'McJesus' Sculpture Causes Violent Clash In Israel… 3 officers wounded as hundreds of Arab Christians try to forcibly enter Israeli museum during demonstration against depiction of Ronald McDonald on a cross
Hundreds of Arab Christian demonstrators clashed with police in Haifa on Friday over a museum’s display of a sculpture depicting Ronald McDonald, the mascot of the fast-food giant, on a cross, amid calls to remove the artwork that some have called offensive. An investigation was opened to identify the rock-throwers, and a 32-year-old resident of the city was arrested on suspicion of attacking officers.
Video from the demonstration showed scuffles as police used tear gas and stun grenades to clear the protesters. One of the protesters complained that the government was slow to react to their concerns because they were from the Christian minority. “If they put up [a sculpture of] Hitler with a Torah scroll they would immediately respond,” he told the Walla news site. Ahead of the protest, police deployed officers from its Special Patrol Unit to guard the museum after a molotov cocktail was thrown at the museum on Thursday.
God please let these abominable works of art be destroyed.
Grayson Watson
Man some of the comments though >(((Michael Grossmann)))
>(((Wilson Shoshana)))
Palestinians BTFO'd
Christian Rogers
What possible reason would I have for lifting a finger to stop someone else from blaspheming or committing idolatry? My God created the universe. One time he got pissed and sent fire from the sky to kill a bunch of faggots. He's going to judge everybody and send countless to the lake of fire.
He can handle a Ronald crucifix.
Michael Nelson
(((Oy Vey, goyim! Calm down! The artist clearly just wants to curse McDonalds. No need to get your mobs of anti-Semitism)))
We are called to emulate the life of Christ. The life of Christ included that time when he literally whipped money changers out of the temple. Quite frankly, I consider the old gentleman who poured white paint on the Madonna piece with animal dung on it, and those who vandalized "Piss Christ" to be heroes. God's law supersedes man's law.
Joseph Hall
And so it begins, the final crusade.
Bentley Hughes
Show me an instruction from the Bible to do what you're saying
Don't forget that Jesus Christ also fashioned the scourge he used to whip the merchants out of the temple with his bare hands. God was so angry he created a weapon for the express purpose of smiting those who mocked Him.
But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.
Whoever blasphemes the name of the LORD must to be put to death; the whole assembly surely must stone him, whether he is a foreign resident or native; if he blasphemes the Name, he must be put to death.
Are you a theonomist? Even if you are, do you think Leviticus was applicable to foreigners, and the Hebrews were obligated to go on a jihad?
Zachary Robinson
I think we need to stop tolerating blasphemy of our Lord Jesus Christ as part of the process of reclaiming our nations from the spirit of the antichrist. Our religion is being systematically removed from our society, our God mocked, and foreign gods and their idols erected in their place among our nations, and for some reason mainstream "Christianity"
Jaxon Rivera
(Woops, hit post too soon by mistake.)
For some reason mainstream "Christianity" tolerates this and does nothing.
All of this is part of the genocide of our nations. Genocide includes destruction of culture and religions, and we are being destroyed. God knows that the destruction of a nation's religion and worshiping strange gods leads to the destruction of a nation, which is why the Israelites were given the commands that they were. Nothing has changed since those days, our God is being blasphemed and mocked, our sons and daughters are worshiping idols and strange gods, and our nations are being destroyed.
We should not tolerate blasphemy of the Lord our God almighty, Jesus Christ.
Michael Wood
I agree that blasphemy is bad. People should not do it. You should not associate with people who do it.
What you're suggesting is violence or theft against their property, unless you mean the govt should prosecute blasphemers. If that's what you mean, it's even worse because that government is engaging in that bullying after confiscating my money to do it, and I don't have a guarantee that they won't change their minds and call what I do blasphemy.
The best moral methods are boycotts or refusal of service. If some store puts up a false idol, the Christians should hit them in the pocketboon. There was a time when you could just refuse to sell land to a Jew for whatever arbitrary reason you wanted, and you would keep them from moving in.
