Zig Forums

why is with them and their 1488 nonsense? they believe n an ubermensch, unaware that all men die and go to 1 of 2 places

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they just want western society to be western society. most of them don't know that requires christianity.

The reality of superior and inferior races is not in conflict with the spiritual reality of heaven and hell

I've talked to many people from 4chan Zig Forums some seem savable. But others are bloody atheists and they just shit and shit and i don't know how to respond. one asked prove Jesus exists. I know he exists but I don't know how to… prove to these leeches. its all tiresome. God help us all

You need to learn to better articulate your faith then. This is something I'm working on as well so don't think I'm talking down to you on this. Everyone will be a little different in convincing him that Christ is indeed God and he did live among us for a time.

Gg's all around.

good advice thanks :D

I just had someone thank me "for my service in white privilege" on the college campus I go to, time for 1488/gas the kikes, race war now.
But seriously, there are some things Zig Forums gets right and some they don't, but the biggest thing we need to remember is to convert them as I mentioned here

I'm actually quite flabbergasted this happened though, I thought it only occurred in shitposts or the coastal cities.

All are one in Christ, so there are no superior or inferior races. Too bad, so sad, but your skin color doesn't make you better than anyone.

Sure thing, (((user))).

I'm one with a black brother but he's still black and I'm still white. God made us this way.
Is my sister in Christ no longer a woman because of our unity?

White people are superior on almost every metric, especially when it comes to obeying god's commands. If you claim that whites and tiggers are one in Christ, then that means we are all essentially equal to all the great saints, which is retarded because none of them probably fapped to Chinese cartoons.

I think E Michael Jones is right that these are protestants who stopped going into church, so now all they are left with is being "white guys".
Part of the judeans who rejected Christ also turned into ethnicity, they're sister identities.

There is if you claim race is not created, which is idolatry. Our DNA is a recorded history of church marriages, there is no spiritual reality of genetics with an independent existence. It does close a feedback loop in Language, but that's how far it goes.
Genetic clusters are a creation of Religion, Language, and Geography. Men only marry women who fit all three categories.
We share no identity with those outside Christ, specially something temporary and created.

Solid logic



John 13:34
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.

Acts 17:26
And He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth.
Revelation 5:9-10
And they sang a new song, saying, 'Worthy are you to take the scroll and to open its seals, for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation, and you have made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on the earth.

Galatians 3:28
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Why is this concept so difficult? I suppose Jesus did say that the way would be hard.

Paul says in Galatians (which it is undisputed that he wrote) that he saw James the brother of Jesus. That is why literally all scholars, believing and non-believing, agree he existed (except a few memes who want to sell books)

I understand that you're affirming what I'm saying, right?
God did make the races

Race was created, but it's more than a material or even a sociological construct. There is a spiritual element to race.
For example:
Now why did God hate the entire race of Edomites? It certainly was not because of their DNA or their biology. Yet it must have been due to some aspect of their race. Assuming that God doesn't hate people for having certain genes, we can conclude that there was a spiritual stain on the entire race of Edom. It's a property that isn't genetic or biological, but which is inherited and racial all the same.

There tons of similar instances of inherited sins and inherited blessings throughout Scripture. Adam's Original Sin was an inherited imperfection on the whole human race. The curse of Ham was an inherited imperfection on all the Hamitic races. When the Jews said, "His blood shall be on us and our children", they incurred an inherited imperfection upon all Jews who failed to convert to Christianity. Race isn't everything, and in light of Galations 3:28 we can conclude that in the New Covenant God doesn't play race-based favorites, but to sit there and say that race isn't real or that it's purely material or sociological just doesn't mesh with what the Scriptures actually say.

"The person who sins shall die. A child shall not suffer for the iniquity of a parent, nor a parent suffer for the iniquity of a child; the righteousness of the righteous shall be his own, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be his own."

Yes, but God didn't make any one of them superior to any other. That is a man made ideology. Do you worship God … or man?


Thank you for quoting Galatians 3:28. You can see clearly that it says there is neither male and female there. Most clearly you don't think this means we abolish all sexual norms and treat men the same as women in every possible way?

Also thank you for quoting Revelation as part of your point. You will find in chapter 21, verse 24-26 that nations still exist separately in the eternal kingdom.

This is a prophetic statement about future state of circumstances, not about how things currently operate.

Nobody is denying that – if a woman drinks while pregnant, obviously her child is going to suffer because of the iniquity of his mother. That has nothing to do with whether that child can live a godly life.