Tobacco addiction

Help, I'm suffering from tobacco addiction, I can't help but smoke the hookah at social events and when I'm alone.
I'm smoking as I'm typing this right now, I left Internet addiction and I'm free of any form of addiction except for tobacco, how do I stop smoking, I know it's silly to seek help here but I've tried my best :(. The harder I try the harder I stumble.
It is the guilt which kills me, the guilt for ruining the body made by God. I can't bear this guilt anymore.

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Ask God to help you and forgive you and stop judging yourself, you're not in a position to judge, not even yourself. If you have a setback, don't have an opinion about it, just pray to God for help again. Over time you'll let it go without even really trying.
God bless.

I've never had an addiction so I don't know how it feels, but if it's something that feels absolutely uncontrollable, try praying to Jesus Christ every time you feel the urge to smoke,

Galatians 5:1 "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery."

Jesus didn't just free us from sin, he freed us from any form of slavery, including addiction. You have been redeemed with the Blood of Jesus Christ and as you keep thinking that in your prayers I'm sure Jesus will help you. You belong to Jesus, not to tobacco. I'll try to remember you in my prayers

Thank you
Thanks user, that's really nice.

Hi OP, I’ve tried to quit many times. I too always fail, but I have learned some things. The first is you just have to quit. I know that sounds obvious but the only word that needs to be said to tobacco is “no”. Cold turkey is imo the best way to quit, but some people find it easier to slowly stop themselves over time. If you decide to go cold turkey, don’t kiss your last one goodbye, you don’t want to leave any room to miss it. You have to learn to hate smoking. I’ve come to drink a lot more coffee when I go without, it’s better than replacing the addiction with chocolate bars and ice cream. I advise you not to replace it with any vapor products either. The whole idea is just to flip the switch and call it. Yes it is almost impossibly hard but that’s what we get. The first week is the hardest and it gets easier and easier. Just know you are addicted for life. Flip the switch and just quit. If you keep doing this you’ll learn how to cope with the withdrawals and find those little kinks that work. But a bag of dumdums and some toothepicks, I’ll pray for you. Let’s try to kick it before the new year.

I would like to add that you cannot beat yourself up when you fail. This is very important. All that matters is you continue to try quitting. Failing is an organic part of the addiction and recovery and it’s best to accept that instead of getting suckered in self defeat and then despair. God loves a valiant heart so don’t give up.

No smoking get for OP

Based. Now OP has to stop

Nice pentaget

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Yep, I've trashed all the tobacco I've had, gonna go cold turkey from today.

Nice :)

I don't get smoking. It's like punching yourself in the face and sniffing glue because it feels nice at the moment.

This channel is pretty atheistic and leftist at times, but this video is actually helpful and relevant. Since its 5 minutes long, please watch it.

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down in the dust, lie's prostrate
revive him as 's word has guaranteed

no excuses now, op

If it's too difficult to quit cold turkey, vaping really helps (incrementally lower the nic mg levels over time).
That said, I have a hard time calling it a "sin" per se. Priests (and preachers on the Protestant end) used to smoke regularly and no one got on their case until culture at large did. Where does the sin begin and the cultural disapproval end? I went a Catholic school in my teens a mere couple decades ago and a priest there often took smoke breaks. But he was a sweet, God fearing man. It's a nasty and disgusting habit, but a little dramatic to beat yourselves up over in a moral sense. And it isn't going to help you relax to actually quit if you're simultaneously anxious and feeling like crap like that.

From the Catechism:

I don't do drugs or even drink, so I'm not trying to be some spokesman or something. I just think it's unproductive to beat yourself up over it and it wouldn't hurt to quit in increments with some aids (which would require the same drug.. nicotine.. to ween oneself off with).

Besides, we're at Zig Forums, the literal Butthole of the Net, and it's a little odd to see this. You could go to /zoo/ and see rampant bestiality or go to some other board with God knows what.. gore, possible pedos, etc.. I don't care how far I depart from the Catechism atm. The writers mean well, but they haven't seen true depravity like Zig Forums. This kind of guilt tripping over small stuff like it's the end of the world is phony. How about get pissed off at some real stuff?

