Why did God make me? Why did He put me in this world and gave me consciousness? I'm not a good christian and I am far away from this, but altough I considerer myself christian If I could I would have choosen not to live. I don't like life and much less living.
Why did God make me? Why did He put me in this world and gave me consciousness...
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Why do you value the mere fact of being alive so low? Are you seriously disabled? Do you have serious illness? Even if you do, living on this Earth has so much to offer, and that's only taste of things to come in life eternal. Existence is always better than non-existence, Brother.
Besides, have you consulted psychiatrist? You may be suffering from depression.
Because it is. Being alive is ask to suffer.
No. But it doesn't make life better.
No. But it doesn't make life better.
I prefer no to come to life in first place
If you do not exist, you don't suffer.
No. Should I?
Because He loves you
To Love God and love your neighbor
Than start and sin no more
Not really a nice thing to say. Hating yourself is hating God for you were made in His image.
He made you to become christian. The saints are those who are the most tested.
To live is not to experience comfort and pleasure but to know God and perfect oneself.
I was in your shoes a few years ago.
If you suffer from anhedonia - not feeling pleasure, satisfaction or happiness from anything you do, then I suggest consulting psychiatrist.
Being healthy physically you have been granted everything to enjoy happy life - starting from knowing God and loving Him, then enjoying everything that's good in life, sharing love with others etc.
How old are you?
Same user here, >753295 is also right. Living is not 100% pleasure and enjoyment. Suffering is the part of it. But being given free will you have all you need to choose the path that leads not only to eternal happiness, but also can give you the taste of it here, in this life.
I was also asking myself a lot of questions like yours and still looking at suffering of others is painful to me, but since I became christian I do see the light among the darkness. In your current position you see the darkness only - maybe this is why you mention that you are not a good christian? Maybe it is your conscience asking you to change something and turn to God who really did not create you to suffer but to embrace His glory and the glory of being child of God?
I know suffering is part of life, mainly in christian life, and that is exactly why I don't want to be alive. I am here to suffer when I could just not be live and avoid suffering.
So you could pooh an moan like a pooh.
I'm 22.
Then you have all the time in the world to make your life better. Lurk more - there's a lot about it on this board.
It is normal - natural for a human being to avoid suffering. Although some of it is unavoidable, it is only a part of life. Life is good, and the God meant it to be good. Christians, by loving each other also try to build the kingdom of heaven here and now (partially of course) and minimize the suffering.
I can really tell you that I've been there, done that, moaning and accusing everyone except myself for not having life that I had imagined to be happy.
As I wrote before - lurk more and start working on yourself. Do you watch porn? Stop. Do you masturbate? Avoid it. Do you work or study? If not, find something that gives you satisfaction and is appropriate to your talents and do your best. Try to take care for your body and mind - as it is the Temple of Holy Spirit. Start working out, or swimming, or running. Work on the way how do you perceive women, but before engaging in relationship, engage in regaining physical, psychical and spiritual balance.
Makes me think of a question I was asked by a friend of mine that I thought was mildly interesting.
Do you agree with God? God clearly values free will above pleasure and suffering. If you were in his position would you do the same? Or would you strip humanity of free will and only allow good?
Love is only perfect when it is completely free, so I would say that stripping humanity of free will and allowing only "good" isn't that "good" after all.
lmao proTip you're not a Christian if you believe in psychiatry
I am diagnosed with Persistent Depressive Disorder and Anhedonia. I highly recommend to never ever go to a psychiatrist as they are useless sacks of shit that only know how to push drugs on you and are completely unable to do anything to alleviate the problem.
Nice you have there. I do not know how does it work in USA but in most European countries psychiatrist contribute to people the same way as any other medician.
It is not a matter of belief but medical facts.
Op here. I am worse than I was and I becoming more and more worse. I am literally crying right now and I considering suicide. Not even when I was an atheist I thought on suicide as in this moment.
Pray for me, anons. I don't know what is happening.
There could be something biologically wrong with you and this is not under your control at all
Tommy Nelson is the pastor of Denton Bible Church and he has a great sermon series on depression, it's on YouTube. He was doing everything right, and he went through depression himself.
Please, OP. Don't commit suicide. Hell is worse than what you are suffering through. Jesus loves you, and He made you. He knitted you in your mother's womb. Please, OP, Jesus loves you. Stay alive, at least for He who died for your salvation.
We don't know God's will but he doesn't make mistakes.
Suicide is punished by an eternity in h*ck.
Medical facts do not support psychiatry being anything but a bullshit ineffective at best life-destroying at worst pseudoscience. Seriously, one day you shrinks are going to get shot, if you don't stop. Psychiatry should be banned. It's nothing but a scam and a program to destroy the population. Don't even talk to me so condescending shrink bitch, I know everything about the industry, and its history. You probably think I'm not read up on it. Psychiatry is pure garbage and psychology went to shit after World War II. It stopped being about helping people long ago and became nothing but MK Ultra.
OP just go on very long runs or biking I mean 100 km a day and eat keto and let go of your thoughts (like, let them run in your mind, but don't get involved in them). This will empty your mind and purify your body. This is how I handled suicidal depression after getting out of the ward. Also don't listen to the "chemical imbalance" kikes the drugs don't work and will destroy your kidneys and cause other issues as well. Forget everything that is holding you down and just do this. When you start to feel better also don't just quit and go back to reading and stuff, no, keep it up for awhile longer with a pure and empty mind and merely living. This will ensure you will attain maximum clarity. Don't get involved in any of your thoughts, let them burn out, just observing them as you run. Run and run. Eventually your depression will die like you sweated it all out.
In a way this is a gift. He's showing you your faults, and showing you what he can remove from you if you let him. Embrace him fully, turn nothing but to his love and you will be rewarded. user I'll pray for you, you may go through a difficult time but stay strong and grace will come.
When I'm sad or grieved I try to take a long walk and pray for a while to God, telling him my worries and sadness. It gives me great comfort and alleviates my sunken spirit.
Matthew 11:28-30
“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
1 Peter 5:7
casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.
OP here
I just have came here to thank you guys and to tell that it was a panic attack. I'm ok now.
Bless :)
I get panic attacks too, this website has helped me a lot. God bless.
Praise the Lord for He is good! Glad to hear you are feeling better :)
Uff God is great! I'm happy for you Op :^)
Here's a quote from an atheist who became a Christian and wrote articles about his reasoning. You can find a bunch more here. jeffromanus.wordpress.com
A Christian can rest assured knowing that he has a God who is capable of empathizing with his suffering – and who has exalted his suffering by making it possible for the believer to unite it with His own. Indeed, there is no other worldview which has the capability to grant more meaning to humanity’s suffering than the Christian religion.