James Smith
Jason Adams
So the artist is Finnish. If you check out the artist's website, he has made some pretty degenerate stuff (look under paintings, won't post that filth here). He also might be a communist, since his primary concern is capitalism.
Logan Flores
Sometimes, the bully needs a broken nose.
Isaac Wood
Did Jesus Christ "vote with his pocketbook" to remove the money changers from the temple?
You're making a bunch of libertarian arguments, none of which are scriptural. If you are of European descent, your government is currently actively committing the genocide of your entire nation, which is not only satanic, but includes outright blasphemy of of Jesus Christ our Lord and in intentional destruction of Christianity. Your response to this is "just don't buy what they're selling", yet I'm sure you pay your taxes every year, tax money that is being used to destroy the future of your own children and to systematically remove Christianity and replace it with Islam and other paganism.
You do have a guarantee that your government is going to exterminate your nation and destroy Christianity in the process, if you do nothing and keep thinking you can fix things with your "pocketbook" (which is not scriptural).
Thou shalt surely smite the inhabitants of that city with the edge of the sword, destroying it utterly, and all that [is] therein, and the cattle thereof, with the edge of the sword.
Bentley Wilson
This entire passage has to do with navigating a world in which idol worship is common and has to be dealt with. It has literally nothing to do with blasphemy. As for your question:
As for this:
Even outside of the Old Covenant literal councils were convened to stop blasphemy:
Majority Christian nations have historically had anti-blasphemy laws, and the faith has suffered since they have lapsed, become impotent, or only care about Islam:
The Romans 13 verses only apply to civil authority and law that respects the law of God. Blasphemy goes against it. When civil law goes against God, God's law must come first.
Yeah. That certainly worked for NYPD Blue and other degenerate movies and television, rather than just giving them more notoriety and inspiring satanic curiosity from the masses. So have you heard about the Target boycott causing said store to roll back their pro transgender bathroom policy yet? Yeah, me neither.
You're objections to government blasphemy laws have a radical free speech libertarian vibe to them… which have done wonders for the state of West. We'll never see eye to eye on this.
Brandon Morgan
How did you connect Jesus driving out the money changers from the temple to some random fag artists making mock idols for a museum?
Yes, this is a libertarian argument because libertarianism is the moral realization about the role of government in line with the Bible. You people are the same as Muslims who literally murder over pictures of their false prophet. The initiation of force is totally unjustified.
Aaron Phillips
Reminder to destroy all statues
Oliver Russell
too late, they are making it illegal.
Isaac Jackson
Amen! The Israelites tolerated "multiculturalism" and blasphemy agianst God and look where it got them? God leaves their nation Ezekiel and than sides with Babylon to punish Israel and their negligence Jeremiah.
The reason why the secular world has more respect for Islam than Christianity because we let our guard down and tolerated too much evil in the world. Psalm 101:3-4 on anything that is vile. I will have no part in it.
Juan Lopez
The money changers were making a mockery of God by using the temple as a place for evil works, so Jesus smote them. The artist making a mockery of God by creating a blasphemous statue (which is actually a satanic idol), and so the statue should be destroyed (and the artist punished/smitten).
What absolute nonsense; why don't you go ahead and try to prove this with scripture? Libertarianism was created by Jews, not Christians.
Jeremiah Clark
Both the money changers and the artist are blatantly profaning God; it's not rocket science.
Old Covenant Government of Israel: Theocracy by Chief or Judge or King, or under the yolk of a secular pagan government as punishment.
Post New Covenant Christian Nations: Theocratic Monarchies with Christianity as prime mover.
The Libertarian/Liberal/Pagan concept of a neutral secular state in which multiple belief systems can just hold hands and kumbaya without one worldview becoming more dominant is not only unbiblical, but the results have been absolutely disastrous for Christianity as a guiding influence for the West. Look at the United States: do you honestly belief that there is a sincere "separation of church and state" going on? Or that it is a case of the new "church" that guides the U.S. as being the "church" of secularism/liberalism/humanism/whatever? Wake up.
