Why did orthobros didn't evangelize ? Why did you only converted Russia before the 21th century ? Seems like a point in favor of catholicism, which converted america, africa and nearly succeded in Japan and China (but still with a lot of fidels in Asia).
Why did orthobros didn't evangelize ? Why did you only converted Russia before the 21th century...
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Why did cathbros didn't stop rapist priests ? Why did you only stop the ones in Chile before the 22th century ? Seems like a point in favor of Orthodoxy, which throws out their rapists and doesn't cover for them and shuffle them around.
You do realise that Russia is a massive country and that it took 300 years to colonise it all.
Protestants also converted more of the world than Orthodoxy, but as a Catholic you cannot consider Protestantism closer to the the truth than Orthodoxy.
This evangelism is mere historical and geographical coincidence.
I'm not here to clash. I'm asking a genuine question. The subject of this topic is not the flaws of the catholic church. So shut up with your stupid memes.
Yeah, a massive country with less population than France in the 19th century, that makes a lot of orthodox ahah.
There is no historical and geographical coincidence, all is part of the divine providence.
And it seems strange God didn't want orthodoxy to convert more people. It's like he wanted only catholicism to fight against proties in order to let catholicism win. God letting the apostolic monopoly to catholics.
So why didn't you evangelize like catholics did ? God ask us to convert all nations.
TIL that pedophila in the Catholic Church is just a meme. Fr. Martin would be proud.
Ukraine is rightful Russian clay confirmed! CIA tiggers BTFO!
You don't even need to have a university degree to realize how retarded your statement is
Woo! Prots no longer responsible for the endless and bloody wars in the ME anymore! Thanks cucklics!
Just like how there was a protestant reformation in Catholic countries endangering the souls of millions, but none in Orthodoxy.
We do, its hard when you go out to convert and end up being killed, instead of going to a technologically backward world ad killing off most of the natives.
We do, but we end up being killed instead of doing the killing (intentional or not).
These are the kind of threads, the kind of topics and the kind of answers which are pullitme away from attempting to kindle again the love I once had for God…they make me hate humanity, Christianity and myself in a devastating way.
um what
do you mean like 18th century spanish missions?
Sup, reddit.
Because Orthodox countries were landlocked and couldn't colonize. These catholic countries didn't send that many missionaries to lands they didn't own. Orthodox countries weren't as economically powerful as Spain, France and England came to be.
Also, half of Orthodoxy was engulfed by Islam during the high middle ages.
Sorry if I didn't made clear in the Op I'm not here to be hostile but to seek truth.
Islam ?
What are you thinking about with native or you being killed ?
But Russia had Siberia in 1683 at least. So they could have evangelized Asia, they had access to the east cost (and to the west cost before also, through the Baltic sea).
No, in the 16th century. And catholic french evangelized the Canada.
Also, why did the Ethiopians or Coptic didn't evangelized Africa ?
I heard an orthodox said they didn't proselytized because they don't have the fioloque. Et thus the father only is responsible for the spirit that is already present in the world before the coming of Christ. Which I understand like it would mean there is already the spirit in other religions.
They did, they didn't do it as hard since the only orthodox nation that got into empire-building was Russia and Russia didn't do it as hard as the western nations
nice deflection too bad that doesn't change anyting
when you say something like "catholicism converted america" the natural implication is that you're talking about the nation-state, the US
Instead the US is ~50% protestant despite our situation of overwhelming foreign immigration
I think this is exactly what OP is asking. He's not saying that you sat down all day and only cared about yourself.
Catholic mission work is amazing tbh. And I don't care where you side, it'd be a good model to follow. It's not just the gospel or building churches, but hospitals/schools/infrastructure galore. And no one even matches the ability to put out the Bible in such a cohesive way, now that they're sanctioned to do so. Every Bishop Conference tends to bring a translation of the scriptures wherever they go.. and at no cost to those in need. I just point this out, because Protestants hail scripture, but it's disorganized at best (Bible Society work + myriads of denominations), and very commercial and tacky at worst.
literally the foundational point of the southern baptist convention
The same can be said for your post.
Until recently the Orthodox has been violently suppressed by godless Communists. That's your answer.
To be fair, I applaud the Baptists for some of their work. If I have anything negative thing to say about their mission, it's that the brand stinks. :D Why name yourself after one sacrament? Never made sense to me. Plus, it harkens back to Jesus' forerunner, rather than Jesus himself. Catholics win alone on "brand": i.e. Catholic = Universal. And for some reason, even unconsciously, when the world thinks of Christians, they tend to think of Catholics or priests or nuns. Evangelicals seem to be the butt of their jokes. I don't think that's good, but I'm merely focused on branding here. No outsider thinks of Baptists for some reason, when they ponder the Church and whether they should quit their ways. It's almost like the Catholic church can be effortless in recognition, and this recognition is a mission unto itself.
It's not that way at all in the American south. It's common for someone to say "no I'm not Christian, I'm Catholic". Are you European?
The baptist name comes from the practice of believers baptism, as opposed to pedobaptism, and it is explicitly not viewed as a sacrament
I'm actually Texan, but it's heavily Catholic compared to the rest of the South, I guess. What you say makes sense for other regions though, I suppose (except maybe Louisiana?).
