Are they redpilled?
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But are they bluepilled.
They're neither, they are a non-entity.
Define "redpilled".
Freemasonry is satanic.
They understand truth, but they deny the necessity.
Redpilled = Blame DAJOOS for everything.
t. jew
Freemasonry is just (((Judaism))) for the gentiles, another branch of the (((Synagogue of Satan))).
I don't really know. They must be based because they made the glorious USA.
Based deistic George Washington guyz
My Point Status: MADE
You're either ignorant or a jew.
Seeth harder
You're the one buttmad that I called you out on what "redpilled" truly means. Don't cry to me about how you can't take responsibility for your own actions and, instead, cry about how the jews made you do it.
Their Zig Forums's version of Zig Forums's jews.
More like good ol’ goys, amirite?
copied from an article, but pretty much sums up all of their ideology, which is Gnosticism tier.
Some of their initiation procedure involved treading upon the papal tiara and upon the royal crown.
My grandfather is a mason and believes in ayy lmaos.
Masons define bluepilled.
No no no, silly. Zig Forums blames the Jesuits. :^)
Holy kekkeroni, my sides!
If this is true how came wasn't that Bishop automatically excommunicated?
Also the liturgy isnt the work of one man. To think so it's fanciful at best.
Even if it was true its still valid and licit.
If the redpill is a suppository, yes faggot
It's 1968 you mong. 1962 is the traditional form.
Pius V was a freemason.
Damn I always knew it.
Is this connected with that thread on Zig Forums, where suddenly the Freemasons are now the cool thing to be. KEK, Zig Forums is so full of retards.
Would like to know where did Padre Pio said that. Just curious. A book of all the things he said? teachings of Pio?
Source pls. Thx.
Lol there are some of /ourpolacks/ in that thread calling out the OP for the ʼnigger jew that it is.
For what purpose?