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Christian #7
How do I deal with this waiting to be baptized anxiety...
Faith and Identity
Why are Catholics so obsessed with Latin? It's not even a Biblical language. The Bible is written in Hebrew, Aramaic...
Half of Americans back stronger role of religion in society…
Why are you not /fit/ Christanon?
Statue of Mary crying in Sri Lankan church
Guys, the other Christian board is gaining on us. They're in the top 50 boards now… Is Zig Forums dying...
Is there a legitimate Protestant response against Cathodox claims that you basically destroyed western Christianity by...
Early proof of the Trinity
Birth Control
They won't even say "Christians"
Women ministers?
Pray that I find a girlfriend, Zig Forums
This applies to all Western women yet there are White Knights on this very board that would defend these harlots and...
Mods are asleep. Post rare Popes
Orthodox "vs." catholic
Easter bomb blasts in Colombo Sri Lanka
Where were you Christfags when Christians around the world are being killed by Muslims
Daily reminder America is the modern day Babylon and god will punish it for its crimes such as allowing and promoting...
How is predestination avoidable given God's all-knowingness...
Can i be anti israel but christian??
Is booping her nose sinful?
Will Polluters and animal abusers have to answer to God when they die?
Easter is a time to celebrate. Shall I buy it?
This was an /r/atheism meetup. Tell me honestly bros, would a Zig Forums meetup look any different?
Sweden’s Lutheran church ‘queers’ Jesus and the Bible for LGBT kids
Is Vox Day good to listen to?
Faith Crisis
Is it inappropriate for a boyfriend and girlfriend to kneel together for Communion, while holding hands?
If god created humans in his own imagine why did he made humans so fragile and weak...
Tonight my church is screening the Passion of The Christ...
Annual Serenity Thread
Divorce and Birth Control in Orthodoxy
I want to become Christian and have been researching the differences between Orthodoxy and Catholicism...
Orthodox Monk assaulted at gas station in Seattle
Mayor Pete responds to protesters yelling 'Sodom and Gomorrah'…
Need a new bible
Genesis 32:30: “I have seen the face of God”
Just realized that probably within our lifetimes there will be a Bishop of Mars...
Aid Bimbo on his most intrepid adventure yet!
Why don't your women wear veils 24/7? Do you not fear God?
Pope Francis?
So, how was the Palm Sunday Mass?
Modesty General
HOLY WEEK 2019 Thread
Good english translation
Catholic IQ
Euphemisms for Confession
Too weak for Catholicism
Tsar Nicholas II
Will we see animals friends in heaven?
Modest woman's clothing, woman's modesty and sexual purity thread
Getting baptized and confirmed into the catholic church next saturday. I keep telling myself I will stop masturbating...
Prayer books and the daily prayer rule
What's a good way to get over a woman that I was pining for...
How do I refute Islamic claims that Christianity is the most violent religion in history? He uses the crusades...
Hiker listening to worship spots 'Jesus' image on trail…
Former Pope Benedict blames church scandals on 1960s…
What are some books defending or explaining the health and wealth gospel doctrines?
Do Christian women that don't want to have children exist...
Do Catholics still believe there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church? If they do...
Music Thread; Modernists Plz Go Edition
Catholics seem to follow Matthew, James, and Peter but Protestants follow Paul, Luke, and John. Who's right...
Saved through faith alone. not by works
Creation of a new church
The Dead Sea Scrolls
Zig Forums cooking
Posted this on /b/ but the theme os releated and I can have more answers here
Catholic School's Groundbreaking Lawsuit Could Strike Down LGBT Laws Across the Nation
ITT: post the greatest Christian rulers in history
Pagan awakening thread 6
He's still a denominationalist
How do we stop modern, jewish degeneracy, Zig Forums?
So, exactly just how many of you are aspiring priests/pastors no matter the denomination...
Modern Child Sacrifice Must End
Thoughts on the Rastafari movement?
Anti-abortion film a surprise boxoffice success…
Any Oriental Ortho bros on here?
Who's your favorite death metal band? For me it's currently Entrails
Are Mormons Christians?
Is everything fated...
I'm trying to find the true Christ's Church, teach me about why your denon is the right one
Homosexual Urges
Godless Americans Skyrocket over 200%
/ourCardinal/ is at it again
Why does she so easily trigger prots?
The ottoman empire
How do you deal with Liberal Catholics
I don't understand Cathodox when they claim we need some magisterium of tradition with councils and fathers to decide...
