Are you a Normie? Be honest.
Seems like there are a lot of normies here.
Thou shalt not bear false witness
No, definitely not.
But I can promise I'm not a redditor.
So do you have a group of friends that you hang out with and do fun stuff with? If so why do spend time here? I would ditch imageboards in a heartbeat if I had people to talk to irl
Because I can't discuss my waifu, topos theory or christian theology with people I know irl.
Couldn't you just make some Christian friendsn
Yeah im a normie and have irl friends who share my interests…except for discussing christianity and society. That's why i come here. I have a group of friends which i was really intimate and spoke to, and went out, but ultimately, they were atheists and agnostics, and now, it's desintegrating. I wish had a group of friends that were christians. I have christian friends, but i don't hang out or share a group with them. Trying to find a new tribe rn.
pretty much this
also i used reddit in the past but it's become so unbearable the sub i use is r/monarchism, which has pretty anti-modernist, tradionalist christian users, and rarely sometimes post some artwork there. Sometimes i post on /ico/(4chan) but i was banned there temporalely and it's pretty degenerate tbh.
I am a normie. I have a white collar job, marketable skills, a pretty wife, a lot of friends, and a functional family on both ends of the marriage. Granted I don't hang around here as much as I used to when I was just just dating my wife, but I check in a couple of times a week. The reason why I'm shitposting here despite these normie things is because I appreciate the honesty that sites like these bring out of people. There's no filter or any reason to fit between the lines set by society at large here. I have exactly one friend who cares about theology and related subjects as much as I do, and he's busy raising his five kids. The rest of my friends are either the "the Bible is too long to read it all" type, the "man isn't Israel great?", or the "Jesus would have approved if LGBTBBQ!" type. Not exactly the best for conversations for this type of subject. Fortunately I have a board full of autistic with their heart in the right place with whom I can discuss the Lord and mock the work of Satan. Mainstream Christianity has becomes too feminized
I have a fiancée, a "spiritual" as in "I believe in karma but not God" spiritual friend I go drinking with every now and than, a decent 3rd shift job, and I do volunteer work. Am I a normie?
Most Christians irl probably wouldn't be receptive to the idea of a waifu
Jesus held an LGBTBBQ at Sodom
Turbo Normie. You and
make me feel like a piece of worthless shit. Even in the asshole of the internet the only Christian board is full of normies with friends and wives. I haven't talked to someone I could call a friend in over a year and I haven't actually done anything fun with a friend in 2 or more. It just blackpills me to know that there aren't Christians out there like me. The only people I can relate to are drug addicts and hitchhikers. It's a very lonely existence.
Well, Today is a GREAT day to turn that frown upside down :D
Jesus and His family up in heaven love you and are more than happy to pray for you, all you have to do is ask. Blackpills are garbage, take the breadpill and know happiness, friend :)
No, but I wish I was. I never had true friends, and I never felt that I belonged anywhere, and it won't get any better, the only life that awaits me is a lonely life without a home. I wish I was dead so badly.
Hey man, dont feel so bad, of course there are. You should try making some new friends and spend less time here. I wish i could be your friend to support you. But i'm praying and cheering for you!
God bless
Nope. Just another friendless loser who plays a lot of video games.
I was a neet for 4 years though I had a job for a year and a half or so, but i lost that a couple months ago so back to neetdom
no friends or anyone I talk to IRL or anything
I know what you mean. I personally haven't had a friend in nearly ten years, but that's the least of my worries since I have so many problems and am such an amoral piece of shit that sometimes I feel like my very existence is a mistake, like I'm an unaccounted for anomaly. Honestly I should just end myself, God knows the world would be a better place
I am disguised as a normie most of the time.
The real question is: Would you consider yourself to be a different person to the outside world than what you consider yourself to be in private? Me yes, but I don't consider it to be a bad thing. Just neccessary.
I'm not a normie, but I'd like to be.
Basically this.
Heck no, but I can keep the 'tism lidded for several hours at family gatherings and social functions.
We used to be a lot of "missions" to r9k, so I'm sure you're not alone. You should read about Paul and read his epistles, too. He went from an extremely successful pharisee son of a pharisee to the scum of the earth because of his tireless devotion to sharing the gospel to the world around him. Not only was he okay with it, but he was ecstatic to lose his life for Christ's sake. He also died a virgin.
If you've ever had a friend you're a normalfag.
Lying about yourself wouldn't be false witness. It would have to be about someone else or at least your actions (since lying about your actions could have an effect on whether another person is seen as guilty or innocent by others, but not mere description). But it would fall under let your yes be yes and your no be no.
Yeah, pretty much. I've been on the internet since July 1994, but now I have a pregnant wife, a job, and a home. The family's far from normal, but I'm pretty near the definition of a normie at this point.
Yes, no, maybe?
I don't know.
I'd say I'm pretty much a normie. I have a good amount of friends, I'm in a fraternity, I'm not autistic, and I have a gf. That said, I don't fit in with most normies a whole lot, I don't like marvel movies, excessive drinking, most popular music, or sports. Also, normies nowadays lack pretty much any kind of faith, so my moral standards set me apart a bit.
Nope. Never had a gf, haven't had any friends since I was like 5. Normal people look at me with utter disdain for some reason I still haven't figured out, even at Church. I've been giving some thought to becoming a Carthusian monk, because if affability isn't something God's blessed me with then maybe it would be better to try and seek Him through a contemplative lifestyle.
I'm a stealth normie. Only my closest friend from high school and my family know my more antisocial traits. All my other coworkers and friends see only a normie side of me. The only thing left is to get a gf and marry. But I've got an incredibly thick set of social armor, built up over years of hiding my power level, to work through before I could possibly connect with another person at that level.