Lucas Harris
Amen, brother.
We should be filled with a righteous anger when we see our God and religion being pushed out of our society and mocked. By ignoring this and not standing up for our Lord, we are denying Jesus Christ before men:
But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.
They were making a mockery of God's house of worship by doing evil works in the temple, and thus were mocking God. They so confidently mocked God that they did it right in the temple, they had no fear of the Lord whatsoever so did sinful works in the place of worship dedicated to God.
Speaking of Galatians 6:
Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. Whatever a man sows, he will reap in return. The one who sows to please his flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; but the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.
Yes that's exactly what I was pointing out about Galatians 6. God handles the punishment for mocking him.
Libertarianism uniquely asserts that taxation is theft. My point was that you're now required to argue that it isn't theft, or that the theft is moral since you're an anti-libertarian.
Bentley Adams
Based and redpilled, tbh. This will make good propaganda to send to my Christian Evangelical Zionist family members.
Seriously? This is weak and a stretch (but makes sense from a purely Libertarian point of view.) "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's."
And how did that turn out? After bumbling, they eventually got consumed by Massachusetts. They were also too heretical for even the English, and I've already laid out Biblically based government here:
In fact, Libertarianism can be traced back even further. Iceland tried it for awhile. Eventually a bunch of powerful chieftains got into slap fights over who gets to wear the biggest pants, and the region descended into such chaos, that they went crawling back to the rule of the King of Norway, with their tails between their legs, whom they started Iceland to escape rule from in the first place: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_of_the_Sturlungs
Seriously? Have you not been paying attention to the fruits of Secularism in our society? A Godless, lukewarm pluralism is precisely what Secularism as an ideology has produced. The restriction on the State from having a definitive ideology to be guided by is precisely what created the church of Secularism to fill that vacuum in the first place. It is impossible to have a state void of a guiding ideology: period. The practice of churches don't matter when the state has the power to override them.
And yet the "religion" of Secularism reigns in it's stead in spite of your protestations. Either a religion reigns, or something else takes it's place, and so far that something else hasn't been very good.
Once again, God says it's moral and not theft if utilized for just reasons: "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's." Do I really need to link to the various horror stories of what happens when infrastructures and resources normally run by government are privatized Libertarian style?
And one of the ways that God punishes those who mock Him is through His people. We are God's army, and the Lord manifests His wrath through us. God used the nation of Israel to exact judgment upon the Canaanites for practicing idolatry and being sinful (Joshua 1-12).
We are not as Christians to sit back idly and allow people to sin because "God will handle it for us". We are called to participate in God's kingdom, and part of that participation is as agents of the Lord's retribution.
For he is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not carry the sword in vain. He is God’s servant, an agent of retribution to the wrongdoer.
It's art. It's meant to be trolly offensive. It's the same as when anons post gore on /b/ or some other triggering meme The same instinct is why we even have *chans I'm sure the artist will insist there's a solid philosophy behind the juxtaposition … like "business (McD's) is ur god nao"-type thing.
I understand why palestinians rage – this is new to them – but haven't you lived decades in the west and years on a chan, and you still don't see that artists are just trolls who are paid tens of millions?
(And it wasn't done by a Jew, but by a Finn.)
Meh, maybe I've lived in the post-Last Temptation or post-inverted-crosses-iz-debil west to be particularly bothered by artists and their shenanigans anymore.
(pic related but is sure to trigger some people)
The REAL autism is these comments
< "Truly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the children of man, and whatever blasphemies they utter, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin" – for they were saying, 'He has an unclean spirit.'"
That's the point: Western Civilization as a whole has been adopting the "Meh, they're just a bunch of trolls, why so serious?" attitude towards this kind of garbage for decades, and the current state of the West is what we have to show for this lackadaisical attitude toward defending our faith and values.