How can we trust the Church Fathers when so many of them were heretical? Like Tertullian was a Montanist...
It's Okay To Criticize Jews
Why is Paganism Booming in Europe and Beyond?
Explain the trinity
What's wrong with this guy Zig Forums?
Sister Missing Abroad
How do we deal with gross heretics like pic related? I'm noticing an increase in the number of non-trinitarians
As a Catholic, I don't understand Pope Francis
Why would an all-loving, benevolent God do things like:
What is Hell?
Why didn't the Poles support the Hussites?
Rome is home
Church Architecture Thread
Do you think the “Jews” will surrender to us anytime soon? In relation to Revelations 3:9
Catholic priests burn Harry Potter books…
The last refuge
The Size of the Universe
Christian meme idea thread
Catholicism & Orthodoxy
Thou shalt not bear false witness
So in Brunei men who have gay sex get stoned. Seeing that Leviticus 20:13 tells us faggots should be put to death...
Daily reminder that Christianity is a kike religion and by following it you are betraying the white race. Praise Odin
Differences between Protestantism and Catholicism
I had so many attractive women flirt with me these past ten years it's not funny
Orthodoxy's fatal flaw on bishops & ecumenical councils
The Zionist Question
Korean here. Our main catholic church is kinda shitty and old...
Why do some theologians like Father Malachi Martin believe the Devil and Satan are different entities?
All roads lead to god, but
How does Christianity (in particular Orthodox and Catholic) handle the issue of species existing and going extinct...
[Provocative sexual picture] Catholic mother wrote a polite letter requesting girls not wear legging
The Jesus Prayer
Am I being too picky?
Some church peeps (Hispanic caths since I l live in spicland)just stopped by and gave me an invitation to a good friday...
Coptic Appreciation Thread
How did we a society go from hating fags as pedophiles, to letting them get married...
Was the Catholic Church right to translate the mass to popular languages?
Debunking Satanism
Roosh V has found God
Why are the God of the OT and Jesus so different? Why doesn't Jesus want us to kill the enemies of God?
'Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus' in relation to Western and Eastern Saints
Cathwicks APOLOGIZE! Right Nao!
What does the bible says about mentally ill people with extreme paranoia that commit suicide?
ITT: Openly discuss if Gospels Matthew and Luke could be illegitmate
I think that the mods treated me badly
Any point in studying/reading apocryphic texts?
What version of the Bible should I read? At a loss here. Is the Open English Bible good?
What’s the deal with Jan Hus?
How the hell is raising your hands in the air and getting all emotional for like an hour while a guy screams verses out...
Hello. I was born into a Muslim household. But I want to become a Catholic Christian...
How do we convert India?
Is the Easter Bunny pagan?
Owen Benjamin interviews E. Michael Jones
Why did Jesus have to die?
Debunking Evolution
I know lust is a sin, but however I don't understand why masturbating to porn is looked down by God
Explain this
What is the most effective counter to anti natalist propaganda?
Can we say that the Trinity is the most Perfect and Accurate depiction of LOGOS ?
I hear everyone on here always pissing and moaning over "Rabbinic Judaism" and the Talmud...
You can argue with philosophy all you want, the truth is is that your god developed from a local tribal god...
Are there any theological contradictions that make your faith tremble from time to time, Zig Forumss?
In the process of begoming Orthodox, what should I be reading / doing to prepare?
UK Homr Office Denied Christian Convert Asylum. Quoted Bible to Show Christianity isn’t Peaceful
Trying to give Christianity another go
Cultural/Heritage sites?
Broke up with my gf. We had premarital sex
Pope Refuses Resignation of Cardinal Convicted of Covering Up Sex Abuse
Let's discuss the Hebrew roots of our faith. :)
I tried being Christian again
What would you do if?
Transgender Advocate Attacks Statue of Virgin Mary
Was Luther cursed?
Autism and Christianity
Solving The Problem of Evil
Baptist Thread
Is Paying Income Tax a Mortal Sin?
Is there a sect of Christendom I can join that will allow me to eat bacon every day of the week and let me to dance...
“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but underneath are ravenous wolves...
Map your spiritual journey
It is noted that much of the prejudice you have here about the Seventh-day Adventist Church is due to the lack of...
Baha'i Here
Moral question?
S. Patricius
Why Catholicism?
Unforgivable sin
If once saved always saved is true then how can we have a “falling away” as Paul wrote in 2 Thessalonians 2:3...
