Christian Wife

So I'm destined to marry pic related?

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What kinda church you go to bro

Roman Catholic

It’s going to require a lot of faith and patience in God, I don’t know what else to say.

Just keep in mind we’re in a modern day Weimar Republic

Hello newcomer, there are already designated relationship general threads. Check the catalog and then delete this thread.

where do you live that no young people are in the church? are you in commiefornia or something?

Also this

you also have to remember, OP, it's not about you it's about God and what He wants for you. just stay humble and thank God for everything He gives you and eventually He will put a woman in your path. you also have to remember that women are sinners just like us.

go out and do charity work. go out and do missionary work. join prayer groups and Bible study groups. things like that

I live in England in a small city.

Long answer: oh user of course you'll find someone one day, you just need to improve yourself and be even more faithful and the right girl will appear
short answer: you will marry the girl in your pic, and you're lucky enough if that happens.

That or lifelong celibacy.
It's what my future prognostics are unless God wants me to find a qt Japanese gf next year if I may go there for my internship God willing

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Catholic churches are great dating apps for people with >80 years old though.

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He is right tho

Then please, tell us where to find a gf that's not a complete degenerate and won't tempt you to literal death to have premarital sex with her while using contraception at the same time.

What small city fellow Britbiong?

That explains it. I'm so sorry bonganon but I know you know your people's history. From what I read, Northern Ireland had more Catholics than the rest of the UK. Maybe now might be a good time to move?
But I'm just a burger, you know your land better than me.

Relevant link

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It's in Sussex. Y-You?

Well I guess I could settle for a Protestant gf then I could convert her?

I'm in London and not a Cat either, but obviously as a ginormous metropolis the number of churches to try here are innumerable, and broadly speaking those in the inner city will be full of young people, though can't grantee it would be the case for Cats not having attended any services myself. And ofc the higher both the general and church population the higher the chance of lukewarms and liberals, but by the same token the higher the frequency of youth populated congregations also. If your town what cities are there in Sussex apart from Brighton'and Hove' is on the line into the smoke, and you can afford it, consider exploring some churches and services up here if you're that desperate

It's a gamble, but it'd probably be easier to convert a protestant than to convert a secular woman. Still, there are definitely good prot women out there, even some more conservative ones.

Not a bad idea. If anything, thats more righteous than moving away from your home to find a mate. I can guarantee you that God would like that a lot. God loves it when His flock helps others return to His loving arms.

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Why do you want to get married?

These can not be overstated or read too many times. Digest this and never forget these things.

You won't.

I can't say I'm shocked, user. I know it's tough, but have you considered moving elsewhere? Here in New England, we have a decent Catholic population. There's at least 2 or 3 young single women (18-29 years old) at my Church alone.

I never said to find a girl at church. If you want to find a girl, then you need to go to church activities. Mass is for God, not you.

There is no hope. There are 2 or 3 married women over 30 to and none under 30 here. Sometimes like twice a year some kids from the Sunday school show up because they were forced to.
When very occasionally because there was some planetary line up and some extraordinary cosmic rays hit the earth one of my ex girl colleges of elementary school shows up, but she's a known whore (at least in my eyes since today you ain't a whore no more if you have sex with 10 guys as long as they were your boyfriends right?).
When I go to mass in the city the youngest woman there is 70 yo. I once found a 60yo lady with her son though.

It cannot be stated how much I hate the modern world.

Right there with ya. And i think the other brothers in this board share the sam sentiment.


It really does need to burn.

pax vobiscum bro

I firmly agree. But the Lord knows what is best and we won't face any challenge too overwhelming for us.

Go to college
Good conservative woman are in the sciences

That's very unfortunate. Does your parish have any groups or activities outside of Mass that young women might attend? If not, perhaps you should get to know the elderly at Church and find out if they have (grand)daughters who are single. Be up front with them about your intentions to meet a Catholic girl your age, if necessary.

That makes two of us.

True… during my first semester, there was a cute nursing student who showed definite interest in me, and I regret not asking her out. I looked her up on social media later on and found she was a conservative Christian.
There's a girl in one of my classes this semester that is cute and seemingly wholesome. No idea what her name is or if she's Christian though. I'll bide my time and see what happens.

Inter-faith relationships are a gamble, tread lightly.

