depression that I'm only now pulling myself out of, I haven't been getting those types of thoughts anymore and rather than beat myself up over them I don't identify myself with everything that pops up in my mind. Demons are absolutely real and so is spiritual warfare. They're psychological beings, the problem is when we entertain them and let them drag us around and degrade us, also being unable to let go of sin can leave the door open for more attacks

It's ok I have them too, a bit since I was a kid, even if far less often than you are having now.
Don't give them attention at all, concentrate on the task you are doing or the words of prayer when you are praying. Don't wrestle with them, ignore them. It's not you.

Definitely seeing your priest is a good idea, but I went through something similar a while back and it brought me to tears a few times, but through spiritual growth it has stopped being a problem. Fr. Ripperger talks about disordered minds and how they affect prayer. Bad imagination poisoning your thoughts and prayers are a result of this, and to deal with it you deal with the disorder. Sin is what causes such things mostly. Start going to confession weekly if you can, mass as much as possible, and pray your rosary. These are all things to strive for at least, I know I don't manage to go weekly, or pray a rosary daily, but I'm getting there, and these thoughts have really cleaned them selves up. Also practicing repetitive prayer was probably the most helpful for me, I never go with out the Jesus prayer.

Also thoughts of Hell is not the best way to orient your mind to get away from this. For me I remember that I need only trust in God, and he will give me what I need, exactly what I need. The thought of who I am turning away from, and what I miss out on is much more powerful than what I face should I turn away. Though that's definitely something to explore and find out what works for you.

Also, screwtape letters is a really good book about how demons try to orient your thought to fool you away from God. Might be worth reading for you.

God bless, user

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OP here. Thank you, brothers. Might be what you said, the disordered mind. I was caked up on cartoons, anime, video games, and lewd things since teenage up to adulthood. Now, I am pulling back from those digital, ephemeral, and unreal things, and trying for language exams and interested in picking up watercolour paintings. Maybe it is the media addiction. I don’t know. Maybe it’s that plus my damaged mind plus a daemon working OT to fill its quota.

Also, thanks for the rosary suggestions though I am Orthodox. Still, thank you, brothers in Christ. And God bless you guys.

try drinking salt water (sea salt, not refined), will create an unlivable environment for baddies

body is the vessel of the soul

You are welcome. However, if you are are actively being attacked, the odds of repelling this on your own are slim to none. Get yourself evaluated by the right authorities before you go on your merry way. I can't stress this enough. At the worst, if you find someone holy and competent who discovers that there is no issue, that will put you at ease beyond anything anyone can post here.

Sell all your possessions and take up your cross.

If he's being harassed, I think going immediately aesthetic wouldn't be handy. He needs to deal with this problem with assistance, first. Hopefully the problem is secular in nature.