Ironically, in a case of a broken clock being right twice a day, one of Libertarianism's biggest hero's observed this phenomenon and summed it up perfectly:
Isaiah Perry
People are only forgiven for blasphemy if they believe the gospel of Jesus Christ and repent. Are you actually trying to say here that everyone who blasphemes against the Lord is automatically forgiven and therefore blasphemy should be ignored?
Ah yes, just the way the anthichrist Jews "trolled" Christendom with their "masterpiece" of The Piss Christ? Blasphemy does not get a pass if it calls itself "art", or "free speech" for that matter.
Ethan Cox
Liam Cooper
You have to admire the faithfulness that Arab Christians have in the region. God bless them
Joseph Turner
Nothing wrong with St Peters Cross user, no need to spoiler!
Mason Gutierrez
Cool. Is your pic the place of a meeting of St. Peter's friends?
Kevin Peterson
No, it's a disgusting piece of trash. Even if it was Mohammed working as a pig herder, it's still disgusting. Pic related, actual art.
As opposed to your marcionism? Yes. Christ is just as present in the OT as he is in the new, he's just not as explicit. Do read the Church Fathers' commentary and many times is Christ identified. He even rebuked the Pharisees for not following it, over and over again. Did we read the same Bible?
I didn't realize you were a kike, sorry for taking you seriously above.
Ayden Brooks
Theonomist meaning "the laws of the OT ought to still be practiced today"
Do you not see the anti-kike nature of my post? I'm saying you ought to be able to refuse them service
Chase Lopez
Power to them. May God grant them the strength to punish those who disrespect the image of His Son
Elijah Russell
No it isn't you dumb kike. Art is meant to be beautiful and inspire.
Lucas Carter
Reminder than modern art is glow-in-the-dark sponsered cancer.
< 'The stranger who resides with you shall be to you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt; I am the LORD your God. Leviticus 19:34
Guess what the Israelites did once they got their kingdom and allowed multiculturalism to take place?
They tolerated the heathens and allowed their worship of false gods in God's temple and land. Hence why God left the Israelites in the Book of Ezekiel and allowed Babylon to take Israel over in Jeremiah.
The passage (you) are quoting is a call for hospitality in our personal lives, not for a tolerance of evil. Nice try though. Better luck next time.
wrong. The abandonment of GOD is the reason for the state of the west, indeed the world. Is your faith shaken by such trifles? Do you merely watch as children are dragged into Satan's grip because of doubts? If a man strikes you on the side of the face, but you are able to bear it, what possible harm to your morality, your belief, your devotion to God has been brought? None.
These "artists" are nothing but an annoyance. Sinning against them only emboldens Satan.
No. You, in this post encouraged "righteous" violence against artists. I countered your call to arms by showing what Christ said on the matter.
Were the world Christian, you're right, these things would not exist – we would not tolerate them. But it aint. You seem to think we live there already. We don't. Best get used to living with that fact. Your Father in heaven has birthed you here for reasons other than violence.
I know, m8, but given the tone in this thread, I was certain certain people would chimp out
KEK. That would actually be exceptionally cool if it were. It would still trigger some people, though.
What art is, and is not, is not a matter for debate: < the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.
What is GOOD art, otoh, IS a matter for MUCH debate. Don't confuse the two.
Jayden Ross
>Guess what the Israelites did Do you see the problem here? Do you even understand the sin of the Israelites?
They abandoned GOD'S LAW. They weren't forced to. They weren't made to. But they did it. The sin was NOT that aliens lived amongst them, their sin was embracing alien ways.
Can you see it? Do you understand it yet? Sin is NOT that (((pagan))) live among you or live in their (((pagan))) ways, sin is in embracing (((pagan))) ways.