Try Latin masses

We are not cats, but God's own dogs.

… some of us, anyway

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The girls there are just larping as trad thots to bait people like us.

How to ruin your life AND go to hell

You don't know that

If you want a Christian wife who you won't consider 'degenerate', Jahovas Witness is probably your best bet. They can't date someome who isn't in the church, nor marry. Any kind of sexual behaviour outside of marriage (even flirting, kissing) is a big no no.

Not a Jahovas Witness but I had a crush on a girl who was one.

That heretical Mormon white supremacists church with brainlet theology is doing better than all of the churches all of Christian go to lol

This is like Christian incel talk, bro… Which is ironic, since we're supposed to view celibacy as a good thing.

Pick one and only one. How new are you?

Christian as in, believes in God and Jesus. Or the vocalisation of God in Hebrew - Jehovah.

Could be that you don't know much about what Jehovas Witness actually is?

Jehovas Witness is literally just another form of Christianity. Like Catholicism or Protestantism. They mostly follow the same Bible although altered, which pretty much goes for all types of Christianity.

They are not Christians, as they deny Christ's own teachings. Christian means Nicene Trinitarian. JWs deny that Christ was truly divine, they instead teach that He is merely a created being (the archangel Michael) and not a part of the Godhead, which is contrary to Christ's claims of being equal with the Father.

You go to Church to worship God, not find wife-material girls. You find them in after-church activities, at work, through people you know, cafes, libraries, coffee shops, colleges, and even walking about the streets. There's a good deal of marriageable women even in the smallest of towns; if none of them strike your fancy, you can always pack your bags and go elsewhere, the world is a very big place.

Don't get discouraged by your pic. There are plenty of good women out there.

t. former social autist who fell for the blackpill meme with almost no relationship experience,now have been with a woman for over a year

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You JWs think the placeholder word for God is the name of God on top of all the other heretical garbage JWs believe JWs are not and will never be Christians.
Take your heresy to >>>/christ/ or >>>/protestant/

Lol, I'm not even a JW and you are mistaken. In they're version of events. Christ was created by God to create the Universe.

Sure, you may not see them as 'Christians' but they follow a form of Christianity. That is indisputable if you knew what they actually do.

Their version of events is a proven lie.

I do know what they actually do. What they actually do is literally NOT be Christians. JWs are no better than Arians or Mormons or Muslims or Freemasonry.
If we really wanted to be stupid, (((satanism))) is a form of Christianity (because they also deny that Chirst is God)

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Or you can get a cheap south East Asian bride

Full disclosure as the disgusting weeb I am, I would die in ecstasy to get a girl from Nagasaki. It would never happen, but I can dream for the time being.

Good. Let that anger boil inside of you. Let it be a righteous anger to defend what is right and what is still pure in this world. It will be literally be us vs them in the future if things continue down this path, which is the most likely scenario.

Yellow fever REEEEEEE

and the guys like us are larping as trad husbands.

fake it till you make it.

I hope you realize that legitimately no females under the age of 30 attend Novus Ordo mass. This is coming from a 17 year old female who attends the latin mass. Everyone at my church is young and actually catholic.

Because I don't want to be lonely for the rest of my life? I want a wife and kids…

The epistles of Paul are pretty clear in stating that voluntary celibacy is an admirable pursuit, even if you aren't clergy. If you haven't yet found any women suitable for you, it may be time to consider the possibility that you're called to the single life. Scripture and Tradition are both very clear in stating that this is actually a great blessing.

Based (and redpilled)


There's a ton of young girls at my local Novus Order Mass.

Bearing false witness is a sin.

She's right though. And I never thought I'd agree with a girl ever.


Nah not falling for that lol.

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are y'all noticing a pattern yet?

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How can I determine if my anger is righteous or murderous? I am a hater of women and what they have done to me and the world and society. I am the first to praise women when they are Gospel-influenced though.

I am approaching 24 years old an a virgin and never had a girl like me, for some context.

It is admirable, but it is suffering. I know we are here to suffer, but this cross is a heavy burden. I have accepted that I might be celibate forever, but it is a suffering I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy.

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Get a load of this guy

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Women dont browse 8ch.