I’m not preaching that one should feel guilt over failing to recover from any kind of depravity, whether it be nicotine or /d/ garbage. Guilt is what drove Judas to an hero and not seek repentance. Satan can drive you to sin and then use the guilt of the same sin to keep you from forgiveness. However, man must not confuse guilt with repentance. A man must hate the things that make him sin, and it is better to live in pain than in sinful comfort. Excessive use of tobacco is no different. You have a certain level of control over emotions that come with failure, you can choose to learn from your mistakes or ruminate in your misery. Also the platform on which these conversations happen is completely irrelevant; in a way, you get more honest conversation here.

Pic related

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I do like the honesty, but have a love/hate thing with it, I guess. And sorry, it probably is irrelevant. I just think it could be much worse. If someone can quit cold turkey, by all means do it. But it doesn't hurt to take it slowly. Addictions make people do things they don't even want to do themselves. It's slavery as much as sin.

It could. And by engaging in vices you can reach that low.

Now dunno about the state of OP or however, but stories of stealing form someone to get money for a addiction aren't rare.

Oh for sure, if quitting slowly over time is what works then by all means. The intention of the heart is what matters most in the morality concerning the spirit and the will here. Though the will may not be strong enough to cease smoking instantly on its own, the desire and intent to quit and stride toward it speaks its own about the condition of your heart. Better to move an inch closer to Christ over a year than run in circles over a week, no? Those catechism references I posted only state that excessive use of tobacco is indeed sinful and you have to quit. How you go about doing it is up to you. Just don’t forget to rely on God’s Grace, you can’t do it on your own no matter what route you decide to take. As for the /d/ stuff you brought up, remember that God supersoaker’d the world once before due to mass depravity. The depravity you see here isn’t much different than the wickedness of Babylon. Different century, same spirit. Try to be more humble and not say “well he faps to centaur vore and I just smoke therefore I can justify my smoking” or anything of the sort; sinning is sinning and it’s pride that motivates one to think the illusion that one is better than another because they have sinned in a different way.

Look for someone in your church to help you quit smoking. Most likely a few around that can support and uplift you.

In the same boat too, I'v smoked for some 12 years, started with regular cigarettes, passed on to hand rolled tobacco where I could get the best bang for my buck.
I was able to somewhat stop smoking and vape instead, for about an whole year, but only did it because of exercises and how smoking winnie the poohs it up badly.

So I started smoking again this year about the same time when I stopped working out, and the habit came strong again. Feels bad, I was lying to my now ex-gf too.
But to make it all worse, went through the very painful breakup, I also realized my porn addiction and now trying to get over it, all the while struggling to fill my time with good things and find a job for my career.

Just get your "dope" high from elsewhere not-drugging-yourself related. Play sports for a while, exercise, volunteer. It gets much easier after a while.

You first need to ask God to help you
I got addicted to benzos for a bit when i was 16 and I just cold turkeyed it. It might not work for everyone but for me cold turkeying seemed to work pretty well. I have awful self control but somehow i managed to keep myself away from benzos till the withdrawal went away.
If you live with someone you can ask them to hold you accountable. You can have them throw away any cigarettes they find or something
Also keeping yourself distracted can really help.

Maybe you're addicted to feeding your pride.

forgot to add but if its only hookah that you are smoking getting rid of the bong would probably help

He probably means that he's never been addicted to a substance

Substance addictions are no different mentally than any other addiction.

Smoking isn't a sin

Try vaping to quit smoking. It’s safer and cooler than cigarettes.

That's even more dangerous. Some people have died cold turkeying from benzos. The grip can produce that much of a shock to the system. This isn't an isolated case, but it got a lot of news a few years ago because of the police brutality stuff… but one guy died in his jail cell because cops stupidly refused his medicine. I was personally worried once when my old man took them a bit too much, and my family stupidly intervened and took all of his meds away at once. Big fight happened..

Lucky you probably weren't a longterm user (prescribed it over years).

Gluttony and self harm are both sins. Smoking a cigarette once in a while is no worse than eating a chocolate bar; The addiction to smoking is not the same as this. By all means, demonstrate your mental superiority and encourage people to continue killing themselves.

It destroys your body, and not just your lungs but essentially all your organs, and negatively affects your vascular systems and has a number of negative psychological effects. The money you spend on a pack of cigarettes profits the people who illegally add additional chemicals into the papers, filters and tobacco to keep people hooked. The tobacco industry is responsible for millions of deaths.

