Tell me about the Anglicans. What is their endgame?
Tell me about the Anglicans. What is their endgame?
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Do we really look all that conspiratorial to you? Depends on who you ask; I would say we are trying to avoid errors while still being very Catholic liturgically, others would say that there goal is to let feminists run the church into the ground, and a third category just wants to asphyxiate us in the world's largest knitted cloth covered in tea-stains.
Their end game is to drag their misinformed laity into hell.
Their endgame is to give up and return back to the Church
Imagine being such a cuck that you don't mind if your flock apostatizes to catholicism.
Welby drives me nuts and so does Francis. It's not about faith, I'm sure they have that, but they make the classic liberal mistake that the way to solve problems is to make compromises rather than behave courageously.
It's this fearful American heresy called the false middle fallacy. That the truth is equidistant between any two propositions, and this falsehood is the work of democracy; the foolish belief that many misinformed opinions is the superior of a single informed opinion because it has more backers.
If your sheep were being infected by scrapie, wouldn't you try to move them to a different pasture?
link related if you don't know what scrapie is
Its not that hard if you consider how Anglican church begun in the first place.
There was no endgame. They've long since been hijacked by the Pharisees.
Their endgame has been spiritual suicide since the 70s.
How do they justify this?
Muslims don't believe Jesus really died so jokes on them. winnie the pooh islamophobes.
Honestly, they had a decent endgame by the 19th century. That of ever-seeking out some way to find "roots" (being rootless themselves) and giving the English language a whole corpus of translated church texts, which I'm forever grateful for. Heh. That of the Pseudepigrapha, New Testament Apocrypha, Patristics, etc..
But as we can see, being rootless and ever-seeking turned them into queers as well. So I'm grateful for their thirst for knowledge at first. Not so grateful for the queers they eventually were destined to be.
To get Henry VIII a divorce.
Reaffirm the "Divine Authority" of the English monarchy (and the English nation in general) and act as a useful socio-political tool to advocate for British interests around the globe.
Out of 70 million worldwide Anglicans, 50million are in Africa, who are very conservative. The Anglican realignment also encompasses perhaps half of non African Anglicans, as many bishoprics sided with the Archbishop of Nigeria in disputes with Cantebury and the Episcopalians.
The downside among Anglicans is the inability to schism (odd concerning their roots). Ideally the two factions would schism, the former would probably die off with their faithful joining the Nigerian faction.
Their endgame is already fulfilled.
Henry did get that divorce at the end of the day.
I guess they still exist only in case some other Kings needs the same service.
Spliting with Rome several times would be counterproductive.
To self implode. They're already dead.