>loves to make assumptions about women like an MGTOW
>automatically thinks low of women like and MGTOW

If it quacks like a duck, and spergs ourlt at women like a duck…well you know the rest

>loves to make assumptions about women like an MGTOW
>automatically thinks low of women like an MGTOW
>thinks all women are THOTS like an MGTOW
>posts anime like an MGTOW

If it quacks like a duck, and spergs out at women like a duck…well you know the rest

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This right there, where I go for Wednesday Latin mass there's so many young women that I sometimes hesitate on going for fear of being distracted/tempted. I wish they would cover themselves more often.

With all respect due to St Paul VI's mass, it's still boomer mass that was designed for boomers in their time, and it follows that only boomers attend it anymore.

It just proves what I said. They're just there playing the trad thot card to get people into their webs. This is how girls larp. That in fact is the purpose of their larping. To get laid.
Kek but true tbh.

Dude you're still extremely young. You've got plenty of time.
Good, keep it that way (until marriage of course)
Me neither (well, I maybe had one, but it's a long story). Improve your fitness, read books, expand your knowledge, improve your spiritual life, and improve areas in your life you think need improving. When this is done, focusing on yourself, more women will like being around you.

I thought this was bait at first, but come to think of it…
Granted, a couple of young women attend my Novus Ordo Mass, but otherwise it's all Boomers.
I'm hopeful we'll go back to the Latin Mass in 30 years from now, when the Boomers are either confined to nursing homes or graves.

I see that one goes to a TLM to have a more profound relation with God but ends up trying to ignore all the girls there.
Best to go to a boomer NO mass or getting the priest of your parish to perform TLM privately for you.
winnie the pooh girls ruin everything man.

Not sure about the Catholic world in general, but where I'm from, the ratio of Diocesan vs Ecclesia Dei ordinations seems like it will prove you right.

Go to a Latin Mass, you would find Younger women there. Also reminder that Traditional Women are still women, you have to be somewhat healthy and confident to have them like you

Lol don't blame the women for your temptations. Try to get better custody of the eyes and think of the as fellow sisters in Christ

Sorry, but St Paul is pretty clear about women covering their head in prayer.
Also I am a young man who has to deal with women wearing ambiguous clothes and makeup 24/7 as part of modern society, and if I cannot have a clear separation between that world and the world of the Liturgy, I am going to have a very hard time getting in the right spirit at church if there are a lot of "normally" dressed women.

temptations are not our faults, they are our trials. I deal with that very temptation all the time. But it is not proper to have to deal with it at Church.

I have been blessed with being less than a 20 minute drive from the only Extraordinary Mass church in my diocese, it's incredibly comfy. It's one of the smallest parishes around here, nestled into a little neighborhood right off the highway, lots of families and military folks.

The parish I usually go to is a NO parish because it's easier for my girlfriend to come along with me; she'd have to drive almost an hour and a half both ways to go to the Extraordinary Mass, so we usually go to the EO parish on holy days when we can.

This is probably a bigger part of your problem than you realize. When I was younger, I had a similar view from constantly bingeing Common Filth and blackpill shitposts on /r9k/

It wasn't until I actively worked on cutting down on that negative mentality that I finally had opportunities to try and be more social and not worry about the 'what ifs' and 'should haves' and 'if onlys'. That's how I met my girlfriend soon to be fiance and how I basically turned my life around. Pray and ask God for guidance about this, see where He takes you.

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not to pick on you or anything, but to further the point I was making in my first post, There are so many girls at this mass that "custody of the eyes" (which I try to practice in daily life) means looking either at the floor or at the priest all the time. That's to say how many young women I see at the traditional mass.

Yeah, I can see how they would be distracting… at my old modernist church, there were tons of scantily-dressed 20-something women; it took a great deal of effort to focus on the sermon and not them.

That's good news then. I can't say I'm surprised, given how many of us Millennials grew up in broken families with degenerate Boomer parents and don't want the same for our children, hence the shift towards tradition.

That sounds nice. The two Latin Masses near me are 30 miles and 50 miles away and in big cities, sadly… I'd rather just go to my local Church, which is within walking distance.

I still think that breathers are THOTS but that's besides the point.
You do know that even though you won't get said poster into bed with you that fornication is still a sin right?
And since that's definitely a man it's gay too.

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try your local megachurch

lmao like you would have fared any better in the past.

