After his sister died of cancer
I mean congratulations to him for finding God, who is he and why should I care?
ABSOLUTELY BASED! I could tell for a long time he was on his way there. He was reading the Bible, his site Return of Kings published a lot of Christian articles, and he was open about the emptiness of his old hedonistic lifestyle and how the old monogamous ways with traditional gender roles are better. Sorry about his sister but glad to have him join the family.
Very well-known former pickup artist who transitioned into focusing on men's rights, etc. some time back.
God be Praised!
You mean himself, trusting in his own works?
That's sad but also make me happy he found God.
It's true the red and black pill made the bread pill so much easier to swallow
i wrote a long autistic post talking about the progression through from redpill to blackbill and beyond finally to god. i noticed it in myself and several others online over the last ten years. i deleted it halfway through because i was struck by the fact that i was just retelling dantes divine comedy. its only recently that i have returned to christianity, but looking back at the path i walked its perfectly clear that the redpill is taking those first steps into the inferno. i read the divine comedy just out of high school and now i need to reread it as soon as im done with the bible.
Same story here, began as Alex Jones tier, got really red pilled, then REALLY black pilled, then turned to God.
I don't know who this guy is, but God bless him on his spiritual journey.
I suggest you ask the "fine" people at what they think about it
Degenerate whoremonger and race baiter who has corrupted many and many women.
Glad for him if he found God but he has done some deep damages to this world.
Why should I care?
I said glad for him that he found God and hopefully that he repented for his sins, but I wouldn't know why we should all endorsing him now just because of that.
May as well be a Muslim or an atheist.
Came here to say this. Monophysite moment.
This dude isn't Orthodox, people.
We (Oriental Orthodox) are not Monophysites. We, the Catholics, and the Orthodox came together in the 60s and the 90s respectively and agreed we have the same Christology. Please do not insult us this way brothers. Our Catechumens for example are required to read St. Cyril of Alexandria's "Unity of Christ" which teaches the opposite of Monophysitism.
Based I love Roosh. I don't read his stuff but since he's alt right adjacent he occasionally appears on podcasts I listen to. Becoming right wing has led many people to God over the last 4 years, including myself. I think this trend is going to continue accelerating.
You as an individual may agree to all 7 ecumenical councils, but that is not the case for any Oriental Orthodox jurisdiction as a whole.
The only official move taken since those talks (which have no authority by themselves, by the way) is that the Antiochian and Syriac Orthodox churches recognize a shared sacrament of marriage now.
Until the Oriental Orthodox communion agrees with us on the Incarnation, there's no reason to consider you to be Christians. Sorry.
Of course, I don't mean this on an individual level. An OO person could very well agree entirely with Eastern Orthodox doctrine, like a Roman Catholic person could very well agree entirely with Eastern Orthodox doctrine. But Oriental Orthodoxy, as a body of doctrine which in particular rejects the councils of Chalcedon, Constantinople II, and Constantinople III, is not Christianity, in my opinion.
God causes suffering so you'll finally listen
Thoughts on this tweet?
He lurks here
I doubt it. If he was /ourguy/ he would have used the term breadpill.
I never got black-pilled. You realize that both the Red Pill AND the Christ Pill are true? You can't just sit around and say "now that I believe in God, God will fix it", and "I'm saved anyway so who cares if the rest of mankind burns". In our current state of the world, all who are not taking political action are SINNING:
You don't have a winnie the pooh clue. PUAs just paint a target on their back, but there are people who are 100 times worse than them in corrupting women, think of the bankster elites, show biz, eyes wide shut, etc. They promise young women careers/money and then just pump and dump them, rinse and repeat as often as you like. PUAs are just regular guys who didn't want to be on the losing end of the dating game, and sure you can fault them for not having enough regard for women, but who has any regard for anyone in today's Jewish capitalistic society? I don't even think PU is harmful in itself - certainly it would be beneficial to know how to court your future wife, but it becomes harmful like everything else does when applied in this rotten society. As the PUA motto goes "don't hate their player, hate the game", and it has quite some truth; although the more people play the harder it is to destroy the game.