Would it be best to get off Zig Forums?
Violence against Islam
Can mathematical and scientific production be forms of worship?
What do you do when you feel like God has left you
Someone on 4/pol/ told me the effects of baptism include heightened consciousness, heart opening bliss, illumination...
How do we deal with extreme deformities and disability?
Need Copy of Codex Alexandrinus in regular type (old testament only)
Race and the Spread of Christianity
Is there an actual solid Biblical reason for why the Second Coming doesn’t occur by Jesus literally being born again?
Weed is fully legalized in my state for full recreational use of adults 21+. I am above 21...
Serious question
Sola Fide or no????
Gospel Forgeries
Is the use of psychedelics sinful?
Modernism, Catholicism, advice needed
How many of you are converts?
Why do Christians deny Jesus is the Christ?
Do we have any Anglicans on this board?
Is Christianity an urban religion?
What to do about youth church
Who were the most autistic Christian figures, be it in the Bible or outside of it
Questions about Catholicism
I like religion and in particular Christianity from utilitarian point of view...
Is he possessed or did he just do edgy things just for the sake of edgy things because he is simply lost and doesn't...
Blessed dom justo takayama pray for us
How does sedevacantism make any logical sense?
Am I going to hell for fornication?
"I'm Orthodox because it's the church with the best optics"
Oh Canada!
Can nuclear, biological, or chemical warfare be justified under the just war theory in Christian theology?
Methodist Church to schism
Help with breakup
Pagan awakening thread
Friendly reminder only thing the civilized the Europeans was Christianity...
Mormon Leader meets Pope Francis in Rome
Christ's promise and the Catholic Church
Students left with burns after Ash Wednesday church service
For a friend
It's another one of those threads
Ethiopian Orthodox?
I'm not from europe...
How do I overcome “church hurt”...
Trump autographed Bibles for survivors of Alabama tornado…
Has God ever spoken to you?
Outside Looking In
Lent /ck/ thread
What is the best english translation of the septuagint?
Monasticism and why is it considered good
Did the Native Americans go to hell to be tormented forever and ever?
I want to believe
In Augustine's view (termed "Realism"), all of humanity was really present in Adam when he sinned...
Do you think enforcing christianity (or any other religion) unchristian or wrong? I´d like to hear what you think...
UPDATE: Japanese Worship Buddhist Robot at Ancient Shrine…
LENT 2019 THREAD: The Journey to Easter Sunday
Guys I don't get it. I am a Protestant. Few Protestants claim to be the original Church. "Ok, I thought...
Why is American Christianity so retarded?
The problem of evil
Zig Forums
Need a Catholics advice
Am I living my life in sin?
Atheism and darwinism comes from father deprivation
How should a Christian be buried?
If you're a homosexual I hope you get brain cancer like Ted Kennedy
I was told that the Jews rewrote the Old Testament in the 7-8th centuries (so called Masoretic Text) to get rid of what...
Francis announces opening of Secret Archives on 'Hitler's Pope'…
Was Baldwin IV of Jerusalem a Saint?
Expelling Prots from this board
Zig Forums + /fit/
Do you think it's possible that some Jews find Christ via the Spirit? The obvious example of such a Jew would be Sagan...
Why don't we just call the Israelites of the Old Testaments Christians...
Truly I say to you, all sins shall be forgiven the sons of men...
Should gays be put to death?
I have two questions:
New Survey Shows Disparity of Beliefs Between Latin Mass, Novus Ordo Catholics
Daily reminder your god allowed this
Is it a sin to desire to not have to repent? If so, was Jesus a sinner?
The pope should allow priests to marry. Change my mind
"Love one another, as I have loved you"
Who is Lilith?
Consecrated virginity
Paranormal/spiritual "other" thread
Where can I find preachers that actually try to find the truth?
…am I autistic for spending my free time trying to preach the truth of the Bible on Reddit?
Do you need to have a Thomistic view of God to be Catholic?
Hey Zig Forums...
DMT "entities" might be demonic
The left is now pushing "gay jesus"
Is helping poor and suffering people immoral?
What is Zig Forums giving up for Lent this year?
How do Protestants cope with their Church being less than a millenium old?
Noahs ark
Do you guys have Christian friends to encourage and edify you in your walk with Christ?
What is the Christian view on prohibition?
I don't understand it. Why would God allow people who would practice incest and fornication to become pope...
Reminder that you're not a true Christian until you've read the Septuagint in it's original Greek
Why do you hold such hate in your hearts towards people different from you?
