Remember this. This person converted from Islam and risked death, and the UK said Christianity is a violent dangerous religion and denied entry on that basis.
UK Homr Office Denied Christian Convert Asylum. Quoted Bible to Show Christianity isn’t Peaceful
Thanks, Jews!
The person who made this call is probably a muslim or one of those leftist atheists who hate christians but love islam.
Good. Those violent Christians have no place in a peaceful Muslim country like the UK. I'm sick of Christians thinking they can just invade any Muslim country they want and take its oil like they're George Bush or something, makes me sick.
They call Revelation “Revelations” which is a dead giveaway for atheists
While not denying the fact that many Jews are behind most of the filth in the West; but: to claim this is 100% because of them all the time…we Christian Europeans were more than eager to be their obedient servants. So it’s not just “dah joos!”, but us allowing all this. Blessed the people of Eastern Europe who survived Communism and Nazism and still know how dangerous ideologies and the Jews are, unlike us.
Not an argument.
I’m sorry if I don’t want to genocide them, but I’m more of a person who openly resists them whilst hoping and praying for their conversion.
i-it just doesn't check out, hope he does find refuge in a civilized country though
the people of Eastern Europe who survived Communism and Nazism
1) still know how dangerous and unchristian racial antisemitism is
2) have direct experience of the anglo blaming imaginary foes for his own winnie the poohups, incompetence and general spinelessness
What's the state religion of the UK again?
If Crown Prince Charles has his way, nothing at best, Islam at worst.
wew prots
I hope the asylum seeker gets permitted to live in the UK or any other Western country.
This country is truly something else, God is more merciful than me is all I can say
Consider it a blessing. I can almost hope it happens on a world wide scale. It'll better sift out the weeds in our societies, rather than have them in our ranks and paying lip service, whilst destroying our churches from within. We should have clear lines drawn. It's been far more damaging that these degenerate western countries were ever associated with Christianity at all.
This does it for me, I'm converting to Orthodoxy as soon as I can. I've come into the faith and said "wait a bit, wait a bit, you don't even know if you'll be a Christian in 5 months." But I'm over that phase; clearly I'm not going back to whatever I was before, but I cannot go the way of tolerance any further, I cannot tolerate Quran-loving ministers and their state-sponsored Christianity(TM), and winnie the pooh the Home Office.
Probably a leftist sodomite with daddy issues.
Absolutely NOT
It's just terrible, isn't it?
I can almost guarantee it will be Islam within a century at the rate things are going.
Fat chance. Christian privilege prevents Christians from needing asylum.
The smiting should begin before long, I think. There's a lot of smiting to do, after all.
Protestantism…Meaning Islamism and Judaism.
UK is a fag nation. U.S looks straight compared to England.
All of these things makes me want to renounce my British Citizenship. So sad.
this is very sad considering what happened to Asia Bibi.
in lieu of this latest case, it's clear who worked at the home office and it explains the inaction in asia's case.
Don't renounce it and never give up. Get into a influential position of power so that you can intervene at the proper time.
National socialism (NatSoc, not "Nazi") was a response to the crippling effects the Jews had on the German economy during the Great Depression, which was further worsened by reparations they had to pay. As for communism, it's (literally) a Jewish invention that enslaved and massacred tens of millions of people.
I'm telling you this because you don't seem to understand who your enemy is.
He clearly isn't really Christian and is just saying he is because he thinks it will help him get into the UK. I can't believe you gullible dumbasses are on his side.
Common sense.
And Hikikomori are a response to the overburdening(real or imagined) structure of Japanese work+school culture and society.
That doesn't make it less cancerous.