Mormon Leader meets Pope Francis in Rome

>President Ballard said Pope Francis enjoyed the fact that he and President Nelson have had sons and grandchildren who served missions in the pope's homeland of Argentina.

Besides the fact that the Mormon President just visited the Vatican, let that last statement sink in.
Assuming it's true, the Pope was glad that Mormon missionaries worked in his home country.
Waiting for the apologists to spin this.

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I have a deep hatred for Mormonism. If I could I would burn down their temples. It just pisses me off that they go around claiming they're Christians when they're so clearly not.


I despise the doctrines of Mormonism, too, but burning down their false temples won't help.
Pray for their conversion and teach any you encounter with love.

I loathe this. Why always focus on what we have in common and never rebuke them for not following the teaching of the Church? They even do this with Muslims.

I know it wouldn't help, I just have temper problems when it comes to major major heresies like the Mormons. Their whole religion is based on a lie. It just honestly pisses me off seeing anyone believe in this stuff and pretend to be happy with their lives. One time a Mormon missionary gave me a BOM and I just smashed it on the ground in front of him and stomped on it and told him it was full of lies. I know I really winnie the poohed up a chance at his salvation though… winnie the pooh… I just cannot stand Mormonism…

Because Francis doesn't believe anything, really.
Sure sure, he'll give lip service to Roman Catholic teaching, but he's a latent universalist.

Your anger is righteous, brother, but you can't let it dominate you.
Satan would love nothing more than to make the true faith look as bad as possible to non-believers.
Trust me, I get sick to my stomach when thinking of the terrible false teachings of Mormonism.
That's why it's all the more important to show them the truth, that they might repent and believe.

Ecumenism with false religions is so worthless. The Pope continually signals that he personally believes all religions are equal. It's an embarrassment.

Ecumenism with other Christian sects is one thing, but you're right, ecumenism with other religions is another and shouldn't occur in anyway whatsoever, whether with Mormonism or Islam or whatever.

You do realize that he's a nation's leader as well as a church leader, right? He is a priest and a diplomat. Do you want him to just up and declare war on everyone you don't like?

ITT: Pharisees whine about Jesus dining with tax collectors and sinners.

But the Pope wasn't attempting to be a physician to the sick here, rather he was encouraging their sickness.

I'd prefer to kiss the Koran 10 times than to shake hands with a bastard like that.
At least Muslims believe in an eternal God.

He's not trying to make sense, he's just coping.

As far as I know we only have the word of the president of the alien jesus worship club.
He is a freemason so he only says what suits him, although the Vatican receiving a man like this is disturbing to say the least.

You're anger may be justified though. I remember there was a vid last year on here of an Orthodox monk in Greece, who basically laid waste to a Jehovah's Witness's pamphlet stand. Because it's just so far from the Truth, That it should be laid waste to. It's something we've just lost here in the west. And have become accustomed to letting Secular Atheistic philosophies tell us how it should be. Tolerance isn't a virtue, there are some things where yea, you should be disgusted by these certain ideas, by certain Heretical Faiths, Etc. Many people did enforce blasphemy laws in the past in negative talk against the Church, and it still very much does still exist in the secular world. Now it's replaced with new wording call it hate speech, etc ,etc same principle applies. Except it longer applies to the one true Faith. But to some idol, the craziest of them all being the idol of Sex, and the lgbqtp community. And many other freakshows ranging from Zealot ideologies, Libertarianism, Communism, Darwinism, Relativism. It's just a giant Prelest.

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You're right, it's really important that the polity of Vatican City forge diplomatic relations with mormons. And yeah that's what I said, he should "declare war" on people I don't like. You're a strawman artist.

the absolute state of catholicism.

Here's what that Mormon is thinking

If anyone has ever read The Book Of Mormon they know what the Book of Nephi says about the Catholic church.
This is just sacrilege, this man shouldn't be the pope.

What does it say, user?

The papal states could even declare war to my country and that would mean nothing. Both jobs are well separated.

What do they say? I'm curious

Is this the first time Pope Francis has ever said something like this in reference to another religion?

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