Moloch worship isn't rea-
Is it true that the "wine" used during the Last Supper was actually grape juice...
Can't stop fornicating with my girlfriend
I want to put a poster or a painting with a religious theme in my room. Please recommend me some Christian art
I am in a long-term relationship, and live together and have sex occasionally. However we are not married
Objective truth
Good Christian names?
*reconciles transmigration with Christianity*
Secular Music Preferences
United Methodists Reject One Church Plan
Christian Wife
When video games
The concept of Purgatory is comfy
Are canonizations considered infallible?
Bible translation errors
If I remember correctly, I once read a passage from the letters of Paul that said unbelieving people are hell bound...
I am considering names for confirmation
Sacerdos in æternum
I'm new to Christianity, but I'm really interested into it. For me...
Pope Leo XIII against freemasonry
What do Zig Forums Christians think of video games
Rad trads, calendar worshipers, and fundamentalists are the Pharisees of Christianity?????
Always Remember
The fact is that you can't be a racist and a christian at the same time...
Is Christianity a socialist religion?
Are you in favor of "Muscular Christianity" ?
Let's face it. Protestants cannot into aesthetics. Its mostly modern, ugly and cheap...
Gospel of Luke
Antifa attacks r/TraditionalCatholics
The future of Christianity will be in Africa, while it ceases to exist in the West. Thoughts?
Two Board Solution
Demons in the Bible
Regulars Rise Up
Lent is in less than 2 weeks. What are you giving up?
Catholic Church
Is the Shack a good Christian movie or is it heresy?
Redpill me on the Society of St Pius X
I have a lot of questions about Orthodoxy
Be me
Gluttony is a sin
Francis says church's attackers linked to devil…
The absolute state of the Lutheran Churches
Massive Christian awakening
Who created the creator ?
Suicide isn't a sin unless you're a Catholic
Becoming Catholic
Impregnation (explicit)
REVEALED: Vatican Secret Rules for Priests Who Father Kids…
Christian hobbies
What are the problems with Catholicism?
How long did it take you to read the Bible?
Tidying Up with Marie Kondo
What is the difference between protenstantism and reformed christianity?
Flowers of the Passion
Favorite non-gospel book of the New Testament
Isaiah as a mini bible
What does Zig Forums think of Mel Gibson?
Gay Catholic Priests Speak Out…
Supporting Trump's wall is a sin
Are Y chromosome Adam and mitochondrial Eve the Adam and Eve from the Bible?
What is the best form of Protestantism?
Why is Christianity so fixated on moralism?
Omniscience and Free Will
Why did God punish the jews with Holocaust?
What the h*ck. i though you guys said christian girls were based and trad
Christian Music General - /CMG/
Owen Benjamin
Only on Zig Forums
The untold secret of why Roman Catholics actually love baptists like Steven Anderson and wish there were more like him
Whom is E.Michael Jones talking about here?
Jay dyer
I watched a debate between Bart Ehrman and Bill Craig...
Can music be degenerate?
What translation of the Scriptures should I purchase?
Will God give us cool monsters in Heaven to look at and ride?
This is why you cannot believe in God and evolution at the same time
Conditions for being a Pope
Feminist Pastor Unveils Vulva Sculpture Made Of Old Purity Rings
Prayers that require full body motion?
Being a Chad
I hate to be that weirdo
Is suicide a sin?
Going to mass tomorrow to celebrate Valentines Day. Not sure why the day is associated with Cupid, hearts and couples
Christianity is losing White followers at an alarming rate because it doesn’t condemn race mixing...
Eastern Orthodox brothers...
Theatrically speaking, would it be a sin to kill someone or something that’s/ who is a Bio Organic Weapon?
Feels thread
Four in five Vatican priests are gay, book claims
Government Jobs
Protestant vs Catholic
Is she /ourgirl/?
My relationship with my wife is falling a part. I have been praying so hard but nothing is getting better...
Be me good
Everything is predetermined yet its all your fault
Attempted takedown of Chris Pratt
This guys wife is pregnant again
I'm wanting to convert to Orthodoxy but there aren't any Orthodox churches near where I live...
How do we destroy Islam?
I know there are many Christian anons here, honestly, stop attending the Zig Forums, that environment is toxic
Robot wives?
Board recommendations
How do I become straight?
Thoughts on Calvin?
Is wearing a cross tacky? I have a simple cross I ordered and planned on buying a simple chain for it...