That's the bad kind of anger. The "downfall of Saul" anger.
The truth is, I'm in a similar position.
- 25 yr old virgin.
- Haven't been in a relationship.
- Have depression and anxiety for fear I'll never have an emotional connection.
- Had a period of my life where I went MGTOW (left MGTOW a few years ago)

But I still hold out hope that there are women who believe in God. Who see the evils of today for what they are, and who are looking for a spiritual man to honor and cherish as we honor and cherish them.

The best thing we can do for ourselves is be ready to meet that person. To turn ourselves to God, to work towards bettering ourselves, and to trust there are others out there who feel the same.

It is a tough burden to bear. But I'm thankful we don't have to bear it alone.

Matthew 11:28

I absolutely fell in love with a nice Christian woman who is my mothers age. Completely heels over head. But she was married and so I just prayed for her and myself and moved on. Then it happened again with a different mother-aged woman, but she said the age difference was too great and I tend to agree. Feelsbadman.

I wouldn't worry, user. Many of the Patriarchs both themselves and their wives weren't exactly as pure as you're hoping for.

Just focus on loving Christ an he'll find you someone special. Just have faith.

Ima post this because I feel it's relevant to this thread:

by St. Anthony of Padua

Everyone longs to give themselves completely to someone, To have a deep soul relationship with another, To be loved thoroughly and exclusively. But to a Christian, God says, "No, not until you are satisfied, Fulfilled and content with being loved by Me alone, With giving yourself totally and unreservedly to Me. With having an intensely personal and unique relationship with Me alone. Discovering that only in Me is your satisfaction to be found, Will you be capable of the perfect human relationship, That I have planned for you. You will never be united to another Until you are united with Me. Exclusive of anyone or anything else. Exclusive of any other desires or longings. I want you to stop planning, to stop wishing, and allow Me to give you The most thrilling plan existing . . . one you cannot imagine. I want you to have the best. Please allow Me to bring it to you. You just keep watching Me, expecting the greatest things. Keep experiencing the satisfaction that I am. Keep listening and learning the things that I tell you. Just wait, that's all. Don't be anxious, don't worry Don't look around at things others have gotten Or that I have given them Don't look around at the things you think you want, Just keep looking off and away up to Me, Or you'll miss what I want to show you. And then, when you're ready, I'll surprise you with a love Far more wonderful than you could dream of. You see, until you are ready, and until the one I have for you is ready, I am working even at this moment To have both of you ready at the same time. Until you are both satisfied exclusively with Me And the life I prepared for you, You won't be able to experience the love that exemplified your relationship with Me. And this is perfect love. And dear one, I want you to have this most wonderful love, I want you to see in the flesh a picture of your relationship with Me. And to enjoy materially and concretely the everlasting union of beauty, perfection and love that I offer you with Myself. Know that I love you utterly. I AM God. Believe it and be satisfied"

You will find a girl to date and marry at the right time user, or maybe you won't.

Maybe God wants you to live a life of celibacy, maybe it's just not the right time yet, the best thing you can do right now is ask for God's guidance, submit your will to His.

One thing that's certain is that God has something prepared for you, be it a wife or not, so you should ask in your prayers for Him to show what he has chosen for you.


you people are so fukking retarded!!!!!! "pussy never fell into my lap, therefore GOD WANTS ME TO BE LIVE A LIFE OF CELIBACY"!!!! LOOOOOOOOOOL WHAT THE winnie the pooh DUDE?? WHAT AN IDIOT

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Also, just rude and dickheaded.

I think it's a bit disingenuous for you to tell me this considering you're even more worse off/"incel" than myself. I don't necessarily disagree with some thing you say, like being ready if the right opportunity appears. The real problem is that opportunity doesn't appear for men like us. The magic solution is not to change us, but to change our opportunity, which is almost completely out of our control.

I'm glad you've come to terms with being as you are. I sort of have as well, but my loneliness causes me to sin (things like anger, PMO, lust, etc.). Hope you find your woman.

Ultimate Asperger's but you're not really wrong. Prosperity gospel is not a thing… being a good man will not make God give you a wife. Women are interested in good looking/tall brutish men, not incels on 8ch.

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Obviously you do need to try a bit... but >>777514 Is being a dick, and there have been a ton of troll/funposts on the board today... so I'm doubting this guy is being sincerer in any way.