Christian on Roman: oy vey goyim, how dare you worship a human, Caesar is just a boy.
Christian on christian: oy vey, if you don't worship Jesus, a human, as god, you are a heretic.
Shameful religion.
Christian on Roman: oy vey goyim, how dare you worship a human, Caesar is just a boy.
Christian on christian: oy vey, if you don't worship Jesus, a human, as god, you are a heretic.
Shameful religion.
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Why do you even try? It has no effect and you just get banned over and over again
Just ask yourself, do you try to save people when they are running into the cliff?
I do.
What happens if you’re on the cliff and we’re trying to stop you from running off it? Just a different way of thinking
Are you stopping me though?
Nope, you just ignore me.
Did your father lose his job while you were in your youth?
Even if I tried, you’d just ignore me. But you do bring up a good point, so here you go, me trying the best way I know how:
Believing in the jewish god saves no one, my friend.
I hope you realize that when you are in your deathbed.
Do you have a waifu, user?
Why don't you just explain your cognitive dissonance on the matter.
How can be Jesus be human and god at the same time?
Nope, he can't.
Don't give Charlie your (you)s
Sage, report, hide, and pray for Charlie instead. He will only waste your time and trample on your pearls.
Thanks to your prayers, I'm only getting stronger.
Can't you discuss whatever with me until the mods nuke the thread?
What sort of music do you like?
Pearl is a very strong word.
I like J-pop, classical, gregorian chants and pagan hymn.
Here guys don’t treat op poorly, let’s legitimately show him the error of his ways and maybe with a miracle or two he’ll convert
I would like to see you try.
Hey, you have some pretty nice taste.
Who's your favorite for classical?
Ok, fine. Let’s start off this way: how do you prove that your gods exist while ours doesn’t?
Ode to Joy, or specifically the Ode an die Freude version.
Based on the simple fact that most kings trace their lines back to the gods.
Well that claim that they have divine blood, but is there any actual proof behind that? Assuming their lineage has been traced, why don’t they take a blood test or something like that?
That one feels generic to me. As if it was "the most classical song", so I don't really like it.
Do you like Wagner?