Christian Lucid Dreaming
How Christianity and Confucianism can explain US-China rivalry…
How do I quit smoking?
Is Steven Anderson right when he says that it's impossible for a homosexual to truly repent and change their ways...
Are animals being cute an extension of God love?
Forgiviness is stupid
An academic told me the Bible is wrong about Moses's name. Apparently the name is Egyptian in origin...
_ was the worst thing to happen to christian thought
Cain's Wife
Chuck Missler Was A Colossal Moron
Loot's wife
Proper English translation
Friendly reminder that it wasn’t Game journalists that killed Gamergate...
Will creationism ever regain ground in the world before the second coming of Jesus...
Why would anyone with full autonomy choose to create suffering, even a universe in which they themselves were crucified...
Covington Catholic teen sues 54 news outlets, lawmakers and celebrities…
Is it sign? Huge wooden cross washes ashore on Fort Lauderdale beach…
My denomination? None, I read the Bible
What is your favorite Christian motto?
Was Mit Brennender Sorge a condemnation of National Socialism...
Would you rather be a part of an atheist society where everyone loves one another...
We must secure the existence of all people, and a future for God's children
Demonic Oppression
Hillsong Music
Check mate christ cucks
Tfw drunk
The Mystery of Pelosi's Favorite Bible Verse: Not in Bible…
God Is Ignoring Me Please Help
Is the Creation story literal?
Before you say god exists take a look at this:
Matthew 5 vs Christ doing away with food prohibitions
Is Football a Christian game?
I'm agnostic and tend to stay more on the gnostic side
/real-christian/ general
Your religion is fake, just get over it already and join the world of scientific discovery of logic
No salvation outside the church
Can priests absolve you without you confessing?
This kills the Sola Scriptura
Internet Atheist
The Gospel of Luke [The Alternative Facts gospel]
Is it possible God has created other universes? Like other dimensions where the laws of physics are different...
Yahweh or Jehovah?
The power of look
Jehovas Witnesses
Was John wick a good Christian?
I'm starting to feel like God is a real asshole. how do i fix this fast before i give up?
Was Jesus a Communist?
What the hell? You CAN'T marry in the Church without marrying in civil ?
Meanwhile in the Zig Forums monastery
Cosmic Horror, dread, and the insignificance of Human Life
This is not a shitpost, please hear me out
What is the psychology behind doing this?
Why do Baptists claim works and repenting isn't necessary for heaven?
How do Prots reconcile Marian Apparitions?
The absolute state of RCC
I know that Christ fulfills the old law, but is the death penalty for something like, say...
Any Opus Dei members here?
How should a christian and act and what is he supposed to do
Should all Christian men follow the Pence rule?
Feel Doomed and Don't Know Where to Turn
Virginia Proposes 4th Term (Post-birth) Abortion Bill
Biblical Jews ethnically
Thoughts on the OSB?
The Handmaid's Tale
Christian YouTubers
Greek Orthodox bishop sentenced for inciting violence against gays…
"Seek and you shall find."
Has Jacob wrestled with God ?
A Doozy
1 Timothy 4:1-3
How is sex suppose to be LOVE?
How do I get over my lust for women?
Prove to me, logically, that the Christian God is real and the only God there is
I feel like it's harder to live after conversion
Orthodox vs catholic
What do you want to do with Jesus?
How much of a subhuman you have to be to put bombs in a Sunday mass?
Apostolic ecumenism
What's your opinion of Photius...
Anglican General
There's one thing I don't understand about Fundamentalists. They all claim to be Biblical literalist...
Actual Discussion of the Crusades
Read this article and tell me these people shouldn't be killed. protip: you can't
God wants me to kill myself?
Tell me about the Anglicans. What is their endgame?
Best book to read after the Bible for any Christian?
Sabbath day
Is smoking sinful?
Who is the Messiah?
Blasphemic Music
In shot at Trump, Pope says walls sow fear, divide…
If sodomy is a mortal sin that cries heaven for vengeance
Coming to Jesus, armed: Virginia Senate OKs guns in churches…
Is the See of St. Peter vacant?
The Great Monarch - Catholic Prophecy
Catholic here
Ignorant images
Wisconsin University Sheds Catholic Identity
How do I get baptised? I'm not part of a church...
I'm a millenial atheist and there's something VERY wrong with Christianity
If you have to be baptized to be saved, and Jesus was 30 years old when he was baptized...
Anyone here ever tried giving God the praise and worship anyway when they are pissed off and things aren't going their...