Just because they exist, does not mean you are bound by some law to follow their paganism: < No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it. (1Cor 10:13)
Beside which, too many of you think we live in Israel. We live in Egypt, fam. For now, this is Egypt through and through. The sooner you accept it, the more useful to God you will be.
Evan Perez
Wrong, the abandonment of the ancestor gods, the bloodline is the reason of the state of the west, and indeed the world.
Christianity, the religion of the One God, is meant to destroy all other Gods, and then it destroys itself, so there's No God.
When men are taught to worship a Foreign God unknown to them, they are bound to reject it.
Satan, God are the two sides of the same jewish coin. Abandon them, and go back to the root.
The Harm! When a man strikes you, fight back, do not bear it. For when he strikes you, he's able to strike not only you, but your people and your bloodline.
Matthew Cruz
I wish we live in Egypt.
But no, we live in Israel, the corrupt Israel ruled by jews, not by the pharaoh and the God-King.
Henry Wood
Christ said they would be forgiven if they repent and believe the gospel. Some violence is absolutely righteous. Christians are one of the instruments of God's wrath:
for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil. - Romans 13:4
Blasphemy is evil, it should incur the violent wrath of God's people.
Nowhere did I state "we were birthed by God only to do violence". You however do not know why I or anyone else was put on Earth by God at this time. Violence may very well be part of the picture.
Yes, and that involves society no longer having fear of the Lord. What happens in the Bible when a society abandons God and no longer fears Him?
God is jealous, and the LORD revengeth; the LORD revengeth, and is furious; the LORD will take vengeance on his adversaries, and he reserveth wrath for his enemies. - Nahum 1:2
I will make mine arrows drunk with blood, and my sword shall devour flesh; and that with the blood of the slain and of the captives, from the beginning of revenges upon the enemy. - Deuteronomy 32:42
Punishing those who mock the Lord is not a sin, in fact it used to be a criminal offense to blaspheme God, and it should be made so again.
It's very disturbing how you are defending blasphemy of our Lord and projecting such a weak and distorted view of what it means to be a Christian.
Ian Fisher
If the Israelites hadn't allowed them in their lands in the first place, false gods would have never made it into God's temple and corrupted those that didn't know better.
We are talking generations of kings and preists between Solomon and Zedekiah. Generations of corrupt preists leading God’s faithful astray. To the point where it was normal to worship The Queen of Heaven and other false gods in the street.
You can see the stain of multiculturalism in the West today. Islamic terrorists killing innocent people. Statues dedicated to satan in public places. The open proliferation of sodomites and encouragement of child transgenderism.
If we continue to be lukewarm like you and tolerate evil, we will lose the west to Babylon like Israel was lost to Babylon.
Xavier Fisher
Monotheism is logical, as Aristotle proved using simple logical deduction long before Christ incarnated.
It's pretty funny that you think Christianity destroyed the West given that it is Christian civilization that achieved the greatest height of human accomplishment in history.
You're complaining about the jews but you don't even have an elementary understanding of the JQ since you don't understand the origin of Talmudic Judaism, a religion that is younger than Christianity and is predicated on the rejection of Jesus Christ as God.
The jews murdered Christ, and here you are whining about jews, while trying to convince your European brethren to become jewish by rejecting Christ.
My ancestors gods give birth to my ancestors who give birth to me, thus I venerate them.
Not ANY foreign god in the desert.
Let the desert dwellers worship their desert god, let us mountain and forest people, or river people or sea people worship our own gods.
And I have no interest in any of the jew cult, Christianity, Judaism and Moslim, all same desert shit.
Chase Adams
If you do not worship a jewish god or a jew on a cross, you are jew.
Their whole fixation is upon the jew, you must worship the jew or be the jew.
Destroy this broken mentality, you need not the jew in your life. Your ancestors have NOTHING to do with jews.
Elijah Phillips
That's obvious. You're not even mentally capable of conceiving of a monotheistic deity that created the universe. You think in terms of "gods" being local entities to deserts, mountains, and forests, and haven't even ventured to try to imagine where those "gods" might have come from, much less the forests and deserts which you think they inhabit.