After seeing a number of addiction threads here, whether it be for smoking or porn or what have you, I’ve noticed there is a serious lack of people who have even a high school level education in psychology, let alone the amount of you idiots who would actually have the nerve to protest a notion that is nothing but beneficial for a person, and completely ignoring the entirety of the spiritual and theological implications of addiction. Shut your mouth before you encourage people to continue committing the slowest form of suicide. As if quitting isn’t hard enough without your ignorance. Did you even see the catechism quotes in the thread or are you just another Protestant who can make up his own rules? Keep smoking goys, it’s not a sin according to pastor jim here.

holy tetrarchs

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That's even more dangerous. Some people have died cold turkeying from benzos. The grip can produce that much of a shock to the system. This isn't an isolated case, but it got a lot of news a few years ago because of the police brutality stuff… but one guy died in his jail cell because cops stupidly refused his medicine. I was personally worried once when my old man took them a bit too much, and my family stupidly intervened and took all of his meds away at once. Big fight happened..

Lucky you probably weren't a longterm user (prescribed it over years).

Point is though, even though people intervening or frowning on drug use mean well, it's sometimes ignorant. You can't always attack it head on.

Just deleted and reposted this btw.. needed to make an edit.

Almost everything you do has some detrimental effect of the body. Living as though the goal of life is to earn the highest score by years lived is wrong, especially so for a Christian. Do you eat meat? You've increased your risk of cancer. Do you work a desk job? You have an increased risk of heart disease. Do you play sports? Increased risk of head injury and dementia later in life. It really doesn't matter.

Note that I am NOT saying that you're free to indulge in random drugs like a common degenerate, but smoking has long been a tradition that relaxes people and enhances the social experience. I'm not a teetotaler, I believe alcohol can be drunk in small amounts as long as you're not getting wasted on the regular. I think having the occasional smoke is just fine.

Too many people these days live just to keep living. We're all going to die someday and I know when I do I'll meet Christ and hopefully be accepted into his kingdom. Smoking a pipe can actually increase your lifespan if it reduces your stress. Either way I'm not handwringing about it. My life is in the hands of God, He will take me back when He wills it, not before or after.

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I did it and it went for a while, the first time I jumped head in to vape and managed to go nearly a year or more without smoking regularly.
You really do manage to wear it off and even go a full day with feeling like vaping, but I think there's something bad with keeping the habit and nicotine use.
Since in all that time I still felt like having real tobacco every once in a while, and behold, back to smoking full time again in the last few months.
Besides that I wonder what else Zig Forums thinks about vape.

I think you both agreed with this point here, the problem I see however, is for someone who has been full blown addict, smoking more than one regularly for several years of his life, having just one cig is a big temptation into falling back to the habit, and such is the way with any addiction.

Op here,
I do use the gym 5 times a week.

It's day 2, I'm having a mild headache, guess I make it.

Yeah, I've trashed it, I also rarely smoke cigarettes
This one:

It's hedonistic :(

My friend has some health issues after using vape for a while, he now uses inhaler.

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Stop smoking.

You're winnie the poohed then, enjoy your lung cancer.

Because it doesn't concern a deity.
He loves your soul, not your physical body. He keeps the soul with him, not your physical body.
It's up to you to treat your body right.

Inhaler? Is that like super vape?

Nah not the nicotine inhaler, he ended up diagnosed with asthma after using vape, it's the asthma inhaler.

Check my post above, this was literally the reason I stopped smoking and went to vape, because I was always getting out of breath and wasn't improving in that regard.
Soon after I stopped my efficiency went to another level. And fair enough, when I stopped going to gym regularly I got back to smoking as well (progressively though).

Even thought it tastes better and feels lighter, it is actually much worse for your lungs, the water vapor only makes it smoother, but still carries all that solid coal ash to your insides.

I hardly think vape can cause asthma of any kind, the medium used is the same, glycerin.
Most likely he had the possibility already but only came to be aware after using vape, eg, it would me much worser for him if he actually smoked.

1. Get rid of the hookah.
2. Do stuff that crowds out smoking.
3. Pray.
Maybe try Chantix, there are side effects.