This is the only place I could unironically tell people that UNIRONIC SATANISTS ARE DOING SHIT IN MY HOMETOWN
What are some good refutations of Nietzche?
Pope Francis signed a lambo
I'm a homo. Ask me anything
New York legislature votes to legalize abortion up to birth, let non-doctors commit abortions
Convert me
Black israelites
New York Legalizes Moloch Worship
Icon Thread
Can someone intelligently explain Christianity to me, specifically Original Sin and repentance...
I masturbate 4 times a day
Posted pic related got deleted
How do you feel about the gays?
Why do Zig Forumstards use the fact that Jesus used his whip once in the Bible to push that Christianity supports...
Why does Reedit always attack Christianity?
Western Orthodoxy
What kind of marital arts does Zig Forums study?
Rise of Satanism in America…
Pope unveils new 'Click to Pray' app…
Is Christianity the religion of Europeans?
What do you guys think about the Seventh-Day Adventist Church?
Bible site where 'God met Moses' to be bulldozed for 'super city'…
Today is MLK day
I'm done with the protestant life boys, does anyone have any resources to help me become a proper catholic...
REPORT: Vatican knew bishop close to Pope took naked selfies…
How should we feel about female pastors? I know the Bible is clear about women in church and their role in society...
Does the Catholic Church have any official stance or ruling on the charging of admission prices to enter certain...
Covington Catholic student taunts and mocks Native American
Closed Communion?
Who are heretics?
E Michael Jones destroys 3 atheist alt right larpers at once
Humans to download souls onto microchips so can 'live forever'…
March for Life 2019: Abortion 'greatest injustice in nation'…
Dead Churches
Who was in the wrong here?
What is the Roman Catholic stance on killing baby Hitler?
Okay can we please have a discussion about what the winnie the pooh is going on in the world today...
I'm looking for evidence that the Baptists were the Christians that were practicing the religion from the beginning
Big Brain Christians
Transcendent/immanent God
Practial tips on how to resist the mortal sin of masturbation
Has anyone here played the game Agony? It's set in hell. It got pretty awful reviews...
I'm a traditionalist Catholic who goes to Latin mass almost every day...
I swear
Souls that never heard of Christ
I believe in God but I'm not satisfied with the way today's denominations approach the Scripture...
Can autistic guys be ordained as priests?
Don't end up like john
Why would God make Satan and demons to deliberately temp people to do evil and posses them...
Anti-Jewish Pogroms
Orthodox Church of Ukraine
Religious era
I'm uncomfortable with nudity in the Church's artistic tradition
Converting Muslims
Thoughts on redditors using this verse to push an anti-borders message?
Is he a good Christian?
Two questions
Weed is a sin
Young adults dropping out of church in large numbers…
I don't mean to start another anti Reddit thread but I am truly convinced that r/Christianity isn't even Christianity
Wou would be the pharisees today?
Christian chants
What would a Pastor Anderson presidency look like?
After 24 Years, Scholar Completes 3,000-Page Translation Of The Hebrew Bible
The KJV is perfect and infallible. All other "Bibles" are from Satan...
How Do You Pray?
What do you thinkabout E M Jones?
Self-Improvement General
Leaving Politics Behind In 2018
So how did the Old Testament religion get turned into (((Judaism))). Specifically...
'McJesus' Sculpture Causes Violent Clash In Israel…
What did he mean by this?
Why are almost all bans permanent now? How come the mods never tell us anything anymore...
What is your opinion of Terry Davis?
How is matter not evil?
Pro-Life Propaganda Thread
Apostolic Discord server?
Christian Library Nearly 2000 Books
Love your enemy
Discerning Christian Here
Is there even hope anymore?
Thoughts on Tulpa’s?
Knowing that the doctrine of the Trinity does not originate from Judaism...
God sends swarms against Mecca
So if Christ is fully Man and fully God, does He worship Himself in his prayers?
Is tattoos bad?
Why Western Orthodoxy and the Anglican Ordinarite won’t work
Why did God give me a learning disorder?
Addiction doesn't qualify as mortal sin?
Is it wrong for Christians to drink alcohol?
Can the Totenkopf be used as a symbol by Christians or is it inherently pagan/satanic?
Acts 2:47
The "Mark" of the Beast
Post when you were saved and post the earliest you could of been saved
So was Judas destined for be forever damned? Because Jesus says it would be have been better for him to be damned...
