How do prots reconcile with the fact that their Bibles were pruned to conform to their made up doctrines or filled with Freemason symbols?
How do prots reconcile with the fact that their Bibles were pruned to conform to their made up doctrines or filled with...
I don't read the physical first edition 1611 kjv so I can't be influenced by a symbol referencing Francis Bacon, as if that matters
prots don't reconcile with anything, they just do whatever they feel like
Some fag:
successful by who's standards? the us punishes people for not making cakes for faggot weddings and funds mass-abortion
This thread is disingenuous
Luther didn’t remove the deuterocanon because they disagreed with his doctrine, he removed them because they aren’t in the Hebrew original. Now, the Dead Sea scrolls do prove Hebrew originals for many books in the deuterocanon, but that wasn’t known at the time. As for the New Testament books, Luther considered not including them but decided they belonged. That doesn’t prove anything, the church also debated whether James should be included in the canon
Total lie. The Secret Teaching of All Ages is a new-age/occult book. In addition to this, it also claims
It’s not true. It’s a false book of false doctrine, and to cite it to own the protestants is to bear false witness
Apples to apples
Which comparable country has a better religious liberty situation?
No the US doesn't. Our supreme court upheld the rights of the bakers to discriminate agianst the sodomites.
Now it is beyond stupid why it took the supreme court to rule on this instead of relying on Christian morals and vommon sense but this is proof that our system works. I'm sorry you were misinformed on this topic.
Economic success isn't the best indication of how christian a country is. Your country was created by deists and agnostics, and there's nothing that will change this fact
Bitch, ever heard of Portugal and Spain? THESE were the missionary states, not secular jewmerica lmao
Pick one
Only an American could say this.
Ironically they do the same but call it a different name.
Dude, you know how latin america and mexico was converted? Through colonialism. my Country, Brazil was a pagan place in which people comitted caniballism, until the portuguese and the jesuits came, and preached the gospel. Sure, latin america may not be as christian now, especially mexico, but that is because of revolutionary liberalism ( hmm rings a bell, america? ) and positivism ( Brazil ) and these republics undermined the church and removed all of it's influence in the population.
And now that the Portuguese left evangelicals are a winnie the pooh plague there. Even your new president is a winnie the pooh evangelical (though I'd prefer him everyday to that literal commie).
Quando precisares de ajuda para queimar as favelas e expulsar os hereges chama nos filho.
ikr. A lot of catholics here are so liberal, too, it's sad.
Valeu pai!
He isn't though, his wife is, I don't know which brand.
But mostly Catholicism out here is like and antiquated practice, mostly for traditional seniority, the prots flavors are very varied though, going from traditional morals, to libertarians with commie influence, to pure heresy.
I just saw him celebrating his victory in the elections with evangelical dudes, so I assumed he was one or a sympathiser.
Infelizmente merda da teologia da libertação.
Eu descobri isso quando fiz o erro de comprar uma Bíblia da Paulus. Mesmo em português europeu essa merda é literalmente marxista.
Nao somente isso, mas a maioria não sabe sobre pecados importantes, como contracepção, sexo antes do casamento, casamento pós-divorcio, feminismo e liberação sexual, gender roles, etc
Alias, quando digo gender roles, não digo que é pecado, mas digo que a maioria não sabe que gender roles são o ideal pra familia catolica, assim como é evitar o aborto, contracepção, etc
É a mesma coisa aqui, só que pára no feminismo fora dos círculos "intelectuais" universitários.
Sim vejo muita desta merda aqui. O meu padre até contou na homilia que pôs uma gaja a ler aquela passagem de as mulheres obdecerem aos homens e à gaja ficou toda triggered lol.
hahahaha é disto que estou falando. Feminismo infiltrou completamente nossas sociedades, eu rezo muito pela minha irmã pequena, que ela não seja corrompida. É muito triste ver o país da Santa fé ser atingida pelo modernismo, que nem todos os outros..
Acho que aqui é pior. Só as pessoas com mais de 70 anos vão à missa.
O resto dos adultos que vão, além de não querem saber do que a igreja ensina como tu dizes bem concordam com o divórcio e essas merdas só lá vão porque é o encontro comunitário.
Até o clero aqui é mau. Os nossos bispos são quase todos da "ala" liberal da igreja, foi por um triz que os divorciados iam receber a Santa Eucaristia. Graças ao nosso Patriarca de Lisboa que votou contra. Meu Deus durante uma semana ele foi chingado pela televisão e os restantes bispos por dizer que os que se casaram de novo não podiam ter sexo se quisessem ir a comunhão. Agora ele é visto como um "ultra conservador" por dizer que na doutrina não se toca.
