I don't mean to start another anti Reddit thread but I am truly convinced that r/Christianity isn't even Christianity

I don't mean to start another anti Reddit thread but I am truly convinced that r/Christianity isn't even Christianity.
Like it blatantly denies "offensive" doctrine.

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I agree, Reddit sux and has the big gay

Ok, great. Opinion noted. Now, what exactly does this have to do with Zig Forums?

What do we do about heretical communities? It pains me seeing people like this.

And it took you this long to realize this?

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user, there is no "we". There is you. What are you going to do about r/christian? Better yet, what should you do about it?

The fact that you still visit reddit in 2019 makes me worried about you.

what other place actually has that many people though?
most of it is heresy, but some is not. Here, 90% is just catholics vs baptists, with some orthodox spamming x—DDDD BEGOME ORDODUGZ

Attached: BEGOME.jpg (480x340, 12.35K)

*ding ding ding*
Ahem. I have an announcement.
winnie the pooh baptists and winnie the pooh Sanderson.
Now that that's over with, I would also like to propose a toast:
To Pope Benedict, for bringing faith and joy into all of our lives.
To Pope Francis. You might have made some dubious choices, but we still love you!
And most of all, to the Lord Christ, the Father and the Holy Spirit. Couldn't have done it without you guys!
Thanks for the attention.

There are still some of the smaller wholesome strongholds on reddit that have held out through the years of pozzing.

Why do you care how many people there are? Are you an attention whore looking for an audience? I'd rather have 20 good people than 100,000 sh*tbags.

Did you know - and bear with me here as I know this might be powerful and astounding news to you but … did you know that if you don't like a community on Reddit you can (hope you're sitting down) *deep breath* make your very own subReddit?!
I know, right? You actually don't have to put up with r/Christianity! It's just a subReddit that someone created, much like creating your own board on Zig Forums! Here we have Zig Forums, /christ/, /christianity/, /kjv/, /catholic/, and a whole bunch of Christian related boards for you to choose from! And if you don't find one to your liking, you can make your own board and get people to come to it.


I know you're weeping right now about this glorious revelation. Now, go forth and be a newfag no more.

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How do we start a good subreddit?

By making it on 8ch.

Most leddit post itt

Sinfully bad thread, delete and try again. At least bring screenshots or something.

You know, making a new sub reddit won't make this one better right? And cut out the passive aggressive tone, it's very unfitting for a young man to speak like such a sissy.

Attached: Even St. Paul was afraid.png (640x640, 175.17K)

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The larger Catholic and Orthodox subs are already pretty good. /r/catholicism regularly poos on the concept of homosexual priests, hates modernism infecting the Church and liturgy (including but not limited the overuse of Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers, receiving on the hand and general irreverence of the Eucharist, use of modern instruments and sappy boomer hymnals, awful minimalist modern architecture, etc.) hates Fr.James Martin and the like, hates most all of reddit's frontpage leftist politics, hates Pope Francis's obscure language on many important topics, hates the lukewarmness of /r/christianity etc.
People that have barely browsed the place for longer than 5 minutes will tell you it's bad but it's really not. I dare you to try and go there making a post saying something like the Church needs to condone gay marriage or something like that, your post will be utterly BTFO

r/reformed is pretty good. At least better than this place.
This board is pretty hostile to protestants and has some bad unchrist-like habits. I think Catholicism is more popular on the Chans because of the fetish for European history and Catholicism is seen as old fashioned and kind of edgy

That will be Zig Forums soon just got band for saying the n offer word in discord that I don't even know I shouldn't say. The place is full of women and children too.

Absolute Cucked

it aint bad op

no censorship at >>>/christianity/

>going to (((discord))) and expecting free speech

Lol, you must be new to all of this. Go to pretty much any discord and drop the n word and expect a perma ban. Thats just how it is. The mods aren't Zig Forumsish. In fact I heard rumors some are unironic commies. Thats just how it goes.
thats why you gotta be creative with your n words
nìgger is my go to

That's because not every board is Zig Forums, you child.

and? racism isn't Christian. anyone who is baptized (validly) is part of the Faith.

There also doesn't appear to be any tolerance for Jesus was Nords and KJOism gibberish, isn't restricted to Chalcedonianism, and seems free from rampant Catholicentric shilling and falseflagging.
Only reason I don't visit is the unwillingness to create an account.

no shit, sherlock

Attached: download (5).jpg (265x190, 4.9K)

Go back to Reddit you scum

no u ʼnigger

Go back!

That confirms it. Reddit is of its father the devil.

Can't do anything about it, unless you can figure out how to mod takeover it, which I don't think you can so yeah…

Well unless we can figure out a way to buy off the sub from the head mod (who isn't very active). I have no idea how to offer a deal for it though and how to ensure that they won't just rip us off. I would honestly be willing to give some money though if it was actually possible.

They literally downvote offensive scripture

It's still helpful to try to show lurkers the truth amidst the chaos in that subreddit. I wasn't aware of any other place or subreddit to go to learn more about Christianity. I read every comment even the down voted ones and prayed for discernment. You can sometimes pick up on who is trying to speak charitably and the truth versus the heretics.

Someone should raid that subreddit.

I'm unironically down. They are giving out false into that homosexuality is as bad as masturbation and other crap.

I mean, if you think about it, only sodomites beat their meat. Espically in the context of when the Bible was written.
Tbh, if we started thinking along the lines of fapping = sodomy alot less sinners would be doing it here.

Fapping is now gay sex? Just no. Literal jumping of the shark here.

There's nearly an entire chapter against homosexuality

Because their purpose is to better this world, not go to the next.

Masturbation is as bad as homosexuality, however.
It has the same underlying misanthropy.
I'd say it's even worse, self harm is more retarded than violence.


Yeah this place is winnie the poohed lol.
They made this thread and when Christians didn't give them the answer they wanted they asked the atheist subs to support them.

Yeah I'm officially done with Reddit lol

Holy shit. I read the comments and seriously, when you start ignoring the bible completely, that is when you have unequivocally gone wrong. Certainly we shouldn't be completely caught up in the letter of the law, but that doesn't mean we should ignore it. The Bible is how we know the word of God.


Does r/Christianity ever talk about us or do we only talk about them?

Zig Forums is only mentioned on r/christianity by people from Zig Forums.

This is a sad relationship

Zig Forums is like the abused wife who sticks around because "I can change him!"

The only reason I go on Zig Forums is for this board. Literally the only reason I keep omnichan on my phone. Sometimes I go on the worksafe 4chan boards, mostly /mu/ just to troll or browse threads I find interesting. Sometimes I'll go on Zig Forums but I don't post or go very often. I block out all the degenerate boards on 4chan.

More like 8chaners venturing out to other channels "Christian" channels out there that's too normy for them. I've never been to r/Christian myself and I from what I hear of people on this site, I don't know why they even bother going there, especially if they've been coming here…

Frankly, if God is too much of a coward to step up and take responsibility for his actions and his followers are more than happy to enable his reckless behaviour under the common argument "muh free will exonerates God", why should I, or anyone, even bother following the impotent retard?

I see now why the kikes laugh at Christianity. It's a joke religion predicated entirely behind 'Heaven on a Stick,' don't mess up or you're going to suffer for eternity! This farce is unnecessary.

I spit on god.

Really just think about it. If your son murdered his brother then of course he should be punished. But wouldn't you contemplate your failures as a father?

God isn't infallible, so why would I follow him?