Daily reminder NEETdome is not compatible with Christianity
Wednesday and Firday fasting
Luke 22:36
This board's moderation is dishonest, fishy, unaccountable (no ban logs) and straight up deceptive
US sailors hold pagan services aboard aircraft carrier…
Russian Patriarch Warns 'Antichrist' Will Control Humans Through Gadgets…
Why did God make me? Why did He put me in this world and gave me consciousness...
Why do people on this board like this Anderson?
Maker of "Jesus Christ" YouTube channel is having custody issues
Orthodox Christmas
I think like i'm not fit anywhere, but here I feel good
Narrative Media and Sin
Assuming that there wasn't some kind of miraculously divinely constructed 23 pair of chromosomes to unite with Mary's...
(Conservative High Church) Anglicanism and Orthodoxy
From Orthodoxy to Catholicism
Bashar Al-Assad
Which denomination is correct?
How do I stop worshiping money? I think it's corrupting me
Threats to the Christian Faith
Can someone explain Christianity to me as if you're talking to a Tabula Rasa or blank slate with no prior knowledge...
Anger after Cardinal blames homosexuality, not Catholic church, for cleric sex abuse…
Adam and Eve in Relation to Modern Races
My school is pozzed
Pope suggests Our Lady wasn’t born a ‘saint’, Portuguese bishop downplays her virginity
Ex-nun tells her story with the church
Christian Nationalism Propaganda Video
Do American Evangelicals support Israel because they think Palestinian Christians aren't Christians because they're...
As God, Jesus has no mother, only a Father
/Our Lady/
Christan Empires
Crusader memes are cringe and people who post them are more often than not larpers
Judaism is paganism
If God real why bad thing happen?
Do you pay for all of your anime? Surely piracy is a sin. (Romans 13:1-2)
How could angels rebel against God? Do they have free will...
Wait, you can't re-marry and have another wife if your current left his husband ?
How to not lose faith in humanity?
Conversion stories
How do I fast and not loose my sick Gains?
Support for the Papacy
Explain sacraments after reading this verse
How do prots reconcile with the fact that their Bibles were pruned to conform to their made up doctrines or filled with...
Why are homosexuals despised so much
God will get you a wife when you stop masturbating
Christian YouTubers
Christian parenting
Contra Calvinism
Breaking the law in the name of God?
Fewness of the saved
Have you ever witnessed divine intervention or a miraculous sight?
Jesus's genealogy
Dark Web Contact with Chinese Christains?
How do you guys respond to this?
Tfw transgender
Hello. Should I convert to Islam or Christianity? I am ready to convert to something. Which religion should I be...
Self improvement
Books general
What's the point of staying a virgin til marriage if there are no loyal virgins anyway...
I was arguing with some christian women online, and it was pointed out a gender inbalance in the church
We live in an age of conspiracy theories, and for the longest time, to this day, people believe in things like ghost
Street Preachers Thread
Which denomination is the true one? I feel very drawn to Church of The East and Seventh Day Adventist
Where do you draw the line with magic?
Any Hope for America?
The issue of foreign Christianity
Can someone explain the Moscow-Constantinople schism?
The book of Enoch
Mother Mary
What is Zig Forums's opinion on saying the N-word?
Do you fit in at your parish?
Only Mother! This Atheist TOTALLY destroys the bible and faith
What should I do with this?
Catholic Questions
How do I know if a panhandler is faking it for beer money or if he's genuinely seeking help...
What's the difference between catholics and protestans?
How do you respond to that retarded argument "if you hate gays you're closet gay yourself"
If your church teaches that unbaptized infants go to Heaven you are a heretic
You can either pray and believe God or Masturbate
Has anyone else noticed people nowadays, especially online, using outright blasphemy against God?
What is the general consensus about the Old Testament?
Why are modern christians so cucked and let foreigners(shitskins) participate in their religion and breed their women?
Giving up on Christian women
What is the Roman Catholics' opinion on the:
Ukraine's autocephaly be like
This is a very nice article on Christmas and Easter
What a wonderful sermon lulz
Pope assails insatiable greed of consumerism; forgo greed, gluttony…
A question
False gods
How do Orthodox explain the papacy...
I have been jacking off ever since I was exposed to pornography at 13...
Christmas is a pagan holiday
Census of Qurinius?
Guardian angel thread
Are people really paid to shill here?
The Young Pope
So...what's the most accurate FRENCH catholic bible ?