Custa acreditar que isto foi o país de Fátima. Até o bispo de Fátima é dessa laia.
Para não falar que não temos padres quase nenhuns. Na minha paróquia são missionários indianos que dão a missa.
Ao menos são bons tipos, melhores que alguns padre europeus que já vi.
The most successful country in the history of the dorks maybe.
She's a Pentecostal from Malafaia's Church, Vitória em Cristo, which is associated with Assembleia de Deus.
No, because their authorship were disputed since the second century, so he place them as the last books of the NT, which hasn't been moved to this day even in Catholic bibles.
More to the point, the protestant canon was more influenced by Calvin than Luther, who had a much higher view of scripture.
Says the sect who relies more on ethos than logos regarding mostly everything.
Becoming an occultist to own the prots
How does your denomination deal with the fact that homosexuality runs rampant through the priesthood?
You conveniently left out the part where Luther was following the opinion of some of the Church Fathers.
Also it's not like any of the bibles most used in the West are from sources translated by Catholics.
Whta opinion lol?
There wasn't even a Canon back then and some father never read Hebrews for example because it was only popular in the East and not in the West. And dig you are accepting a supposed opinion of the Church Fathers why not accepting the rest as well?
Besides even if your argument was true it wouldn't explain why you guys would join the Jews rejecting macabees, Tobit, Wisdom etc.
One more thing. Revelation wasn't rejected by any church father. We have the word of one of St. John's disciples on that.
The only "church father" who rejected it was Eusebius because guess what, he was an Arian and revelation btfo Arians.
I doesn't take a rocket scientist to see some of the apocryphal works are pseudepigraphical. Even so I don't mind having it in bibles. Revelations is probably also baloney if you ask me since it's been a struggle to substantiate to this day.
Even so Catholics have still had no option other than to rely on Protestants for a transitional base.
How come? Form the early days every orthodox Catholic regarded Revelation as a work of St. John. Also St. Papias also says it was a work of his master, St. John.
Only heretics disregarded it because the text was an attack on their heresies and today atheistic "scholars".
What transitional base? Whta do you mean? The Canon was defined in Carthage in the 4th century.
Because some people capable of thinking critically and it looks spurious as with other spurious works.
As said earlier the most popular translations currently used in the western world are of Protestant production.
Pick one
Manly P. Hall was also an astrologer, and part of an esoteric "Christian" cult which teaches that man has all the powers that God has.
Do a little research before you start promoting something or someone, and don't go promoting some claims simply because you want them to be true.
Lad none of the Church Fathers questioned Revelation. The authorship of other works in the NT was doubted by the Church father, the famous example is Hebrews, like Origen said only God knows who wrote it.
But Revelation was accepted as a johanine work, everyone who was smart to think critically about it ended up as an Arian or some other heresy.
It was the Reformation and the printing press that gave an impetus for the publishing of translations across Europe during the period. As such the most renown translations have been of Protestant extraction. Some Catholic translations produced the following centuries have been mediocre in comparison with a more dynamic approach.
Lol what? Not in Europe lad.
What dynamical approach? Catholic translations are always more accurate than protestant translations. An example is the DRA, which is partly based on the KJV but its way superior to it.
As for my language the prots only made their bibles after 1980 and they are all printed by evangelical groups.
I like many parts of the D-R, but it still has bizarre grammar and sentence structure, sticking closely to Latin, even after Bishop Challoner's revisions. I'm not a Protestant, but the KJV is a both a great translation and a literary triumph. Just be sure to get it with the deuterocanon. It's how it was intended.
And at this point, traditional Catholics, Orthodox, and Protestants could very well be happy with something like the KJV, compared to the trash that's produced in the modern era.
Frankly, all of the KJV conspiracy is dumb, especially now that Catholics somehow hold up the RSV, which is a fagged out revision of the KJV. Or push the Good News Bible, NRSV, Jerusalem/New Jerusalem, and NAB. It's hypocritical, considering how bad those are.. when in actuality, the KJV comes from the same era as the DR, when scholars weren't so corrupt. They sit side by side as hallmarks of a better age of the church.
This may be the best (succinct) defense of the KJV I've seen. Not from Steve Anderson. Heh. But an Orthodox priest.
This. Conspiracy theorists are always the worse.