You are a demon worshiper. Your ignorance causes you to worship beings than are lesser than yourself.
Then why are you here? Go back to your containment board.
Kevin Hall
Jews worship satan or are atheists (same thing). They do not worship God.
The people you call "jews" in the world are not genetically descended from the Israelites in the Bible. They have absolutely nothing to do with them, except that they follow Talmudic Judaism which is the codified oral tradition of the satan worshiping rabbis that Jesus Christ physically beat out of a temple with whip.
My ancestors, and yours as well, have everything to do with Christianity and the Bible. It is the religion of our ancestors going back almost two thousand years.
Rejection of Christ is the single most jewish thing anyone can possibly do. It's more jewish than saying your uncle survived the holocaust.
Carson Torres
Enjoy your permaban, larpagan.
I'll be praying for you.
Charles Rodriguez
Well where are you from? Dont tell me it's the US
Colton Parker
And being lukewarm and milquetoast about blasphemy is not a symptom of this because…..?
Justin White
Well skimming through christianity's history in Vietnam, our religion wasn't forced upon you..the missionaries did and it seems the conversions were peaceful.
Ethan Campbell
Ngo Dinh Diem was a christian and he persecuted Buddhist.
And again, the fact the missionaries are even in Vietnam to propagate their faith at all is evil.
Jaxson Sanders
One guy. And as if they didn't start shit. No it isn't. Paganism needs to be destroyed.
Jace Diaz
That was just one christian and that wasn't sanctioned by the church And again, the fact the missionaries are even in Vietnam to propagate their faith at all is evil. The missionaries were there because they wanted to save souls. So at least you can be thankful or their good intentions…also you claimed that christianity was forced upon your people in a general sense, when it clearly wasn't.
Connor Cooper
*>And again, the fact the missionaries are even in Vietnam to propagate their faith at all is evil.
Brayden Allen
Buddhism was the mainstream religion at the time and Ngo Dinh Diem basically persecuted and killed buddhists en masse just because they were buddhist. See? You are evil. You want to destroy the folk and root of the people
Yeah, and? One christian is enough to almost destroy half a country, wonder what a million christian would do. Our souls have not sinned, the missionaries are there to make money and propagate western influence and ideology.
Nicholas Ortiz
"Jesuit missionary Alexandre de Rhodes created an alphabet for the Vietnamese language in the 17th century from the Latin script. Today, it is the official writing system referred to as Quốc Ngữ (or, "National Language")."
That one is another sin by Christian and a problem for our government.
Do you think vietnamese didn't have language before that?
Our language now? A tool so that the frenchs can have easier colonizing us.
Christopher Lee
.Buddhism was the mainstream religion at the time and Ngo Dinh Diem basically persecuted and killed buddhists en masse just because they were buddhist. They started shit. And you say that he was evil because he killed buddhist en masse, but you want to kill christians en masse. .See? You are evil. You want to destroy the folk and root of the people How can we be evil. You don't even believe in a true morality. You yourseld admitted before you don't care about what is 'logical' or not, so you don't can't believe in good or evil. Your kind started shit. All have sinned before the Lord.
Noah Johnson
How do they start shit? Nope, Ngo Dinh Diem was a notorious evil christian who just killed people for practicing the wrong religion. The buddhist killing stops when he was ousted. What is good and what is evil is objective, our tradition, our gods define what, what does that have to do with the jewish god? Nope, buddhist did not start ship. I'm not "before the Lord". That desert demon is no lord.
Mason Cox
I do not agree with anything you've said. But I do want you to know I am here to welcome you if you ever decide to join us. I'll pray for you in the mean time.
Hunter Turner
Yes, pray for me. Do not pray for the desert demon.
I need your willpower so that I can defeat that demon.
