Daily Routine Thread

What's your routine, Zig Forums?

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t. politics-worshiper

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It does put you ahead of the curve.

No thanks, I’ll stick to fasting.

Can't you do both? Like instead of eating meat on fast days you substitute it with high protein beans.

Fasting does get you ripped, it's also known as cutting.

I'll take the other Catholic workout routine:

So like most Catholics then (according to the polls)

Why should I? Why waste hours trying to obtain the physique of pagan false-gods so I can vainly feel prideful when I can instead nurture my mind and spirit reading works of theology to enhance my contemplation and understanding of all things holy in which I have faith?

I’m speaking of dry fasting and water fasting for days if not weeks; this should actually be required to all Christians. Daily food consumption can actually distance you from God and being a young chubby person is pretty much sinful, same for looking like Hulk; the temple of God which is your body doesn’t need all that disgusting fat and it shouldn’t be disfigured in any way shape or form (tattoos and piercings are also excluded). All Christians should be thin, thus the fat acceptance movement is certainly diabolical. If what I’m saying sounds extreme to you, perhaps you should ask yourself if you truly believe your body is the temple of God and whether it should genuinely be treated as such.

pictured: St. Catherine of Siena, a holy woman whose fasting should be admired, whose faith is something to aspire to, whose exemplar continence should be imitated and whose chaste person should be your role model; not “Marky Mark” and his “cool muscles”.

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10/10 post. God bless, user.

Here's your (you).

The nice thing about catholic doctrine is that it defines in a clear way when you're a heretic and wrong.
In a strict sense he's a catholic yes, but a lapsed one and definitely heading for a nice boiling-hot pit in the afterlife.

I disagree. I enjoy lifting weights and enjoy seeing myself improve physically. I also do cardio and conditioning for maintaining my health. I do get prideful sometimes but that is my fault, not my lifting's fault.

Is it not possible to believe allowing gay marriage is the best government policy for some pragmatic reason but still believe it's a sin? Not saying that is what he believes, but it could be.

There is nothing wrong with improving your health or working out in and of itself; there is something wrong however if you think being like Zyzz is good, if you think it’s worth it to “get ripped”, if you put too much focus on lifting for aesthetic reasons, etc. if you do that “look how strong I look” prideful pose like OP’s image, think about whether Christ would actually be impressed; the answer is no, Christ would not be impressed at all, He is instead impressed by genuine faith in Him and the virtues that stem from it.


Do you want to impress Him? Humble yourself and don’t seek to “look strong”.

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Literally a life of leisure, with an hour of work which is talking in the phone lol

Physical exercise is a form of fasting, fasting from comfort/sedentariness/sloth/weakness/effeminacy

Even Christ liked expensive oils on his body at times.
Our lives are so easy now, if you aren't lifting at least an hour a day you are simply spineless and pathetic.

Nothing prideful there. You project it cause you are jealous. Back in the day people would bathe once a month if they were lucky. Do you consider daily showers vanity? Start lifting if you respect the gift god gave you, or you can let it rot and decay by neglecting physical exercise and healthy eating .
And nothing wrong with being beautiful on the exterior and the interior. Only slave mentalities resent the strong and beautiful.


Do you read Sacred Scripture at least an hour a day, big guy? Our lives are indeed so easy now; you are literate and can have it with you anywhere you want.

No, I do however really wish I were able to fast for years like St. Catherine of Siena and have her fantastic energy.
You're clueless; see the attached images.
No, as they clean the body and don't distort its natural healthy state; I consider wearing makeup vanity though.
Sacred Scripture teaches you to be a δοῦλος to the Lord, user.

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thanks for the infographs, brother

You welcome, brother.

P.S.: You could learn a lot more by doing some reading on /r/fasting.

It's not either/or. We need to fast and lift. If u fast too much you will be weak, malnourished and probably impotent. Balance.

Men have a duty to be strong, physically and mentally. Women can afford to be more sedentary and underfed, they retain fat easier.

This is a man of God who treats his body like a temple for the holy spirit.
Being excessively skinny or gelatinous is inexcusable.

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I never talked about "fasting too much" and if you "fast a lot" you will be closer to God.
It depends what you mean; one can be strong by simply being healthy, not necessarily by being "ripped".

Pic related is a Saint; any questions?
I could bombard you with quotes from Saints that support my position, what about you?

Some food for thought (pun intended):

“Without mortifying the taste, it is impossible to preserve innocence, since it was by the indulgence of his appetite that Adam fell.”
St. Catherine of Siena

“Fasting cleanses the soul, raises the mind, subjects one’s flesh to the spirit, renders the heart contrite and humble, scatters the clouds of concupiscence, quenches the fire of lust, and kindles the true light of chastity. Enter again into yourself.”
St. Augustine

“He that gratifies the taste will readily indulge the other senses; for, having lost the spirit of recollection, he will easily commit faults, by indecent words and by unbecoming gestures. But the greatest evil of intemperance, is that it exposes chastity to great danger.”
St. Alphonsus Liguori

“Penance without fasting is useless and vain; by fasting [we] satisfy God.”
St. Basil the Great

“Fasting is the support of our soul: it gives us wings to ascend on high, and to enjoy the highest contemplation! […] God, like an indulgent father, offers us a cure by fasting.”
St. John Chrysostum

Got any similar quotes highlighting the necessity of lifting?

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If, as a Christian, it hasn't been years since you last masturbated, any criticism of yours against fasting is instantly worthless.