I'm a Texan too. Are you in the valley and it's all mexican?
I have several times knocked on a door in Texas to share the gospel and the response is "no, I'm catholic"
No, more Central-ish.. but I know what you mean.. the Valley is definitely more Catholic.
You're on an imageboard.
You do realize exactly what Siberia is right? It is practically a wasteland, it is not a place that you travel easily across in 1684, 1784, 1884, and it even proves to be difficult terrain today unless you fly. The "west coast", by which I assume you mean the coast along either the Bering sea, Sea of Okhotsk, or the Sea of Japan, is also not navigable for several months out of the year due to ice. The Russians did colonize and evangelize Alaska to some success though. Furthermore in the east, the route via the Baltic directly passes through territories that the Russian Empire has long enjoyed terrible relations with. How exactly is one supposed to maintain an empire abroad if his ships are constantly refused passage? Simple, he does not.
tl;dr you're retarded and wrong on every dumb point and implication.
Imagine a fishbowl the size & shape of a basketball.
Now imagine a tennis ball floating on the surface with the upper part of the tennis ball exposed to the air.
According to St. Gregory Palamas this is a model of the earth. He says that there is no need to evangelize other people and places since they are underwater. Volume 4 of the Philokalia.
Probably because there were no Greek or Russian expat communities in those countries
Well, I disagree with him. It's not called the Great Commission for nothing. And he made a point of us hearing that this was the ultimate thing he wanted before he ascended to heaven. Preach the gospel to all nations.
Secondly, we were all underwater at some point. But when Jesus ascended, "he led captivity captive and gave gifts to men". Who were the captives in this triumphant return to heaven? It was those spirits of the world who had held a stranglehold on Gentiles. The jig was up. And while Jews - the original receivers of the word of God - cursed themselves, God was now ready to do an amazing thing to the rest of the world.
Both the Byzantine and the Russian Empires evangelized. The results of the Russian missions are not visible only because most of the converted lands are still part of Russia. On the other hand, the Orthodox nations did not have access to seas and oceans, so only now we are able to start a global scale evangelization. Which is interesting: while all other main Christian denominations seem to be in decline, the Orthodoxy is in rise and building new temples.
Not really, unless you mean converting the farmland or something.
No need to insult. I am just asking genuine question. I'm not trying to advance any opinion or point of view. I just try to understand.
I think you got some points.
That's interesting, but what does this mean exactly ? Do you know why he want to oppose evangelization ? Is that all he say or we can know of his opinion on this ?
From what I understand, russian evangelized in the east or in Siberia, what are you thinking about exactly ?
Any land which has been part of the Russian Empire (including Alaska) and also Japan, China and Iran.
Note: the core lands of Rus were much smaller than present day Russia+Ukraine+Belarus (see the map).
They evangelized these ?
China and Iran, I thought, succumbed to Nestorius. Which you could say was originally Orthodox, but not afterwards. Japan was a mission for both Catholic and Orthodox. What I've read about it is sad, but beautiful. But that disorganized aspect I mentioned earlier with Protestant missions also applies to Orthodox. Catholics go a step further and establish schools galore, hospitals, etc.. They create a stronger presence. And their Bishop conferences also produce official translations as well.
Yes really
Name one non-western country with a greater Catholic presence than protestant
The bulk of the Southern hemisphere, Vietnam, Phillipines, Guam, India (19 million Catholics!), many in the Middle East, possibly more if you break Protestants down to their many sects (which you should want to).
Well, that seems interesting, I will have to look on this.
Indeed, it seems they do good work. I like the fact Catholics are like helping the root where they came from (that's what catholic tell). Hope it is just help, with interested mind.
Well, that seems interesting, I will have to look on this. Thank you for the info.
China: the icon is of Chinese Orthodox new martyrs.
Iran: a part of the nestorian church was converted into Orthodoxy.
Japan: we have an autonomous Japanese Orthodox Church with short but already rich history.
Who the heck told you that?
I'm not Orthodox, but I ran into this awhile back and thought it was awesome (also, premature disclaimer: Zig Forums can piss off. Glory be to Jesus Christ. If any man get in his way, it would be better if he tied a rock to his feet and drowned himself now).
are you the same guy who posted this in Ortho thread?
Wasn't me. :)
You have to realize that from an Orthodox point of view, every Christian country save the Orientals, Nestorians etc was Orthodox. This includes, England, Germany, France, and Spain. In that effect, Orthodox Christianity did remarkably well when it came to evangelism.
After the schism, Orthodox missionaries converted not only Russia but also Georgia but also Serbia, Bulgaria, and others.
After the Fourth Crusade the Roman Empire ceased to be a meaningful geopolitical force, and all of Orthodoxy was swamped by the muslims and steppe peoples. It's great that Russia became a mighty world power in the 1700s, and the fruits of Russian evangelism were Orthodoxy's spread into North America. It is thanks to Russia that Orthodoxy has a meaningful organizational presence in America today.
I think it did pretty well tbh.
Poland is not exactly non-western we are catholic country since 966 AD
aslo i recommend you lurk about Moravian Brothers in Herrnhut, they did and still doing a great job