Jason Sullivan
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vietnamese_Martyrs But you don't believe in what is logical. You yourself said that you don't care for that. Therefore its impossible for anything to be 'objective'. The 16th century Vietnamese Emperor Minh Mạng place great restrictions on Catholicism, condemning it as a "heterodox doctrine" simply because Catholics rallied for Duyệt, his rival for his throne. Minh Mạng issued an imperial edict that forced all missionaries to stop proselytizing and, once Duyệt died, ordered his posthumous humiliation, the desecration of his tomb, the execution of 16 Catholic relatives and the arrests of his Catholic colleagues. More than 300,000 Christians died in the various resulting persecutions. The 117 proclaimed saints represent the many unknown martyrs. ncregister.com/blog/astagnaro/a-short-history-of-buddhist-violence-against-christians Your gods are demons, but its obvious you don't even believe in them. Just another LARPagan who browses /asatru/
Isaiah Wright
Our will power cannot achieve anything good in this world. It's through Gods will alone that goodness will come.
Julian White
>en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vietnamese_Martyrs So because vietnamese kill and burn the brainwashed christians, it gives reasons for the 21st century where one christians to organize mass buddhist killing? No, it does not. Buddhists have stronger roots than Christianity in Vietnam, and Christianity is a foreign religion. I do not believe in what is "logical", as spouted by christians, because what is objective is already defined by my ancestor gods. Sound not starting shit then, sound like christians actually subverting the kingdom. No, your god is a demon from the desert, and Christianity is the closest to atheism, since it's just a religion born out of making monkey.
On the contrary, it is willpower of humanity that creates the good of this world, along with the willpower of nature. God saves no one and he cannot save anything, for he's evil and is created for conquest.
Lincoln Martin
Nothing we've ever done without God has resulted in good. Nature is created by the will of God.
He has saved millions, and I pray that he too may save you.
Alexander Perry
Buddhism was created by Whites and brought to China by a White man named Bodhidharma. It then traveled South from there.
Christianity was assimilated into European culture.
Reported for ban evasion.
Wyatt Hall
Yes, it gives us the right to do whatever we want. You want to kill us, so we kill you first. That is good and just. See? You don't care about reason, only your opinion. That is Judaism. Might is right, and the christians were mightier.
Colton Evans
It didn't. Christianity was not even an european religion, and it conquered by the sword.
Gabriel Martinez
So we will keep killing you, root you out and destroy you. Nope, I care about our traditions and our blood, which are objectively defined. No, that is Christianity, another sect of Judaism. LOL, so us pagans just need to become stronger then. Now you talk our language.
Benjamin Powell
He wasn't invented he was revealed. Nature was part of creation, read genesis.
Ian Ward
Nope, he was invented, just like everything the jews do. I believe that my ancestor gods create this reality, and I descend from them. The entire history of pagan Europe and pagan Asia. My ancestors. Your demon has too many sins in it, it must purge itself first if it wants to get rid of sins.
Wyatt Evans
As if you can. Whites ruled the world for a reason, gook. No it isn't. Objectivity is defined by reason, not by opinions. Confirmed for /asatru/ shill You never will. You were colonies once, and you will be again, gook.
Joseph Young
Weird how the denied their own invention when he came to them.
So you don't think all humans descend from the same ancestors? Do you know what God created the universe in your religion? You mean human sacrifices? I'm not sure what else they could of possible done.
So you don't even respect your own God?
What Sin has Jesus done? Have you read the gospel?
Colton Hall
Wrong again, gook. Irish here, there was never any violence in the Baptism of Ireland. And I really appreciate a gook shitskin thinking he knows more about White history than whites, its really hilarious. Go back to your third world shithole and let the superior people talk, streetshitter.
Cameron Torres
The artist has obviously made a deal with Satan, and even though he has asked that the scupture be taken down, you cannot change your mind after making the deal. Satan comes to kill, steal, and destroy. The “artist “ is experiencing Satan’s nature. All done.