No one is bashing fasting. Fast. But don't do it to the point that it harms your body and ability to work, and recover. Don't use it as an excuse to avoid your duties.
There is no argument against lifting weights/exercising regularly if you are a man. It is a shame and disgrace to not glorify your physical temple with strength, health, and beauty. It's good to be pure on the outside and inside.

Truth doesn't get invalidated by personal sins. Cope harder. And stop idolizing a woman.

Intense exercise is fasting. Fasting from the easy equilibrium of comfortable, sedentary, modern life.

The problem is that you're claiming fasting must be accompanied by lifting which has zero theological basis and also that it is somewhat negative to only fast.
Lifting is not my duty.
There is.
But I say, walk by the Spirit, and do not gratify the desires of the flesh.
Galatians 5:16

Also read Romans 8:1-17.

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"Remember that bodily exercise, when it is well ordered, as I have said, is also prayer by means of which you can please God our Lord." -St. Ignatius


St. Hyacinth patron saint of weightlifting.
St Sebastian, patron saint of athletes.

Lifting is not a desire of the flesh. The flesh desires equilibrium, comfort, sloth, rest, not pain and sweat.
Lifting is self flagellation, except healthier and purer, with better consequences spiritually and physically

That pic is gay. Why are u stuck on the either/or mindset? I fast, lift, study, work, etc…Stop making excuses for your frailty and sloth.

Man is to be accompanied by physical exertion. We are not simply abstract spirits, we are embodied and physical exercise is necessary for strength, health, beauty and excellence. Stop being a Gnostic who devalues the material reality of the self.

It is indeed optional, though negligeable.

As Christians, who should we imitate? Christ. Did Christ lift? No. Did Christ fast extensively? Yes.

According to you guys:

>"Christ is spineless and pathetic."

>"Christ's behaviour is shameful and disgraceful."


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Christ didn't drive a car or use computers. Christ lifted a giant cross on his back and was a carpenter. He also travelled a lot by foot. Also life back then was more strenuous by nature, less creature comforts, more toil and labour. So your analogy is irrelevant. Our modern life has made exercise mandatory, else you suffer from sloth.Also we don't know all the stories about Jesus.

It's more than optional. Is wiping your butt optional? I guess so, but why would you neglect it on purpose? Disgusting.

Yeah I also vote pro-choice in political elections, I mean sure it's killing a baby which is bad but that definitely does not mean I'm endorsing infanticide right?

Any sources for the claims on them?
Like, real studies?
These are things I read and hear everywhere but never a source.

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Sounds Luciferian to me, big guy.

I actually do spend some energy exercicing but it's only to keep my body thin since I don't want to look like "Marky Mark".
The minimum suffices; no need to "get ripped".

Are you kidding me?

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I want to be like Samson, not some impotent, barely living corpse.

Mark's physique should not be a goal for men, it should be the bare minimum.

The "barely living corpse" lived to be more than 100 years old and went directly to Heaven; Samson died young and could still be in Purgatory as we speak.

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Quality > Quantity
Being scrawny is understandable when you're 90. But there's no excuse to be a young twink.

Disgusting blasphemy.

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Samson's strength was given to him by the Holy Spirit, not by working out. Also, he gets weakened by a woman, blinded, and enslaved at a millstone to grind corn. You wanna be like that guy?

Holy Spirit assists those who assist themselves, it's mutual.

There is no Biblical evidence for Samson lifting. Every time he pulls a feat of strength, he asks God for the strength.

So physical strength is divine, a gift worth praying for.
Since this is true, and since we can acquire physical strength through lifting, then ipso facto lifting is holy.

A healer can pray for someone's wounds to heal, and he can also tend to the wounds physically and heal that way, both practices are worthy and good.

I think technically he couldn't be considered a lapsed Catholic. Heretical, maybe. Mistaken, yes. But he's not himself same-sex married and presumably has never officiated a same-sex wedding. He attends Mass weekly and I assume confesses and participates in other ways. This, by any definition, is not lapsed. Lapsed is out of the game completely.
He's also not definitely heading to Hell for being wrong about something.

I read a different article that has his routine including going to daily mass. Who knows what is true?

Buzzfeed, OP. Really?

I'd recognise that hyper-inflated clickbaitery anywhere

yeah, what's wrong with daily? Or will that mess-up his exercise routine. Filthy casual.

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Christianity has a major masculinity problem and Christians should be encouraging each other to lift.

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Check out muscular Christianity.
Physical fitness is our responsibility. How can one serve in poor health?


You could be wrong about that…

You shouldn't be so sensitive about being a lank and/or fatlet.

Unless you're reading literally 16 hours a day (posts on Zig Forums, so not likely) you have time to do both. Stop being a defensive nerd who pretends that actually having some muscle makes someone dumber, it's just embarrassing. Besides, you think your brain will last longer than your body? You might want to take a look at what carries your big brain around megamind.

Sounds like an unsupported interpretation that's contrary to common sense and Church teaching, almost designed to drive normal people away from the church there, "big" guy.


Broke: I don't need to work out, learning is more important, I'm way smarter than those asshole jocks *closes blinds, continues being a bitter loser and social outcast, has 105 IQ*

Woke: understanding the philosophical minutia underlying church teaching isn't necessary for salvation, a healthy and balanced spiritual and social life is both rewarding and pleasing to God, and this is best optimized when your body is healthy and at it's best.

Bespoke: we should seek to cultivate excellence in both body and mind in order to have a more fully realized spiritual life and fully appreciate the gifts god has given to us.

That's where you're wrong kiddo