Read Bible
User, you have heard my voice. Ask for whatever you want me to give you
Baptists are not Protestants, we are Christians...
Why is Peterson such an utter idiot who contaminates Christianity with his mediocre modern nonsense?
How do I pray all of these out?
The Zig Forums Cup 4
All I want for Christmas is to get over my 12 year old porn addiction
Behold your mother!
POPE: Church will 'never again' cover up…
Witchcraft moves to mainstream as Christianity declines…
I don't really understand the point of Anglicanism
Please help me. This thread is making me think its okay to be transgender according to Bible...
Idaho Roman Catholic priest who lived in world of devil and child porn sentenced to 25 years
Jesus spoke Aramaic, Greek, Hebrew, and Latin. Wow that's a lot. People in 1st century Palestine had to know a lot. Wow...
Why the popes had a problem with free market capitalism
I'm afraid to confess to my priest
Tobacco addiction
Christian co-worker experiences
Ive thought long and hard
Hating niggers
If you were in front of God and you could ask him a question or tell him anything, what would it be?
Why doesn't God teach us about the nature of reality?
I'm agnostic
Eternal Punishment
Jews admit they hate God
Christians 'Standing in the Way' of China's Xi Jinping's Totalitarian Rule
I can't stop thinking about Catholicism
Ok maybe you can prove God philosophically, but how do we know the God of the Bible is that God...
Baptist Thread
Is an authoritarian christian state the only way?
Was the Inquisition good?
Why would your God allow this, Christians?
Jews, SJWs, atheists, feminists and trannies are getting triggered by Tik tok Christian memes
Did this priest act in accordance to Catholic teaching?
Today is Pope Francis's birthday
Why did orthobros didn't evangelize ? Why did you only converted Russia before the 21th century...
10 year old boy dances on stage at gay bar while being handed dollar bills by homosexuals
GG allin
New Ukrainian Orthodox Leader Gives First Liturgy, Urging Unity
Regardless of if you take the story of man's creation in the Bible literally...
Upset with circumcision
So Ben Shapiro talked with a catholic bishop about stuff. What's are the resident catholics take on this interview?
How do I deal with constant humiliation, failure and memories of painful past
Hello Christian brothers. I am Muslim. There is alot of fighting between us. But there should not be...
Why is Vatican 2 so controversial?
Ukraine Orthodox priests establish independent Church
Buddha is a saint?
The Nature of Women
Anti-Christian psy-ops/memes
Pakistan at it again
‘Father, please stop’: Parents horrified after priest used teen’s funeral to condemn suicide
Converting from the denomination of your family
Christian /mu/ thread
Curse of Ham
I just finished reading the old testament
Pastor accused of murdering trans…
Should Christians join the army?
Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus
Is the war on Christmas real?
Best arabic bible
Explain this Papists
Is the Community of Christ Christian?
I need help, brothers. I feel like I'm on my deathbed in my mid-20s...
Shared Ground of the Apostolic Churches
Between fallen angels and humans, who is responsible for sin?
Archeologists: Sodom and Gomorrah literally destroyed by fire and brimstone falling from the sky
I need advice Zig Forums, I'm completely lost
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, often informally known as the LDS Church or Mormon Church...
If you find women attractive and enjoy how they look you're sinning and gonna go to hell
It might seem kind of a stupid question, but as a Christian it's a feeling that I can't shake
Vatican No. 3 Convicted For Abusing Choir Boys…
My mind is fracturing
Third Temple Ritual... Thoughts?
Should I become a Latin or a Byzantine?
Do Protestants still believe the Pope is the Antichrist?
Russia's Newest Law: No Evangelizing Outside of Church
Atheism discussion thread
Is this true?
Climate change
Pope Francis Implementing Change Of Lord’s Prayer: ‘Lead Us Not Into Temptation’
Have you asked to God forgive you for your racist Zig Forums past?
Last threads
Why are white people so violent?
Support roflcopter2110 torrents, I give out Red Pills of TRUTH via BitTorrent PART 2
Harnessing Mass-Shooters: How to Save the White Race
DDoS protection shutting off in two hours
The end
Right Politics
Zig Forums is under attack
List of recent coincidences
El Paso False flag shooting
Connor Betts, Ohio Shooter, Died in 2014
Corbyn: An exception to first world electoralism
Right Politics
Why aren't we shitting up Zig Forums
Study: Racial Patterns and Mass Murders
Trump says 'hate has no place in our country'
Alternative News
Don't be a retard like El Paso faggot