Why would your God allow this, Christians?

Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.

Is he able but not willing? Then he is malevolent.

Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?

Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?

Calling me a fedora isn't an argument.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Do you want God to force everyone to be good? Or do you want God to be your slave?

This is the most basic theological argument. You've never taken religion seriously, so that's why you ask.

Yes because the world would be better. There would be no suffering or evil. I'd rather be a slave to happiness than live in a world where you shitty free will argument is true. Admit it Christianity is philosophically idiotic.

Why would I take your imaginary friends seriously?

Because God isn't the "sky-daddy" you atheists blithely prattle on about–He is Logos/the Word. Read Aquinas.

What makes you think you stumbled something we never admitted here? If you actually knew Christianity, you'd know the scriptures teach just that.

"For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God." -1 Cor 1:18

Because human beings are separated from God because of the fall and that degree of separation will always exist in this life because of man's fallen state. Also, an important thing to remember is that evil is not a force opposing good, as the Zoroastrians believe, but the lack of it. The reason it, for a lack of a better term, exists is because God wanted to give man a choice between Him(good) and the absence of him(evil.) Without that choice, man would have no freedom.

You have no room to call another philosophy idiotic, friend.

So you'd rather be the equivalent of a dog than a human is what you are saying? Because no matter how much you say that, you could never convince us that you'd actually believe that; that if given the choice you'd actually debase yourself that far in action rather than in words. The only people that would give up that dignity anywhere beyond their heads never had it to begin with.

The question you should be asking is why do YOU allow this?

If you weren't arguing against Christianity you'd get called all the names by your fellow Zig Forumsacks for this argument.
Imagine actually screaming "suffering is bad, pleasure is good!" on any other context.

Why should I take your imaginary argument seriously?

If Aquinas is such a perfect rebuttal than why can't you explain his point succinctly?

Is suffering good? Is Masochism the true way? Truly we must all suffer constantly, where did I put my penance tools - I've got a lot of self-flagellation to do.

Funnily enough,

But if you're interested, "suffering is necessary" would be proper here.

Think for a moment about what God choosing not to allow evil to exist would have looked like, based on Christian assumptions about the nature of men, and then you will understand.
God allows evil to exist for our sake. All of us are sinners, if God annihilated all evil simply and directly that would mean annihilating us. Instead, He has given us a way to redemption. God could have created beings without free will, but that is not what He wanted to do and those beings wouldn't be us.

You're literally a fedora, else you would have studied the nature of God and the nature of evil instead of screeching on a Christian with your baby E*icurical arguments.

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According to you and other mere worms. In reality it is perfectly just for God to allow evil for a time. God is not only all-powerful but literally created everything from nothing. Who are mere humans to argue that God is immoral? God can literally do anything He wants with us. Might makes right and God is truly the mightiest. We should be incredibly thankful that He is merciful.

It is you and I who choose not to feed these people. God has given us the ability to help them. We choose not to. Don’t blame God for your own failings.

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Because God says so.
For the "sin" that he allowed to happen. Which was nothing but disobedience. Which happened because we were made by him to have free will.

Face it. The world we live in does not mesh with the concept of benevolent, omnipotenet creator diety.

Ebin Epicurus maymay my fellow Redditor. here, have an upvote


Not going to sage so more people can see this ebin bread


Really? You mean to tell me you've never done anything wrong in your life outside of disobeying God? I don't think even you really believe that.
Would you rather not exist? Because that's the alternative. There's no you without free will.

OP is a fedora

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Honestly though, this is far lower than reddit. Maybe 9fag tier.

What's lame is that you use children for your example. tbh there are greater evils and sadness. Children don't 'suffer' as much because of their undeveloped mind/consciousness which is by the grace of god. It's also people that cause children to starve.

Excuse me friend it would seem that you forgot to reply to a few posts.

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Well that's strange. You really strike me as one!

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Of I'm laffin

if god exist why bad thing happen >:(((

Has there never been a time in your life where you have suffered in the immediate only to reap greater pleasure in the long-term?
You're not even advancing any serious arguments, you have blatantly neglected to even pay lip service to researching the opposing position, and you call any other belief system idiotic. Humble yourself.

if god real why bad things habbbbennnn

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Why is the picture in the OP evil?


Because there's a life beyond this one

Job : 38. God doesn't have to justify himself to mankind.

Also, babby's first theological troll: the same thing as Socrates trolling the citizens of Athens by going "lmao is something pious because the gods like it, or do the gods like it because its pious?". It's circular logic to apply the human rationality of "kindness" to a being so far beyond what you or I can comprehend. To make it simple for you to understand, however, in Christian theology : things are moral because God deems them to be. You follow the laws set forth for man to follow and you will be forgiven your human transgressions. God is order. We are given free reign to either do good, or evil, in this world because that is God's will that we come to him of our own volition.

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Only if he has no sufficient reason consistent with supreme goodness for allowing evil. God allows evil for the purposes of giving man genuine freedom, and to display His glory in redeeming creation. That second reason in particular is much more weighty than any suffering in this present life.

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< identified for being his own god

For our sakes. So, why does yours?

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and here is the sum-total of fedora: "gib philosophy, but gib one sendens for 190,000 words"

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Sometimes I leave Zig Forums for a while in exasperation but then I pop in and see a bargain-basement fedora argument get BTFO'd and I remember why I like it here.

That isn't the bible. Nothing matters but the bible. Aquinas is 100% worldly and, at most, inspired by christian beliefs, they did not give him his abilities or reasoning, or Aquinae would have been all over the christianized globe.

A flawed argument.

You can perfectly choose among things that are all 100% good and non harmful.
I don't have to take a shit into a salad to make your choice of salads "genuinely free".

He was a monk.
But they literally did.
He literally was, and still is.


dumb fedoraposter

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I know its a bit long, but please give this a read. It isn’t scripture, but it essentially crystalizes your argument and gives a response to it. Hell, it might even give you more of a reason to beleive in what you do, but you deserve to know the response.


Why is it necessary to squash all evil and suffering in order to be good? Technically, the only thing humans deserve is to be cast straight into Hell, no exceptions. Every single one of us is a cruel, deceitful, neglectful sinner who should count every bad thing that doesn't happen to us as the greatest possible blessing. Even children tend to be outright malevolent. The fact that he even allows us the possibility to live to our natural lifespans instead of just outright smiting us is proof enough of his infinite love. Sure, people in third world countries get more of what they deserve than people in first world countries, but God does promise greater compensation for those who have suffered more after he removes the sinful filth from their natures and accepts them into Heaven, which actually means that in the long run they suffer less. And the fact that he even made it possible for humans to enter Heaven at all is, again, proof of his infinite love and goodness, because by all rights there is not one human on the face of this Earth who really deserves it.

It's easier to delude yourself how all suffering is OK because after you die you will live in paradise.

It's actual delusion.

Here is the thing though

Because he gave us freewill also. See how easy that was?

Bruh have you ever heard of false dilemmas?

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To add if you wanna say "why arent all possible choices good" see how well communism works.

polite sage

Emi best girl

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