Is it New Age?
Tidying Up with Marie Kondo
Give me some bloody context.
It’s abt a tv show. If you’ve seen the show you know the context. If you haven’t seen show or read book, why be here?
She's the greatest author of our time, both the autism right and down syndrome left hates her.
Alt right hates her cause she attacks their worldly belief.
Left hates her cause she attacks their hedonistic/materialistic lifestyle.
Would've been nice if she were a Christian, take her advice with a grain of salt tho, she's for a minimalist lifestyle for which I'm not a fan of. A nice read either way.
Tbh it requires a lot of reading to understand her works, I suggest you to start with the Greeks and end with Kant before you start reading her works.
I’ve listened to a little over half of the audiobook and have not watched the show. She talks to the objects she discards. For example, she would say thank you sweater for keeping me warm. I interpreted it as having gratitude for all the things in your life, but she might intend for it to be more like objects have souls. It feels a little weird. She said it is cruel to roll up socks. I couldn’t tell if she was joking.
Her basic advice is good:
-Sort by categories rather than rooms, ie bring all clothes from your house onto the bed and go through them.
-Only sort. Don’t clean or reorganize until after sorting.
-Dont have anything on your kitchen counter as it’s easier to clean.
-she says keep things only if they spark joy, even if they are useless. I don’t really follow this even though it’s her big thing. But I like how she says learn to find joy in simple things, like a rolling pin, which everyone may not have. I like that idea.
I actually don’t think she’s minimalist. If someone says they find joy in 100 pens, she says to keep them. Someone didn’t find earnings comfortable, but they liked them, so she told them to clip the earrings on a clothes hanger so they’d seen them everyday.
She seems like a generic Shinto-flavored spiritualist. As>>772524 and
point out, she talks to the objects as if they have spirits which is precisely Shinto. I'm not going to say she's 100% a Shinto Priestess or Adherent, but it's probably just the Japanese version of those kitschy Christian women who say "thank you Jesus" and sell washed out country crockery.
I felt compelled to look into Kondo because 1) she’s really really cute and 2) I have friends and family who can’t seem to keep a clean home and thought I ~might~ learn something helpful.
So I skimmed her book. Some really nice and helpful info, but a lot of it common sense and the stuff that’s not common sense is infused with that eastern spiritualism.
I also watched a few episodes of her Netflix show. I don’t watch much tv these days. Her show reminded me why I don’t watch tv. Silly story lines that don’t track progress all that well, prepared interviews with the ‘everyday people’ Kondo is helping out. Kondo tells these people to talk to their clothes and they ‘act’ like this is normal behavior, going along with it, sometimes as if it’s some kind of game. The people Kondo helps on her show are precisely the kind of people dumb enough to sit around and watch Netflix. Insufferable. Can clearly see the subversive aspect. Kondo praying to the house and feeling it’s energy, preparing to begin ‘tidying up.’ The families she helps treat the weird ritual as a kind of warm friendly prayer, holding hands and respectfully bowing heads, etc. it’s bullshit. But honestly Kondo is so damn cute. She’s this bubbly, smiley figure, perfect skin and teeth. She’s juxtaposed next to ugly Americans- black family, elderly Chinese couple, white family with skinny tatted wife/mother. Everybody looks like shit next to Kondo, and I think it’s designed to be like that to really bring out her special Japanese flair and make the weird eastern spirituality look appealing.
I don't think it's necessary to read the book. There are articles that summarize her key points, or just use what I wrote here:
In the book she talks about smelling things and grouping them by smell. Electronics have a certain smell, things related to money have a certain smell etc.
I didn't watch the show but I assumed it would be how you describe based on a clip.
I see her as someone who is creating this motivation for people to clean up. When her popularity fades a bit, many of them will go back to having too much stuff but maybe some won't. Although I like her tips, in a way they don't matter as long as people just clean up.
One piece of advice I like is she tells you to do your whole house in one go… which is probably impossible for some people but the idea is to just do it fast or you'll never finish.
I checked her out because she is so feminine and sweet. Women don't present themselves like she does anymore.
Its just usefulish advice(with some possible shinto influence), wrapped in weabooism and people being suckers for cafeteria Eastern Philosphy
Watered down trash for people lacking a genuine spirituality
It's explicitly unbiblical
Listen here
The advice you’ve relayed is good. Whatever Kondo is saying that’s worth saying, there’s somebody out there saying it better and without the commercialized spiritual BS.
The real reason to watch her show is because she’s cute. She’s cute and she has cute babies. Just hope the babies spark joy and continue to do so until they can make it if tossed out.
White "people" smh
She's nuts
What the f uck are you talking about, she's a leather-faced old hag
It's just another materialist/consumerist self help guru book pretending to be spiritual.
She appears to saying that physical objects and their location in space are an end in themselves. If we have a house full of joyful things which are organised as she wants it to be, we can find true happiness. Normies love her because it all sounds spiritual - but it doesn't take long to realise that it is still basic bitch consumerism, you are still filling a house with shitty plastic chinese trinkets; and thanks to Marie Kondo, you now throw them away as soon as they no longer bring you joy. Your excessive consumption is in no way restricted, you find yourself wanting more and more, and throwing more and more things away. Her mode of living helps nobody, if your true God is temporal, happiness remains finite at best, worse still, you end up a wretched mess. Its success is both a symptom and a cause of the reduced popularity of religion in the West. People love being told things they already know.
Because people know how to be pigeons and buy what they are told like good goys, they love to be told by a "wise" squinty eyed vaguely Shinto nip that what they are doing is great, to keep up the good work; "oh, here's a few tips to make your life as a consumer more efficient. Don't just purchase, but throw shit away too!".
We need the infinite, the absolute; and we all desire it in some way. Marie Kondo represents human vanity and a degree of hopelessness that humanity cannot escape from. We need Christ.
Shes another false prophet, shes only interesting as far as she might overlap.
Kind of she draws from shintoism i believe
Shinto new age pagan trash
Hate to nitpick, because I agree so much with what you've said, but this one phrase is demonstrably false, because in most cases they already know the Truth and they hate it.